IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Monkee,

Congrats !!!!!


Monkee: congrats!! Pls shower us with baby dust as well..

Baby: Dun worry juz try to relax. Know can be difficult as im myself am stressing out but juz have to be patient.. Like wat the sisters here r saying, maybe dun check ur BBT. Juz wait for blood test
Hi noi, thanks.. maybe I should take your advise

monkee, you didn't take BT like bees? Cos bees also never take BT. Think thomson don't insist on BT and urine test is sufficient. You will know your HCG level from BT result.

Chris, I didn't know that temp won't be accurate. So far my temp also go up and down. Think I will stop taking the temp like you.. 1 shot disappointment (if not successful) is better than on off disappointment from the temp readings..
Good luck for your BT

Ya, cannot say, but deep inside really smiling

Can we eat chocolates during this period? Got caffeine or not?

Nurse ask me go between 8 to 9am, think I will reach between 8:30am to 9am
But you will be at Clinic D right?

I asked nurse before if ICSI extra charge, she say no leh..

All the best for your ER.

Congrats! Spread some baby dust to us...
Hi ladies
thanks for the encouragement. Correction: my ER is Thurs and ET is sat. My last jab is tues nite at 8.30pm. From all the postings, it sounds like that is the painful one..... Oredi puregon is like hell for me, now must do at the clinic. Cannot cry and scream in the privacy of my own room!!
During your own injection, do you experience when you pull out the needle, you will bleed? I feel that I did not do it the right way, usually when I inject in, I feel the pain and when needle pull out, it will follow by blood.
Just called up kk and HCG level is 299, sounds good, not too high and not too low. Nurse Angeline gave me the results and wish me in mandarin "chang4 chang4 jiu3 jiu3", the number 9 represents long live in chinese. She knows how long i have tried and happy that i made it.

To all ladies and husband here, please don't give up the baby dream. Failure is part of the ivf process, just don't give up. I failed twice before and if not for this wonderful support group, don't think would have hang on so long.

hi baby,
temperature could be affected by lack of sleep or waking up at different timing, so not accurate. Stay relax!

hi ltjabi,
nurse says i need to buy medication for duphaston and folic acid, later hubby will go back to purchase it. Actually i got lots of left over duphaston from last try.

hi monkee,
congrats! glad we made it. Have a smooth 9 months ahead.

hi chris,
after positive, the scan date is scheduled 2 weeks later, that is 6th week scan. Think you can try asking doctor if able to scan earlier, around 5th week to see if normal pregnancy. Actually once positive, you can choose to go to any gynae. Outside gynae is more flexible, you can scan anytime you want, some as early as 4th week. I will not be staying with Dr Loh. Nurse sounds like they would prefer me not to go to Dr Loh, keep reminding me that i can see previous gynae (also from kk).

hi bliss,
thanks, i am relieve to hear the results. Wish me have a singleton girl.

hi libby,
not sure about chocolates but i drink only chocolate anmum throughout the past weeks.
Sophia, no pain one. Don't be scare. Just rest well after your ER, to get ready for ET. Last jab liao, so be happy
I am super happy during my last puregon jab at kkh. My puregon injections are very scary for me too as my dosage is high. Endure the last jab and you are free from it liao

libby, you didn't inject well, that's why bleed. Inject at 90 degree. Don't inject too low. Take a deep breath before inject. Before you pull out the needle, hold the "small cloth" at the skin where needle is injected. Once needle pulled out, press hard for a while at the injected area to stop the bleeding, if any. Don't feel too stress before you inject. Relax and your muscle will not be so tight. Personally I prefer to use the extra pack of needles we purchased, instead of the original box of needles. Cos some of the needles from the original box is not straight, so it will be painful. The needles from the extra pack is shorter and straight. No pain.
Glad to hear you have HCG results is good
Continue to take good care. Your hb must be so happy too!

You mentioned you tried twice before, also IVF? with another doc? Any reason for failure?
hi lina, thanks for your well wishes. this thread is so active, i can't keep track! i take it that you have also confirmed your pregnancy? Congrats too.
Thanks, i'm still using the box needles.. I feel it's difficult to push the lucrin in, after inserting the needle. Maybe it's because I'm scared to push to hard, and it goes in too fast..

How many days of lucrin did you inject? and your dosage for puregon? when can start? Me going for BT and scan on wed, will they give the puregon? my period still not here yet, already 34 days..
Lina, congrats congrats!!! You stayed at kkh to wait for the result? So do you intend to cotinue see dr loh or go to outside gynae? It will be better to see a gynae 1 week after tested positive right? 2 weeks seem too long liao.

I take my temp at the same time every morning before I get out of bed. But I indeed can't sleep well since my ET. Yes, plan to stop taking my BBT as my hubby want me to stop taking also.
libby, try using the extra pack of needle. It is easier and smoother to push the lucrin in. Why you don't want to ask your hubby to help you with the injection. I feel that self injection is too stress for me after I self inject for few days. Rest of injection all done by my hubby and the nurses.

I injected lucrin for 3 weeks. Dosage for puregon is 500. Lucrin injection is to be continued during puregon injection. My period is also delayed after I started lucrin injection. Don't worry. It will definitely come. Check with the nurse if your mense still didn't come by Wed.
hi libby,
thanks. I called up Dr Zou to inform results before even telling hb about it. I tried 1 fresh, 1 FET and this 3rd try is fresh. All done with Dr Loh. The 1st fresh cycle was success but HCG raise slowly after BFP and later before i go for the 6th week scan, i had spotting followed by heavy bleeding and alternate HCG showed level kept decreasing. Think was womb not strong to hold the pregnancy. Then last nov tried FET which had negative BT. I guess for my case, FET just doesn't work, only fresh cycle can make it.

hi monkee,

Hi baby,
thanks. No need to stay at kk to wait for results as sometimes take a few hours for results to come out. Can just wait at home and call up the hospital. But getting through the line is one problem too. I am seeing my previous gynae who is from kk private suite. He is more chatty compare to Dr Loh and queue is definitely not as long.
Boon Boon, sorry think I missed your message. Yes, will stop my BBT readings. Now feeling ok already. But more anxious as day passes
I dare not ask hb to inject for me, cos I thought if I feel pain, I still can stop a while halfway..

That means, you injected Lucrin for 3 weeks before you start puregon?

Think my dosage will be similar to yours due to my high FSH.

This is also my 3rd try. 1st fresh cycle, and 2nd FET. I'm sure you have "tiao" your body well this time round, so it will definitely succeed, and moreover, you have Dr Zou to guide you through. Don't worry
hi libby,
ic. I am sending you the baby dust to succeed this time.

Any ladies here need alcohol swaps? Do let me know. The swaps that you use before and after self injection. I have alot, not used at all. I am allergic to the kk alcohol swaps, will get rashes each time i use.
glad to hear that from you! So what's your hcg level? Maybe will be twins leh... heehee..

Hope to see you in the ivf mtb thread too.
libby, you can ask your hubby to stop halfway if you feel pain. For my puregon injection, I ask my hubby to injection slowly but once I feel pain, I will ask him to inject slightly faster or slightly slower, based on my instruction. So he will listen to my instruction when he inject. I find it less stress and it is always better to have hubby beside when doing injection. In fact, I cried almost during every puregon injection, except my last puregon injection. I feel very very happy. Jia you!!
Hi Libby,

my appt is 9am too. Dr Loh ask me to see him at clinic D but the nurse says consulation room 1..so im confused.
hi baby,

i felt ok for puregon jab..i felt it is easier to inject myself.. i dont know how my hb position his hand to inject for me..to me it will be more painful if he does it for me.. if you do it yourself at a faster rate, you dont feel so much pain. i read from the instructions that its better we leave the puregon to room temperature before we inject.. the cold puregon can lead to discomfort during injection. Maybe thats why u felt the pain?
thank you all for your tremendous support to encourage me to go for IVF.

Is the waiting time for KKH or SGH long? I was told with so many people going for IVF, the waiting time will be 1.5 years at least before you get to see the doc. Is that true?

Does anyone know of any female IVF doc from SGH? Do you have her name and contact?
Hi sunflower, can I know what is your dosage? I will feel biting pain when puregon is pushed into my tummy. And I got to inject twice due to my high dosage.
littlemilk, I didn't wait long before I start my ivf program. About 1 month for me as I need to go for op before i start ivf.
I agree that the extra needles are better. My hubbi is a medi during his army days, so I let him do the injection. Anyway, that's the only way he can get involved in the whole process. After the stinging puregon, he gives me a back rub. Very hot and comforting especially now that my lower back is really painful. The backrub is also good to take my mind off the pain.
LittleMik, look for T T Yong of SGH. don't think it'll take 1.5 yrs to see the doc, my gf went 2 mths ago and already got her blood test done, SA done..

Keep up the good spirit!! I cheer for you like for the rest here!
hi baby,

i think my dosage is not high, 300iu . oh u injecting twice? why not inject the total amt of the 2 shots into 1?
Hi sunflower, 300iu is not painful. High dosage will experience pain. Cannot inject in 1 shot as my dosage is 500iu. So my hubby will inject 300iu first, then adjust the amt to 200iu before inject again. Poke only once but inject twice. The pain came when the 2nd round of ijection is pulled in.

It's good for those who were given low dosage but it's a enduring experience in high dosage. For my 2nd last puregon jab, my hubby need to poke 4 times to jab in all the remaining 500iu into my tummy.
Hi Lina,

I spoken to the nurse of my regular gynae and she also recommend that I go back to them for scanning once I get my result (ie if positive) 1 week later. Cos she also knew of my history.
I should be going bk to my regular gynae if i'm successful cos Dr Loh is always sooo busy and always not around.
sophia, you have a very nice hubby. My hubby also massage for me after the jab as I find my muscles very stiff after the jab.

sunflower, thought we have to keep puregon and lucrin at cold temp? Can leave it till room temp then inject? Anyway for me, injection of 300iu still okay but the terrible biting pain came when the next 200iu came in.
Re: Pain during injection
I felt sorry for those of you who experienced pain during the injection (any phase), have you try to sooth the area with hot towels? It helped me, hope it help you too!

Richard, you are a very supportive hubby. I did not read the full story you posted but I can sense there is great sense of disappointment you have with your doc and IVF.. I pray for strength to be with you and all negative feelings including fear, anxiety, apprehension and anger to leave you! (no weapon form against you shall prosper!)

Take care!
Hi Baby,

oh gosh! you meant one shot 500iu ?!!!
my 1 shot is 50iu , took 6 days for 300iu.
i guessed my understanding of 'dosage' is different from you gals..all along i tot the total amt is the dosage..so now its so different! now then i understand y you gals need your hb to inject for u.. you all must be very brave!
lina, do you still need to wait till 2 weeks then see your gynae since you will not be seeing dr loh.
Anymore BT to be done after pregnancy conformation to monitor the HCG level?
hi baby,

yes i keep it in the fridge.. when i was about to jab, i bring it out in room temp for 30mins before i inject..
Lina, a big congrats to u!

Monkee, which dr u seeing for ivf?

Baby, ya i agree in stopping the bbt coz very stressful if u see a dip
sunflower, I am referring to dosage for each injection. Not overall dosage. Wow, yours only 50iu, very good leh. Mine is 500iu per injection.

I can't inject for myself as I find it difficult to adjust the dosafe reading on the puregon pen when the needle is in my tummy.

Not brave also die die must endure. No choice.
Lyn, yes not going to take anymore. My hubby don't allow me to take anymore. And I read chris's reply, no point take since reading won't be accurate.
sunflower, your FSH level is very good, that's why the low dosage. Sure will have a lot of eggs. You are in which stage now?
Sorry I don't know how to pray to except to my Father...

Father, please give strength and upholds those who might fall, give them courage to continue this path and glorify Your name. Let those with faith walk without fear. Make them brave to face any obstacles that threaten them. In Jesus mighty name, Amen!
Hi Ladies

Sorry, been silently reading all the posts for a while. Congrats to Lina, Monkee who have BFPed, and lotsa good luck to those in 2ww....

Just been for my first scan after 7 days of Gonal-F at 225 (mg/UI? not sure). Dr said can see 4 big follicles, 13mm, 11mm 8mm & 7.8mm. He didn't describe the smaller ones. Conclusion: continue at current dosage till 2nd scan.
I was kinda disappointed to have only 4 big ones. Can anybody tell me if it is good or not so normal?



Dun get so stress lah.. hehe I only take BBT for fun. So far my temp is above 37 so should be still ok but I am still on preogestrone.. have to wait till Thur when the medication wear off then can see if my temp is really staying there... Just believe.. no bleeding or spotting will be fine.. I also very scared but I Lun.. few more days.

My next check is next Tuesday...
not Monday, which is suppose to be my 17th days since ER.


I only have 3 medium sizes one so dun worry. I got 4 embryo and only 2 fertilised and transfered in.. So praying hard this time works cause I have no frozen embryos... wish me luck ok.. Will pray you got lots of eggs in the follicles..
