IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi sierra, yup i think i might as well go for it and make an appointment to see dr loh at the same time... wow... it would really be a miracle for me to be pregnant after all this bleeding... ahhh really :p thanks anyway

Hi Sierra

No.. i've seen a few gynaes and did so many scans, but none mention this to me. Only during my 1st IVF, ET was very difficult, gynae had hard time placing embryos in my uterus, usually procedure is like pap smear (5 mins), mine abt 30-45 mins.. and all the time i was full bladder, and so traumatize, had very bad cramps after transfer.

I went for hysteroscopy to check if there's any blockage/cysts, but discovered that was how my cervix was constructed. Gynae tried to dilate the path for me, and jot down the direction he should follow, but during 2nd IVF, he still has difficulties doing it.. My womb was traumatize the 2nd time (severe cramps), and gynae mention that could be why no implantation took place.

Now, I'm seeking for other gynaes (trying out Dr Loh), see if he's experience in difficult transfers before.
Hi jas,
Yes best to confirm it for once & for all with the BT

Sorry, you mentioned that you didn't have a straight path to your uterus as well. How "severe" was it? I don't suppose there's anything we can do about this rite ... ... ?

Think i'm gonna fix an aptmt & fly down to see Dr Sadhana soon. Have a sit-down with her and review all my previous test results and also discuss with her abt the ICSI, and to get an assurance about my "off-centre" uterus! I guess I just need to get all my questions answered and make sure everything's ok so I'd have a peace of mind before I start the procedure..
Hi Sierra

Seems like your case and mine is different, your uterus is slightly off centre position, but as long as your path from cervix to uterus is straight, ET will be easy.. Sorry, i may have confused you..
Hi libby,
Hehe ... we posted our replies just a minute apart frm each other :p

Is hysteroscopy the same as the HCG x-ray to check for blocked tubes? oh, I'm surprised they didn't noticed this prior to your ive procedure. It must have been quite a painful ET for you.

Oh dear me ... I better get a confirmation by Dr Sadhana abt my condition. If necessary, will go for another scan. Thanks for the reply Libby
Hi Libby,
To be honest, am not sure also what the gynae meant by my "uterus is off centre". To my understanding it means it's not central lor ... hence it's possible that path from cervix to uterus might also not be straight! Doctors and their jargons. So must get confirmation
Hi Sierra

According to my gynae, mine seem to be a severe case, as my next option given, was try transferring embryo to fallopian tube instead of uterus, alternatively, he will put me on a trial transfer with me under sedation, to see if the transfer can be made easier with me not so tense and more relax (but i doubt that will help). Imagine, i can be sleeping, but my raw flesh was being poked so many times, trying to reach my uterus, i could still be tramautize indirectly.
Hi Sierra

Hope i'm not scaring you with my posts, just sharing my experience. Anyway, it's always good to double check with your gynae. Better play safe, dun be like me, wasted all my efforts/$$$ and embryos!

So far, seems like nobody has such difficult transfer as me, i'm also looking to share experiences and the right gynae tog.

Hysteroscopy is not x-ray, it is a scope to check if there's any disorders in your womb. The x-ray i did last time was to check if there's any blockage to both my fallopian tubes. Some form of liquid was injected in, to see if it can flow out smoothly.. lucky my tubes are ok, if really no choice, i may have to opt for GIFT (transfer to tube)
Hi libby,
Thanks for the replies, i appreciate it
Yes, I guess I better get it checked with my gynae again cos the last scan was done with another gynae and she was the one who remarked so.

I've never done a hysteroscopy. Is this required? Have only done the HCG x-ray to check for block tubes - that one came back a-ok.

Sorry that you had such a tough experience with the ET. Hope Dr Loh will be able to shed some light and expertise on this. DO share the info Dr Loh shares with you when you've seen him. Good luck too!
Hi All,

Im new here.

Im 23 this yr and just started Lucrin jab for a wk now. Im seeing doc loh at KKH.

Pls share with me ur experience after the lucrin stage... is it painful?
Thanks for all your encourgement.

Hi Itjabi
Mine is a fresh 2nd cycle. Scan 12 'eggs' but took out 6 cysts and 6 eggs, fertilized only 4 in the end. Sad.So, put 2 8-cell embryos and freeze 1 9-cell and 1 7-cell embryo.Did mine under Prof Ng at Gleneagles.

Wanted to keep it low key, din even tell my in laws.My hubby told them i went for minor cyst op coz they are wondering why i din turn up for CNY reunion.SIL also quite insensitive - ask my hubby if we need his bb son to jump on our bed to help us in our bb journey.

whenever i hear of frens getting pregnant, feel so sianz.. duno shld feel happy for them or jealous. Keep telling myself to stay immune to other pple's remarks but still too much control of such feelings not healthy.... What a journey since IUI 2006 till now....Waiting...Wana cry liaoz
Oh yah, btw, i was at Mt E from 2006 - 2008.. This is the 1st time i switched to Gleneagles.In fact, i was with Mt E for this cycle but that gynae told me he wun want to start Gonal F after finding 3 cysts in me.. so i turn to Prof Ng...
HI! 76,

When they scanned 12 eggs didnt they know earlier that u had 6 cysts?

Can understand how u feel. I have been married earliest in my hubby's family and those married b4 me have alreadi given birth n im still in stage one (nowhere). It makes things worst wen ppl come and past remarks n u somehow know that at the back of their mind they r saying something is sure wrong with u.

It can be difficult ignoring ppl at times abt we have to for our future. I have realise that if i keep letting it bug me, i will have worst time conceiving due to stress. Juz be strong k.. We r all in this together.

I havent started lurine yet. waiting for my menses then doing it on day 21.

We have not told anybody abt doing ivf in my family as well. coz dun want to hear comments.

Lets hope all goes well for all of us out here.
Hi Jas

Maybe you and hb can go for a short holiday. Just a little suggestion.. Beside freeze sperm, could you also try out fresh sperm during yr ER. So have 2 choices. If fresh cannot use, then the freeze one still be there. So kpo of me.. heehee. You take care ya. This ttc journey is really not easy even though mine is confirmed. Still so many check up and test to be clear. Trying to be positive and relax.
Hi 76,
I have been ttc since end of 2005. Have been experiencing many setbacks. These include 3 times IUI. Have change 2 gynae and 3 tcm. Feel very hopeless and sad at times. But there are many ladies here being very positive. Maybe try to focus on the positive although its really not that easy at times.
hi Itjabi
I dunno why they din detect the 6 cysts.maybe they look alike under scan?
Wow Kaira
You have been ttc-ing for quite some time. You are really courageous. My hubby hinted about the cost. He reckoned that after 2 IVFs, we could have spent abt 40k (though we din really calculate)and he a bit demoralised.
1) Before your BFP, did you have any pregnancy symptoms?i know i maybe overreading things but been having constipation of late (ET was 20/1)gassy and bloatedness, but then again, could be due to crinone.
2)Also, is there possibility, even with crinon, AF will come?
hi fellaine,

when do u have to call or report to kkivf if u are doing ur natural FET.
the last time when i asked the kkivf nurse, on the price of natural FET, they mentioned $1K plus to $2K. is it increased now?

Are u thinking of trying accu as well. i heard gd reviews on it. can update us on your progress with FET when u start on it.

good luck and abundance of baby dust.
Nancy, no worries. Dr said it's okay to experience brown/red discharges.. my last pill was taken on 25 Jan. I am waiting for menses to come before i call to make appointment to see Dr Cheng... i hope i can differentiate when the real one comes :p

You can't change the behaviours of others (ILs) and control what they say. But you can control your own response towards them. it's hard but do tell yourself to ignore those irritating sights and nonsences. Sorry to say this, but I think we all can still be a wonderful wife, filial daughter, supportive siblings, successful person even if we can conceive naturally! Other people can look down on us, but we must not lose the confident in ourselves.

Glad that you are taking it well... meanwhile, take good care of your health! Ya, take a break to somewhere to relax
Thanks. I realised most western docs dun believe in TCM.. My Dr also advise me not to take any chinese medicine during stage 2. Can understand why la... so I will just stick to chicken essence and egg whites.
Hi Bee,
That time Dr loh specially came out from operating theatre (still in his cap and mask) to meet me and see my scan. Cos before that I last saw him 2mths ago. i ask him if acupuncture together with IVF is it okay. He says can . But not TCM. Not even a little. Quite serious. Then he start mumbling that some of his patients did and how it disrupt the cycle lor. Then I don't dare to take. Dr Jin my tcm also say dun take but aft ET can take some. But I feel when pregnant can take some

Hi 76,
I not courageous. I bo pian...
Before i married, I didn't know I have to go through that much to get pregnant cos my menses always come ard 28 days. Actually u can try kk Dr loh SF. He's quite good. No point paying so much to these private docs when govt one are eaqually good. They have a team of nurses to assist us. Huh I didn't take crinon .. I took pregnyl . I end up with very sore boob and very bloated tummy. You are in yr 2ww. Hope you get your bfp this round
Hi 76,
All the best for your 2ww, hope you'll get the BFP you've been waiting for
Me been TTC-ing since 2006. Only got to know about our conception problems after a year of TTC-ing. We didn't go for IUI, just decided to plunge into ivf this year.
I hear you about keeping all these low-key. Only my parents know abt our condition and our ivf plans. My in-laws don't even know abt my hubby's condition or our ivf plans. Hubby refused to tell them abt it. In some ways, i think the in-laws are thinking the reason why we still don't hv any kids as yet is because i still want to pursue my career. Even though they didn't say/show this outrightly. If only they know the real reason. Sigh. Oh well ... i guess the fewer ple who know abt this, the better.

Hi kaira,
Sorry, may I know if your egg fertilisation was done by ICSI or just normal ivf? You put back 2 eggs?
hi everyone,
thanks for all the support and encouragement...
kaira, hehe yup my hubby promise to take me to banyan tree phuket.. hehe. heard it is nice there.
Hi sierra,
Mine is ICSI. I was put automatically into ICSI. I didn't know we have a choice at that time. I think KK didn't ask about my option. Yes. I put 2 embryos.

Throughout my ttc journey, hb and I did not tell anyone what we have gone through. Even my key hole surgery to remove my cyst and all others,nobody knows about it . We check into hospi ourself and I rest at home 1 week alone at home. We keep it top secret. Haha.. Close frens and cousins know i'm trying to conceive but they don't know what we actually went through. My mum cares for me alot, thus I feel its better she don't know what I'm going through. I always assured her we know what we are doing. My fil and mil try asking me and hb many times. We always pretend cannot hear,always mumble, walk away or change topic to distract them. Quite difficult to get an answer from us. Got one time fil ask my hb loudly when we want a kid, my hb tone quite angry and say we know what we are doing. Now they leave us alone . We are happy to keep it this way. No need to answer to anyone of whatever outcome. I don't mind telling them I go through Ivf aft giving birth though. Heehee .. What a journey. I only intend to inform my families 1st trimester or as late as possible
Hi jas,
I also want to go. Later will propose to hb.. keke
But chances very slim cos my hb is a workaholic and he is now in army course for 1 year. See whether can slot into any public holiday like a friday with weekends. So proud of you being so strong. heehee
Hi jas,
tcm duration depends on individual response. Which tcm will you be going? Hope you have a wonderful time at Phuket, relax and enjoy.

Hi ellsa,
welcome to the thread.

Hi 76,
BFP and rest well for your 2WW.

Hi kaira,
thanks for sharing about your tcm journey. Do keep your pregnancy news from family and friends. Seems like being superstitious but my friend's gynae whose wife m/c several times also advise his patients not to say anything till 2nd trimester. So even gynae also very careful about this, all the more we have to keep secret.
HI kaira,
Wah ... u guys quite good at keeping it all hush-hush. For me, I always feel the need to confide to someone. So my parents know about our situation. I'm ok with that cos they're very understanding & cool abt the whole thing. If I get pregnant, I'd also only "announce" it after the 1st trimester when everything's more stable!

Oh, i was told by KKH that they'll also do ICSI. But i don't know how many of the eggs extracted will undergo ICSI and how many will undergo normal ivf. The nurses never tell me anything about this one. Of course if i have a choice, maybe would want to go for all ICSI (I always hv this perception that ICSI wd hv higher chance of +ve fertilisation). Hehe .. dono right or wrong ... by right the doc supposed to evaluate hubby's sperm quality and advice if should try more ICSI or just ivf bah? Will ask Dr Sadhana abt this again.
Dear Kaira,
I agree its good not to let ANYONE know. I had to let my supervisor in the office know when I took leave for my 1st cycle. When I returned from my leave, everyone in the office knows about it! I was puzzled when pp ask me, "So, successful already?" "Pregnant already?" Sigh... I said, "No more already lah!" So sickening!

So, when I try natural FET next month, can someone advise me on what to say? Got to let that supervisor know leh.
kaira - congrats ...

ellsa - welcum to the threat ...

develyn - juz ignore your in-laws as they ar so emotionless ...

76- Wishing u BFP

Ladies - had been thinking about TCM & accupunture lately... which one should I start wiv or is ther a must to do both? Just do 1 enuf? The purpose of TCM would be???? When to start on accupunture? I'm staying in the west so any recommendations?
Appreciate your advice....
Hi Ellsa,


I am also currently on lucrin shot. Have been on lucrin shot since last Thursday. Nurse told me that i will be on lucrin shot for 16 days...reason is because of full schedule. I was rather unhappy with the reason. I am also with Dr Loh.

I am currently experiencing slight bloatness, headache and at times hot flushes. What abt u?
Hi Grace,
i also encounter irritating kpo colleagues during my 1st try. So subsequent try, i only let boss know, ask him to keep quiet about it. Maybe you can try asking your supervisor to keep this confidential.
Hi Koko,
All the best for ur bt. Hope you can move on to stage 2 soon..

Hi Jas,
So sorry to hear abt ur AF. Dun be discourage. When there is a will, there is always a way. Keep trying.

Hi Kaira,
Thanks for sharing on your experience. Did u eat any supplements thru out ur IVF?
Hi Itjabi, Develyn, Kaira,

I understand how you all feel with the IL thing.
Me too gone through IUI, SO-IUIs, TCM (change 2 docs) since early 2006 till now. Every CNY my IL's relatives will be asking the same question that is when will I be adding a 3rd member to my family..etc.. My IL has 3 sons, and my hb is the youngest. My Mil favours the eldest son and his wife hence has been nagging them to have a bb every yr. Both of them are 38 and 37 this yr and my mil has been very "kan cheong" about my elder sil and has been recommending her a few tcms and urging them to go for a health review, which they have declined so far giving lots of excuses such as no time, distance etc... Hence my mil has been pestering me a few occasions to bring my sil to see the tcm sinseh and asking me alot of questions why are they not keen to have a bb etc... Faintz... I've complained to my hb a few times about it and he has told me to ignore her. I intended to keep my ivf plan from her, however i leaked out the secret after she has been pestering me on why i haven't been looking for a job etc...

I've just called KKIVF and will be starting my lucrin shots on the 22nd day mid feb (as 21st day falls on sunday).
Hi Develyn,

Have asked Dr. Zou about TCM on the egg quality as well as the thick shell of the eggs.

She mentioned that TCM can help in this. Though she didn't really mention how long will it be effective. Just mentioned that usually she encouraged about 3 months to "tiao"

Hope this helps u....
Hi Grace,
I hope my Boss won't go round telling others abt my intention! I have to inform my boss as I requested for a deposting back to SIN to go for ivf. He in turn has to speak to my VP & CE about this. Let's hope the 3 of them won't say anything to anyone else! Worse still .. don't want my boss to ask me "how, successful or not" when i've gone through with ivf. Urgh!

Hi Chris,
Good luck on your ivf journey! SO jealous .. wish I could have started in Feb too!
Hi Grace
I also only told my direct boss and my good colleague buddy abt my ivf..told my colleague coz she got to cover my duty and i feel paiseh that i had to be away (again). Last yr, when i did 1st ivf, i also took 2wks off but office tot i went op. This time, 2wks again, so boh pian..but she quite nice lah...very encouraging..and my experience prompted her to do a health check too coz she not had kids too. Few days after my mc, she told me a few other colleagues ask her if i went ivf...faintz*** she just ignored them and said dunnno..when i go back, dunno what and hw to say
I also tot I will have no problem conceiving as long as i have 30 days cycle..u din have crinone at all after your ET? Did you insert anything at all? Pregnyl jab taken once you confirm preggie right?
Hi 76,

Its good you have understanding bosses and colleagues... not like last time when i told my partner (she's my cover) about my ivf plans and she sound very supportive and promised me to keep it a secret. However, i didn't know she was a well-known "IBM" aka international big mouth and told my boss (50yrs old wolkaholic spinster) about it. And from then on, when i took only 1-2 day for 2mths for my SO_IUI scans and procedure...my boss is not too pleased with it as she's the kind that expects us to have 100% attention and dedication to our work. She works late in the nite till as late as 12am daily. Hence when she heard that i'm be embarking on my ivf in end 2007, she had a talk with me and hinted that I should know how to prioritise and not take too many mcs and should be dedicated fully to my work etc.. I was always expected to work late till 10pm plus and by the time i reached home, i'm mentally and physically exhaused, hence after discussing with my hb, i quited eventually. Cos its really not a healthy environment to work in.
Hi Chris
Good move tat you quit your job. Not v healthy and pro family. I told myself if my boss not happy with me, i dun care liaoz coz my job and colleagues wun stay with me but my family will be with me for life. So, if they want to give me D grade for work, so be it lah. I heck it liao. What for stress myself up? Something got to give...
Hi ladies
I just started my GonalF injection today. So far so good. I was all excited. Can anyone advise what food i should take? Is anyone taking Ginseng while taking jab?
hi babydreamzy
Thanks. All the best to you too. I am with Thomson Fertility centre. Is lucrin like gonalf? I need to inject this for 8 to 14 days. Are u experiencing any side effects?
Hi babydreamzy,

So far im ok, i dnt feel anything only that i get tired very easily (body ache badly). Today was my 8th shotz (kinda getting use to the jab, hehe.) and im going bck to the centre this wed 4/2.

How long have u been seeing doc Loh?

Btw are u working? have u intend to inform ur superior about ur ivf programme? coz i dnt know if i shld inform or keep it a secret.
Hi chris,
Sori to hear about your work experience> To be honest, I was also very ready to just tender and quit if my Boss did not allow me to be posted back to SIN or take no-pay leave from work. But luckily, manage to talk to him and we both came to a compromise. SO I'm heading back to SIN for good in May09 for my ivf. Not exactly the timeline I wanted originally but I guess better than nothing. Will still be flying up & down during Stage 1, but will be back for good for STage 2 onwards. Blearggghh ....

Hope you'll be able to concentrate better on your ivf now that you've left your job. I think career is important, but I must admit, after all these years of trying, I will do anything to just concentrate on hvg a baby successfully.

All the best to you and hope you'll "enjoy" this journey! Hehe ... can't wait for my turn!
Hi Nancy,

U're with TMC? Hows the cost like there? Be4 i switch to KKH i was with Doc Woo (thomson woman clinic, tiong bahru) and i find that KKH is quite costly too.
Hi chric and 76,
You made the right choice. Work can sometime become too much to handle, so will become very stressful and no good for us.

Hi 76,

I inject pregnyl every three days during my 2ww. I didn't take any crinone. I think kk don't give this. Doc didn't give me anything to insert also. After pregnant , I'm given Duphaston (tablet) to take twice a day.

Hi babay dreamzy,
I take centrum multi vitamins (recommend by kk) and folic acid throughout ivf journey.

Thks zaza ..

Hi grace,
I guess i feel more comfortable in this way. I told my company I going for a minor day surgery. But have 1 colleage who is very close to me. She just ask me is it I go do ivf. My face nearly turn green when she threw that question to me. She seems to know me in and out. haha. Had a shock of my life. I just mumble something and went photocopying and I say no and shhshh her. heehee

Hi sierra,

I think why kk put me straight into icsi. My guess is my dh only has 5% good quality sperm. Didn't really ponder much abt this question that time.

Hi Lina,

heehee will continue to keep it top secret as long as i can..
Hi Gals , thank u so much for the messages.. i am taking the miscarriage well but not so much on my IL issues.. haiz.. like some of u says , one side is me another is my hubby's family. Now, i will be bless if i dun need to see any of their faces till i feel better with everything.

Hi Jas ,

Sorry to hear abt. it. However , u are strongly encourage to go for BT... ermm hope my message is not too late. JIA YOU ! I will be doing my IVF in next 2 mths... will see dr Loh this sat again to ensure that the HCG levels drop to zero. AF visited me on Sat finally, i have lumpy tissues and heavy flow.. dunno if that's normal.. anyway , i will seek for Dr Zou help to tio my body for the hard eggs shell bahz...

Hi Dec , thanks alots ! That's help ! :D

Hi Zaza , sorry that i didnt reply your sms... cos too much things happen during new year... Will keep in touch with u soon.. :D
