IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi SunFlower
You mentioned you took TCM implant med after ovulation. May I know where did you get the medicine? How did you find out about the medicine. Noted many women faced difficulties in inplantation due to weak uterus etc. Thought of eating the medicine when it comes to my turn to boost the success rate. Thanks.

hi ladies
just woke up and go to pee and drink anmum with hosp medications
last night went to bed at 11pm liao..kinda tired..
later will go zzz again after this post

to lina
yes..do join us the next gathering..

to libby
just to assure u dun worry..u still look so much younger

to baby
do get ur BT result today..dun loose last minute hope yet and wish ur cramp had reduce to pain score zero..
thanks..will rest well

to zaza
all the best to ur antagonist cycle soon...
wish success..

to chris, humbug
hang in there..pls dun loose hope.. BFP to u all and itjabi
and to develyn
our nurse with PHD, today is ur impt day as u r starting lucrin jab finally...
pls adopt "strictly" to healthy lifestyle..
wish best of all..
Hi JK, humbug, baby,

Yup i do agree that KK 24 hrs clinic didn't help much, she just did the examination and didn't give me any jab or medication and sent me bk home liao.

I'll still proceed with the BT at KKIVF today. Maybe you can bring forward Humbug's BT to today, just give kkivf a call to arrange it. I too think that if possible you and humbug should drop by today at least Dr loh and other experience docs are around on duty and they'll be able to advise and help u. They are in every way much much better than the "trainee docs" at 24hrs.

Me and hubby is already mentally prepared for the "result" cos during the whole period since ER, my health has been very weak from all the bloatedness,vomitting and gastric and todate i even lost around 2kg.. hence womb is also weak and not ready yet for all the implantation. Hence will really need to tio my body 1st for next round of FET. Todate, i'm still spotting having red discharge and menses cramp. Do rest well, and take panadol if the pain persists cos it can be very uncomfortable with all the heavy flow and cramps.

We are all very lucky to have nice and caring hubby around and we must really treasure them hor.
Hi Lina,

I may drop by dr zou's clinic either today or tomorrow after BT result to pick up my yucky brewed chinese herbs to take to clear all the blockages of the menses flow to prevent backflow cos i've endometrosis. And also to check with her if i can take cos me still having quite bad gastric and not much appetite to eat still.
JK: pls be strong the both of u n at this time must pray for the best, prepare for the worst..HUmbug needs all the support to get through till BT.. Hang in there..

Baby: Can understand. At the end of the day our happiness lies in our own hands.. Juz a matter of wat we wanna do.. Live a sad life or move on to a better 2morrow.. Ppl will say watever they want.. becoz they r not going through it.. We juz have to learn to ignore.. Glad ur hubby is with u.. Most impt is both of u support each other..
Dun worry it's juz a matter of time.. sure will strike.

WY: Watching the embroys is juz a whole different feeling.. We try soo hard to have a child. Juz a glimpse of the embroy is really a joy
All the best ya..
Morning sisters....

<font color="0000ff">Jk/Humbug and Chris,</font>
please be strong, dont lose hope yet...

<font color="ff6000">TnT, dEvelyn, Lyn, Libby, Orangey, Fres and Noi,</font>
Nice meeting you yesterday. I gain alot from the gathering as all of you are very informative and this helps me for my preparation for my upcoming IVF...

Sorry that I have to leave early as I'm meeting my mil for dinner...

Please let me know if any of you have any discomfort after eating my chocolate muffin... hehehe :p

<font color="119911">dEvelyn,</font>
BTW, thats a muffin not cookie... :p
Remember to maintain a "healthy lifestyle" from today onwards coz if I detect anything, I will "Boardcast" to all the sisters here and u will get it from them... Jia You!!!

<font color="ff0000">Libby and Fresh,</font>
both of you dont look your age... U look younger den dEvelyn... (i must go hide from dEvelyn quickly *siamz*)
Hi Chris
All the best to u on your BT test today!

Hi Sophia
Pls stay positive &amp; relax during your 2ww, dun stress yourself okie!

How r u ?? Pls pls take great care!

Dear ladies at the gathering yesterday
It was nice meeting up with u ladies here!

Hi libby
Dun say u r old lei! Hehehe…I’m 1 yr older than u! Do take lots of milk and eggs white during your puregon stage. Wishing you has healthy and good eggs growing in your follicles.

Hi Yong Wei
Do rest well till your BT and scanning. Will be praying for u!

Hi Develyn
U r our ‘Da jie’, pls continue your healthy lifestyle okie..All the best to u on your lurin jab..

Hi Tany
Thanks so much for your chocolate muffin..

Orangey, Lyn, Fresh
All the best to u for the coming IVF journey! Think I’ll rest till yr end then start my FET or Fresh cycle again!
Thank you everyone for all your good wishes. Found yesterday at NTUC Chew's eggs that contain selenium and lower cholesterol. Quite expensive, $3.95 for a pk of 10. I bought and boy, are they bigger in size. Ate two half boil this morning and not bad. I'm not a egg fan but these are quite tasty.
Everyone must stay healthy ok, no matter which stage. As long as we are fit and not down with coughs and colds, we are on a good start!
I just gulped down Dr Zou's powder. It's really power man but still tolerable for me. The "kou gan" (texture) really very jialat leh, cant seems to dissolve those little bits to liquid form and they sort of residue on my tongue! Agrhhh...

No lah, you don't looked that old lah. Don't always say until you are very old. You are more matured that's why! Hehe..

TnT, Develyn, Tany, Lyn, Libby, Noi and Fresh,
It was nice meeting you ladies! Gain so much information from you ladies! Thank you so much! :D
I'm praying hard that my AF reports early in May so I can start earlier. Wahahhaha :p
Just took Dr Zou's medi this mrng. I used 1/4 cup of water to dissolve 2 pack of medi... take a deep deep breath and swollow the medi. surprisingly no puke this time, but still hv the after-taste... now taking alot of mint to get rid of the after-taste...

can I just hv accup with more needles and do away the medi? :p
Hi Develyn,

Sorry about Yesterday,rehersal ended late so can make it for the gathering and rashing to "Shao Mu", so sorry rashing every min so forget to info u not able to join in the gathering.

Baby dust for everybody in this thread.
Hi Greenie,

oh, mine is from my TCM, Dr Tan from Clementi. Need to drink everyday after O till the next AF.
if you are first visit to him, dont think he will let you collect just like that, you need to see him once , then he will prescribe med for you..
the med is for implantation and lining.

Hi develyn,

why you need to go KKH inject lucrin daily? they dont allow u to do it yourself?
Hi to all the sisters here,

Thank you for the well wishes.. my AF flow came strong like normal menses.. guess I lot the battle already. Went for BT just and have to wait for the result in the afternoon. Still having slight cramps. Not lying down already cause I felt I already lost it. Don't worry, I will be strong and take care and try one last time before I am not entitled for IVF

Thank you for all your encouragement and I am indeed very touch. I am also thankful for the strong support from my hubby JK. The pain was extremely unbearable yesterday like a knife cutting through even I had panadol. The 24 hours clinic service sucks. Guess the only good thing is the Senior nurse who came in much later and knew what was going on and gave me some comfort and instructions. The Dr was crap. She keep yawning while checking me. She just put in the clamp, open up the vaginal and then see look then put her hands around the vaginal and then say nothing she can do...I was speechless and near to tears.. then she ask me to wait outside for medication. Then she send a nurse to ask me if I want an injection to stop the pain. I told them .. well whatever the doc recommend.. I waited till I started to break out cold sweat then felt like vomitting while I was left alone on the chair as JK went to the pharmacy to purchase the medication. Then a senior nurse came and saw me face very pale. She saw the junior nurse came up with the injection and then she ask what happen. She took over the injection and told me if I can bear with the pain cause the injection is really bad. It might just kill the whole process if there is really a baby in there. She ask me to rest on the observation bed and then told me she give me a jab for vomitting (safe for pregnant ladies) and then ask me take 2 panadols to rest. She even ask JK to buy me a Milo after injecting the vomiting injection.. after a while of rest then I consume the panadol. After a while she ask if I feel better.. if yes then she wheel me in a wheelchair to the car to go home.

It was indeed an experience but I will not give up... I got few more months before I am not entitled to govt subsidy. I will give one last try.. if that cannot then resort to adoption.
I will be strong

All the best whom just started and all those in 2ww.. hang in there ok.
Hi Humbug,

Thats bad..the doctor seems to be just passing off time in the clinic. Dont give up, all the best to you. Take care and rest well.
My heart goes out to you humbug. Take your time to mourn the loss but dont give up. I find that getting back to work to take my mind off things help. You have not lost the battle! Take good care of your body so that you will be strong for the next round.
Dear Sunflower and Sophia,

I will rest and recuperate for the month and start my battle again in June if Dr Loh allows. I can only get an appointment on 22nd April to see Dr Loh for further advise. I will not give up so easily. Thanks for the well wishes.
Dear Humbug,
I admire your "Never give up" spirit... Jia You and i believe you will graduate in your next cycle.
hi develyn,
starting stage 1 today, all the best.

hi chris,
do take care. Think Dr Zou herbs will help in the clearing of blockage.

hi orangey,
try one mouth herb and one mouth plain water to wash the taste.

hi tany,
will be better to have both accu and herbs. You can request for less yucky herbs, Dr Zou add orange taste to it, taste better. I think this is to cater to the kids seeing her. My hubby used to hate the herbs too and just let her know.

hi humbug,
please be strong. Try again. Continue to see your TCM to tio body.
Hi Tany, i m on mc today due to............. sore eyes,hehe. U must be damn worried coz u tot its u muffin rite?? No la nonthing to do with that. Did not thnks u for ur effort yest. Enjoy ur hobby and bake some more for the upcoming gatherings ok
har u have sore-eyes ah? wahhhh, heng ah not due to my muffin... or isit see too many mei-nu yesterday? :p

sure, i will practice more and bring for gatherings.
So confirm with u ladies, i would do the photocopy of the book from Develyn for tany, libby,orangey,noi and fresh rite? Pls comfirm, thks..........
Tany, ya lor see too many beauties and u r one of them. So nice of u for the muffins.

Tnt, u r so on HL? Actually AH very good hor can let u take leave for such a long time.........
Hi Lyn
Pls print a copy for me, thanks so much, but, hor how to pay u the monies?
Pls take a rest n dun use too much pc okie...
Lyn, Me confirm for the photocopies. Thanks!

I'm starting in May actually so praying that my AF reports early May lor cause usually my AF is mid month (ard 15~18th) so if really that case then by the time it reaches D21, it'll be in June. Hehe..
Hi Tany,

dont say that..im also learning..we can exchange ideas

btw, have you gals got the chk essence? you started taking?
Yes, we can exchange ideas.

dEvelyn went down to buy the chicken essence and she has started drinking... I still have some at home and I also DIY my own chicken essence...
Rest well, sore eyes don't use computer too much. Thanks, I would like a copy too. Please advise how payment can be made to you.. internet banking to your account?

Really sorry to hear your bad experience and menses came.. Take a 3 month break to "tiao" your body, before you embark on a new journey. Wish you success.

Still hoping got good news from you.

Hope the cramp has subsided.
Amazed you are able to gulp down Dr Zou's med 4 packets each time!

1/4 cup water, mix with 2 packets, very thick and concentrated leh, how to drink?

How come you want to start only end of the year? Dr Zou say you need to "tiao" so long?
Btw, you also look younger than your age.
hi chris and humbug
glad u all r strong and stay positive...

hi tany
well done on ur baked muffins..i simply love it

hi lyn
yes..i m on my HL since ER on 5/3 till tommoro cos tomorro will have follow up with dr and hoping miracles then will continue HL again..hehe

hi noi
ys..think is better to tiao our body till the best shape bf embark on a new IVf cycle..

hi wy koo
hehe...i didnt jin bu but have all the nutritious foods daily.. do update us on ur ER and ET progress...
I also amazed with myself that I can gulp down the medi this mrng. last week I mix with one full cup of water, i puke after drinking... :p
hi to all ladies
after the excited chatty, we simply forgotten have to take pic yesterday...how come ah??
glad u like the muffin... u wan more?

I can take bitter stuff too but Dr Zou's medi has one pecular taste to it which I have a hard getting used to it... isit the same medi for all of us or she customised the medi to individual?
Humbug/JK: Sorry to hear abt ur experience..Everything happens for a reason. Be strong and try again.. Never give up..
