IVF/ICSI Support Group

ZaZa-So lucky to jab only 150-Gonalf F. I am very confident that you will give us a good news soon. Rest well and relax through out the 2ww.

Dream and Gloria-Regarding the brazil nuts, try to take 2 first to see whether you are fine with that quantity. I remember I just took 2 to try out and immediately I get very heaty(body) and then sick.

Hi all,

I'm finally discharged from NUH, after spending close to 2 weeks there. They did a scan for me before my discharge and it reveals 2 sac so I'm carrying twins. That also explains why my OHSS is so bad.

Hi WY,

As to your question on how I know I've OHSS. I was warned 2 days before ER that there is a possibility cos my hormone level suddenly shot up. True enough, one week after ET, I felt so bloated, weight suddenly increases more than 3 kg, waist also increase more than 3 inch, everything i eat also throw out, including water. So I went to see prof and he admitted me immediately. My weight continued to increase till more than 5 kg and waist more than 5 inches until they have to drain off a total of 12 litres of fluid from me over the last few days. They only discharge me after my bloatedness has gone down.
Hi Sue ,

I am also quite nervous of my scan tomorrow.. I hope the eggs are growing well.. can't wait to be at KK.. Same time , i also scare... Let's pray hard together... we will accompany each other tomorrow okie.. the nurse says that a few of us are the same batch.. usually ER & ET will be together.. I am waiting for Equin0x to advise if KK call her back from scan together .. cos she is on the same day puregon as us.. 7th day today..

Hi Equin0x ,

Hope u reply to me soon.. maybe we can meet u at KKIVF tomorrow.
Congrats, you are stage 2 now.. Wish you all the best.

How come your ER scheduled so late? You need to fast over night right? no wonder hungry... Hope your ER will be smooth and good eggs fertilised.

Develyn mei mei
I go IVF centre everyday for my injection, but too bad won't be able to meet you, cos you gals reach there so early.. 开开心心 , and hope you have many follicles growing very very well..

Have you seen the IM Progesteron needle? I saw it today, it's at least 5cm long.. no wonder we can't jab it ourselves, you really need lots and lots of courage to jab the whole needle deep in..
If i know, i'd rather not see today, it makes me more nervous now..

Btw, do you have any side effects with these hormones jab?

I'll be taking BT tom, and hopefully will not recieve phone calls from the nurse, the nurse says if level not good, need to get extra progesteron support, if good, they won't call me.

Juju rem there's scan for lining and follicles too, but when i check with the nurse, she says depend on individual. How abt yours?
Hi Cactus ,

Congrats dear.... i am extremely happy for u.. Twins babies ...
Pour some babies' dust to us too okie... Heehee
congrats! rest well ya!

scan @ which stage? D8 after ET? i had mine done, plus blood test. all ok. i din ask further.
Congrats! This journey is definitely not easy for you.. din't expect you need to stay in hospital for 2 weeks. Feeling so happy for you, how many embies did you transfer? Can i check how many follicles did you retrieve that cause your OHSS? Do take care. Baby dust to us all!
develyn, Boon boon,

yes my gynae think that i should not do ivf this cycle. cos i did not inject Lucin. I only inject gonalf this time round.

I am scared of OHSS since so many follicles. any of u had OHSS before?
Ya.. you mention you did a scan, so i asked the nurse, she says depend on individual, mine doc didn't write need to, so no need, only BT on D8.
Develyn, after i put on alot of weights i feel so "malu" to meet people. Even my friends asked me out, i decline.

But I shall see u tomorrow okies.
hi dream,

yup do avoid tea cos "liang", warm water is the best like the rest have mentioned tat it's impt to keep our worm warm during this period.

Hi Rosypink,
Don't give up. Jia You!!

Hi Develyn,
Glad that u are feeling better. Last round i merlion due to drinking ensure so i skipped.
Hi Cactus13

Congratulations on carrying twins! Wishing you a smooth and successful pregnancy and delivery. Does that mean, they hv seen the babies' heartbeat?

Hi libby,

I retrieved a total of 26 eggs on ER. Only 18 were matured and 8 fertlised. In the end, only put back 2 good quality ones, the rest all discarded coz either satisfactory or below average grade.

Hi Lynn,

Not to frighten you I suffered from OHSS and was hospitalised for almost 2 weeks, just discharged. Nurses were commenting that all those who suffered from OHSS usually end up positive pregnancy coz all the hormones trapped in the blood and cannot be discharged.
Wa.. your 2 embies sure stick to you tight tight.

I'm praying my 2 embies will stick to me tight tight too.. out of 28 eggs retrieved, only 3 good ones <faint..>. I'm feeling slightly bloated, but not much pain as after ER few days. Hope by drinking lots of fluid it does help. Had some on/off cramps achingness, but am confused if it's implantation or OHSS or hormones jabs.
Hi Lynn ,

Oic .. okie.. OHSS ? Fresh has it one.. Libby has mild one too.. Cactus has it but preggy with twins le.. :D
And for me , touchwood but i feel i will have it too.. :X So, cannot comment yet..

Hi Sue ,

No need to be embarass.. i will show u my tummy at KKIVF... u will be lagi proud when tummy become bigger and bigger... :D

Hi Chrisbaby .

Oic.. U also merlion.. haha.. i have skipped Annum.. but trying ensure soon.. Hope will not merlion lor.. really no milk to drink le..
Cactus-Congrats! Happy for you and hope our turn soon. Take care and rest well.

Develyn, Sue and Equin0x-Hope you all have made a good progress at this stage. Relax and good luck to your scan tomorrow.
Hi WY,

Scan only reveals 2 sac, heartbeat not detected yet.

Hi Libby,
Drinking plenty of water and eating egg white does helps. When I was admitted, they put me on albumen drip (albumen is found in egg white), hoping that my blood will absorb the water and pass out as urine naturally. They also fed me with 6 hard boil eggs daily. But my blood test showed negative result, in the end, I became even more bloated and they have to drain off the fluid from me.
Poor thing, you really went through so much.. But all will be worth it. You will have 2 adorable babies
I can't eat egg white now, feeling very jerlat. How are you feeling now? Totally no more OHSS?
Hi Cactus,
Congrats on your twins! It must have really been tough to be hospitalised for 2 weeks but I am sure it is all worth it!

Thanks for your advice. It is good that your Dr is so proactive! I really start to feel so stressed...don't want history to repeat itself and miss another cycle! Pau Le also mentioned that she did not have her AF when she started the puregon stage. Anyway, excited for you. Was the injection painful? your FSH is good! Do you mind sharing your age with us? I think I'll be more proactive and give a call today to the DR since he has not replied my email! Are you doing accupuncture as well?

Boon Boon &amp; Chris
Thanks for the advices but still unsure when I can start the process!

Good to read you are feeling better. It was definitely the milk that made you a merlion!
Eat it in various forms, half-boiled eggs, steamed eggs, fried egg, sunny-side up, fried with pork, tofu, ikan bilis, fried carrot cake, must try to eat at least 3 per day. If not drink 3 cups of Ensure milk. We need the protein and egg white has the most natural source of protein which can be easily absorbed by our body.

I still feel bloated esp at night after dinner, trying to cut down intake of food but will be hungry by midnite.

Now my appetite is huge, feel hungry after every 2 to 3 hours. Warned my husband if i put on weight, cannot laugh at me coz I'm eating non-stop. If i dun eat, I'll feel nausea.
It's good to have good appetite, you are eating for 3 leh..

Am taking 1 cup of ensure milk, don't like the taste but will still drink it. I tried making french toast today, can't imagine you are still able to eat eggs, not that you have a choice lah. But it's good for you. Keep it up.
cactus is the other way round, if she dun eat, then she'll feel nausea.. so she's lucky, her appetite remains good.
Libby, the thread moved so fast that I almost missed your questions.

My ET was around 10.05am I think cos' i remember looking at my watch when I lied on the chair and it was 10am, shortly after that Dr Loh walked in. Everything was done within 10 mins. Initially I did not drink enough water and when I arrived my bladder was hardly full so I was frantically trying to drink water from the dispenser kekeke.....

Re. symptoms, I've been feeling mild cramps and backaches since the 2nd day. As these feel quite similiar to PMS, I'm trying not to read too much into it. Anyway, thought I share with you this interesting read: http://embryomotel.blogspot.com/2006/09/for-desperate-and-imaginative.html. I refer to it a lot in my first cycle.
In fact, I crave for all the hot and spicy food like katong laksa, curry fish head and bbq stingray that dear hubby also faint.
That means ours almost same time.. Dr Loh always walk in and out of the theatre room, maybe he alternative himself at Embryo Transfer room too.

Do you need to go for D8 BT ie. tom? Ya.. the article actually tells us it could be anything.. and to me, think a lot could be due to the progesteron.

What have you been doing? Lying down most of the times? I think i lie down too much that's why got backache too.
Libby, I'm not scheduled for any BT until the one on May 11. Guess FET is a bit different. Actually I haven't been taking enough rest that I should. Due to workload, I did not go on MC and was back to work on Monday. Moreover I have a 2 year-old at home that I need to tend to so I'm actually leading the same lifestlye as before. That is why I'm not having too high expectations in case this cycle fails.
Oh.. so you have been working.. Ya.. FET seem different.
Well, you never know, lets' hope for the best, okie. Try to rest more this long weekend, and hb help to spend more time with little one at home while you rest.
develyn - will keep happy all the times

libby - thanks

boon boon - keeping my fingers cross

dream - I'm turning 30 this sept and hopefully I had the best gift I had wished for
The injection was not painful as it's like an ant bite and yes Im also on accu ....was on tcm but stop as requested by my doctor
my birthday is also in September but I am your senior! will be 38 this September...Good to hear about the injection...but most likely, it is because you have low dosage..mine should be much higher...

otherwise, I have emailed and called DR but no reply! I am so stressed that I may miss another cycle and I don't think I can take it mentally!
Hi Libby ,

Why are u not resting huh ?
Humburg scold u later then u know.. Heehee
Curfew manager not here now... she is taking a course related to teaching de.. she wanna be teacher... :p Quite suitable for her.. :S
hehe.. i know liao, so the one watching tv was you la... cant join you la, cuz already fixed facial appt b4 going acup.

check with you huh, saw all sisters here after puregon injection mostly have some "puregon symptoms" but i dun have lei.. no sympton could tat be becos puregon no reaction for me? cuz i jab 150iu per day only. i am happy to have some sympton if symptons = effective.
Hi Axejess ,

I guess u will only feel it later... cos most of us on the 7th day of puregon liao... Having symptoms are not good la.. best is to go thru' it smoothly with no much stress.. E.g , some preggy woman has no am sickness but some can be horrible am sickness. Oh ya.. i am devoted to the show lor.. :D
phew..... thks develyn, you are very pro in ivf le.

you are right, i am strong> physically, cuz very big size
Hi Axejess,

Fail and get experience in the hard way

Hope the pro-ness will stop in this cycle.. lolz.. meaning that i want BFP lor.. keke...
Hi catus13, so envy to hear that you are going to have 2 little cute bbs. I had OHSS before but not as bad as you. I was put to albumen drip only for 2 days and I was already feeling so terrible. It was really tough for u to be in hospital for 2 weeks. Brave mum-to-be!!!

It's true that patient reported to have OHSS have higher chance of positive results. That's why my gynea and nurses are full of hopes when they see me in such a state that time. But it's was a straight negative for me. Think the embbies couldn't implant due to lining infection. Anyway, I'll try again this time round and hopefully will get a BFP!
will try but really hard. just now, nurse left a message on my HP and asked me to wait another 2 days as DR says it may take 3 to 5 days. I really hope this is the case but can't understand why you can start straight away and I have to wait for AF (which may not come!). I know different centres have different ways but I am starting to doubt him after last month incident (when he kept asking me to wait). I think Dr. doesn't understand the stress we are going through! I know I must stay positive and not loose my "control"...otherwise, all negative vibes...but the wait is really driving me crazy
