IVF/ICSI Support Group

tnt, yes my progesterone level is 400plus. That's why I feel that all my symptoms are due to the injections and not true symptoms actually.. So I don't bother too much over them.

develyn, I am tempted to test but also scare to test. Mixed feeling.. I hate this kind of feeling.. have been trying to adjust my mindset..

Feel much better after voicing out my feelings.. thanks tnt & develyn.. I will jia you!
hi develyn
ok noted..me was on gonal f 300iu..is it realy stronger than puregon? and tats y more expensive huh? yes..i will JIA VERY DA DE YOU..but me already too fat liao...hehe

hi baby
yes..my hubby oso dun believe HPT in fact i tested 2x (on 20/3, and 27/3, both -ve)then he said not accurate la...
tats y i very sianz after tat then think just be natural
then last week i went to JB shopping and watch action movie, come back go IKEA shopping, then go AMK hub shopping watch ghost movie..hehe..
in fact last night couldnt sleep at all, up till 4am still playing online game, then go to bed cried, cos very moody...but just remember after cried, must be able to cheer up and tell urself and ur tummy(imagine bb inside), tat u wont give up easily, ok..
wish u smile more
hi itjabi
thanks..when is ur BT (hcg)? and i believe u will BFP cos many of u got many eggs yeah.. so u r on daily jab? how many fertilised eggs u got?
I always have same concern as you.. I see Dr Zou only for accu. I have started my Lucrin 12 days ago. But today, Dr Zou says I'm 贫血,it will affect my implantation. I'm scared also, I will continue with herbs to 补血. She gave me no. 2 today to eat. Like Lina mention earlier, Dr Zou says in Shanghai, all patients will eat herbs and success rates are higher there too.

Congrats! Your gynae so nice to call you personally
Gonal F I paid at CARE was $1,382 per small bottle! Every time go scan, say follicle not growing as big, must increase dosage, that means spend more $$$. My single dose is 450IU, and I continue for 11 or 12 days. Total bill close to $22K
Must share with us your journey again.. to give us hope.. Did you continue with herbs during this period?

Thanks for your prayers!
Baby: I do have sore boobs but not soo bad.. Maybe juz 5 days.. Pls dun think too much.. I know difficult.. Even I have been thinking -ve that my menses will come.. Have to be strong.. Mood swing is because of our hormones.. Come online n chat with us if u feel moody k... Pls dun cry.. Juz pray... God Will bless us k?
Don't feel stress.. I know it's tough, as I've been there twice... Keep fingers cross, at the end, all will be worth it, okie..
hi baby
glad tat u feel better..rmb to speak to ur bb ya..every night b4 u sleep, tell bb tat 'mummy going to sleep, and i hope bb oso sleep well and grow well inside mummy's tummy ok...mummy love u'
itjabi, I'm fine now
Difficult not to feel anxious as the pregnyl should be losing effect in my body as today is already the 4th days since my last injection. Now can only endure till BT. Not crying anymore, feel very down this morning so weep a little. Cannot control my tears leh ;p Now ok liao. Thanks.

libby, yes. You ladies can understand me the most now as we are going through all these altogether. It's really a tough journey. Thanks for the support. I will endure and hope for the best
hi libby
yes..in fact today i spoken to my dr think >20mins or so..cos i got so many questions in my mind (tat time my hcg test haven take yet, just noe my urine test is +ve). and he oso very happi to answer me (u can refer to the top thread i posted earlier)..
btw, is it ur FSH very high tats y u required such a high dose in gonal f? wat is ur stage now? me didnt start any tcm yet thru out my ivf, in fact going to see dr zou coming thurs for 1st timer.

hi itjabi
u mean they didnt tell u when to do BT for hcg? but it is usually 2 weeks post ER. ur tmr BT is for progesterone level? r u on daily jab or insert? hope ur level is good tmr
tnt, if I were you, sure I will have a lot of qns to ask also

Itjabi, where are you doing your IVF?
How come they never tell you when to do BT for HCG?
Baby, Yong wei:

BT for HCG is on the 13th of apr.. 2morrow is the 1st BT for progesterone level i think.. Im with KKH..I have to jab everyday ;( thnk im skin thick alreadi.. hahahha!!! 2morrow's jab is for wat actually? is it for embroys or medicine given??
Libby - yup, this is my first try at IVF... But then again, I have been with Dr Paul Tseng as my gynae for a few years liao.. Anyway, here's to wishing you all the best under Dr Loh..
good luck!!!

Tnt - great for you!! So happy to see another graduate at from this forum.. That's quite a good number... Stay happy okie?? It generates a good environment for the growing embie(s)... Remember... Visualize!!!!
hi itjabi
tmr BT is to check ur level of progesterone whether is enuff or not...progesterone used to prepare uterine lining to support early pregnancy so is vey important for embryo implantation to occur...
hi mel
my dr prescribed me duphaston and folic acid, with inj depot 2x/week..is it same with urs @ CARE?
Hi gals,

Me started taking the antibotics on monday again, skipped 1.5days :p The nurse told me better to take the antibotics. Me still suffering from cough, but not as sereve liao.

Baby, yes i have sore boobs too, especailly the moment i woke up n tried to get up from bed.

FYI, I was on puregon 200IU for 12 days, lucrin for 35days (12 days together with puregon), during puergon stage i got take 3 egg white, ensure milk sometimes nia.
Now i m having daily jab of progesterone jab till 13 Apr, then 14 APr will be HCG BT. progestrone BT will be on 2 Apr.

Baby how come u got jab pregynl during 2ww?
Hey TNT,

So happy for you.. hope my precious 2 embryos also stick tight tight... one more day and the pregnyl will wear off.. very scared of Thur and Fri... Fri will proceed to see my TCM and see what's next.

BTW TNT, when will KK test the hcg level? My next check is the HPT (preggy test stick at kkh) Is it after that via blood test?
I am as worried as you are.. try to cool down. As long as you dun bleed or spot still ok. Oh yeah the HPT test by KK is 12 days from ER.. sorry counted wrongly as the days seem so super long nowadays... I will only do HPT home test 4 days before the actual HPT KK test next Tues

Hope all turns out well for all of us. Jia you
hi humbug
yes..ur 2 embies will surely stick u tight tight..rmb i ever told u good good news will follow..

hi zaza
thanks..u must be exciting to start liao..oh SGH is using the same drugs as KKH eh... hope ur hormone be supress very well..;)
hi zaza
do keep ur mind relax ya..
so ur AF shld be over liao in march rite? cos lucrin shld start 21 days after AF
Twinstars, I was only on pregnyl jab every 4 days since ET. Those who don't need daily jab will just need pregnyl jab

Humbug, KKH won't do urine test leh. They will only do BT. I asked angeline that day when I see people took the clearblue test kit for urine test. Thought that is for pregnancy test but she told me that is to test for ovulation. Another program of KKH. I think I will endure from doing HPT at home. Will only test if I really really cannot endure. Jia you jia you
We shall jia you together!

zaza, good good.. do restraint from cold food to get your womb prepared. Must keep it warm yah
tnt - SGH starts from day 2-4 of AF cycle for lucrin ... different procedure from KKH and I believe NUH too rite? Im waiting for my April AF to come to start

baby - will avoid cold food as much as possible
Hi zaza, ur ivf journey gtg to start soon and u r one step nearer to ur dream. I have a sudden urge to do it but no choice have to wait to june leh.

Do u intend to take any herbs during ivf? According to Dr zou she say its ok to take coz its juz herbs and Dr loh says cannot.
hi zaza
ok,,,ic...yes kkh and nuh will start on day 21. wish u all the best..and do keep a record with tany and is always good to compare with other hosp practise..

No choice then.. wait lor... no matter how long also have to wait since already waited so long liao hehe.. how are you? If crampy feeling drink warm water.. it helps.BTW curious. You said your temp drop is it still during your pregnyl injection or 3 days after your last pregnyl injection. If within means implantation...

So Happy you can start the program

You started already? Thanks for praying for us in the open sea
thanks girls for the advices..

6th day of 2ww... halfway there...

so i guess now it's just relax while waiting for the blood test! i totally agree that the 2ww is the toughest during the IVF treatment.
Heloooooooooo ladies,
Wah, hvn't been in here for super long.

U tested positiveeeeeeeeeeeee!!! OMG! This is indeed a miracle!! So in the end your 2WW became longer than 2 wks rite?? But it was worth the wait. So in the end, you didn't "scold" NUH bah? Heehee...

How are you??? Hvn't heard from you guys for quite a while. Hehe ... me been inundated with work, so hadn't had the time to login and update myself with the forum.

Glad to know you're starting soon! less than 2 weeks to go!Woohooo! U must be excited
You're gonna continue with acu rite? How about the TCM herbs leh?

I'm waiting anxiously for my April AF to report. can't wait ... can't wait ... hope it'll come not too soon, and not too late. Haha!

How've you been? Countdown till Jun09 for your turn ya.
tnt - yeah, i had been given duphaston for the lining support and folic acid for the fetal's brain and spinal cord development, lowering the risk of spina bifina.. not too sure what is inj depot.. but i had 2 hcg injections every 2/3 days and crinone gel every night for 2 weeks...
Yong wei: Thanks for info

Twinstars; We are 1 day part

Pau Le: u r a day ahead of me.. Im on my 5th day today.. Yes! this 2ww r there hardest...
mel, can I know you need to have the hcg injection till when? So you need to have injection and apply the crinone gel concurrently?

pau le, endure
you, twinstar and itjabi are just 1-2 days difference from one another. Just like chris, humbug and me.. hee..
thanks, baby growing fine. shd be, better be... haha. seeing my gynae next Wed only. well, i hv zero spotting during 2ww, 1 sever cramp that lasted 10mins. no other symptoms. slight cramps, bloatedness and spotting are common at this stage. so those who experienced these at 2ww, no alarm.
embryologist will advise accordingly. for my case, they suggested ICSI cos i only have 9 eggs but only 6 can be performed with ICSI. then they found my egg shells thicker than normal. so they suggested AH so that embryo can implant better. at the same time, they recommneded we go for D5 transfer (blastocyst) since i only hv 5 fertilised eggs but the quality are conisdered good... ranging from grade 1 to grade 1-2, grade 4 is the worst. i supposed there are many factors to consider but all recommendations made by them are to improve our chances.

Congrats to your BFP!!! One more graduate!! So happy for you. Seems like one by one starts to grad, im sure more coming up!! Spray more babydusts to us

Those in 2ww, jiayou!

Hi Humbug and Lina,

are you gals taking chinese med while injecting puregon? is it adviseable? any side effects for merging both western and eastern med? Need your advice...

Hi baby,

TCM should be able to help in some ways, but eventually still depends on how individual accepts the herbs. You sound so stressed, dont give yourself too much stress during these few days k... you need to relax so your embryos can stick well

Hi develyn,
how you know gonalF is stronger than puregon? i also want to learn more about this.
Hi bee,

great to hear that your baby is growing well. can you share with us how much you spent in total with AH and ICSI?
sunflower, haha.. yes, I am very stressed up this morning but no worries, I have been adjusting my mindset after I cried this morning. Feel better in the noon after I read on tnt's miracle and evening time I am in good mood liao, joke with hubby. Think maybe the hormones change that cause the moon swing.. I just need a place to vent my anxiety. I feel that it's good to vent out the anxiety than to keep it to myself. At least voice out liao will feel very much better

bee, you seeing the gynae 1 week / 2 weeks after you confirmed +ve?
Sunflower... very expensive. ICSI was abt $1070 , AH was $642 and Blastocyt $374.50. I spent >12K liao i think, dun dare to compute the total cost yet.


i was seeing Dr Cheng weekly till week 8 cos there was some bleeding after BFP. my next appt is with my gynae at week 10, next wed.
