IVF/ICSI Support Group

You are so right! I tried the extra needles last nite and it's much smoother and no pain. Tks.

I think for me is, I kept asking Dr Zou questions.. that's one way of finding out more information.

Your wife is very fortunate to have a hb like you, she's depending on you lah... as you will sure update her regularly

Okie, i'll be good.. will cut down on chocolates and coffee.. (tough tough...)

This JE Sinseh always diagnose women with PCOS, me too.. and my friends as well. But I went for 2nd opinion with 2 different gynaes, all confirmed no PCOS.

Dr Cheng is really popular doing blastocyst and success rate is very high. Happy for you

You were with Angela and Paul Tseng? Me and Fresh also previously there.. but did not succeed. Was it your first try?

Pau le
Do rest well..

How was your holiday? You got pray for us at international water or not? You read that Lina confirmed pregnant?

boon boon - thanks ... As for the rest, I shld be starting my lucrin soon but still have not decide whether to stop my TCM or carry on till 2WW ?????
Zaza-Don't worry too much. Why not you asked Dr Zou, I think she will give you some advise if you have provided her your hormonal result.

Lina-May I check with you did you have acu during your 2WW or just purely taking the herbs from Dr Zou?
hi ladies
Miracle do happened..
today went to hosp...as my previous hcg was 9.8 on 17/3 and 10.2 on 20/3, plus red alarm for 2 days, so i didnt put too much hope.
then Dr said to do urine test for me -> came out positive.. and then i ask dr wat does it mean? he said pregnant lor.. so he said ok we do the Beta HCG. later on he personally called me HCG is 113...
wow..at that time i do think god had granted my little wish..and he prescribed me duphaston and folic acid with inj depot 2x/week and will scan on next week...
Hi Libby ,

Holiday is short but nice.. yes, i did pray for all in this forum.. ermm.. cannot be to greedy for the whole world to suceed , to difficult liao.. keke.. I pray Lina has a smooth journey and join Bliss and Mel in the motherhood..

Well, i just pray for everything lor.. Sorry ladies who are christian/catholic/buddism/Muslim.. i m a free thinker and whenever i pray , i will just pray to everything , every person , every god that exist.. So , no specific one lor :S

Hi Boon Boon ,

Ya.. starting soon and very careful with my diet.. after taking microgynon ,it makes me feel hungry and eat alot.. at the end , i have to exercise alot

Hi littlemilk ,

Welcome to the thread.. There are many gynae around , if u want subsidise from govt. hospital , u can try the following :

Dr Yu - Head of IVF at SGH (Long waiting time)
Dr Yong - Senior consultant on IVF SGH
Dr Roland - Also from SGH

Dr SF Loh - Head of IVF in KKIVF (Long waiting time)
Dr Sadhana - Senior consultant in IVF.
Dr Kelly Loi - Hmm, suggest not unless u can tolerate her quicky attitude...

No matter wat , go with your heart .. the above gynaes are good.. IVF comes with a little luck + a little based on personal problem + A little based on here and there.. Most important , u have to read more and understand the process.
yong wei,
have been believing you are actually pregnant.
Now you must be feeling relieved hor?

Happy for you. So you must rest well and take good care of yourself and baby.

Enjoy your 9 months ahead!
TNT TNT TNT ... HCG level reached 113... I am really happy for u .. as shock as u did ... Yes gal , u make it !!! As the HCG level is low , please rest well okie.. Are u still coming with us on Thursday ? I guess Tany is jumping up and down when she hears this !

Tany ric : Beware that the floor cracked :X
hi littlemik
in my opinion, govt hosp u can try :
KKH- Dr SF Loh
NUH- Prof PC Wong, Dr Stephen Chew(me now under him)
SGH- Dr Yong TT,Dr Roland Chieng
hi bliss
yes..miracle did happened...thanks...

hi develyn
yes..unbelievable...yes i still will join u and tany go to dr zou's place maybe see her wat she said and recommend lor..maybe "an tai" herbs hehe
Hi Ladies... busy day, hv 2 meetings today back to back... tao hing liao!!!

Yippie Hurray!!! #JUMP JUMP JUMP# (floor crack abit)
See see see miracle do happen... all our prayers are answered... please rest well n sleep early from now on okie!!! SURE WIN rite!!!
Now I waiting for ur TREAT har har har!!!

Let's jump together!!!
Hi Tnt ,

Btw , is NUH consider govt. hospital ? Not sure if they are using puregon too ? Pai seh huh.. didnt come across NUH as i thought they are semi-govt and giving private rates :X
Tnt , i will see u on thur..

Tany , just now i feel that Singapore got a minor earthquake.. i think cos we jump together.. the impact is there.. haha :p
But sincerely happy for TNT !
<font color="ff0000">dEvelyn</font>,think my headache almost gone from all the Jumping...

<font color="0000ff">LINA</font>, Congrats to u too. sorry busy these few days so only read n no posting...

When is my turn?
hi tany
yes...i still remember the treat (u will share with develyn rite?) hehe

hi develyn
nuh is a restructured hosp (semi govt la), and oso have govt grant..but charges more expensive than KKH..they use suprefact in stage 1 and gonal f in stage 2...
*hugz*hugz*... very happy for u... please spread babydust to us okie... this thursday i can play 'mahjong' liao... yippie!!!
Hi tnt, congrats to u. Miracle had happened, so happy for u and pls spread the baby dust to u coz we desperately needed it......... Pls rest well.
hi tnt, you asked under wat circumstances, dr will perform AH + blastocyst transfer. i think the practice differs from dr to dr.

There is a very good link provided by libby on 29 mar on Blastocyst Transfer. http://www.sharedjourney.com/articles/blast.html

i think as a default the typical 3 day transfer is performed. Read the article, towards the end it mentions on the disadvantages of blastocyst transfer
hi fresh
thanks..baby dust to u and all...

just for sharing
i ask nuh, why onli crinone gel once/day post ET? whereas KKH using pregyl jab , progesterone pill 3x/day, and somemore doing BT for progesterone.
so dr answer me, cos crinone gel is a progesterone where it will directly absorb inside uterus, and why no pregnyl jab is bcos pregnyl is onli a hcg which so called "adding" the copues lutum onli..so the main thing is reali based on the quality of embryo, if the embryo can survive up till blastoyst, then very good liao but seldom have..tats y mostly ET on day 3 cos seldom embryo can survive outside more than 3 days.

and i ask him why am i bleeding for 2 days during the 2ww?
so he said actually my embryo was already implanted liao..but the bleeding maybe is from "the old uterus lining" ??? interesting huh..so ladies if reali come across bleeding (touch wood), quickly called the ivf centre, and they will take ur urgent hcg if > 5, there is still hope for miracle
hi jane, lyn,
and ladies in 2ww (baby, humbug, chris,itjabi, twinstar and pau le)
baby dust and BFP to all...;)
Hi TNT ,

Oman .. NUH using GonalF ?? Oman... can u tell me how much cash u paid at NUH ? well, initially i thought gonalF is too expensive and so i stick to KKIVF using puregon..
hi monkee
yes..in fact today i oso ask my dr why some do blastocyst transfer and some dunt..
in fact he said he is so surprised to see my only precious embryo can survive up to day 4 (i do ET on day 4 embryo)..he said seldom embryo can survive up to day 4 and day 5 (blastocyst) one..
right....in fact even with my 6 frozen embies, the clinic had to update me daily and i had to be on stand-by mode from day 2 cos not all expected to survive after thawing. Even when all did survive and developed day 2 and 3, i think on day 4, 2 stopped growing. And even with 4 left to 'play with' , only 2 responded well to the assisted hatching. So in a nutshell, it's almost like a game of numbers.
hi develyn
yes they using gonal f..so far in total i had paid 2.3k cash on 9/3...(date after 9/3 haven count hor) i bring u my bills on thurs let u see..ok
Tnt: Congrats! so your booking in Sept can cancel riao. So happy for you. Miracle does happen and ladies, let's hope our turn is very soon.
Wow.. i faint and regret .. i should have go for GonalF.. ok, i see u on Thursday to discuss.. Cos i am not reacting good with Puregon la.. that's why use until 400IU...
sunflower, sorry I lost track of who is doing what program and who are in which stage liao. My FSH is more than 10 based on my last BT result taken at TMC. Didn't ask kkh nurse my FSH level when I did mine at kkh when starting ivf. But I think won't be much diff. So my puregon dosage is high. TCM can help to reduce FSH?

libby, glad that the extra needles give you no pain. Jia you!

tnt, a BIG CONGRATS to you!!!

Go for a big celebration with your hubby!
Your case really give us hope that MIRACLE DO HAPPEN
So happy for you.

It's good to see Dr Zou for an tai medicine.
Please rest well and eat more high nutrient food
hi develyn
in fact, i oso needed quite a high dose for my gonal f.. i paid total $3680.80 just for gonal f onli.. suprefact cost $203.30, one crinone gel $13.00 x 26 days, and ovidrel(the last jab to mature the egg b4 ER) cost 74.90
haven plus the ER, ET, scan , frequent BT fees leh..tats y all total up >11k liao
hi baby
thanks..yes will sure go n see dr zou for her advise..but i wonder will she give me any an tai herbs as i m 1st timer seeing her?

hi lina
r u still taking any an tai herb from dr zou now?
Chris, Humbug, Itjabi, Twinstars, do you ladies have very sore boobs during this 2WW? I have very sore boobs since ET and now very very sore boobs these 2 days. Side of bbs are so painful that I cannot sleep well. Yesterday night I have bad cramps at my legs. Have no strength to walk around. Suddenly feel very weak. Very worried. Feel that my AF will report soon. Very tempted to take the HPT but also scare to see -ve and I will cry like hell.. mixed feeling now.. Helppppp!!!!!!

tnt, I am very anxious these few days as I am no longer on pregnyl medication. Very worried that my AF will come. I have never been anxious and worried during my 2WW, and have been very positive thinking also. But as day passes, I can't stop thinking negatively now.. very worried.
I hope she will as I feel that it will be good to take an tai herbs to build up the womb. Hear what she say 1st. If your body can take the herbs, I believe all tcm will give accordingly

In the meanwhile, please move less and rest a lot ok?

big congrats and hugz to you!!!

take care and have a smooth nine months ahead... and do come back often to visit us leh.... =)

look forward to your report on ur upcoming scan!!!

Hi tnt , at least the difference is not as big.. i paid abt 1.2K cash.. so just 1k to gonalF is worth it ! Haiz.. i scare abit too late as i am on microgynon now.. sigh.. nvm, i will see what i can do after i see your breakdown this thurs.
Btw, how many follicles retrieved and how many freezing for u ?
hi baby
do u noe i check my HPT on last friday was -ve? then today at hosp do urine check is +ve..yes..i do noe ur feeling right now..but stay positive and try not to stress up..be natural..
in fact u got sore boobs is indeed a good sign eh? i do feel my mood nowadays very moody, mood swing a lot..do u feel so?

tell u sth..in fact yesterday i just watched the horror movie "coming soon" at amk hub hehe.. so do give urself relax and watch tv show or dvd, or listen to music ya..(i dun encourage 2ww gal to watch horror movie hor, but is my favourite movie type la, co i will laugh instead of scream de)
Hi Monkee ,

Blk505 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 #01-2670. S560505
Tel : 64560833

TNT , Tany and me will be there on Thursday 7.30pm.. wanna join us ?
hi december
thanks, will keep u guys posted, now "ganchiong" for scan liao..

hi develyn
i have 8 follicles, but onli 2 got eggs, and only one fertilised, cos the other one not mature yet..so tat y u noe i said this is a miracle to me..cos my onli precious embryo..
tnt, my hubby scare hpt will not be accurate as nurse angeline told me don't test at home as it won't be accurate. Hence my hubby don't allow me to test. So you don't encourage me to test at home?

Yes I am very moody these few days (never so moody since I started lucrin stage. Only the puregon will make me super moody but after puregon stage, I have never been so moody). Cried this morning as I am too worried and anxious liao. I thought I am very optimistic but now then I realized actually I am very scare. Is sore boobs really good sign? In fact, my boobs have increased by 1 cup.

Now I try to sleep to past time so that I won't think so much.
Hi Yongwei ,

Microgynon is like pi yun yao.. prevent preggy one.. thats to help for better supression.. something like that bahz .. How many IU is your gonalF.. i thought it works well usually.. cos it is much stronger than puregon.. anyway, let least the onli precious embryo is not giving up.. so u must JIA DA YOU...
hi baby
u ever told us u got high progesterone level rite? so do have faith in urself ah..cos your next BT (hcg) will be even more high high high de :0)

Hi Baby ,

If you really feel better after testing , just buy it and test it.. it is better than u cry and scare all the time. BUT U MUST BEAR IN MIND --> If the result is negative , dun give up hope and cry a big one cos it might not be accurate. !
