IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi ladies, i have went for a few hcg bt but today level did not show it double well in every 2 days

20/4 - 60
22/4 - 104
24/4 - 226
28/4 - 428

this pregnancy may not be a good one and im in a dilema because i am supposed to go oversea this friday. thought that this ivf is not successful and i can go oversea, but not im dangling no where. any advise?

Hi lina,
wow have not been logging in since last fri and thread has been moving very fast. so i skipped abit.

Oh Dr loh didn't tell me anything at all, whether natural or medicated..jus say call them when my menses come. Win liao hor???? me afraid of jabs. Think tnt mentioned that may need to jab lucrin 1st to prevent ovulation then abit of scans then put in the embies.

Wonder how is baby doing? seems like she is not online ya.

Hi itjabi,
Wow ur golden retrieval 24kg!!!! wow tats heavy. Ur 1 retriever equals 2 of more cocker spaniels manz..U better be careful and dun let it pound on you cos 9mths old puppy can be very active and playful.
Boon Boon,
Thanks for the link. Seems like steak would give highest protein. Is it safe to eat beef while IVF? Eggs only 6 grams? Is it worth taking if there is so little proteins (and feel so bloated after it!)
Hi humbug,

Diff doc, got diff practise on progesterone. Like my previous nurse fr gleneagles told me their protocol is daily insert of progesterone and followed by progesterone jabs on certain days..which is very diff fr KKIVF where they suggest daily jabs or daily inserts for my case (>15 eggs). Dr loh says the reason why i didn't scucceed the last round could be eggs didn't implant ie didn't grow, cells didn't multiplied. This is one of the reason he can think of cos my fibroids very tiny shouldn't affect implantation. Any way, he was in a rush as usual so me and hb didn't have chance to ask more.....
Hi Orangey, thanks for the link on the egg quality and grading in ivf. It's very interesting and I will definately read more into it.

Hi WY, progestrone insert is more effective than jab? I always thought it's the other way leh.
I'm thinking I should try for jab this time round as my progestrone level always drop ard 10dpt. Previously was on insert.
Hi dream,

I also asked Dr Zou the same qn whether is it good to take beef (cos read somewhere tat it has one of the highest protein). And Dr Zou says that beef is very good to take during ivf and esp gd for pregnant lady.
Hi Ladies,
Having terrible backache. Wondering whether menses are coming (stopped BCP last sunday) or coming down with flu (since I also felt feverish this morning)? What are your usual symptoms?
Hi Orangey ,

Thanks - U better go see doctor before your lucrin starts .. u need to get well before that.. dun be like me hor !

Hi Boon Boon ,

Ya lor.. worry also too late le.. just hope that this time i will have healthy embies.. more more more .. but no OHSS :p
Thanks for your link ... :D

Hi Jolin,

Your HCG level shows gradually increase.. it doesn't means that it is unhealthy when it started low.. So , just be positive.. Hope it will increase more... watch up for your diet okie.. All the best okie.. Hugz
Hi Fresh,
My 2 fibroids are around 2cm and according to Dr Loh is "small" leh and should not cause any problem with implantation as they are so call "out-of-the way".
Hi dream, orangey, develyn,

Better take gd care of yourselfs. Now is flu period. Try to drink lots of water esp if you are at puregon stage and also avoid going to crowded places.
thanks, that's reconforting! hopefully, AF on its way and we can start! Really can't wait although scared about all the injections/stress to go through...
Hi Fresh,

Ya, that's what my fertility doc told me. He said studies have been made. remember to put in via the vaginal except before ET.

Hi Chris ,

Unfortunately, veg is my biggest enemy... i still eat it for the sack of babies.. haha..
Yupz, avoiding crowded place is the best !
Hi develyn,

can you take vit c at this stage?
take some to build up yr immune system.

guess hospitals are now worry abt the swine flu hitting SIN ya.. you relax and take care.
I see u on Fri, remember to shout out my name if u see me 1st ok.

Hi Greenie,
Yes, I'm starting in Sept. Right now, taking TCM med and gg for my 1st accup this fri with TNT, develyn, tany and others.
How are u doing? When is the ops?
Hi Catherine ,

I am taking One A Day supplyment... there is vit C... hope it does help.. Will see u on Friday.. Btw, i forget liao.. u are starting your first IVF in June ?
Hi Chris,
Thanks. In that case, I'll try to eat more beef and brocolli! You can be our nutritionist! BTW, do you know whether chinese tea has caffeine. Very hard for me to cut down on tea!

nowadays, so many people are sick and I am also so scared to catch any virus! being paranoid...especially in crowded MRT where people are coughing and sneezing...
Yeah, later i going to see Dr le

I need to go on withdrawal pills to induce menses first then I can start lucrin on D16 of menses. That'll be like Mid may i think.
Ya she is a big dog. very playful though she juz showing love soo cant blame her. Juz have to be careful myself.

Tk you...will jia you! Think am now on 2nd stage. Right now taking Progynova to build up womb lining.

How are you and your baby boy? Able to sleep well at night? Think you are gg to due soon. Envy you ah
dream - I read somewhere or is it this forum that tea is cooling so dun drink too much
I use to be coffee drinker but after reading the post I switch to coffee
Hi Catherine ,

No lah.. is ok de.. :D

Hi Orangey ,

Oic.. mid May... hope i am BFP by then and o can spread u with baby dust.. keke... :p
Hi dream,

tea & coffee both contain caffeine, i used to drink 2 cups of coffee everyday but have stop now. If it's really difficult to stop drinking, try the de-caf type.
Hi Catherine
So you will be starting after mine. My ops will be on 22 May and perhaps I will start accup after my ops. Is this ur first IVF?

yes, this is my 1st attempt.
right now, taking tcm to see if can strike naturally lor.
so when u starting yr ivf? did dr loh tell you when?
Hi Zaza and Catherine,
Thanks, will try to switch to peppermint and camomille tea. Decaf, Ok right? or still considered as cooling? What do you drink apart from water? can drink cold water?
dream - avoid cold drinks as much as possible ... drink plenty of warm water to keep ur womb warm ... me only drink 1/2 cup coffee in the morning and the rest of the day would be warm water for me
Hi dream,

tea are cool based lor, avoid if possible.

i only take warm water, holicks or milk now.

soft drinks, ice-cream, barley, chrysthemum are out for me.

Thank you...I will try to stay positive.

I was exhausted after the BCP incident be it mentally or physically....haiz....long story.

Gynae gave my husband and I two options. 1st, transfer as per planned . 2nd, hold back and transfer after he is back from oversea. Obviously, we decided to do FET after doctor back from oversea.

Glad to hear you are fine. Is your elder son/daughter know you are expecting? Excited?
Hi Humburg / Libby / Tany ,

The best news for today - i have yet to merlion
today as per this moment 1647Hrs... No chest pain and nothing except bloated and fatigue.. I stopped taking Annum and see if it really works.. No Merlion , i am so proud of my mouth today.. wakakka... :p
Hi develyn,

been avoiding bcoz of the tcm med i'm taking, also cant eat green beans, coconut & caffeine-based food & drinks.
Hi Catherine
I will be starting July. Confirmed by nurse and 15 May will be the counselling section. Can't wait to start soon..

Are you with KK also?
Hi Greenie,

Yes, i'm also with KK, Dr S F loh.

i did not go for the counselling session leh bcoz tat time hubby ask the nurse at KKIVF if it's compulsory to go, her reply was up to indivdually, she cannot tell us not to go. then she smile and walk off. so we tot, dun waste time to go attend.
Hi Catherine and Zaza,
Thanks for the advice but seems like I can only drink water (and can't even take cold water!)for the next few days... as I don't like milk and horlicks...
any other drink suggestion?

I have also controlled my diet for the last 4 months. no sugar, cakes, ice cream, soda, chocolate..hope this is all worth it!

I tried to activate PM. You can try...but how would I know that I have a PM and where will the message appear (in my email address?) sorry, very ignorant on this! BTW, are you also doing accupuncture with Dr. Zhou? I am doing accupuncture for weight loss and plan to stop when IVF starts. but with all the comments from the sisters here, wondering whether I should start as well but feeling a bit stressed if have to go there at night after work...
catherine - gd huh it's optional for KKH .... as for SGH it's compulsory to attend but I dun mind attending as I know more bout the procedures plus the cost involved

develyn - me also already bought the coco anmum but still finishing up the vanilla flavour 1st
hi faith
oh ic..
me ok la..jus tat me work in high risk area..tats y very sianz for all this pandemic flu alert

hi tany
did u pray for me bo? anyway..guess u have a great trip and may u have ur bb made in HK
Hi Greenie, is it counselling session to sign the consent form or counselling by social worker? Apparently, kkivf term the signing of consent form to start ivf as counselling too. This caused a confusion for me when I'm there yesterday.
Ladies - SGH called me a couple of minutes ago to come in for scanning tomorrow morning @ 9am to c whether can start my gonalf ....

Hi Catherine,

accu helps to improve blood circulation and hormones, indirectly produce better eggs.. once ur AF is cleared, you can start accu to improve ur egg quality..althought D16 is nearer to your ovulation day, you can still go for accu, it can helps to improve blood circulation to ovulate well..

Hi Greenie,

im also starting in july..

Hi Zaza,

dont drink too much coffee as it contains caffeine, no good when ttc.

Hi develyn,

according to tcm, chocolate is bad for egg production. So for those with PCOS, cant eat chocolate as its too sweet, resulting poor egg production.
