IVF/ICSI Support Group

Baby: u are my inspiration on strong women in the world
Pls take care and if bleeding still bad go to the doc immediately coz u dun know wat's happening inside..

TNT: I also feel u sudnt go out as the least movements u make, the better for u.. Im sure our sisters here will understand.

cactus13: Doctors worry of any patient who have more then 20 follicles as chances of OHSS is very high.. U have to take care coz some cases ppl do land in hospital.. Drink lots of warm water/ normal water and eat egg whites.. it helps.. Do rest well..
hi itjabi
thanks..promise to all fo u jus a while only...

hi cactus
OHSS tehy will monitor u very closely..but if u do experinced severe bloadteness until u breathless better call them liao..
Hi Richard

I just met him once for the 1st consultation. Will be seeing end of Apr after all the tests. He does not talk much during the 1st visit,only mentioned one of my ovaries is small.
hi Lina, Bliss and Mel,
Sorry for MIA for a few days. After my negative BT on 1 April, i was very disappointed. But i just have to accept it and return back to reality. Drowned with work the next 2 days making me put my sorrow a side. Guess my body is still not ready. AF came this morning. Think I'll take a long break before i think of IVF again. Will still go to Dr Zou to tiao my body.

Take Care sisters, wishing you all a smooth pregnancy. Will pop in once in a while. Waiting to see your babies photo.
i had very heavy menses till i passed out in the toilet at home. so, it will be better if u go A&E for chk up. dun wait.
Hi baby, glad to know that u r super ok emotional. Afterall having a baby is to fullfill our dream of completing our family but its not everything in our life. Actually come to think deeply of it gtg thru ivf we have got nonthing to lose. If it is sucessful we will gain something but if it failed it is not that we will lose a loved one or something like that. Like wat the social worker we should be glad that ivf is the only treatment thats not treating an ill person, it is a hope to have our mission or dream accomplished.
I feels that u r a really strong lady. I can tell u i m not even half strong as u r. whenever i think of myself being infertile i m still as upset as before.
Hi juju78, happens to see ur posting dated last yr so i tot u had already given birth and this is ur 2nd try in ivf. Waiting for ur bb arrival must be very exciting.

Care to share wats ur indication for ivf? Hope u dun mind.
oh... gynae could not find out what was the reason behind so many yrs of infertility.
we tried clomid, tcm, so-iui - all failed. so we tried ivf lor... lucky, 1st time lucky
Juju, i m same too. Being thru 6mths of clomid, tcm, iui twice all failed. It seems that i m ovulating on a regular basis and hb sperm is ok but still no news for 3 yrs of trying. Trying to find the reason why i cant conceive is rather stressful.
oh... mine is cannot track my ovulation. and no matter what, my cycle is super irregular.
so we thot of trying ivf as a last resort.
juju, at least irregular menses could be one of the reason for u. But mine even worst.
But even clomid also cant track ur ovulation days?
very very slight ovulation... which did not help at all... cos not certain whether egg was released during ovulation or not
But iui should be quite zun to track ovulation rite. But anyway gynae told me iui not so high hope coz sometimes quality of the egg does make a diff from mth to mth. I hope to be as lucky as u coz gtg to start ivf in june
hi cactus,
welcome. Your gal should be about 2 years old? Try not to carry her during the 2ww.

hi jk,
thanks for the info on essence promo.

hi baby,
you are very strong, glad that you are moving on. I had quite heavy menses after failed cycle and last 7 days, sometimes blood clot comes out too. My average menses duration only 4 days so 7 days is consider abnormal for me. But i didn't have bad cramps, just normal pain.

hi happyever,
Hugs, do take care. Really sad to hear this from you. Do continue to tio your body and try again, don't give up. We will all be here, do come in to post whenever you are free.
Hi richard,

Ya lor...no choice cos my body was quite weak after my 2nd ops and also womb very cold cos my palm and feet is always very cold. Think Your wife problem similar to my friend, she is warm but womb very cold..whereas me opposite weak and womb cold. tats why i can take very 补药 and dun feel heaty like korean gingseng, dang gui daily etc...whereas my hb and my friend they'll feel heaty after taking it.
Hi baby, lina

Me have being having menses cramp since friday when i found the dark brownish discharge. And today i saw alittle red discharge so i called the 24hr woman's clinic for advice as i thought i'm on progestrone pill and AF shouldn't report so soon. So they asked me to go down for the doc to take a look at me. I should be going down later if i continue to have the red discharge. Told my hb abt it that maybe my AF is stronger than progesterone pill hahahaha so even the pill can't block it.

i've already 看开liao cos my health has been a mess since ET, keep having gastric problems, puking and not able to eat well.. and furthermore I'm on gastric medications too. Just wish that the FET will be easier for me next round, hope there isn't so much jabs tho.
Hi Lyn and JuJu,

Are you are game on giving tcm a try? cos at times you all may just need to "tiao" your body for a 3-6mths and you may strike if you don't have any serious problems such as endomotrosis,pcos, fibroids and post ops b4. You can try Dr Zou sinseh at amk or other sinsehs that was recommended here at the forum.
Hi baby,

You are very brave. Do rest well and if your menstrual pain persists do take some panadol if the pain is unbearable and drink more warm water and try to rest in bed. Take care!!
Hi Sierra,

I am actually doing SO-Natural. IVF is postponed till July.
Dr Loh discouraged me to go for IUI as the chances are very low given my hb sperm count is poor. He mentioned that to go for IUI , we need a minimum number of good sperms, ours is too low, so chances are low, they would rather not do it.. Anyway we didn’t opt for IUI in the beginning, so we did not ask further. But when I was doing the scan, I only have 1 follicle, IUI came into my mind since it has higher chance as the sperms need not swim so far to reach the egg. So during the scan, I ask the doctor if there is still a chance for me to convert to IUI. She told us our sperm count is too low, after wash, if even less than 1million of their requirement.

Yes, you mentioned before about your hb with Dr Tan, maybe I saw him before.

Oh 4mill !! but morpho 50% is quite good! So meaning he still have 2 million of good quality sperms! Again, for ivf, you don’t need 2 million, you just need some good ones to fertilized your eggs. Ask him to quit smoking if he is one because I heard from a lot pple who quit smoking and liquor, their sperm count and quality increases.

Hi WK,

Check with you for your previous SO-IUI. At what size of your follicle do you tested +ve for opk? Mine has 19mm as of yesterday, so today should be about 21mm.. But I still have not tested +ve for opk.. Is the egg the bigger, the lousier the quality? And how many eggs do you have eventually ?

Hi Baby,

I duno if I saw you on Sat.. I was looking out for a couple chatting happily.. Were you wearing yellow/black? If its you , I wanted to try to smile at you, but the whole time you were looking at your hubby.. heehee

Can I check last time during your 2ww when you bleed is it a lot of very little? today morning 4 plus am I was in extreme pain went to 24 hrs clinic.. was bleeding quite a lot but more or less stop now. i had an injection for vomitting as I waa breaking out cold sweat and 2 panadols.. now the pain is much much less.. but there was red blood and if added together it is like one full pad... now very scared... waiting for tomorrow to call ivf centre to see now.. HCG tested last nite still negative... sigh...
Hi sunflower, went to movie late nite thats y slept at 2plus. Woke up 9am to pee and went to sleep again and juz woke up a min ago, hehe
Had my ET yesterday. What an experience! When I saw the two embroys that they were going to out into me, I really teared. They oredi felt like my babies. Out of the 8 on ER day, 7 were succesfully fertilised. So, I have 5 frozen. Did you ladies get to keep the photos of your embroyes? I have go through 4 shots of pregnly. My hubi learnt from nurse emily and so clever, he can do for me at home. So I don't have to make any trips down for shots. Next time going down is for BT on the 9th. Good luck to everyone on 2ww.....
hi chris,

ya that wat Dr Zou told us..she say most sg gals have this type of problems..cos we like to take or drink cold foods stuff most of the time
hi chris,
did you go to 24 hours clinic? do still take the BT.

hi humbug,
bleed could be implantation, check with the ivf center tomorrow. Hope miracle will happen for you and chris. Stay positive.

hi sophia,
rest well for 2ww.
Hi lina, humbug,

Yes. i too went to the 24hrs clinic this morning around 9.50am. They did a HPT test on me and result was negative and the doc did a check somewhat like pap smear where they insert a spectular into me and took some sample to test if there is infection. She mentioned that i had some bleeding internally. She advised me that if i have full menses flow to immediately go back to 24hrs clinic. Didn't know why leh??? Anyway she told me to continue with my progesterone pill insert and to go for the BT tomorrow. i'm still having some light red discharge like menses flow. Anyway i told my hb since my AF reporting so no pt go do BT leh, cos i already very weak this week liao still got to let KKIVF suck my blood again. hehe Just the check-up at 24hrs clinic cost us $100++.

No medication or jab was given at all. Me still having cramp esp when i insert progesterone pills, no choice got to bear with it...

humbug, how are u feeling better?? wat happen, , is it becos of gastric or something that you had taken that caused your discomfort? Were u still around 10am at the 24hrs clinic cos i saw a lady having a drip on her and on wheelchair..hope its not u.

Baby, how are you doing now???

I'm new here. Planning to do 2nd IVF in Jul after trying naturally eversince my 1st pregnancy.

Anyone doing in Jul as hope to get buddies to go through 2gether
Chris: I was there ard that time..Fair,skinny, indian girl.I hope is nothing serious.. Juz hope for the best K?Juz go down to IVF tomorrow at least they can do test to montior u closely.

humbug: How r u feeling now? Any side effects b4 u had bleeding.. Hope it's nothing serious.

Really getting worried since everyone starting to have bleeding..
Juz hang in there k?

Sophia: Can understand ur feeling. I was tearing too when they showed me the embroys
Hi Sunflower

As it happened like 3 years ago, can't really remember. Roughly, my biggest was about 17-18mm at the last scans, then they made me trigger the next day and roughly 36hrs later, they put in the sperms. When they did the first couple of scans, they described about 8-10 follicles each time. As it is not an IVF ie the eggs are fertilised inside the womb, so don't really know how many eggs eventually matured. Guess none did since my menses came eventually.

Just want to share with you what my Dr said yesterday when I went for my 3rd scan. He said, normally when the follicle is abt 15mm, there is quite a good chance that they will find a matured egg. The follicles can grow upto 35mm but of course they harvest before reaching that size most of the time. The strategy adopted by my Drs was to grow as many eggs as possible and not just depend on the 'big' one. Also, a good indication if your eggs are growing well (ie quality) is the thickness of the womb lining, probably nothing to do with size of follicles. Anything above 8mm is suitable for implantation thou'.

Hope this helps. Not a specialist thou'. I think we have to trust the Drs because they should know what they are doing. Of course, you should always feel well/comfortable with your Drs. My IUI doc was a female and her hands were shaking when she writes (perhaps onset of Parkinson's disease?). When I saw that, I didn't feel very confident with her, probably contributing to us failing.

You must relax and not be too stressed, always.

Hi Sophia, Ltjabi,

BFP, BFP to you, ladies.

Humbug, Chris

Perhaps it could be implantation bleeding? Internal bleeding sounds like like. Try to relax and stay stress-free.

R u ok now?? Dind't see you online, and just saw your post now. The bleeding must have been a real scare. I hope you're feeling much better and not bleeding as much. Will pray & hope for the ebst for you *hugz*

50% morphology is good ah? I thought 100% then considered good. Hahahahahaha! Yah man ... initially his count was like 8mill, dropped to 4mill. Siao liao ... really panicked big time. Glad to hear that ivf no "minimum standard" for the sperm. I just hope that the TCM pills, herbs and acu he's tkg will help for this last month before i start my ivf come end-Apr. Fingers crossed. I'm also gonna freeze hubby's sperm before the actual ER. Then on ER give another fresh sample. Compare which sample is better quality and use that. I a bit kiasu lah. Pay a bit for the storage also never mind. I got the Tribestan from bloated. But haven't asked hubby to switch to it yet. Cos supp to take it for 3 mths rite? Will only ask him to swtich from the TCM tablets to Tribestan AFTER my ET. Thought if I start now, might have no effect also lah ...

Ladies with KKH,
Could you let me know again what's KKH's policy on ICSI? Can we opt for ALL ICSI? Or they only allow ICSI for certain no. of eggs? I showed Dr Sadhana hubby's latest SA (where count dropped by 50%), and the only thing she said was "For your case, we'll do ICSI". Wahrau ... never say anything else. And I don't even know if the Dr updates the nurses/embryologist at IVF Centre also??? Haiyah ....
Hi WK,

thanks for your encouragement. My lining is already 9mm, so should be able to implant i hope. You have 8-10 big follicles for IUI? I heard that usually the gynae will not continue if you have alot good follicle size becos they were afraid of multiples complications. Some were even asked to stop the entire cycle or to convert to IVF. Your menses came may not be due to none of the follicles matured, it could be due to other reasons. For example, the egg shell is too hard for the sperms to penetrate. Dont worry, you will succeed in ivf

Hi Sierra,

50% is very good, most of his sperms are good quality, correct shape. he just need to increase his sperm count. my hb has only 2% out of 17mil.. which is very bad. So we are talking about 340000 good sperms.. You have 1 mill, so its 3 times higher chance than us.

The doctor(the african lady who did scan for me) also told me that for our case, KKH would most likely do ICSI. This is because we have such a low chance given the low good quality sperm count. They wouldnt want to risk the chance of eggs not being fertlised. As i understand from her and the rest of the ladies here correctly, ICSI is determined by them, not us. They will check if the egg shell/quality and also the number of good sperms (quality and count) to determine if ICSI will be performed.
