IVF/ICSI Support Group


just add a bit of ribena to your water to drink. Should be ok.. looks like your bb is choosing his taste hehe...hang in there
so now you know bb dun like fish and plain water...

Count down...2 more days to go....
For those in 2ww should not drink any ginger water as it might be too strong of the stomach.. maybe when you fry veg or food to eat, you can add in some ginger...I cannot remember where I read that ginger is too strong for forming embryos...maybe should take that into consideration. Just drink more plain hot or warm water..
libby, actually I went back to read the old posts and found that a lady also have very bad cramp and admitted to A&E during her 2WW. In the end, she failed for that cycle. Hence I am mentally prepared for the worst. Bee's case is not very similar to mine as she describe her pain as mense pain which she encountered before. But mine and the case of the lady is that we never encountered such sharp pain before. Having that kind of pain is no joke.. really unbearable.
Greenie, no worries.. I went shopping today with hubby after my BT. Having a great day today. Bought a few birthday presents for siblings' and friends' birthdays. Today at KKH, I am joking with hubby all the way while waiting for my turn. Mood is good when talking to the nurse who took my blood, told her my AF reported yesterday and I am smiling when telling her..

She told me can only know the BT result on Monday as I reached kkh at 10plus this morning.
And my hubby and I told her no hurry lah cos this cycle confirmed failed liao.. my flow is super heavy.. heehee.. we are in a very relax mood. Then the nurse smile and told us still need to do BT to ensure no pregnancy

Totally no sadness and no tear at all.. so you all don't need to worry for me. I am not putting up a strong front. I am really very ok. It is just like any normal days to me since AF reported
Ladies, is it normal to have super bad cramp and super heavy flow after AF reported for failed cycle?

I am having super bad cramp and heavy flow since yesterday. Think I am going to faint of blood loss.. great amount of blood loss leh.. I never encounter such heavy flow before and the cramp is unbearable.

I have been struggling in bed due to the bad cramp since I am back from shopping at Orchard in the afternoon. And have been very tired and keep sleeping. He has been making me hot milo to drink since yesterday but it didn't help to ease the pain for long. My hubby want me to take panadol but I don't want. Now I am constantly drinking warm plain water to ease the pain.

But one good thing is I finally have a very good sleep last night. Have not been sleeping well since ET. Yesterday I slept very well
WY Koo, I did weeped a litle when my hubby hugged me after I told him my AF reported. Weeped bcos I feel sad and sorry towards my hubby that I still can't bear him a child after going through IVF.. For myself, I have did my best, so I don't feel sad within myself.

It is always good to hope for the best but prepared for the worst. With this kind of mindset, the disappointment won't be so great and it is easier to accept the fact and continue to lead life as usual
Chris, don't keep thinking about ectopic pregnancy. God won't be so unfair to you after letting you go through it once. Stay positive and yes, don't move too much during these few days till BT. It is indeed not possible to have mense since you are still on insertion. KKH nurses are experience nurses.. since she suspected it to be implanation bleeding, then it might really be the case. Nothing is impossible in this world. Stay hopeful and faster spread some baby dusts here.. so that the rest can get over my failure and move on to happiness for your success ah..
hi humbug
my next check is coming tuesday..wish u BFP and rest well..

hi baby
u super need bed rest...and eat nutitiously... and oso u can cook some red date water and drink it while is warm...

as for the gathering tomorrow,
Confirmed attendance:
1) dEvelyn
2) Tany
3) TnT
4) Lyn
5) Orangey

Date: 05 April 09 (Sunday)
Time: 1pm
Venue: Tampines Safra, The Mind Cafe
tnt, I don't mind to go see Dr Zou together with you but I will be going to tiao my body for next IVF cycle but you will be going for an tai herbs for your baby (if your mom and hubby agree to let you take an tai herbs)! Your baby will be strong and grow well in your uterus.. so no more saying of you going for another cycle in Oct ok?

Don't lose hope.. I have pray to my buddha to bless you with a strong and healthy baby last night. So your baby will be okay. Just don't move too much these few days. Rest all the way in bed ok?
hi baby
like wat u saying i m always hope for the best but prepared for the worst...
if reali the worst outcome, and we shall partner togather to see dr zou to tiao our body...
of cos if the best outcome, i will just remains as this status quo...
Ladies, no more hug for me ok? Coz I am really feeling very okay but seem like you all feel so sorry for me for my failure.. very weird feeling.. hee..

Once failure doesn't mean failure forever mah.. I will not give up hope. One day, I will definite graduate and be a proud mommy

Let's get over my case and give support to those who are still in their 2WW. Let's not affect their morale over my failure and jia you for them
tnt, I would prefer you to rest at home tomorrow instead of meeting up for the gathering leh.
It will be better to have less movement till for next BT. Do consider my suggestion.

Awaiting for your good news on Tuesday
cactus13, of coz you can join this forum

Embryo replacement is embryo transfer right? Drink more warm plain water and eat more egg whites to reduce the bloatedness.
Egg whites and ensure milk have high protein which is good for embryos grow. So do try to take some.
Hi Baby

You are such a strong-minded lady and I hope when it comes to my turn, I would be as strong as you.

Are you ok with the bad cramp? A bit weird to suddenly have super heavy flow. May be it is good to see doc if it continues tomorrow
tnt, yes my hubby and I feel that my health is in bad shape after all the injections leh.. Hope my next mense won't go haywire.. My hubby is pretty worried for me. Now I am still the queen at home as my hubby want me to continue to rest well.
Hi baby

Your hubby is so caring. Do you notice that most ladies going through IVF here have very good hubbies? We are blessed in deed.
Greenie, not normal to have such heavy flow after failed cycle ah? I have super heavy flow since last night leh..

I have made appointment for Dr Loh today at KKh but the earliest appointment date I can get is in early May.. Don't know if it is possible to squeeze in a slot to see my case. I shall monitor my blood flow tomorrow. If still as heavy and cramp continue, I will call KKH on Monday.
hi baby
my hubby jus gave me green light to go gathering tmr, so i promise u will jus meet them for a while only....
Baby, I am not sure as I have not gone through IVF. I meant if your AF is different from your previous, may be it is good to see doc.

Just to make sure everything is ok. Rest well ah..
Greenie, yes, we are indeed all very blessed with great hubbies

Our hubbies know that it is not easy for us to go through IVF. So they are more caring and understanding. Their support is very imnportant during the whole IVF procedure.
Tnt, I also think you it is not advisable to move around during these 2 days till your BT. Do you think you can meet the ladies just for a while?
they are so chatty..already can be guessed from the forum.. haha
Hi all,

This is my first IVF cycle after 6 failed IUI last year. I'm seeing PC Wong from NUH. Had been with him since my 1st girl in 2006, also conceived through IUI.

They retrieved 26 eggs on Wed but only 18 are matured and eventually 8 fertilised (2 gd quality, 3 satisfactory and another 3 below average). So only put back 2 eggs today.

I think I over-stimulated, they were worried coz my blood test hormones on the high side and that explain why I feel so bloated all the time as if I'm 4 to 5 mth pregnant. Anyway, thanks for all the advice.
hi greenie
haha...ok i promise to u and baby, i wont move ard during gathering (only my mouth will move)...and i will certainly be there a while only..
Hi Tnt
No, not with any TCM. Dr Loh has not even given me the green light to go through IVF. I hope he will as I really pray very hard...

I can't even get natural pregnant. I only started to consult him 25 Mar and will be seeing him end of Apr to review all the test results
hi greenie
wat is the reason u mean Dr Loh has not even given u the green light to go through IVF? is it bcos he hasnt review the test results? and do u mind telling us mainly the problems lies with u or ur hubby?
Hi cactus
I can't advise you much cos I have not gone through IVF yet.

If you don't mind, could you please let me know how much is the cost per IUI? So you are not doing SO-IUI?
hi cactus
so when is ur hcg BT? and wat are the medication they give u post ET? meanwhile rest well..and drink marm water..i hope is not OHSS
Hi Greenie,

IUI itself is $588.50 and the scan $74.90 each time. Usually I need about 2 to 3 scan. I was also given Serephene to control my menstrual cycle too coz I experienced irregular period.
hi tnt,

I was only given crinone gel and antibiotics, no other medicine. Supposed to go back on 9 Apr and Pregnancy test on 17 Apr.
Hi tnt,

Doc says there is a possibility of OHSS coz my blood hormones shot up after 3rd blood test and scan on Day 13. I was on 300 till Day 13 when they reduced it to 225.
Hey ladies,

I will have to leave at 3pm tomorrow, cause got to rush to my Grandma's birthday party. Hope you ladies don't mind hor.

Confirm 1.00pm at Mind Cafe Safra Tampines hor?
Hi greenie

I was with Dr Zou now.
Just started see her recently...Its shld take at least 3 mths to tiao li the body as advised by her.
so i ask her..if I'm seeing her now can I go see Dr Loh..She told me if I intend to go..it better to go around May-09..But my worry is that...is after we tiao li okie. our body..we go see Dr Loh..then we have to start all over again..he will have to start monitoring our body again..& frm there dun knw how long must we take..
So now still thinking..
maybe we shld start seeing him around..June-09
Hi develyn,

OKie.Not so soon..now is seeing TCM to lioa li our body..
After seeing Dr Zou...Got some info frm her laio..
But she said must see us a few more time & take temp..before cam go straight to the point..
For my wife ..body is warm..but the womb is cold..
so now have to cure the womb first
for me lah..cough & cough dun knw when can stop..
stop few days then come again..so sian..
So i told her to try to stop my cough first before tiao li my body.
So now taking her cough medicine first.
also she say my kindey not strong .so have to go for that way first..
maybe doing the IVF at the latest end of the year.

Hi Jane.

ya..I also ask Dr Zou today when we see her..
she told me the same thing..
Also have called up DR Loh to check app time..
I thk we will tiao li first then decide...
