IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Zaza,
that's exciting! have you got your AF yet? Seems like they are tracking down your AF, which is great. Let me know whether you can start Gonal F even if menses have not reported yet...So exciting for you and i hope I can join you soon...

hi Zazxa, tats good.

Yahoo...found my folder. Such a relieve. Develyn, may both of us hace enuff health follicies...hehehe

And the rest too. All the best of luck!!
yong wei,

Ya....we all must stay alert and keep clean.

A bit worry when i get to know the news. Told my husband, if possible, conference call will do, try not to travel too often.
Hi ltjabi,
i am not sure if ok that you suddenly see TCM now. But can check out with Dr Zou, most of us here see her. I don't know the content of the herbs, it is powder pack, just mix with warm water to drink.

Hi Chris,
but FET no need jabs at all, natural or medicated also don't need jab. Or you want to ask the nurse which kind of FET you will be getting.
Hi Faith,
do take care. It is better to let your doctor do the FET. Jia you! my older boy will ask me why tummy so big, then he recalls a baby inside and start singing to it.
develyn, yes yes, yoga is good. I am starting my pre-natal yoga this Sat. I have tentatively suspended my membership with PURE cos their pre-natal classes are conducted at weird hours. This is the most reasonably priced one I hv come across thusfar. It is located at Holland V if anyone of you is interested.

i hope your cough has recovered... ya, better dun swim at stage 2... do light light exercise like walking
Dear All,
Just a summary- Got a call from KK this evening & my pregnancy test(ivf converted iui due to poor response) result was negative.

I didn't have much hope as i tested iwice at home and the result was negative. Nurse told me mensus will turn up anytime. She also told me to rest for atleast 3 months as so higher dosage of harmones involved in this cycle. I still have some mild cramps on my right ovary.

Heard its fully booked till June. Anyway am focusing now to forget the past & move forward though its difficult to do so.

Friends, You all take good care. Good luck to everyone
your boy so cute...

thanks, i am doing ok, as usual, just endure with any discomforts during 3rd trimester. Can sleep well at night for some days, but also had sleepless nights some days when bb is too active.

Hi all,
I just had my KKH appt this afternoon, I am 35weeks 6 days now, tmr will be 36 weeks. My baby boy is estimated to be 3kg now!! I am v shocked coz he is on the slightly heavy side now. Doc Sadhana was surprised my bb grows so fast over the past 12 days. Anyway she said my bb has engaged, that's why I have been getting lots of rectum pain these days since he is in very low position now and his head keeps pressing on my rectum and bladder. Doc said I can deliver earlier since bb is at good weight now. I wish he will be born full term. Wish me good luck!

Don't give up. Join us in the July cycle ok
.. mine also one last try but I am not giving up.. as long as we ovluate and have our AF, we still have a chance no matter how slim. Jia You. Have a good rest and recuperate your body for the war in July ok
Hi Lina,
Such a wonderful sight having your boy sing to his baby sibling in the womb! Simple pleasure indeed!

Hi Bliss,
Good to know about your healthy baby coming out soon! Wish you a very safe & smooth delivery!!
Hi Rosypink,
Please don't lose heart. Take this chance to recover and be physically prepared for the next cycle. I wish for a healthier you & know that all ladies here support you.
Dear Rosypink, I'm sorry to hear about result. Nevertheless, please do not give up. In the meantime, boost up your health by exercising or eating healthy. You will sure to succeed in the next cycle!!!!

Hi Bliss, so excited for u leh. You going to see ur bb soon. Hope u have already packed. Remember to show me your cute bb photo, k?

Hi glorajeans, all the best to your ER tomorrow. Hope you have some good quality embbies to stick tight tight to your lining! BFP!! BFP!! BFP!!
Hi Bee,

My cough is better le
Thanks .. I am no more merlion today... Heehee

Hi Axejess,

Where are u ? I saw u today and just know from dr Zou it is you.. Tany and myself is ther..
jus rest la... dun brood so much. i noe it's tough. ask ur hubby to cook or bring u out for dinner during this 2ww. but got to eat & rest well.
think broccoli is liang. double chk before eating. a bit shld be ok.
Hi Glorajeans ,

Nice seeing you today !!! Best of luck to your ET.. Yupz your hubby looks very stressful but it means he really care and excited.. BFP to u okie... :D

Hi Ladies ,

I only left 23mins before my curfew manager log in .. (Humburg).. so i have to type extremely fast.. Haha..

Today , i am so touched by Tany .. she bought me a T-shirt from Hong Kong.. and it written
" SOMEONE WHO LOVE ME VERY MUCH WENT TO HONG KONG & GOT ME THIS T-SHIRT " ... I didnt read the words well when i received it.. but i read it on the cab and i know i have her blessing..
Touched ... THANKS TANY :D
hi Noi,
last scan was on monday. follicles are 17,19 and 20.
is it prof's practice to only measure those more than 14mm? he did not measure the balance 2, which i believe are too small.

i saw Develyn again at Dr Zou's but u were not there today. saw Tany too!
my ER is tomorrow 1pm. ET could likely be on 2may.
i'll be going to Dr Zou on 1 May, 12noon. thought of meeting u girls but hor, i dunno the way to the mrt. (so far, hubby has been driving me there)

haha, I overheard a merlion was talking to Dr Zou.... guess tat gal shld be you. You came before 7pm or after 7pm? I was there around 7pm.. I paiseh to go disturb @ consultation room since you 2 were half way with Dr Zou.. so, I left le.. hehe... I am seeing Dr Zou again on Friday 2pm.. morning session fully booked...Sure will meet you one day..

Me today day 4 of Puregon, so far no bad reactions.. hope everythg is doing fine with you ya.
Your boy is so sweet, definitely will sayang his sibling next time.

Seem like your boy can't wait to get out. Wish you a smooth and fast delivery.

I see, tks. I'll eat everything in moderation.
Now hb also sick, hope he gets well fast, can take care of me, and don't spread his germs to me.

So the culprit is annum milk. Are you switching to another brand now? Guess your time is up, past 10pm liao.

Sorry to hear that

Take good care of your health now, and don't give up. You will sure succeed one.

When is your BT?

How are you? Any symptom so far?
I had a bit of cramp this afternoon, and back is aching too.
I know.. i also scared.. but how? sleep in separate room? i don't have heart to do it.. he so poor thing liao..
depends on wat kind of sick lor.
few wks back, hubby kena viral infection. no way to avoid him.
if like flu or cough, both of u wear mask lor... dun share food & drinks, dun kiss, stay at least 1m away...
u rest well and dont think too much okie... dont stress urself too much and eat more proteins okie...

btw, I told my hubby wat u told me abt my 'fifty cents blue black', he said like that we gotta work hard lor!!! hahahaha

yes I pray for everyone including you... see u on friday okie...

u there tonite? did u see 2 talkative gals chatting non-stop? hehehe

U giving us cupcakes anot har??? :p

Nice meeting u tonite.. relax and best of luck for ur ER tomorrow... can tell ur hubby cares alot about you...

{{Hugz}} Jiayou!!!

How r you? hope everything is fine with u... Be positive okie...
Hi Rosypink
Sorry to hear that...Please tio your health and have a balance diet before trying again! You'll succeed in your next try! Jia You!

Hi libby
oh dear, hope your husband quick quick recover, so that he can take care of u during this period..

Hi Gloria
yah, prof also measured my big follicles only...All the best to your ER tmr!

Hi Bliss
Wish u have a smooth delivery..

Hi Lina
Your son is so sweet..
Ya.. he's seen doc today, says it's mild flu..
But once he's med wears off, he will start coughing again.. No sharing of food and drinks liao.. maybe i'll wear mask and sleep, cos unable to keep 1m gap on the bed lor. Hee.. Tks
Good chance for fertilisation, Dr Zou says 15mm and above is good. All the best for your ER.

Thanks, ya.. he must quick quick recover..
Ya, I was there.. I thk I saw 1 of you when i was about to leave the treatment room.. who was the one in black? Who was the one watching TV @ waiting area at around 7pm?
ya hv to go back to work today coz hv to run an "impt" report and attend an "impt" meeting this morning lor... in another words, more work for me lor... haiz...

Yes enjoy my HK trip, dunno y the hotel so good give us free upgrade to bigger room n king size bed... walk alot, eat alot and take alot of fotos... how i wish we can stay there for another few more days... *dreaming*
Glad to hear your trip is so enjoyable and worth it! Which hotel is it, so good... Not only work hard in office, must also work hard at home, since got good telling signs!
Hi Axejess,

Yupz is me.. the ex-merlion.. no vomiting today.. haha.. i saw u outside sitting .. i am there at 7pm... my slot is at 8pm.. same as tany.. i am the one with short hair wearing short brown skirt with levis sleeveless T-shirt :p I know it is u as i did ask dr zou on the view of your case.. :p So , she knows that i know u.. haha.. next time just disturb.. anyway we are always nosiy there :p Btw, i am the one in black and white... wearing spectacle... say the show kanchiong one.. haha... :p

Hi Libby ,

Yupz.. i think Annum milk might not be good for me when i am eating the supplyment.. i guess... anyway as long as no merlion.. should be fine.. Thanks for the highlight... :D

Hi Gloria ,

Please lah.. Go rest.. today i am your curfew manager as mine should be asleep... wakakaka...
Go rest and all the best to ER & ET !!!
Hi Libby ,

My curfew manager should be sleeping and i am eating fish :p So i am still posting.. wakaka...
Hmm i am looking for milk tomorrow.. maybe switch to vanilla.. dunno yet...
just now u asked me is my blue-black still there, i just check and yes it is still there and in-line with my belly button... so strange
So late eat fish?
My curfew at home ask me sleep now, he also needs rest, better get well fast.
Talk to you tom.. Sweet dreams
i confused le, dunno which one liao, cuz i din see anyone wearing sleeveless lei...aiya, you know me next time should come to kacau me k...time to sleep le lo.

my appointment at 7.30pm but started the acup @ 7pm.. so, was after you i guess..
i am lucky i have colleague stays somewhere @ yio chu kang, so he drives me to doorstep..so reaching there early, otherwise i will be late cuz coming from ulu jurong industrial area..
hi rosypink,
don't give up, try again.

hi bliss,
3kg is very good weight. Do hope he will stay inside longer. You take care ya.
Hi Tany,
I'm fine but at time a bit moody. I think I hv not get over it after all.....AF come liao, very heavy flow, v sian.....thanks for yr concern. Yr blue black mark really sound strange, anyway I hope it bring good luck to you.

Hi Gloriajeans
Don wori, yr follicles v good size based on Monday scan. Dr normally measured the leading eggs, not to worry......relax & wish u hv a smooth ER & ET & many more goods news to share w us.
