IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ladies,
I know is tough but hang in der.....best wishes to u all & looking forward for more sucessful news.

hi gloria
all the best on ur ER tmr..btw can u change ur 1/5 accup appt earlier?..

hi rosypink
hope u r ok now...right now u need to eat well and tiao ur body first b4 the next cycle ya

hi tany
thanks...so did u buy t shirt for everyone bo? hehe

hi bliss
wow wow..so excited for u ...
actually i don't know why AF is far from ER leh... when i see my gynae, he asked me when was my last AF, so i told him, then he calculated the 20th day from there, i can start my one-time jab lucrin. 14 days after the lucrin, he did a scan and saw that the ovaries are well-blocked, then he gave me the go-ahead for the injections Gonal-F....

thank you, good luck to ur scan tomolo!
i experienced bad headache, giddiness and vomiting too... went to see doctor and took some medications, feeling better ald... but feel very tired, sleep like 11 hours every day!

goooood luck to ur ER tomolo! BFP BFP BFP dust!

dun wory so much about the HCG levels, it doesn't tell so much actually, at least urs is rising, how many days pregnant are you?

don't be disheartened, stay positive....
Hi Axejess ,

Ok, you are not confuse.. cos i just remember i am wearing a black jacket ! Hmm sporty jacket... haha... Tany is the one wearing short ... Hmm next time i send gathering pictures to u la.. then i point one by one.. wakaka... u wanna join us at Dr Zou there on Friday morning ? Do sms me okie..

Hi Bliss ,

Wow.. u are ready for delivery... btw, keep us posted when u deliver okie.. :D
Oh and my dearest Mel too ... I will never forget that how i fall and how u sistas
pick me up from there.. Stand up fast and now i am on my second IVF .. It is just January
this year and time really flies...sometime see the archive can be emotional woa...
Oh and Juju too..... let us know after u deliver okie...

Hi Mino ,

Please sms me your hp no. again.. i lost liao.. lolz...
I wanna tell u .. all are in your brain... if u manage to jump across the rock , u won the challenge.. but if u dun .... u are gtg to stuck there... It can be really sad but try to limit the time of grief.. hope u will not get into any depression... This time , i am not using my mouth to talk only, i am there before dear.... I am 25 only when it happens... it is not easy to go thru but i did it. And i trust MINO , u can do it...! I will not say much comfort words now as i really hope that you will focus to stand up now... it is over and the crying is enough... move move move... Hugz always !
I know it is not easy to forget coz it took me a few months to get over my lost too... but u gotta be positive and be strong okie... ur hubby and ur family cares abt you and they need you too... take up a hobby... keep yourself occupied and smile... u hv our support here okie...

I no print money and the things in HK not say v cheap... but if i go BKK, maybe can afford to buy everyone a t-shirt... hehehehe

This friday I bringing makan for you rite? hehehe... do u mind chocolate cake or cupcakes har? coz gotta bake on thursday nite and this is the easiest recipe i can think of now... :p

But hor, i not giving Orangey cupcakes coz I waiting for her to give us cupcakes leh... :p
hi Bliss tan,
Thanks for your support. It's very nice to see your updates. My best wishes for a safe delivery. God bless!

Hi Sue & twinnie,Fresh, Libby, Tany, Noi, Tnt & Paule,

Thanks for those encouraging words. This cycle is a complete disaster to me. First cycle out of 8 follicles, managed to transfer only one & the cycle failed. So i was really looking forward to this cycle with such a high dosage of puregon, expected to have many follicles but it had happened completely reverse & only one follicle was there, thus ended up in iui.
One thing I have agreed and coming to terms that never have high expectations. The rest is God's will.

In this 2WW i didn't even stepped out of the house. After i got my negative result, I went out to ntuc to buy some stuffs. You all beleive it or not i couldn't walk properly, legs started twisting. I really felt like laughing. Wondering how much it has changed my life style. Gained lot of weight too drinking ensure milk, eggs, chicken, brazil nuts, multivitamin tablets etc, so faithfully.I really need to do lots of exercise to atleast fit in to my clothes ha ha ha!

I just wrote whatever was in mind, Please don't be carried away by my result. I pray for everybody & firmly beleive that we will all acheive in some point.

Once again many many thanks for your support

Hi Pau Le,
Thanks for the updates. So, it seems AF may not need to report before starting the puregon stage. I was supposed to start IVF last month but missed it as my AF did not report. Dr. just said to wait for AF to start. When AF did not come after 10 days after last BCP, I insisted to see him and seems like I was already in my next cycle...so, was put on BCP again and i just took my last BCP this sunday. I am afraid the same thing will happen again this month. Dr. said AF should come within 2-3 days of last BCP but still nothing. I don't want to miss another cycle! really stressful to just wait for the cycle to start! of course, i am also worried on why AF never reports but it may be due to BCP (which I never took before). thanks for sharing.

Let me know how your Dr appointment went. Did they give the go ahead to start? Do you need to have AF to start the treatment?

I emailed my Dr to ask him about next steps as I am getting stressed on waiting. Hope he will reply soon.

Gloria Jeans,
Best of luck for your ER today. It must be very exciting. Which day are you now (from your AF)?
Hi Rosiepink,
Please cheer up. Most important is that you have tried everything you could during this period. So, no regret. Infertility is certainly the most trying times for all of us but don't give up yet. What did the Dr. say?
Develyn, i was told by nurse audrey to bring my lucrin jab tommorow. What abt you? On my scan paper that stated stim. What does it means?? Hehehhehe.. sorry ask alot of questions.

Hi rosypink...
We know how you feel. Please do share with us of whatever things that make you unhappy. Even though we cant help you but at least by telling us, you feel abit better. Thats the reason this thread is around.

I thinks everyone here share and understand your situation. Stay positive please. We believe you will definitely will receive good news soon.

To all thanks for all the encouraging words and all the experiences shared. God Bless You!!

Luv you guys even though have not meet. :D
Mino, Dream and Rosypink,
I'm starting to fidget n become -ve while waiting for the ideal time to do my 2nd IVF (July).... then i read your postings.... let us keep our heads up and do what we can to improve our health as well as chances for the next cycle together.....
. towards BFP we go!
Hi Mino ,

Just wanna show you this two links... read about it ..

My experience of getting high HCG level which are most probably twins..

Then how it drop to singleton and how it became none..

I hope this does help you to overcome emotional stress and sadness...

Below post is by Mel - I shown it twice to someone who fail the cycle...
And Mel is preggy and soon to deliver.. U give up , u get nothing..
U stand up and try it - miracles will be there...

develyn - i am so sorry for your loss... the crying is very normal.. with my first loss..
i cry at the sky, i cry at the moon, i cry in my sleep.. i cry in toilet... i cry at my desk..
will, practically everything and everywhere makes me cry.. i have to honestly confess
that one never truly gets over the loss, you just have to learn to stand up, deal with it and move on..


Yes, we should be determined to make it happen and do whatever we can to achieve our goal. Think positive! and yes, BFP to all of us!
Hi Dream,
I wanted to meet Dr loh in May. But the lady from app service said, its fully booked till June. I did not understand why she said so. But since i insisted, she said she will try to squeeze me in. let's see how things goes.

I pray for you that everything should go well with you. No worries, ok? Take care
I did exactly wat Mel wrote... i also cry at anything and everything... but i learn (and still learning) to deal with it and move on...

Gambatte sisters... we will achieve our 'GOALS' soon....
I just came back from my scan... so many follicles grew so well that the cycle has to be aborted. Next cycle will start with half the dose.

Have anyone has similar experience. in an IUI where the dosage given arise to many follicles and has to be called off? Do you feel bloatedness after? And did you succeed after dosage was half?
Rosypink-You mean you call general appt line and staff told you Dr Loh is fully booked till June?

Keep focusing on the positive and remember don't set yourself time limits at the outset; this will make you feel under even more pressure. Jia Yu!
Gloria-Rest well after your ER as you need to recover and heal quickly so that you will be ready to receive the embryos shortly afterwards. All the best on your ET (2 May) and hope to hear your BFP soon.
Hi Develyn, what a touching and truely message that Mel posted. I believe it reflects very truely to most of us here. I guess her words had touches you until u had copied it to your own folder and use it again to help others.
*wails* I think you have to treat me to cupcakes!
-ve tested!
Anyway, I'm okay lah cause I sort of can predict. If really so zhun, I would have BFP long ago LOL!
Hi ladies,
thanks for wishing me a smooth delivery. I really pray for a smooth and safe delivery soon.
I also pray for you ladies getting a BFP very very soon!
I tested 13DPO, still too early ah? I thought usually by 12DPO should be can detect HCG for pregnancy le? I think my AF approaching lah, cause yesterday when I BD, I saw got very light pink blood stains.
for my first pregnancy, i tested on DPO12, negative, den i test again on DPO14 or DPO15, positive leh... :p
Serious ah, maybe tonight I try again LOL! Kekeke..
You got eat "bo lou yao" in HK? I love that! Last time when I go HK, I eat 4 every morning!
Hi Rosypink,
It is good that you managed to get an appointment with Dr. Loh. My advice would be for you to write down on a piece of paper the questions you want to ask him as sometimes, we are just overwhelmed and forget the questions we want to ask. So, better come prepared, especially since it seems so hard to see him. Make the most of your appointment!

just like Boon Boon, i am wondering why the cycle can't be converted to IUI. Is the clinic not equipped for that? Who is your Dr?
Hello gals,
I am at Day 7 of my Puregon jabs today. Last nite I had some difficulties in sleeping. I felt there were some pressures when I slept on my left or right. In the end I tried to sleep on my back but I m not use to sleeping on my back unless I m very sleepy.

I dun feel bloated. Maybe bec my tummy oredi tat fat b4 ivf. Its only when I sleep on my side-ways then I can feel e pressure there. Anyone hv such experience b4?
EquinOx-I was told if you can't sleep at night you can have a cup (half cup) of warm milk. If you can't sleep more than 30mins then wake up and do some reading then try to sleep again.
Try not to sleep immediate after shower. Relax and deep breath will also help u to sleep better.
Hey ladies,

I had injected 150ml of GonalF this morning and the remaining days will be night injection till this sun ...Next appt would be next monday

develyn - thanks

dream - I had already started my injection
Hi Rosypink ,

Quite ok... but abit tedious this time.. more effects from my first IVF.. not sure if it is due to the dosage..
But at least i did not vomit yesterday.. just some chest tight but will be fine as i will be gtg to KKIVF tomorrow
for the scanning.

Hi Sue ,

Nobody call me to bring lucrin leh .. they wan to recycle huh.. haha.. oh stim - means stimulation in short..
It is written there as u are using puregon now. :D

Hi Hazel / Dreamy / Rosypink ,

You will have our blessing... !! Stay strong and positive

Hi Lina ,

Yupz ... Mel words wake me up that time when i feel that the whole world owe me lor...
I hope this will bring those who are depressed back to normal life and start trying again.

Hi Tany ,

Yupz... Not only Mel , even Bliss and alot has told me lots of things.. but Mel words really slap on my face when i read it lor...
Yes , we are working to our goal !

Hi Lynn ,

I am also curious.. did your gynae reject your request on converting to IVF ? Anyway, just try again okie..hugz !

Hi Gloria ,

BFP to u okie.. rest rest rest... :D

Hi Fresh ,

Yes , i still know where exactly the post was.. haha.. cos i went to see a few times... haha...
I really hope that would help many to stand on their feet and continue their fertility journey..

Hi Orangey ,

Hugz ... u are just trying your luck.. so dun take it too hard... I cannot cook .. but i can kiss... muack muack
and Jia you during IVF journey okie.. i will buy huggies pampers to u when u conceive ! :D

Hi Bliss ,

You will sure have a smooth journey.. ! Thank you for always being here for us thru' out your preggy journey..

Hi Jas ,

No scan till now.. but scheduled for tomorrow liao.. hope the doage works lor to give me big big de eggs..
already cannot tahan liao...

Hi Equin0x ,

Same same ... haha we seems to have same symtoms.. btw, are u at KKIVF too ?
I am sleepy too.. very bloated as well...

Hi Zaza ,

Oh u started... good good... Btw, what is your FSH level ?
hi Noi,
no chance to see Prof before the ER liow. nevermind, i get hubby to stay in the ward. comfortable ward! he's got a recliner chair besides my bed.
he's not anxious at all, reading the papers.

for your appt to the hospitals, pls be there earlier. NUH started taking temperatures today -not sure abt outher hospitals.
our appt for specimen collection was 9.30am, but long queue at the temp counter, hence we were late and there was also a queue for the room! so, pls be early for your appts.

now, i'm in my ward, waiting. hungry lei!

can anyone tell me what's the brazilnuts for? i bought 200g liow. but habent started eating.

thanks for being my curfew manager last nite. in fact i've been sleeping late so far. i kuai kuai go sleep after 10plus, my last post!

i also work in the west. near Jurong Point. access to your work place should be better with the 2 new stations, rite?

thanks for your reassurance. i'll keep you updated on today's result. my hubby knows i'm hocked onto this web, so he brought his laptop here for me!
ladies like us here to go thru the emotional roller coasters at each and every stage.
u r in one of the darkest moments currently, and i wish that you'll recover fast and dun give up.
i do have my shares of downs too. nobody can help me, i jus cry out during my solitudary moment. that said, pls limit the cryings as that will lead to depressions!

9am and 10 am slots are booked on Labour Day. not sure if any ladies going for the 11am slot so that i can meet them at ang mo kio mrt? cos i do not know the way to Dr Zou's.

just now the nurse ask me my last AF but i cannot remember when's my last AF. will check when i get home.
by the way, does it affect the chances of success?

Dearest Paule, Tomatoes, Noi, Develyn, Yongwei,Dream, Libby, CP mino, Tany and Boon Boon,
Thanks so much for the blessings.
Ooopppsss... i realise i am writing alot today man.. i am excited to the scan ? I siao liao? I am hungry? well, all of the above... i am trying to smile smile and hope follicles grows big big.. haha...
Hi Equin0x ,

I have problem since day 3 of purgon..
Yesterday is my 6th jab too..
cannot sleep right side , cannot sleep left side.. if i sleep straight , it is worst..
Is your scan tomorrow also ?
Congrats for moving to the new stage. Can you let me know whether you had your AF? Do you know whether it is a requirement to start the process? I have emailed my Dr but never replied. My AF did not report yet!

Can't imagine you are writing to us while you are waiting for your ER! Anyway, you know all of us are thinking of you and wish you all the bests. From what I gathered from the ladies here, brazil nuts is to help for implantation. they mentioned 3 to 5 nuts a day. I think can't take more than that. I also bought 200 grams...should be enough.

as for my questions about your menses, it is just that i am so worried. Wondering whether need to have menses to start the process of not...also want to plan when will be my ER/ET if everything goes well.

All the bests!
develyn - my FSH is 5.1

dream - I had not had my AF and according to my doctor to proceed as AF might/might not report

Ladies - SGH has also started taking temperature and requesting patients to put on mask ... cld hardly breathe properly juz now while Im there

Sorry curfew mgr yesterday flat out after a full day class... You BETTER guai guai and be in bed by 10PM.. I am watching you hahaha... :p be good ok. Health more impt. have to make this cycle successful so be good and obey the rules yourself :p see you later... rushing for class... byeeeee
I was given some notes on possible side effects of Gonalf/Puregon:

- Headaches and breast tenderness
- Nausea/Vomitting
- Abdominal distension & discomfort
- Ovarian cyst
- Injection site reaction: pain, redness, bruising, swelling & irritation
Dear Dream ,

You are right on the brazalian nuts.. cannot eat too much as it is really heaty..

Dear Zaza ,

That's a extremely good level ! Jia you together .. :D

Dear Orangey ,

Wow.. that's nice.. my hubby favorite.. pineapple.. heehee.. :D

Dear Curfew Manager ,

Your message is well noted with thanks and i am sleeping early..
Tomorrow is my scan.. will be online to update u woa... keke...

Hi Zaza ,

Wowwwwww... thanks ! U have most of it during this cycle.. but dunno why i have chest pain de...

Anyway, your dosage should be ok.. hope all are smooth smooth... Stay cheerful and happy okie..

Develyn, cant wait for the scan but the the same time i feel nervous, worried and some other mix feeling. I really hope and pray hard all goes well tomorrow.

Zaza, my side effect are headaches, abdominal discomfort, super tired and on an on. but I'm staying positive.

my place difficult to get brazilian nut. Tommorow will be going Jurong Point to search for it.
