IVF/ICSI Support Group

WY Koo, Don't feel upset over the number of follicles in 1st scan. It will continue to grow for the existing big ones as well as the smaller ones. So by the time you go for your 2nd scan, more follicles of good sizes will be seen.

Some doc will increase dosage after 2nd scan. So do continue the current dosage if the doc didn't increase your dosage at this point of time. Maybe he is worried about OHSS.

In the meanwhile, do take in more protein food. Eat egg whites and drink ensure milk, eat chicken & fish, etc.

Good luck. Don't stress over this at this stage

humbug, hee.. good to hear from you. okok.. no stress now. You must also stay relax ok?

I thought your BT is on Mon also. Cos I thought chris, you and me only difference by 1 day.

Rest well, you will definitely strike this time! I will pray for you, chris, itjabi and myself
Dear Humbug & Lyn

Thank you for your re-assurance. I hope more eggs will develop over the next 3 days before the 2nd scan. Dr say he will only harvest at 20mm at least. Baby, were you the one who had a lot of follicles?

Been taking in all the foods as advised by you ladies diligently. My mom was still saying that I over-'bu' liao, and dun listen to you ladies. even my own mother doesn't understand the process. sigh, sigh!!

WY Koo, I have about follicles but only 8 eggs retrieved. So don't be bother over the number of follicles. 20mm at least is of very good size. For mine, my 2nd scan, best is 18mm. Have faith in your doc. He knows what is best for you

Having more eggs is definitely good. But some still got preggies with only few eggs. So don't worry too much. Always look at the bright side.
I wish you having a lot of eggs of good sizes yah. Cheer up

Nobody will fully understand the whole process if they never go through it. Your mom is just worried that you over-bu. She means well. Just continue to take those foods as it is good for you also. Oh ya, do drink chicken essence also.
humbug, you taking your pregnancy BT 17 days after your ER? How come for mine need to wait till 19 days after ER? You mean ER or ER?
Lina: Congrats on ur confirmed pregnancy..
Happy for u..

Can i juz check with u when u did ur 1st IVF, did u have to go down to kkh everyday to do ur jabs as well? N do u remember the quality fo ur embroys then?
Zaza, try to do it few hours before the injection, this will help sooth out the "residual" hormones under the skin so that the area is not tense when needle is inserted. When I did mine, my injections were 1pm, I normally apply the hot towel in the night before I go to sleep. I did not do it every night, cos not pain didn't occur every day but just about every 2-3 days after the soothing.

I was taught by a senior colleague who knows another colleague who went thru IVF.. She rolled it over the tummy area cos she said her tummy was "lumpy" after injections. I did not experience lumps, just difficulty when I try to inject and usually this cause the pain.

If you do not need to roll the area like me, get a bottle pak from pharmacy, fill with hot water so you can place it over the area w/o worrying the cooling down. BUT YOU MUST NOT DO THIS AFTER ET!!

Lina, congrats again, there will be a Motherhood bb fair from 4-7Jne, lets go together! The next Takashimaya bb fair is August. Get ready your shopping card! {{hugs}}
hi libby
thanks, hoping miracle happen tmr

hi monkee and lina
congratulations...spready ur baby dust to us ...more more more..need it badly and urgently...

hi baby, chris, humbug
hang in there...BFP BFP BFP

Dun worry my last push was 700IU of purgeon to increase the size of the follicle


I will jia you and hope for the best.. i think it is 17 days after ET hehe...lie too long mind also become stagnant...Must believe cause my poor hubby cut his finger while trying to open the pregnyl glass bottle.. so heart pain to see his blood flow hehe..last injection
yes.. finally... now i just lie flat and hope for the best lor...BFP to all.


Did you go back to see the TCM few days after your last injection or insertion during your 2ww?
hi libby and lina
u guys reali give us ladies here lots of courage to take up the ivf challenge..

hi lina
how long have u been with dr zou? meanwhile eat and rest well..
Baby, Humbug

Thanks for all your comforting words. Whoa! there is this last puregon push thing???? Nurse told me not to stress too much else the embryos won't stick as the body will expel them out. So you gals, remember to relax and dun stress. Very NB, NB... BFP to you ladies.....

Today working from home after Dr's appointment. Having my lunch soon.
hi wy koo
just to share my story..i was on gonal f oso at 300 unit(not in mg)for 2 weeks, and during my scan dr told me i got nice 8 follicles, all size 17.5-18mm. however during ER, only 2eggs found. and out of 2, onli one is mature and fertilised with icsi eventually, the other one is inmature.. i was pretty upset tat times, wondering why only got one mature egg. however, i told myself, got one better than dun have... ;)
Humbug, you did the injection at home? I did it at KKH as the mixtures of pregnyl sound complicated. So I straightaway opt for injection at KKH.

So we are the same, 17 days after ET

WY Koo, yes yes.. gotta learn to relax. What is NB? You mean having lunch or dinner??

Yeah, we can only rest & relax, keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best, I guess. I was disappointed becos my Dr told me ave is about 10 follicles. Anyway, there is still time for the follicles to grow + last push thingy that Humbug talked about. Will stay positive and stress-free (easier said than done). hahaha!!

hi wy koo
just to share my story..i was on gonal f oso at 300 unit(not in mg)for 2 weeks, and during my scan dr told me i got nice 8 follicles, all size 17.5-18mm. however during ER, only 2eggs found. and out of 2, onli one is mature and fertilised with icsi eventually, the other one is inmature.. i was pretty upset tat times, wondering why only got one mature egg. however, i told myself, got one better than dun have... ;)
to krisz and mel wong
which ivf centre u all with?

to wy koo
yes dun worry too much yet as is still early this is ur week one onli on gonal f..stay cool and positive, they will grow in week 2 ya...cheers

hi littlemik
meanwhile can jus tiao ur body 1st and take up the courage to do ivf..cos u wont noe u might be sucess..which ivf centre u intend to sign on?
hi libby,

That is the thing what make me worry..if fact it we are the ones who tell her all about our past records...is this normal for the first timer who go & see Dr Zou..cause she didnt say much about us
hi yong wei,

okie..btw she give me 1 week medicine & my wife 5 days medicine...the chinese seem do not easily dissolve with hot water..I dun knw why also..
Hi Baby...in fact I have try so many time to get her to join...so finally she join...But i dun kwn why she do not want to join this thread.
She like to play games most of the time...
I did told her before...she can learn a lot of thing here...cos there is so many gd & clever sis here..
Hi Baby...in fact I have try so many time to get her to join...so finally she join...But i dun kwn why she do not want to join this thread.
She like to play games most of the time...
I did told her before...she can learn a lot of thing here...cos there is so many gd & clever sis here..
maybe try again..see wat she say
Hi Greenie,

This is just to share around the info...I dun say he is not a gd Doc..As a lot of ppl do success under his hand..
But i feel is his clinc opeation way.There is only 1 Doc to serve so many patient for 1 day.
Everyday he have to go Opearte Thearte for opea.
Than sometime come back around 6 pm..after that continue to see patient till finish.
Then all the balance work leave it to the nurses to take care of..
As there is a lot of nurses there..with different shirt work..there may be intend of break of comm there..you see..Haz.I really dun knw what to say..But nvn we have left that places..
now staring fresh frm TCM..than to IVF
Hi Richard,

The chinese medicine you need to mix with 1/2 cup of water, ie 1/4 hot water, then you keep stirring, then follow by 1/4 cold water. Then continue to stir further b4 u drink. This will help to dissolve the medicine faster.
Hi Richard,

Just continue cos during my weekly visit i'll show her and she'll look at it and advise me accordingly. And most of her patients who went to her also bring along the chart. She'll also teach you how to read the chart. The ideal temp from Day 1 to Day 14 (b4 ovulation) should be lower than average body temp 36.5degree. B4 ovulation there will be a short dip and follow by an increase for the next 3 days. If your wifey's temp is able to escalate and maintain high around 36.8- 37 for the next 2 weeks that means that high chance she has strike. Cos the 2 weeks temp is very impt as it tells us whether your wifey's progesterone level and lining is able to support the pregnancy. Like in my case, my temp went up the 1st 3 days and then dip and remain low around 36.7 and this tells Dr Zou that my lining is not thick enough so she will adjust your wifey's medication accordingly.
Hi Kimberly,

Thanks for your encouraging,maybe there is not places for me to force out my anger..hahaha just a joke..
main purpose here is to find out what all the mummy is talking about their experience.
Can learn a lot of thing..
At least I have an idea now where to go for TCM
& IVF,,
But must be comfortable with the Doc the least.

but which one to go first..

So you are saying to continue with the chart now isit.even not doing ivf.

But how does TCM can help to thicker ur lining..is there a chinese medicine who can do this
Hi Richard,

Correct. That's wat my friend did too. We will show her our chart on our weekly visit and she'll advise her when is our ovulation date and when to start "doing business" heehee
My friend followed her instructions and bingo b4 her ivf she strike liao. Yes the medicine that she give u b4 ovulation is to build up your eggs, and subsequently after your ovulation she'll change it to building lining to support the pregnancy.
Hi Richard,

Yes actually there is alot of chinese medicine combination that helps to thicken lining..just that freshies like us won't know the exact content. I only know that the 1st 2wks b4 ovulation she will add in bei qi, dang shan and dang gui and many other herbs to 补血。and also acupuncture to increase blood flow to our uterus to enable us to produce better quality eggs and subsequently improve the lining.
Hi Richard,

Yes. you can start taking temperature liao. And most impt during this "tiao period" avoid all cold drinks, cold stuff and also dun eat the fruits straight from the fridge, let it cool till room temp b4 you eat. I learnt all these fr Dr Zou, u just need to ask her wat to avoid and wat to eat more and she'll be very happy to teach you. Cos now very impt to keep our womb warm, Dr Zou said that singaporean women that she seen here mostly have very cold womb as she notice that we like to drink alot of cold drinks due to the hot weather, hence it is difficult for us to conceive as the womb need to be warm inorder for embies to survive and implant.
But Chris..
You remember i say before..we went to JE TCM,,
she say my wife have pcos...say she cannot take some type of chinese medicine..do u thk I shld ask Dr Zou to check again...& ask her again.
hi chris
reali impressed with dr zou liao.. hope she is my "shen yi"..so how frequent u visit her /week? and wat is ur opinion on me as coming thurs will be my 1st visit to see her...wat shld i bring along then? many thanks
Hi Chris..

Oic..maybe cos she like to drink cold drinks a lot..especially in hot days....this is something we must learn also...

Btw do u have the blank chart...ours is all with marking lioa...
Hi Lina
Congrats to U! Pls take great care and have a smoothie 9 mths! Do spread the baby dust to us!

Hi Libby
Try to reduce the chocolate intake, as they contain caferine too!

Hi Richard
Do continue with the BBT chart, and bring it Dr Zou to see when u have acupuncture session with her..normally she'll explain the reading from the BBT chart...

Hi Yong Wei
All the best to your HCG test tmr!
hi richard
so how frequent u intend to visit dr zou /week? and wat documents shld i bring along then as my 1st visit is cmoing thurs? thanks and hope we can success "natural" under her very soon..
Lyn- my Dr is Dr LC Cheng at Thomson

FYI. this is my 2nd ICSI attempt.

1st attempt was the typical 3Day embryo transfer. Transferred 3 Grade "1"s but was unsuccessful. I had frozen the other 6. That was in Nov 08.

Rested for 2 months as advised by TCM doctor. I went to consult an eastern dr as i was so worried that it was my state of my body that caused the failure even thou dr cheng assured me that it was not. TCM dr also confirmed that i was in pink of health so she said try after CNY.

2nd attempt in March was a Blastocyst transfer and we had also opted for assisted hatching. Out of the 6 thawed embies, 2 stopped growing on day 4 so we had 4 to choose from. of the 4, 1 hatched and another on verge of hatching on the day of my transfer so they were pretty confident of a success rate with these 2 embies.

After transfer 3 days later, i had yeast infection. Thankfully it subsided after 4 days. and on Day 8 post ET, i had implantation bleeding. very slight one-off bleeding.
tnt - i was with CARE@Paragon.. good luck for your wait...
sneding you lots of baby dust..

baby - be positive.. sending you lots of baby dust... dun worry too much abt the BBT.. you could have kicked off the blankie when sleeping.... sending you lots of baby dust too...

lina - great numbers!! buy 4D coming wednesday..
good luck!! wishing you a greathappy and healthy 9 months ahead... any nausea yet? remember the orange skin with cloves.. if makes me feel better..

all the best to all the girls here...
Hi Yong Wei
Bring all yours & hushand reports u have when u visit Dr Zou on thurs...I see her once a wk for acupuncture and medicine, twice a wk 3 mths before I start my IVF cycle, continuing 5 days before my ER and 1 more before ET..
hi yong wei,

bring what ever test reports you have to show her..that what i did last week during our first visit..as she is seeing ur performance base on the reports
I was suppose to see her this weekend,
but my wife have to go back twice per week.
hi noi
thanks for the info....btw how long have u been with dr zou? and did she say when u can try for ur next ivf again?
