IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi WY Koo..
Don't worry babe, we will always pray all the ladies here. Anyway take care and try to bed rest at all time...

hi WY

glad to hear that all is well... did doctor say what's the cause of the bleeding?

meanwhile, take care, rest well!
hi pau le,

it happened so suddenly when i was in the office. started with pink stains. maybe i was walking/standing too much? maybe ate too many zucchinis that day? Dr never say leh except that it is quite common. Anyway, he will check if the bb grew well next week. but i read that the brown discharge cld be old blood from implantation. i didn't hv any during 2ww. also, cld be due to insufficient progesterone, causing imbalance. Mine is a singleton.

remember try not to be on yr feet for too long.


oic... actually i am very puzzled too... coz i never have any brown/pink discharge at all.... i am expecting singleton as well, am thinking where is the other embroyne....

thanks for ur advice... would be on my ass regularly!
juju - trust me.. You are sweet and swee... Oh... I'll take pix of my stretchmarks to upload... I sure can fight with the advertisment ones...

Dilemmagirl - thanks... Still aiming for 21st!!

Bliss - I'm the one without specs... Oh... Your stretchmarks will not win mine..
I'm still using my phone to log in, will take and upload pix to show you and juju and to scare the rest... Haha

Dream, Jas - thanks...

All the girls who added me in facebook, I've accepted... Will do all the other addings in the morning...

wy - my thoughts and prayers are with you...

Girls with BT tomorrow, good luck and lots of baby dust...
k, will go see.

morning spent getting back some rest.
afternoon spent in kkh for her jaundice chk.
dunno wat celebration i had... hahaha!!!


take care & rest well!
pray for ur bb to stick wif u!
thanks for the congrats too!

haha! thanks for the compliments!
I'm not sure either. That time I told Dr Zou that I used to take Dang Gui syrup during my menses, she says cannot and she says after menses also cannot. So I asked her before menses can, she says can. Not sure leh, if before/during/after cannot take, when can take ah. LOL!
Hi tnt,

Added you in my facebook liao!
Finally can see some of the faces
Otherwise always got to visualise how you all look like!

For those who has facebook, please add me so that I can see your pictures. hehe!

[email protected]
hey ladies,
this thread really move very very fast that i can't catch up.. :p

anyway, may i ask a question? why do you gals want to have kids? the reason why I'm asking is that I am no longer sure why i want to have kids anymore... can start my 2nd ivf in the next 2 weeks or so... but having serious doubts if i want to start.. mentally, the idea of going through all that again is tiring and I haven't been the most obedient in terms of my TCM and exercising and medication... this is very diff from when I just started all those treatments..

besides the fact that I think that having a baby would cause more problems between me and my mil... and i start questioning myself if i really want a kid that badly to go through the IVF and deal with the problems that ensues..

sorry for the ramblings.. but really having a lot of ???? sigh....
Happy birthday to you! May you have a wonderful day with your love ones and enjoy yourselves this special day.
Baby dust to you...
ML: Just hang in there alright? Many mothers I know told me they have also asked themselves if they are ready to have kids but once the baby comes out, they do not have any regrets.

Please do not be discouraged. There are solutions to all problems and for all you know, the potential rife between you and your mil may not even exist.

Personally, I think you should give IVF another shot. After all, time isn't at our side so we should try while we can. For me, I'm just going to try my best.. and if all else fail, at least I won't regret not trying till my resources dries up.

ML: Just to add... I keep myself so busy that I don't really have time to think too much. Once there was "green light" Hubby and I went full steam ahead. No time to re-consider whether want to embark on this journey or not.

It hasn't been very smooth for me so far but like what some of the sisters said - just be positive.

I think I'll start to worry when it's the crucial 2ww and the pregnancy test..... wondering how to get over that one.

Will think when the time comes.
Serene, mine will be this Wednesday. Then on 25th to check whether pregnant or not.

Haizz...so bored actually at home. And quite stress rite?
hi tnt,
do you know if develyn will still be in hospital tomorrow? i am going kk for check up, would like to visit her.

hi babygalore,
welcome to the thread.

hi WY,
do take care. Hope your bleeding will stop soon.
ML-Don't give yourself too much stress. We know, IVF or other treatment do not give us 100% of guarantee. But all I know, as long as I try we will not regret.

Problem with mil is another subject we have to learn about it. The possibility is there but also not 100% all of us will have it.

To have kids or not, I think it is really very subjective. Like my sister-in law, she knows she doesn't have time to give it to her children because she loves her job. So she feels happy without kid. As for me, I think I can manage both and wanted to have the experiences of mother, so I will continue to try if possible.
Good morning ladies, thanks for all your advice and encouragement and welcomes. I am glad to have found this website. Thanks for expressing your views on Prof Wong. I probably don't know his style well as I only saw him a few times so far. Yes, do find him spend more time thinking and not much explanation unless I ask him. But I do get the sense that he knows what he is doing.

You ladies are all very brave. I will be discussing with Prof about starting the program soon. Hope to join u all in this cycling journey. For all the ladies who are coping with BT nerves, all the best. For those starting on a new cycle, lets jia together and those tested positive and still nervous, hang in there for a safe nine months..
WY-Stay positive and we will continue to pray for you and your baby.

Sue-Good luck to you and hope to hear your BFP soon.

Serene-Rest and eat well during 2ww. Jia Yu
wow Lyn..

the tread is moving very fast to follow..yes the only way i can take long leave is taking short courses so company can approve my leave. I took 6 weeks leave but need to go for classes 2 days per week full day. i heard so many ladies here strictly lie on bed throughout their 2 weeks after ER/ET...im getting worried as i will sit the whole day for 2 day classes per week.sigh...
Dear gals

Thank you for yr reply. Managed to make an appt with Dr Zou tis noon.

Bliss, surprised that you remembered me ah. Came a long way. All the best for yr delivery!

thanks! haha.. am definite that there will be problems with mil.. she is fighting with me for my dog.. so what do you think will happen when and if the baby comes along....

I have been yoyoing back and forth with the 2nd ivf thing.. just mentally very tired... and wat's more haven't been preparing my health for it.. so.. also not prepared for it...

anyway, i have got family history of female cancers from both sides of my family.. really wonder what the meds might be doing to my body.. haiz...
Do i really want to have a baby that much? it is both mentally and physically tiring....

btw, don't mind me asking.. what stage are you at now?
Hi, can I check with you girls how many of you did not undergo any TCM treatment before embarking on IVF? Because while many said that TCM is going to prepare body for IVF, its not a prerequisite for success rite? Thanks yah..
Hi ML, although I have not started on the program, I can understand your yoyoing back and forth feeling as I was during the last year, I had that yoyoing feeling of lost. If you feel very tired, take a short break before next cycle. Don't worry too much about the cancer issue. Spoke to some drs and their view is that people get cancer whether or not they do ivf. For ivf patients, we should go back for checkups regularly and any problem can be found out easily and cured. For others who don't do ivf or have no family history, they often get complacent and when its found out, its later phase. You get what I mean. There is no black & white when it comes to such things. Jia you. Don't be disheartened.
hahaha... it has been more than 1 year since my last ivf.

thanks! that's the question that I have to answer.. i love working too.. so... haiz..
Dear Juju..

may i ask if you were still working after your ER and ET that time? Did you strictly lie on bed for the 2-3 weeks for implantation? I hope the last resort for me is not to resign...i will be doing my ER next month and need to plan carefully to take long leave.
Hi Sue,
Do u feel any discomfort ever since your ET? Like backache or nausea feeling etc??

I read that some were really sick for the 1st week after ET but I dun feel anything leh... Appetite very good somemore. A bit of backache but I think due to I sit up too much... That's all...
Thanks boon boon

Yes serene, i still have nause since my ET on Friday. Then the left adominal feel different. Like abit of sore.
Huh?? Think that's quite normal for your case cos a few ladies here also experience that... That's why I'm wondering how come I dun feel any discomfort at all... Keeping my finger crossed that it is normal too for my case... Apeptite damn good... think sure become fatty boom boom after 2 weeks... Already fat, 2 weeks later become fatter... haha!!
Hi ladies just got my BT results. Its BFN. Got appointment to see Prof PC Wong on Friday. The earliest I can start the next round is in August. Going to give it one more try. I think I've mourned enough the last 2 days so now feeling ok about it. At least I know the result. Can you girls give me the tel number and address of TCM in AMK where most of you girls go for acupuncture so I can start also. Thanks for all your support.
Gloria - BFP to you. Good luck.
Hey ladies,

Thanks for all the blessing

Juju - the princess is adorable

Ok here's my story

Went for ER on sat ... total 15 follicles retrieved but only 6 fertilised as the rest was too small, immature or did not survive

As of today, I had 2 grade 2 and 4 grade 3 as SGH follow the local grading thus Grade 1 is the best and so on

Tomorrow would be my ET and tonite gg for my last accu

For ladies gg for HPT, BFP BFP BFP
Ladies, thanks for all your encouragement but mine's a BFN. Haven't gotten my BT results but AF reported this morning liao. Actually I was kind of expecting it cos' I've been getting the pre-menstrual cramps since last week.

I still have 2 embryos left so will try another round of FET when Dr gives me the green light.
Pari-Glad that you have recovered and I hope you will get the best result in next try. Dr Zou number is 64560833. I loss her card so couldn't give u the address. You can call them to check.
ZaZa-Great to learn your result and very happy to see you so positive. Continuing your soul into the last stage and wish you good luck.
Serene-I think your character quite close to mine. Don't worry about Size, continue to focus and think positive. Hope you get BFP news to share with us :>
JuJu-You got such a beautiful lettle princess. Very envy u. I wish my first one also is a girl. please have a good rest during the confinement period, it is important for u.
Hope to see more photoes to share :>

hi Sisters,
like Pari and Ickle, it's a BFN for me, too. thanks for being here with me.

Libby dear,
if % plays a big part, i hope the 25% success rate goes to you to bring some hope to those in 2ww. BFP to you.
