IVF/ICSI Support Group


i would still try this cycle, wont give up as long as there is a chance to conceive with 1 follicle

acutally the doctor told me for SO or SO-IUI, the optimal dosage is very low in compare to ivf, because these are natural conception. multiples should be avoided.



yes puregon, but dosage is super low, only 50iu..my left ovary not responding at all.. so evetually only 1 follicle.. the doctor say i cant even dosage becos stimulation is already completed, and furthermore the others are too small, even if they grow, they cant compete with the biggest one..so the rest will not ovulate..
libby, it took a lot of courages to resign and concentrate on baby making..
Since exercise will help to reduce FSH, I will start a more healthy lifestyle after my AF, to prepare for my future IVF.
Hope my FSH will reduce so that I will not be given 500iu of puregon again! @_@

Don't be sad. Talk to Dr Loh about it and see what he suggests. I found a website about natural ways to help decrease FSH.


They mention about consuming blue-green algae which is also Spirulina. I'm taking Spirulina as a daily supplements and I think it really helps alot in balancing hormones. Try not to take coffee, refined sugars and don't smoke. They indicates these will cause FSH to increase.

Think to be safe, try to take some supplements that can help with balancing of female hormones.
I know Primrose Evening pills and Royal jelly are also useful.
Hi Baby
So sorry to hear that...be postive and try again.. hug you tight and offer my shoulder for you. We jia yu together and give each other support. I am sad to hear your case but I know the one up there will not give up as long as we don't.

Yes, TNT, hang one there and rest well.. don't move so much. There is still hope as long as it is not formally confirmed..
Baby, you are so strong and not cry a single drop of tear. Hang in there! I'm sure your frozen embryos will bring you luck and you'll strike with FET. Yes, I definitely recommend that you let your body rest and strengthen thru' seeing TCM before re-starting on FET. Think FET should be less exhaustive thou'.

Hugs & kisses,
Hey, tnt, you're our miracle lady remember? Sure miracle will happen to you, BFP, BFP.

And for all ladies on 2ww
Chris, Humbug, Ltjabi, Twinstars, BFP BFP. Relax and stay positive. Stress no good.

Hi Dreamy r One

THink we are roughly at the same stage. 3 Apr is my 12th day of Gonal-F injection @ 225. Tomorrow, saturday, going for my 3rd scan, so will know my ER date then. Am trying not to think too much about ER. Tomolo going to have a nice meal to celebrate ER for next week, becos once in 2ww, have to be housebound quite a bit.

Hi tnt, lina,

Hmmm my brownish discharge alittle.. and the nurse from KKIVF told me to rest more and assured me tat my menses will not come and that it may be implantation bleeding. But i confused leh cos so late then implant meh?? anyway i listen to her advice and I practically bed rest all the way since yesterday except to sit up for dinner. Wasn't able to sleep well this few nights keep either feeling hot flushes and also having gastric discomfort. Oh i kiasi scared its ectopic again cos last time 3yrs ago i also kena severe cramps and dark brownish discharge thats why i worried.
Hi baby,

So sad to hear your story, dun worry and stay positive, and hang in there okie! And wait for the blood test result which is more accurate.
Hi Lina, tnt

I spoke to dr zou yesterday, but she assured me that my menses will not come also as i'm still under progesterone insert and she didn't advised me to go to her clinic for any medicine leh. heehee maybe she still not good sign liao..
Hi Serene,

Dun worry go see Dr Loh 1st and see wat he says. I ever borrowed a book from bedok library that mentioned true cases whereby a woman in US has very high FSH level close to 16 and is over 40yrs old and she still managed to conceive thro tcm + acupuncture while going for her 2nd try in ivf. I've read somewhere tat diet, exercise,and maintaining a healthy weight, tcm and acupuncture can also help to decrease our FSH levels. Do stay positive.
Hi Lina,tnt,bb

acutally me and hb are already mentally prepared since my hpt shows negative on my 14th day..just pray hard its not ectopic can liao cos i phobia liao as had a horrible experience 3yrs ago during my hospital stay at kk hospital.


hi all ladies
-last night went to bed at 11pm, and saw u guys had posted so many thread liao..and this is the heartwarming parts of the forum..

hi tany and develyn
thanks...(plus develyn's 2am sms), meanwhile will try to rest more, so i think i cant join u guys ths sunday liao..cos my MIL still dun noe the latest news yet..and she will ask me nowadays where i will go to (like yesterday i went to hosp must inform her oso).

hi sunflower, wykoo, and greenie
i m hoping another miracle happen now..

hi nesnes
i didnt visit dr zou on thurs, cos my mum afraid my body may suddenly "crash" as i nvr on tcm before.

hi serene
do get advise from dr loh 1st, meanwhile stress free, dun let ur mind wonders those -ve....

hi baby
i will depends on my coming tuesday see the final outcome, then wlll maybe start tcm to tiao my body liao..perhaps if u dun mind, we can start together, cos i oso intend to embark a fresh ivf cycle @kkh with dr loh maybe oct..

hi libby
think i will just wait for the final outcome on tuesday 1st...maybe miracle could happen again....

hi chris
glad to hear just a little discharges, then keep ur finger cross ya.. meantime rest more, and dun think those -ve points, cos u nvr know the outcome may just BFP and strike u..)
hi sunflower
hang on..sometimes u jus need to depends on just one follicle..gd luck

hi orangee
after seeing the cost u list out, ya..agreed is quite expensive..but since u going to start in mays soon..so is better make both of ur body to tiao properly 1st before the actual embarkment..
Dear Sisters,

I am posting this on behalf of dEvelyn. For tomorrow's gathering, below are the details:-
Date: 05 April 09 (Sunday)
Time: 1pm
Venue: Tampines Safra, The Mind Cafe

We shall hv lunch there and chat non-stop.

May I know who will be joining us tomorrow? Please post your attendance here. Thank you.

1) dEvelyn
2) Tany
You're currently doing IUI, not ivf? If you don't mind, can share what's your hubby's count? Dind't know there's like a "minimum" standard to meet for IUI (or IVF)??

Think i mentioned before ... my hubby also seeing Dr Tan. 1.5yrs ago, his count was 8-9mill (SA done at Raffles). But he never do TCM regularly. Then ... last mth Dr Tan forced him to do anthr SA (but at CARE) his count was 4mill only!!!! And morphology was 50%
Since last mth, he goes for TCM once a week now lah ...

If like that, then best both of you go visit Dr Zou regularly for treatment. Bo bian bah ... really need to make sure body is ready for ivf if you're really gonna do it ya. I always tell my hubby, if we ever conceive through ivf, this will be one heck of an expensive baby!!! Haha!
Hi tnt,

I went was admitted straight away cos they found internal bleeding when they did a vagina scan for me, and during the subsequent scans they couldm't find any sac at all, doc on duty suspects ectopic... They then did a HCG blood test for me over 2 days and confirmed to proceed ops on me after they found my HCG level dropping.
Oh my part, i only have dark prune like discharge....scary ordeal..
baby n chris - hugz for u

tnt - hang in there

develyn - Sory I'm not able to join tomorrow's gathering

juju - congrats in advance

I am so sorry to hear this. You must stay strong ok *huggs* ... now I am getting more edgy and worried... cannot wait till Tuesday to know what's the outcome for mine.


Hang in there. Your Baby will be strong ok. Don't worry ok. See what the doc say. God will be watching over you and I will pray for you and bb.


Hang in there like me.. yeah these 2 days I will guai guai lie down
Will walk around less ... hehe

For all the rest jia you.. waiting for all of you to start the process and join us.

Ok better go lie down :p before hubby nags...God bless all of us.
hi mel,
i am still ok, only little nausea in the morning.

hi bee,
i don't get bloated feeling. I use maternity belly belt for office pants, so no need to buy maternity wear yet. This can help you fit into the existing pants that you have.

hi baby,
Hugs, don't give up, glad that you are very strong. Try again FET. Dr Loh will allow you to start after 2 menses cycle. Meanwhile continue to eat well.

hi tnt,
sorry to hear another bad news. Tio your body before trying again. I also been through this, very happy with good news then crash to the ground with the loss. I took 3 days to cry and get over it. Do move on and jia you!

hi orangey,
i paid about $800 per month at Dr Zou for both hb and mine treatment. No choice, just hope that this will help.

hi chris,
rest well before the BT. By taking the BT, you can see the HCG level. Not sure if you can request to do a scan as well to check where is the egg. You have no more discharge right? so don't need the herbs.
Hi lina,

me still got dark brown-like discharge accompany by menstrual cramp on-off. Have not been eating well the whole week cos of my gastric and no appetite to eat, keep puking. it gets worse during the nite. currently taking my regular gastric medicine given by my family doc from gleaneagles.

Have to tahan till monday for my HCG blood test, if result is negative then no need scan, if positive i'll request them to give me a earlier slot for the scan. If they are not able to, then i'll go back to my existing gynae at gleneagles liao...
Hi humbug,lina,

I'm actually feeling quite weak cos didn't eat or sleep well the whole week cos of gastric and also possiblity cos i've being lying down so backache as well. Just took a botttle of chicken essense, so far no puking yet.. pray hard manz...
baby, 3 cheers to you! that's the spirit, keep that spirit and dun lose hope! u never know until ur BT tomorrow.. so i still want to wish u best of luck!

sunflower, dun feel demoralise, it is impt to stay positive thruout the ivf journey.. think of the good side of it, ya

those in 2ww.. these 2 two weeks is thousand times worse than waiting for exam results.. negative thoughts will appear at times, can't help it one. most impt of all is dun let the negative thoughts stay for too long in ur head, so do something, anything to distract ur mind. BFP to all!
libby, my team of colleagues + my boss are aware of my IVF / bb plan, so i dun have to explain too much. they all understand
i think some other colleagues may have suspected but i guess they didn dare to ask. My hb said if they really ask just say put on weight lor... haha. most of my colleagues are quite nice to me la :p
humbug, i am put off by plain water now leh... i need to add milo, honey, sour plum etc.. into my water to make it tasty. tho i dun hv nausea, i just cant put plain water into my mouth lor... bet u must be eager to do ur own testing now, hang on ya... BFP BFP BFP BFP !
Chris, u at 2ww right? i experienced some gastric pain recently too, i never hv this problem. the nurse told me it is normal, cos the body produces more gestric juice when one gets pregnant... seemed like there is no cure leh... what i did was i eat something every 2 hours and it works for me...
hi all ladies
after i posted at 7am, then went back to bed again...and thinking of many things, such as wat will be the outcome on tues, will they have miracle? how shld i plan my next ivf cycle? and how shld i tell my MIL abt all this cos she only noe i was preggy but dun noe the latest news yet...etc..
and i m figuring out reasons to meet the gathering, and dun worry..as i able to find a good reason liao , so i shall see as many of u there tomoro..meanwhile, i shall look forward and stay positive...
hi chris, zaza, humbug
ya..praying for another miracle now..
bt i had prepared for the worst..

hi lina
correct, i was from like knowing not good news at 1st, then follow good news, then follow not good news...dun worry..i had prepared to know the final outcome on tuesday
update for tomorrow gathering:

Confirmed attendance:
1) dEvelyn
2) Tany
3) TnT
4) Lyn

Date: 05 April 09 (Sunday)
Time: 1pm
Venue: Tampines Safra, The Mind Cafe
I'm going too!

Confirmed attendance:
1) dEvelyn
2) Tany
3) TnT
4) Lyn
5) Orangey

Date: 05 April 09 (Sunday)
Time: 1pm
Venue: Tampines Safra, The Mind Cafe


I'm sure there will be miracles!

Stay positive okay!


Don't think too much and be positive okay
hi juju
wa..congrates and u must be excited for the newborn to arrive ya..
dun mind how old r u now? which dr u with at kkh?

Can i join in this forum? Just completed my embryo replacement today, given 2 weeks of hospitalisation leave. I feel very bloated all the time, can anyone share how to relief the bloatedness? Nurses keep asking me to eat 6-8 eggs per day and drink 2 cups of Ensure milk. Does that really help? I hated eggs and milk since young. It is such a torture. Anyone can advise?
hi ladies,

for those who want to buy brands chicken essence, Esso Mobil has a promotion now, $29 for 12 bottles. if you have fairprice plus card, you get another $5 off. i.e. $24...
hi juju
noted with thanks..so were u on any tcm b4 ivf?

hi cactus
welcome to this forum and congrates on ur smooth ER today..u can try to drink more warm water to relief ur bloatedness and egg whites does help oso...btw u r in which ivf centre? how many eggs u retrieved today ? meanwhile rest well
cactus13: Drink lotsa of water at least 2litres and egg whites..It helps.. If u want try grinding ginger into warm water.. It helps.. All the best n welcome
