IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Develyn, Jo, chris, koko,
Thanks for your best wishes

Hi Jas,
Hope BFP for you. Rest well.

Hi cribby and cross fingers,
I remember bth of you are also in 2ww. Again wishing both of you all the best. BFP

Hi sisters,
My best wishes to those who have tested positive.
And Develyn, don' ever loose hope, as you are heading towards success soon. I was in the same shoes as you a year back, miscarriage & a d&c in two months of pregnancy.
And added to that I had my ivf cycle failed recently. But something tells me to go ahead & try out everything & success is there at some point. So please look forward to your next cycle gloriously as God is great.
Wishing you all a very happy Lunar new year!

It is tough. Lets take it as god's will to keep baby by his side, if baby is not healthy is gonna to be even tougher for us to decide. You will be alright gradually **BIG BIG HUG**

Sorry I should have rephrase myself. The 2 bottles of lucrin can lasts 4 weeks, according to the nurse.

I have to go back for my E2 test after 12 days of lucrin injections. If everything is ok, then will start on about 2 weeks of stimulation injections. The doctor told me that we will need to take the lucrin throughout, so it will be almost 4 weeks of lucrin in total right?

For those who are on the long protocol, is this what you had to go through?

Did you start the lucrin injections on day 2 or day 21 of your cycle? How many units you are injecting?

So far I have not detected any reaction leh ..
Hi bliss,
it's alright, taking calcium food is good too.

Hi Everyone,
Wishing all a happy and properous new year. Hope the Ox year will bring lots of baby dust.
Wow Big Congrats to you Kaira!! Your day has finally come! So happy for you.
May you have a smooth and joyful pregnancy!

Jas I know the anticipation you must be facing now and I really hope you get that BFP!

I'm still on the long and cruel 2ww, the days pass so slowly... hehe
Hi Koko,

I started on my lucrin injections on day 22 of my menses as my menses is heavier on day 2. Thats how the nurse calculated. I am injecting 10 units of the lucrin. What abt you?

When will u be going for the BT and US? For me, i have only experiences body heatiness. Thats all. The feeling is similar to fever. Is it normal?
Hi kOkO,
oic ... understood now. But didn't know that you still hv to continue with Lucrin during stimulation stage. Thought will stop Lucrin at end of Stage 1. Which hospital u with? I'll only be starting ivf in May09. Sucha long wait ... ergh ...
Hi koko , sierra,
I'm with KK. We are req'd to inject lucrin even during puregon stage. So 2 jab a day. I have very slight bloating during lucrin stage. This stage actually is the most comfortable.

Hi cribby
I transfer 2 embryos. Not too sure abt the twins. Nurse told me that range is okay. Btw, when your bt. You have any symptons. Cos I inject pregnyl, my bloatedness is even worse that puregon stage.
I am with SGH and injecting 20 units of lucrin. Will be going for E2 blood test on 2-Feb i think.

I also didn't know until the doctor explain to me.
You can check this website too, they explain why we need to take lucrin throughout http://www.ivfconnections.com/qstimulation.htm

Hmm .. why want to wait till May? I know some blood test results are only good for 3 or 6 months, so may need to redo

Thanks for confirming my understanding. Any tips to share with us? Especially what we should or should not eat or do during the IVF.
Hi Kaira,
What was 2nd stage like for you when you started the puregon jabs? I've never really thought about the side effects till now. Was it quite bad for you aside from the bloatedness?
Hi koko and sierra
I don't like 2nd stage cos my bloatedness cause alot of discomfort for me. I feel a lot of tightening around my lower abdomen. Also need to pee alot. I didn't have ohss. My total no of follicles I think 13. ER have 10 or 11 eggs. During puregon stage i eat 3 to 5 egg whites per day. Also drink ensure milk as we need lots of protein to prevent ohss at this stage. TCM would advise not to take cool or cold stuff. Can eat chicken / fish . But different people have different symptons.I try to destress by not thinking too much as these are things beyond our control.
Hi koko and sierra
Jas received feedback from kk nurse that taking chicken essence will help with good quality eggs. Can drink up to 2 bottles a day during stage 2. I take that too.
hi kaira,
guess you'll only find out if you've got twins at your first ultrasound? so exciting! have you got any symptoms other than bloating?

my bt is in the first week of feb... i've been really bloated too, since ER. i feel a bit pms-sy but i think it's due to progesterone?

did you do a test for progesterone in your 2ww? mine came back at above 500! has anyone here had a level that high?
Hi Bee,
Dr loh told me not to take any chinese herbs during IVF procedure. I ask him whether can take dome. He says as long as it contain chinese herbs, don't take. So I didn't take any

Hi cribby,
I have quite a lot of watery discharge two days before bt. Ya i did the progesterone test but I don't know my result. The nurse says will not call back if okay
Hi kOkO
I have to put off my ivf till May as I'm now still posted overseas. Wanted to do in Feb but Boss dind't approve my request for no-pay leave. Company has agreed to depost me back to SIN by May, so will only do it then. Too difficult to be flying up & down for the procedure if i'm still based overseas.

Hi Kaira,
How do you prepare the egg whites? Hard boiled? Half boiled? 3-5 a day is quite a lot, esp since i'm not a big fan of egg white. hehe ... but will take it if it helps
Oh ... chicken essense. I must admit i've never taken chicken essense before. So can take chicken essence from start of Stage 1 also? Will that be ok? Really want to ensure that I can produce sufficient eggs and good quality eggs!

BTW, did any of you ladies gained any significant weight throughout your whole ivf procedure? Cos with all the jabs/medications, it sounds like bloatedness etc seems pretty common..
hi everyone,
got itchy fingers and tested today... BFN so i think this is it... hmm but will wait till wed... if really BFN, will start again in june/july need to tio body and my poor hubby needs to do his jabs all over again.
Hi Lina,
I took brands chicken essence with no added ingredients. Like to check with you, do we need to continue with tcm and acupuncture during pregnancy ? Have you started with your IVF? Even with confirmed pregnancy, my worries are still endless. I'm trying to organise my thoughts and try to think about other things. Or else will go crazy :mad:

Hi Sierra79,
I think mine is 3/4 boil. heehee. Only the egg yolk quite watery. Put egg slowly in boiling water in the pot, abt 3 or 4 mins. Trial and error. I took egg white until quite sick that time. Somedays I don't take. Take only when my tummy very bloated and uncomfortable. I gained weight.
Hi kaira,
Thanks for the egg white "recipe". Hehe... yeah can imagine, everyday eat 3-5 egg whites, I think I'll get super sick of it. No joke.

What jabs did your hubby have to take?? U mean hv to retake his BT since over the 6mths period? Pls don't be discouraged by the BFN from your tests. The BT should be more accurate. Just wait for that and hope it'll turn up +ve ya

BTW, if you don't mind sharing ... can I know if you decided to do ivf cos of hubby's condition or yourself? For me ... it's hubby's low quality of sperm lah.

Ladies, I went for ultrasound scan some time back with my previous gynae. And she mentioned that my uterus positioning is slightly off-centre. She said it's nothing serious but this is the 2nd gynae to mention that to me. Any of you heard of this or have this?? I'm worried it might affect ER/ET ... like difficult to extract/transplant eggs. I wrote to Dr Sadhana but she hasn't replied on this.

Juz wanna check. were u taking TCM during stages 1 and 2 of IVF and all the way through?

I email Dr Loh but he hasnt replied soo abit worried to take or not to.

TO all the beautiful ladies in the house,

Happy lunar new year
hi sierra, ivf is cos of hubby.he did not have sperms and the jabs were to help him produce sperm. I am normal. no problems. hubby has to do injections for sperm production. Yah i hope bloodtest will be positive but no high hopes now.
Hi jas,
Oh I see ... thanks for sharing. So your hubby also has to "suffer" with you by getting jabs huh ;) Wishing you all the best for your BT. Hope this CNY will usher in good news of BFP for you soon
Hi jas,
put the testing aside, enjoy your CNY first. Don't think about the BT.

Hi kaira,
i understand from ladies here that can still take the "an tai" herbs from tcm after pregnant. But Dr Loh is quite against chinese medication, think he most probably wil tell you not to take. Which chinese sinseh did you go to? I am with Dr Zou, only tried chinese accu for 2 months and now only at stage 1. Do continue to take the calcium pills and folic acid given by doctor Loh. I am sure all mothers to be here will be worried until the delivery day. That's part of motherhood.

Hi ltjabi,
i will go ahead with tcm thoughout. I didn't consult Dr Loh but i trust that chinese medicine would be beneficial to the ivf.
hi Fellaine,

Dr Loh act prefers natural FET to medicated FET is it. i thought of doing FET in march but not sure if natural or the other. can u tell me difference, cost wise is it the same?

i will meet Dr loh on Wed, will ask him and update u too k. so when are u doing ur FET?
i am new here. juz wana share that i hv done 3failed IUIs n am in my 2ww for 2nd ivf. not havg high hopes..coz feel so dejected aftr each rnd.my 1st cycle resuted in m/c at wk8 due to sme chromosme thingy.
Hi Alyssa

Dr Loh did not mention anything about medicated. He said natural from the start cos less stressful. For natural, need to go for scan then when womb ready, will proceed with transfer. No need go back to hospital for jab after that. Only insert tablet twice a day till blood test. Actually my first IVF was in Dec and was shocked when he said next cycle can do FET already. Yah, he also prescribed aspirn for Day 2 to Day 5 to increase blood flow to womb. Sounds simple but worry also. Now, I am waiting for AF. Cost wise he told me natural about 2 - 3k.
Hi Bee
I did not have time to see Dr Zou last friday due to work. Sorry cant check out the infomation on spotting. When u are seeing Dr cheng next?
To all ladies
May the year of the OX brings you good luck ( so we can have good eggs and good fertilised embryos), good fortune ( so have $$$ to try for IVF) and good health ( so we can have a successful pregnancy to deliver a healthy baby).

We all here have been working so hard to have a baby. May this year of the OX be a year to reap our rewards. It will be a good year for all of us here. Gong xi Gong xi.
! second all your good wishes - good luck, good fortune and good health to all the ladies here too. Really praying hard this year will be a successful year for all of us.

Hi 76,
Sorry to hear about your previous unsuccessful attempts. But you're a toughie who wants to keep trying. So keep the spirit up. Who knows, you might be lucky this time round
Hi 76 ,

You are really a toughie !! U will be bless by Baby's dust soon...

Hi Gals ,

Wishing u all the best for this new year !

Especially to :

Jas : BE POSITIVE ! Stay strong , no matter is a plus or minus .. u have all your forum's sisters here to hugz u too.

Breezy / Bee / Mel / Lina : yes ... it is still tough for me.. today is the first year of new year and have to go to my in law place in the morning and being given a sarcastic look by my SIL.. It was really miserable !!! I am coping with my emotional stress for the past few days and all get better.. till today all are ruin and i think i have to just keep away from the in-laws and get myself mentally strong again.. Zzzz.. my brain and heart just need a break
Hi! 76,
Welcome! Stay positive, all of us here have our fair share of downs. Hope we can help each other out.


think u should really go up to ur sil and ask wats her problem. Dun let these ppl ruin ur new year. K? TC
Hi Itjabi ,

I really hope to do that ~ then the next one to battle is my MIL ... and next my hubby is at sandwich position again... i used to have a very strong character.. the recent failure of the pregnancy really tame me down alots... i will just cry when i am angry , when i am sad , when i find everything is so difficult, just dun feel like speaking at all.. flare up cost a bomb btw my hubby and me ... if i keep it cool , it is a torture to myself.. sigh...
OMG! I feel your pain. Don ustand how come some people are just so mind-bogglingly insensitive. Your in-laws should take this time to show their support for you and not the other way round. As for your hubby, I hope he knows that you're at your most vulnerable stage now and will give all the love, support and hugs that you need.

Just look ahead and block out all these unnecessary people/comments. Wishing you happiness and lots of blessings this new year
Hi Ladies,

Do you take any other vitamin supplements while goig through ivf? Read on a website that increasing vitamin E intake has been found to increase the probability of success with IVF procedures.
hi ladies, happy new year!! sorry to report, my AF came today before my blood test on wed... gone case... anyway, will discuss with dr Loh the next step, but i will be looking at starting my 2nd ivf in june/july.... unless he says otherwise... i am taking it well cause hubby has been very understanding and supportative. We will try again. I will starting TCM in april to tio my body.. this time hubby says he will do so too.
Hi develyn,
ignore your sil and mil. Pretend they are not around. Must prove to them that you can have a child.

Hi jas,
hugs, don't be sad about this. You may want to start tcm soon rather than wait till april. As tcm might take a long time to take effect.
Hi Jas,
Sorry to hear about the AF. Will you still be taking the BT to confirm the results? Me need to tio body too with TCM. About time ... has not done so for so long.

Had a caht with my gf just now ... she told me abour her visit to the gynae. Said can see her baby's heartbeat already. Sigh ... feels like another arrow through my heart ... =$

Can understand ur husband's situation. One side mother the other side wife.

Juz ignore them. Ppl r juz very free in life to see other fall.. Juz tell urself u dun owe them anything n u will have a beautiful child who will be ur pillar of support. Ur SIL is juz very happy to see u sad.. which is upsetting but wat she doesnt realise is she maybe proud today but like they say "All dogs have their day" Be strong k?

Be strong n tomorrow is alwiz a brighter day
Hi Sierra

My path from my cervix to uterus is not straight, gynae has to use special equipment and had great difficulties during ET, which cause my womb to be traumatize.. My gynae told me, both my 2 IVF failure is due to difficult transfer.

I was suggested to try out GIFT (instead of transfer to uterus, but to fallopian tube). I'll be seeing Dr Loh next week for consultation, to seek his opinion. Will share with you what he suggests.
hi everyone,
Lina, i thought only 3 mths? this is what the tcm doc recommends.
Sierra, i am also wondering if i still need to do the blood test on wednesday, cause this AF is all liquid, no tissue .... haha sorry for the description . i think i will call them up to ask them on wed.

thanks everyone ... i am ok, disappointed but will definitely try again. thanks for all the support.

Hi Jas,
Yes, why not just go for th eBT anyways to make sure. Told you abt what I saw on tv. This woman underwent ivf but her AF came during her 2ww. But when they did BT, they confirmed she was actually pregnant! Not trying to raise your hopes, but you never know ya. All the best!

Was your "condition" abt your uterus discovered before you went through with ER/ET? Oh shucks ... this doesn't sound good. I don't know how serious is the positioning of my off-centre and how it'll affect the procedure. I am a bit worried. I totally forgot about this cos it was a remark made by my gynae a long time ago. At that time she said it wasn't anything to be concerned about. Then again, at that time we weren't talking about ivf either. Wrote to Dr Sadhana but she hasn't replied still. It's been almost a week...
