IVF/ICSI Support Group


No lah, think 1 or 2 big follicle only during each IUI, but max size before trigger was 17-18mm. what i mean is that menses came = not successful lor. My menses when I was under IUI treatment came earlier than usual thou'. She didn't give me any support (progesterone inserts) for potential pregnancies, perhaps you can try asking?

WY: thanks.. Praying hard..

Sierra79: ICSI is dependen on the DR not us... Like my case they also did ICSI dun know y but watever it is, better for me
So dun worri u r in safe hands
All the best.
Sunflower, ltjabi,
Yeps, I know that ICSI will depend on the embryologist, when they see whther or not it's necc. But I heard some of the ladies saying that in KKH, it'll depend like how many eggs extracted? If less than a certain no, can do all ICSI or sumthing. I'm not too sure. If I'm given a choice, I'd want to do all ICSI lah. Hehehehehe ... to increase chances of fertilisation :p

Hee ... thanks for that assessment. Really hope also lah that this is enough to result in successful fertilisation and successful ivf. Your hubby still seeing Dr Tan? My hubby dare not tell Dr Tan we're doing ivf. He said he scraed Dr Tan will lecture him for not trying naturally. haha!

Take care!

Hi gals,
todate i still have cramps on n off, but only left side got cramp. Can check with u all after ER how long would the wound heal huh???
@chris, humbug and myself were at the 24hr clinic at 5am, so I doubt you see her in the clinic. The thing is the trip to clinic does not give any assurance or indication what's happening or what we can do in the time being, felt like it's a wasted trip. We are going to give IVF center a call on Monday morning.

@Itjabi, she had cramp at 4-5am, then a sizable flow of red blood. We rushed to KKH emergency clinic but other than taking a pain killer there's nothing else was being done. The hCG urine test also indicated negative, and we hope it's because the hCG level is below 50 (since the urine test only pick hCG level of above 50)

crossing our finger for the best, but at the same time, we are preparing for the worst ...
Hopefully it's really implantation bleeding and not menses. Lets' pray for BFP. Keep fingers cross.

Rest well for your 2WW. It's good that your hb can help on 4 pregnly shots, no need to rush up and down to KKH. Did the nurse tell you the grades of embies and did you do ISCI for all?

Still praying for you.. take care.
Develyn, Tany, TNT, Orangey, Lyn, Noi and Fresh
It was nice meeting all of you today, sharing our IVF journey, let's all jia you together and hope BFP to us and all the ladies here!
By the way, TNT did not stay a while only hor, she stayed throughout the long lunch with all of us.

TNT, take care and hope there's still miracle for you and bb.
You are in 2WW right? Sorry, I can't rem last time my ER takes how long to heal.. I think should not be too long as after that is ET, could it be implantation on your case?
Hi libby,

ya I am in 2WW, i hope it is implantation. But I also scared that it could be AF reporting but it didnt come as I m still under progesterone jab.
cramps resulting from ER should subside within 2-3 days. i remember feeling only bloatedness without cramps very soon after ET

no nothing except two pain killer tablets and a pain killer jab. In fact, the senior nurse intervened the jab, as she thought it's unsafe to use it at this juncture. It was replaced with a jab which she deemed safe, to settle nausea/vomit.

rush down to emergency unit, to get a pair of pain killer and a negative hCG test, isn't that reassuring ..
Tnt, hope for the best for u in coming BT. Whatever the outcome is life still goes on and try again. One fine day we all will have our bundle of joy...

Libby and develyn gdluck coz the journey had juz started........

Tany, orangey, fresh and noi we can all be each other pillar of strength during this extra ordinary journey.......

Anyway i m so glad i found this forum coz really gained alot of info abt ivf and most importantly emotional support.
hi wy koo
so when is ur ER date?

hi chris, humbug,
hang in there..dun jugde to conclusion too early yet..must go for BT and see wat is the outcome, hope all the best
Hi libby, the nurse didnt tell me the grade of the embroys. What is ISCI? After the ET yesterday, nothing much was said except the pregnly shots and when to come back for blood test.
in dat case, bo bian but to call ivf clinic on monday morning. best if u can speak to a doctor instead of the nurse.
BT must go, no matter what.
hi to ladies who went for gathering today (develyn, tany, lyn, orngey, libby, noi , fresh and myself) is such a good meet up and will get to know each other better..also get to compare different ivf centre practises...

1st to libby
a lady tat doesnt match with her age...why u must announce it to whole world tat i stay there the whole pm meh? hehe ;)..anyway..wish u embark ur puregon stage soon and have good stimulation, of cos smooth ET..

2nd to noi
hope u able to decide who will be ur next female gynae then...and wish all the best..

3rd to fresh
a lady who doesnt match to her age also...sat there quietly and will smile to me on and off (err..am i thinking too much) ..hehe anyway..wish ur coming IVF will be a successful one..;)

4th to orangey
young lady same age with develyn..can see u r excited to start ur journey soon..and wish best of luck

5th to lyn
same job as me..
hope dr loh will be the magical hand for u and many ladies here ...

6th to tany
same size as me...
wish u make a final decision on ur consultation with dr chieng (whether to do iui/ivf) since u can strike just one cycle of clomid..

and lastly to develyn (a nurse with PHD, Partially Halfway Drop)
although same age with orangey, but talk like "Da Jie", had successfully lose her weight and try to maintain healthy lifestyle almost daily..(however still puffing away)..
tmr will be ur starting day of lucrin jab liao..hope everything smooth and ur dream finally come true..if not KKH wont have peace..
hi wy koo
ok wish u all the best on ur ER

my spotting was only a little happened on 2/4 (thurs) 10pm and stopped on friday..howver hcg drop from 113 (31/3) to 47 (3/4)...

miracle wishing on coming tues now..
hi chris,
Hugs, stay strong and take care. Not sure if the ivf will allow you to skip the BT but you can check with them tomorrow. Yeah, the 24 hours clinic is very ex, previously i went back 3 times in a row over weekend. I was bleeding after 2ww and some more got checked by inexperience doctors for the price i paid. The 24 hour clinic also did not give me jab or medication to support. Hope your cramps will stop soon.

hi dilemmagal,
welcome to the thread.

hi jk,
hope humbug will be alright. Do keep us updated tomorrow. The 24 hours clinic are mainly trainee doctors and nurses, i feel that they don't have much power, waste of time.

hi libby, tnt,
how was the gathering? did you all chat very long?
Tnt, fresh same age as u or same age as libby? Libby and fresh hope u dun mind juz wanna get to know u ladies better.......
Thanks, Tnt. It must either be implantation bleeding or embryo instability surely. You're our miracle lady, remember? Rest well between now and Tuesday. Sure everything will be alright.

after my 3rd scan yesterday, am more positive about my ER. Was really touched when I heard Ltjabi + sophia talking about how they cried when they saw their little babies/embryos. This gives me strength/courage for the ER, ivf, etc and remind myself to be stress-free. Don't know why, now my mood very good ie seldom get angry, maybe becos of the huge amt of hormones charging inside me. Only complaint is that always wake up in the middle of the night to pee. Drink too much liquid, I guess.

hi dlemmagal
welcome to tis forum.....u mentioned for plan on 2nd ivf..meaning u had ur 1st ivf done at which ivf centre?

hi lina
chatted from 1pm to 5pm..all very chatty one..

hi fresh, libby and lyn
i m 34 yrs old..
hi koow,
the photo of the embryo is very special. I always like to bring out the photos collection that i kept from previous tries and compare how the eggs look like. It seems like each egg has it's own character, all shaped differently, though some didn't make it but still they could have been a human. They are not just a mass of cells, it's amazing. All the best for your ER.

hi tnt,
4 hours gathering, that's great.
hi wy koo
implantation bleeding? but my ET had done so long liao...
however i had ask my dr la..how come got the dark brownish discharges on thurs 10pm, he said it could due to "threatened abortion" and tats y now i m on injection depot proluton 2x/week..A super super painful jab cos is oily-based
Itjabi, I am actually a weak person. Remember I cried once during 2WW due to anxiety of the result? I am able to take it easy now as I have adjust my mindset after weeping that time. I am good at consoling myself most of the time, so I am those happy-go-lucky type of person who can cheer up very fast. My hubby is doing a great job in cheering me up too, in good times and bad times. Actually my hubby told me he has a strong feeling that this cycle will fail. So in fact, he has been getting me prepared for the worst during the last few days before BT. Life still need to go on. So it is better to live happier than to live in sorrow right?

happyever, stay strong. You will succeed one day. Don't give up hope over a failed cycle.
We shall jia you together ok?

Lyn, don't drown yourself in sorrow. Miracle do happen. Stay relax and you will strike one day

juju78, passed out at home due to over bleeding is very serious. My mense is not so heavy today already but having terrible cramp.

Lina, yes, I have blood clot too. Never have such amount of blood clot before. So a bit worried.

Sunflower, I am wearing red and white on sat. I was looking around for you too but think I reached KKH too late liao, you might have left

Chris, that time I went 24 hours clinic also spent more than S$100++.. Feel like it is a wasted trip as the doctor unable to find the cause for my great pain. No matter what, BT must be done. Do continue to stay positive! BFP to you!

I am still having very bad cramp today. So pain that I struggled in bed and force myself to get up to boil some water to drink to warm my womb. After that, I manage to sleep for 2 hours. Now okay already but still feel very weak.

Sophia, rest well during 2WW and good luck. Hope to hear good news from you soon

Humbug, are you feeling better now? Do rest well.
BFP to you!

jk, I feel that the doc and nurse at 24 hours clinic can't help much. The doc just asked me to take panadol if I still encounter such pain as they can't find any cause for my great pain. Very disappointed with them. Anyway, unrine test is not as accurate as BT. So do keep your hope high till BT.

Sierra79, I think KKH like to go ahead with ICSI no matter if egg and sperm quality / quantity is good or bad.

Twinstars, it can take up to 1 month to heal from ER, depends on individuals. I still have cramp at one side the day before my BT that time.
Rest well and don't worry too much.
I like your description, ha ha.. especially our develyn "Da Jie" PHD. Don't worry lah, she promised already, she will be good gal tomorrow Lucrin starts.
Of course must report how long you spend there mah.. because so many concern for you, and you say got permission from hb go a while. Hee..

Tks, wish you first time IVF success too!
Me is 36 yrs old, think oldest there today <<shy>> Btw, how old is Fresh?

We really very chatty, lucky got a corner table, we also don't bother when waiter come serve us, we still continue to talk about IVF so loudly.. This is the first time in public I talk so openly leh.. shiok ah

Next time, you join us okie.. let us play mahjong baby.

Thanks for your 爱心 chocolate muffins. Those not there today, too bad you miss it! Ha..
yup! mine was passing out from the cramps, not bleeding. but i din realise the intensity of my cramps were bad too - popped 8-10 panadols over a few hrs. dat was already alarm for a&amp;e. but i din realise it.
dat's why i thot of sharing wif u.
You are really very strong, I hope the cramp will subside soon. You still not taking panadol? Maybe try just 1 tablet? May help to ease the pain..
juju78, you must have encountered super bad cramp. My cramp are very painful but I can be very stubborn sometimes. My hubby want me to take panadol to ease the pain but I refused. I endure the pain throughout for hours today till it can better after drinking warm water.

I will make appointment to see TCM as I find my health getting very weak after the IVF procedure. Need to take a break to build up my health and my womb before I start my next IVF..
Libby, I endured the bad cramp throughout. Finally pain went off and I no longer in pain since 5pm just now after I waoke up from my nap. My hubby gave up as I am very stubborn sometimes that he don't know what to do ;p

juju78, yes, I believe all the drugs and injections are making our health weak.. gotta build up our health through TCM.
sophia - gd luck

dilemmagal - welcum to the thread

jk/humbug - hopefully she is fine

develyn - be gd when u start ur lucrin tomorrow k ")

tnt - hugz for u
hi baby,
blood clot is ok but scary isn't it, see so much clot. Do see tcm to build health first. Take care.

hi libby,
ok sure, will join you all next gathering.
Hi WK,

i asked already, they are not giving me becos im trying on my own. But its ok, im taking TCM implant med after i Ovulate.

Hi Sierra,

my hb no longer with him cos after his med, my hb sperm count cut by half.. dont worry about Dr Tan, he is very opened although he discourage pple to go ivf.. eventually he will still support the patients. I already told him im going for ivf soon..He is ok and has changed some of my med..
Hi Lina, thanks for your well-wishes. I hope the Drs will be able to find many viable eggs and their fertilisation rate will be high.

Tnt, whatever the bleeding means, please rest well, and try not to move/think too much (not easy, I know but try). There is still hope because the Hcg remains high. did you try to jing bu since the drop?

Hi WK,

all the best to ur ER! remember to relax..

Hi baby,

oh, i left KKH about 1030..at the time was so crowded.. maybe you should tiao your body in TCM before you embark next cycle.

Hi ladies, seems like you gals enjoy alot today.
Sunflower, thanks for your well-wishes too. Feel really encouraged with all the love and care in this forum. I wish you success too for your So-IUI. May all dreams of being a mother be realised soon.

yes, very true. must bu body back. very important.
even if dun take tcm, gotta eat nutritious food, chix essence etc to build health back
JK/Humbug - just read abt humbug incident, i hope humbug is feeling ok now. my bleeding happened 10 days after BFP... over 3 days. first bleeding, liner was half full, 2nd light bleeding was spotted when i went to the toilet on the same day. next day, the blood stains was much diluted and covered 2/3 of the liner. third day, the red was even more diluted and covered 1/3 of liner.

Then, Dr told me frankly that there is nothing much they or I could do except bed rest. She said so long as the red is not heavy like menses flow, there is still hope for sucessful implantation. As for the cramp, she said if unbearable, I could take panadol to ease the pain.

Maybe you could request for ur test to be conducted tmr instead of Tue. I know the feeling of seeing bleed.. but pls hang on and Dun lose hope yet. Listen to some classical music and try to sleep. i am praying for u!
Hi TNT ,

I am a PHD nurse - Poly halfway drop.. heez..

Hi Baby ,

Thumbs up !! I took some time to grieve and move on too.. 22/01/09 also failed (after HCG level drops tremendously).. tomorrow i am gtg for my lucrin (2nd shot IVF).. Agree with u , even Bliss , Mel and alots of the gals went thru up and down.. they didn't give up at all.. now they are gtg to due.. We just have to jia you.. Take some time to tio body and start again k.. Hugz..

Hi JK ,

Thanks for the promo. information.. sorry, just got a chance to log in.. how is Humburg ? I really hope that all are alright.. Hang on there with her okie..

Hi Tany,

i didnt LS ..keke.. thanks for the cookies.

Dear Ladies who are not there today :
It is quite nice on the 2nd gathering we have this afternoon.. Hmm.. it was really nice that all are chatty... Fresh , abit shy and quiet but open up later.. hmm, tany , tnt and me are the most noisy one.. noi, nice seeing u in person.. Lyn has joined the 1st gathering so easier to click in too.. Of cos , nice Libby who shared her experience.. and guess wat , i really orangey look as young as sierra .. Sorry, trying to run thru' fast to go zzz.. Catch up with all again..
