IVF/ICSI Support Group

when is ur BT? some ladies may spot (brown / red) during 2ww due to implantation. my nurse said, this is normal and need no special attention. but, if the spotting becomes menses flow, then must rest in bed immediately and minimise movement. Rem to call the centre for advice too.

congrats! oh, ur procedure is so similar to mine... AH + blastocyst transfer. seemed like Dr Cheng did quite a no. of succesful blastocyst transfer. do continue to observe the dont's at 2ww.

You are also in 2ww like us rite? Cannot blame WY for thinking like that cause it is harder said then done.. I was like telling myself dun worry but my heart is running like a wild horse worrying everyday during my purgeon stage... now it is worse in 2ww.. cause so free lie there mind start running wild hhe.. even the slighest pain or discomfort I will feel agonised.. ehhe.. now cannot really tell the diff bet stomachache, cramps or injection pain hehe..All I know is that I do not sleep thru the whole nite in comfort.. wake up many times from the super sore back.

I understand how you feel.. I like to play online games also only my hub reads the forums a lot. But since the ivf program, I have literally given up most games except for my psp (cause portable). I also understand the agony and anxiety the men is going thru.. they will not voice out even if they are anxious cause they have to appear cool hehe..
Before I started my IVF the TCM doc ask me to avoid fruits like watermelon, pineapple(this one very lethal) cold fruits, drinks, barley for at least a year. So manybe time to avoid them. The above mentioned is for your wife not you
hehe...Good luck

So far there is no spotting or brown so is it normal? I am still on Pregnyl. Today is my last injection of progestrone. I guess I have to really watch when my medication wears out in 3 days time. But I do intend to go see my TCm to see if can stablised the implantation. Some has no spotting at all. SO I just pray for the best now
I am scared but trying to curb the level of stress by reading or watching dvd hehe..

My BT was last friday and was good. My HPT is next Tuesday.

How are you doing? Glad your bb is growing fast hehe...
hi bee and monkee
under wat circumstances, dr will perform AH + blastocyst transfer? cos i see other ivf centre seldom do ah..pls advise ..may both of u have a smooth pregnancy ;)
Hi Lina,

Tks for the baby dust
will hold it tight tight...haha

I am not so good. Went to see gynae this morning. Suspect BCP cause me tight chest. Now on TCM, jog every alternate day and taking self cook chicken essence twice a week. Any good advice for me?

Will try to come in more often. Need time to warm up again.

Have a smooth 9 months ahead. Will pray for you.
Hi Mel,

Good to see you give yr support and advise to us again.

Remember to keep us posted when you are deliver. Envy you....twins somemore....must be very cute...
hi bliss & happyever,

Tk you for remembering me...hehe...

My baby was with Lord. That's why I MIA for a while. Have recovered be it mentally and health.

Understand that Maykel and Cale gave birth liao...very very happy for them. Hope my turn will come soon.

Both of you take care ya
Hi Richard, maybe when you read something interesting in the forum, you just share with her. My hubby don't go to this forum and in fact he prefer me not read so much in this forum as previously when I haven't start my IVF program, I feel very stress and upset when I read on failed cases for some ladies. Cos no confidence in IVF. But after I have adjusted my mindset and able to get useful info as well as comfort and encouragement from all the nice ladies here during my IVF program, my hubby feel glad also.

Now whenever I read of any useful info and new things that I previously don't know (new knowledges), I will share with him when we chat at home before Zzz..

So it will be good for you to share with her any useful if she don't want to join this thread. Don't force her.

Good luck for your coming appt with Dr Zou.
hi ladies (and guys)

I'm back.

Richard, if you need to ask anything from hb perspective, let me know! LOL

hopefully it's second time lucky for humbug and myself. our heart sank when the doc told us the stage 2 is not satisfactory during the first cycle. even when we begun the 2nd cycle, we were facing this with anxiety and fear. humbug is more optimistic than I do though ;-)
Don't think the quene is that long. For my case, I first booked appt to see doc with KKH 2 weeks waiting. 1st consultation, doc already ordered for D2 BT, sperm analysis, HSG test and see him about one month later.

Hopefully he will give green light to IVF next visit.
Hi Richard

Yup, every clinic has its own way of operation. Leave the past and look forward. Good luck to you and your wife.

I am also starting my IVF journal and do hope it is not a painful one...
hi all

i did my ER on 24th March, with 11 follicles, 6 got fertilized, and on 26th March, did my ET of 2 embroynes.

Since, instead of progesterone jabs, in france, doctor prescribe progesterone tablets which I inserted twice a day in the vaginal.

currently in my 2ww... may i ask what are the syntoms during these 2ww... cause here the ang-moh docter, when i ask what i can do and what to avoid, his reply:- do whatever you what, eat whatever u want, just live like any other day.

since the ET, i have kind of cramp alternate days, and kind of diarhorea when i go to the toilet... so far no spotting... is it normal?? should there be some spotting at least??

what other symtoms are there during these 2ww??
Hi richard,
Yes, i got a copy and saved in from the internet but when i tried to attached the file to send to you, it doesn't allow me saying space to big leh..maybe i try to find the link and send it to you again.

Hi tnt,
Oh we normally bring along my hb's sperm test results and blood test results done on 2nd day of menses which will show the FSH, LH etc..then tell her the health history and the diagnosis of what the other western docs say of us.
Hi humbug, baby,

Hehee my hb is the one who loves internet gaming whereas i prefer reading news and forumm from the net. Then I'll share the info with him during our ride to work. He is also like bb's hb very scared that i'll be upset over negative news in the forum initially and advised me not to visit that often but now he has relented.
Hi Pau le,

Dun worry some of us here has the same symptoms as u and the nurse said that it's normal and all these could be due to the hormones that is in our body.
Hi Yong Wei
FYI, dun think NUH will do a Day 5 transfer (blastocyst) unless we have alot of good quality embryos, as the embryos may not survive in lab environment, we may lose all the embryos and have none for transfer, but if the embies can live till day 5, the sucess rate should be very high...or u can check with prof wong on your next appt with him...All The Best To U Today!

Hi Richard
Rem my first appt with Dr Zou, we did bring along all our reports for her to see..then she'll explain in details for us to understand...FYI, Dr Zou used to be a gynae in Shanghai, so she know all the medical term...

Hi Pau Le
Please stay relax & positive during your 2ww, any stress will affect your embies too! Will be praying for u!
Weeeeeeeee ladies ! I am back woa .. :) Any good news from anybody ? Abit lost liao .. many archive :S

Hi Richard ,

Yupz.. i fully agree with you.. give the trust to Dr Loh & i will pray for the sucessful of IVF under his golden fingers..
i am hoping that my IVF will be different this time.. Jabs are coming back to me next week.. abit stress up
again.. keke.. :p

Hi Humnug ,

Hang on there okie.. rest well and drink plenty of water !
Hi Richard,

My Husband will be having another sperm test 2 months later. But at the mean time Dr Zou advise us to try naturally during her treatment.

Ya the medicine that Dr zou give abit difficult to disolve in water, u have to keep stiring for a while.
Develyn: Can i check with u, when u did ur last IVF, wat was ur follicle quality and did u have to jab everyday???

For all those worried abt number of follicles dun worry.. Coz when i went for my 1st few scans i only had 6 follicles.. Then the day of ET i had 17.. So dun worry k coz the rest will catch up..
Hi Itjabi ,

My IVF was done last year Dec'08.. and confirm pregy on 07/01/09. MC 22/01/09..

Puregon : 200IU daily
During scan : Only 2 eggs upto expected size.
Follicles retrieved during ER : 11 but only 8 contains eggs.. 3 are empty follicles.
Fertilized : 2 only. So, used 2 to transfer and left zero freezing. Grade 3 embies, not very good. One 7 cells and one 5 cells. I do agree with u .. i am panick by the scan too.. :X
Thnks Develyn: Hat's off to all of u who survived the 2ww.. It's only my 5th day n im alreadi worried n thinking wat if menses come.. all the best for ur upcoming ivf k?
Hi Baby,

actually im not doing ivf lar.. im just doing SO. Maybe thats why my dosage is low. My FSH is high leh.. 7.9 . How about you? It used to be 8.8. After a few mths with TCM, drop abit lar..
hi yong wei,

i am not sure which ivf centre to go to. my gynae at TMC referred me to Care Paragon but I would prefer to go to a govt hospital so as to be eligible for the govt subsidy.

I am seeking for all of you to give me your advice which gynae and hospital to go to as I am clueless being a first-timer. Any good recommendation? Thanks heaps.

Why dont u go KKH as u get the government grant as well.. Only problem is u might have to wait for a couple of months b4 u can start IVF as KKHIVF is pretty packed.. For KKh u can try Dr Loh or Sandhana As they r top at KKHIVF..If u cant wait, then pick a good pvt gyn.. That i wouldnt know soo probably the sisters here can give u a good recommendation to pvt gyn. All the best
For ladies in their 2ww..

I asked Nurse Sara must i lie down the whole day or can walk ard. She started laughing and said if she had to lie down whole day she will die..hahah!! she said can walk ard dun have to lie down whole day juz as long as dont do heavy exercise.. So ya.. Juz an info
Hi ltjabi
Try to stay relax and positive during your 2ww, as any stress will affect the embies lei! I watched DVD drama (basically, eat, sleep, watch TV) during my 2ww…All The Best To U
noi: Ya i know.. but juz sometimes cant help it.. I also do that until sian alreadi.hahahah!!! the thought comes for a while then i immediately try to think of something else
LittleMik- Besides KK, there are SGH and NUH as well. We have girls do their IVF treatment at these 2 hospitals. eg Zaza (SGH), Tnt (Nuh). Or try to call up these 3 hospitals before you decide which to go.
Hi Itjabi, you in 2ww already? how are u feeling now? when is ur BT? remember the do's and don'ts we have tabulated in the excel spreadsheet.
Fresh: Ya i m.. Im feeling normal.. juz sometimes got sharp pain at left abdominal area for like less then a min then nothing... Ya remember the do's and don't
Thanks ya.. Wat abt urself?? My 1st blood test is tomorrow..
Develyn & Zaza - You will be starting soon right. Relax and eat well prior to the journey.

LYn-Yesterday,I went for ops briefing and at the same time registered to start the IVF treatment. Since I chose Dr Loh to perform the ops for me, so I hope Dr Loh will get the full picture of my body condition compared to new Dr.
ltjabi, have faith, you will be promoted to MTB too!! There are lots of anxiety now while you wait, but all is worthy k? Relax, relax, relax.. Take good care of yourself now!

Hi Faith,
thanks and I also hope you will be blessed with your healthy baby this time round! Praying for you.
Sorry for asking, you were once in the ivf MTB thread rite? If I remember correctly, I think you were there before... then went missing... is it?
