IVF/ICSI Support Group

boon boon - plze b xtra careful

Hi Boon Boon,

I do agree with you that exercise is the best.. but tany jie sure eat more after exercise.. :X

I hope my experience does help u all slim down in a short period but in a healthy manner.. make
sure eat salad or very light dinner after exercise (at night).. if still hungry , eat fruits... next morning , then eat heavy breakfast.. less fry stuffs but dun torture yourself with none..
Make sure you sweat everyday.. no need to be excessive but impt to just sweat..

Hi Preggy ladies ,

Just make sure that you dun get those adhor one man show nanny outside.. Sharing with u only la , my cousin get a confinement lady who is known to be good.. but in the mid of confinement , the nanny's son is hospitalize and she has to stop.. Ok, i should say is not the confinement lady fault.. but my poor cousin has to suffer and struggle till she finds a new one to continue.. Hence , i feel that taking those with company type will be better as they will have more than one nanny on standby if things arises..

Hi Humburg jie ,

Good de morning... yupz yupz.. i am too heaty... i just drink bird nest again yesterday.. heehee.. I think many of us kana the flu swine.. i just read about it.. as for chicken essence , Tany will only make for me after i am better bahz... hope follicles grows big without it ... *Bleahz*
Hi Develyn,

Maybe hubby said drive me there only. Dun want him to take leave. Then from there i have to go Indonesia Embassy, take taxi can claim from Company. Hehehe..
Aiyoh..headache. At work still kenot find the folder for all the form and information of IVF and got marriage certificate some more...

Hi Sue ,

Okok .. then i see u there... i think i should be there by 8pm.. call me when u reach okie.. then u will be able to see my face and i can see yours too.. so excited if there are any big follicles.. :p
Hi Sue , u mean original marriage cert ?
I also lost mine during first IVF.. after i show it to KKIVF and i dunno where i put.. lolz..
relax pls.. dun get stress up.. this is an impt time that follicles and eggs are growing okie... hugz
Lina: my scan is tomorrow.. I've started to have vomitting symptoms alreadi.. Vomit a couple of times in a day..I can eat but sometimes will juz vomit everything out.. Any advise on how to subside it?? Also, When i take the bus, feel very giddy and nausea n if i dun control it, will throw up
Yesterday i couldnt control it i was vomitting on the way home.. Think it was abit too loud coz hubby said ppl were staring hahah!!!

Cant seem to concentrate on work as feeling sick the whole day..
hi libby
glad glad that ur ET is smooth and u had transfered 2 gd embies..and i believe daily jab will definetely help u more than insert..
meanwhile eat well rest well...BFP BFP
Sue, if you think u could have left your certs at KKH McDonald's or at KKIVF, give them a call.... the staff may be waiting for you to go back and look for it.... if it's not there at least you know. Leave your contact there in case the staff who found it wasn't around when you called.
this is the McDonald's KK Hospital number 63920618.

Hope it appears miraculously.
hi lynn
i knew one of the lady in tis forum she also did UI then converted to IVF later on..and guess wat she got preggy with twins..
try to discuss with ur dr see which option is the best..
hi gloria
congrates on ur last HCg shot=last jab..so when is ur ER? and ET date? meanwhile do eat well and rest well..
Hi yong wei,

Sorry for my late reply.

Thank you for your suggestions and concern. My condition now is more stable. About your question on 3 Apr, my gynae prescribed me Marvelon. Btw, how are you?
Develyn, ZaZa & Orangey-Thanks. So now I pay more attention when I pour the boiling water into the bottle.

Orangey-Yes, I bought OSIM one as well. That is used when I am at home. Not bad, almost every night I will put it on and then go to sleep.

ZaZa-Keep us updated your progress and wish you all the best.

Develyn-Thanks for your advise. I now signed up 2 Yoga classes so very relax type. The rest of 5 days either walking for 30mins, at driving range and of course Accp. I am trying to cut down on my dinner. But with so much of effort, I still don't lose much (I don't take coffee or sugar but one one thing I'm unable to resist Cake) . Anyway, I am not giving up so will continue to monitor and stay healthy.
hi develyn
choy choy..i m not down with flu la...jus that i work in high risk area got to start wearin all those full protection wear ...haiz..
how's ur body so far? hope better liao ya
Hi Boon Boon ,

That's great ! I wanted to sign up Yoga that time but it is too rush as i only have two mths breaks after MC.. Bee has been doing Yoga and i guess it is proven to be good and circulate blood..
As for cake , still can eat but not at night.. if u take in the afternoon, it is fine as u have the whole day to digest :p Just make sure u sweat everyday.. I heard detox will be good before IVF .. if u are trying natural then dun do that okie..
Hi TNT ,

Oic .. pls ensureu wear mask and change it regularly.. i am at hospital attachment during the SARS outbreak n lucky school immediately bring us back from attachment... now is flu swine .. just be very careful on where u eat too.. try gtg to non-aircon area to have food if possible.. I am ok... enduring.. thurday scan liao.. time passes fast and i hope all work out..
hi ltjabi,
tomorrow you can ask doctor for the medication to curb vomit and giddy. Friends who took this said it works. Do bring a plastic bag along with you daily, just in case of sudden vomit. And get someone to accompany you as might faint.
Hi Lina,

Thank you for your well wishes. Am very careful with what I eat and do now.

How is your hands cramp? Getting better? What is the reason cause you hands cramp? Lack of calcium? Want to learn more from you
Hi Twinnie and Pau Le,
Thanks for the info. Pau Le, do you know why was your AF so far from your ER? your AF did not report before you start the second stage? How did the Dr know when to start the second stage?

Thanks for praying for us! and glad you enjoyed your trip.

Eat healthy, as Develyn says. As for me, eating low carb/no carb and cutting on sugar really helped. So, give it a try! I am sure you can do it!

Hope you feel better today

Gloria Jeans,
update us on your ER. Best of luck
hi faith
i was not on any bcp before la...glad u r more stable now..if i m not wrong u r waiting for ur FET rite?

hi develyn
yes..time flies...so u r going to kk on thursday for scaning huh? cos me also going to kk on thurs for my 1st appt with dr loh at clinic D. i will probably reach there abt 9am after my night duty ..
Hello gals,
During e Puregon stage, did u experience any mucus down below?

I experienced 2 days of mucus in 2 consecutive mornings. I can feel it coming out when I came up fr e bed n saw it on my panty liner when I went to the toilet.

Dunno is it i m ovulating soon? I am still on Lucrin jabs plus Puregon jabs, Lucrin jabs shld by right prevent me from ovulating is it?

I m afraid tat I m ovulating too soon well b4 tey do my ER.
Hi Equin0x ,

i have it too... sticky mucus..
i guess it is normal as i have it on 1st IVF and this time too :p

Hi Dream ,

Yupz.. better today liao.. :D
Dear ladies ,

I finally know my FSH level last year Oct'08 taken de... SN Nora help me to find out... it is 8... is it good ? I am on 400IU puregon :p

Abit too late to ask la .. but better than i dun ask mah.. keke
Hi Lyn,

no she isnt successful in her ivf.

Hi TnT,

i cancelled my appt on 1st may.. Lyn has taken over that 10am slot.
Develyn, yeah my original marriage certificate. It suppose to be 8am rite not 8pm. hehehe...Develyn typo liao..Where is your working place??

Thanks Hazel (w_willow), called them and already leave them my contact number.
Mmm.. Develyn, isn't it the Lucrin jabs suppose to prevent us from ovulating? Got mucus means going to ovulate or oredi ovulate lei..

Dunno got mucus at tis stage is good or not lei... Today is my 6th day on Puregon oredi..
Hi baby,

Did not see your post lately. Are you ok?

Really appreciate for taking time to console me. I have stopped taking birth control pills and switched to Lucrin.

Do you experience any 'yao suan' while having Lucrin?
yong wei,

Good memory leh....I supposed to have my FET done on last Thursday. Have postponed to mid May.

Not very confidence this time. Will let God decide for me.

How's your health? Make sure in good condition before embarking next IVF / FET. Jia you
Hi Faith,
how are you? why postpone FET? stay positive, you will succeed. I am not sure the cause for hand cramp but after taking the chinese herbs, it cured.

FSH is often used as a gauge of ovarian reserve. In general, under 6 is excellent, 6-9 is good, 9-10 fair, 10-13 diminished reserve, 13+ very hard to stimulate. In PCOS testing, the LH:FSH ratio may be used in the diagnosis. The ratio is usually close to 1:1, but if the LH is higher, it is one possible indication of PCOS.
I quit my job for this, so i actually have too much free time!

Pau Le
Thanks for baby dust

Forget to check with you, what time did you do your ET on Sat? Did you have a very full bladder?Dr Loh did mine at 10am.

You mean you inject your own ovidrel ie equivalent to our HCG jab? All the best to your ER. Hope your follicles are of good grades!

Will cook simple meals myself. Can't stay at parents' place as none of them knows i'm doing IVF lor. Tks.

Thanks, will go buy broccoli and eat

Thanks for well wishes. Do drink lots of water and vitamin C for prevention okie.

Ya.. stop the annum, if that's the cause, think you need to switch to another brand. Don't worry, your follicles will grow grow grow..
I'm feeling ok and anxious as the day pass..

Look like you had a great time in HK, so fast back to work? Thanks for your prayers, heard 王大仙 very 灵! Like what Develyn says, your blueblack is a good sign! BFP BFP to you too.

Quick go see doc and get well soon.

Hope your vomit will subside but heard that is also a good symptom indicating baby is growing well.

Boon Boon
Be careful ok, you won't want to burnt yourself leh.
Hi Sue ,

I am working at Alps... around Changi... u are at Tuas right.. yaya .. typo.. i will be there by 8am.. :D

Hi Equin0x ,

Having mucus not neccessary to be ovulating.. maybe just that your follicles/egss are growing..
Just give KKIVF a call but i feel that is fine.. cos i have it on both cycle :p
Today is mine 6th day puregon too , sue also :D Cycle buddies .. keke..

Hi Orangey ,

Haha.. meaning i am good .. i am good .. i am good... wakakaka....
Develyn-Last year result already past history, I believe your health (hormone) should be better now. First you lose weight, Second you quit your smoke right plus you do exercise for the past few months. So trust yourself you should be in better position now.
Do you know what is your FSH when you started this cycle? Since you lost quite a lot of weight, your FSH should have improved! Have you done BT before starting the puregon stage? Understand that the FSH level should be an indicator of the dosage of puregon.
Hi Boon Boon ,

Ya i really hope those helps my FSH to goes down..

Hi Dream ,

Nope... KK didnt retake my FSH lor..
That's the big problem :p
Develyn & EquinOx-Remember to eat lot of protein food and make sure you eat about 60g of protein a day as studies have shown that insufficient amount of protein in the diet can result in a reduced number of eggs.

Libby-Thanks. I am vey careful now. You should have a good rest and remember to take 10-20mins to breath slowly, deeply and smoothly can be of great benefit to relax yourself and encouraging life energy to flow freely.
Hi equin0x n Develyn
dun worry abt the mucus..our body is generating the hormone to simulate our eggs to grow, that's why we have lots of mucus ( I had it continuous for 4-6 days during my gonalF stage)..All the best to u all!

Hi orangey
u have any good news to share with us? Waiting for your treat on the cupcakes! All the Best & Good Luck!

fyi, I bought my hot pad at OSIM too! and used it till ER!
Develyn-You shouldn't worry too much, just need to focus at this stage and check with the Dr during your scan to ask about the progress. Don't need to give yourself an extra stress at this stage.
Hi ltjabi,
initially after 2WW, i had nausea feeling, cramps on the side of tummy and vomit in the morning. Told Dr Zou about it and she gave me herbs to curb it. Then totally stopped vomit.

Sad to say, think Tany has to treat me to cupcakes
Today 14DPO and yesterday night tested -ve liao.
I have called KKIVF and they ask me to go collect the withdrawal pills to induce menses one of these days. Hehe.. think I will be on the 1 month lucrin jab, if my menses guai guai arrive!
