IVF/ICSI Support Group

Mmmm seems like lotsa of you are combining TCM with IVF/ISCI.

I have been seeing my chinese doc (acupuncture+medecines) for over almost a year now, and as I am going to start on my IVF/ICSI soon, I was just wondering, can I do acupuncture & take chinese medecines at the same time as when I am taking all the jabs of IVF?

Have never heard of assisted hatching. What is the difference between this and ICSI?

lotsa baby dust to all.......


Hi Breezy ,

thanks alot ! The biggest problem now is that the sac is "missing" and no blood/spotting. So, i have yet to do the DC since Monday when i know the news. Waiting for Dr Loh to diagnose tomorrow. Can you advise me what i should take note after DC ? And the mini confinement.. tks tks...
Hi Chris ,

Yeah.. alot of ppl is telling me this Dr Zou..
Yes, i will try to see her soon to tio before my second attempt. At the same time ,i still need to see Dr. Loh. I will jia you , you must jia you too !
Dear Libby ,

I agree with u , sometime gynaes are associated to some TCM somehow or rather. Not all of cos..
In your case, the possibilities sound really high.

Oh that's consider very reasonable on the charges for Raffles Chinese Medical. Will consider abt her.. cos i am staying in the east so i thought seeing Dr Zou to see if i am comfortable. Nevertheless, can you provide the ctc for Dr Jin ?
Hi Mel ,

Wow.. congrats of your twins bb boys.

Paul Tseng and Dr Chan from Women specialist clinic are both very good. Unlike Paul Tseng ,
Dr Chan is very strict on everything and can just brush u off anytime but her sucessful rates are very high too.. of cos they are both private clinic and the charges are superz high.

Hi Libby ,

i agreed with Mel.. unless u really have the budget or u should try KKIVF first as we are talking abt 2-3 times different on the charges. I am also with Dr SF Loh.. He is a superz GOOD gynae and have a golden fingers (his nick outside of the hospital - i was told by a few GP). But i hope u know that due to his good reputation (He is also Head of KKIVF centre) - he is now crowded with SUPERZ long queue. He has really limited time to speak to u during consultation. All will be taken care by KKIVF nurses and consultant thru' out the jabs. He will be there only for ER & ET. But i still have NO DOUBT abt his expertise and his successful rates are high.
Happy Chinese New yEar in advance u guys.. Juz in case i forget or cant use the computer..

May we all be blessed ..
Hi Develyn

Check out this website, article by Dr Jin of Raffles TCM. You can also find out other information, operating hours, cost etc. Tel : 63112388. Hope it helps.


Hi Mel

Congrats and very happy on your IVF success!
Dr Paul seems a nice gynae, but he seem to be rushing off each time at CARE, back to his own clinic, time wasn't spent on understanding my needs. Angela is the one who will sit down and go thru with me, maybe cos that's her clinic. I'm so tired of changing gynae, and praying the next gynae is the ideal one. I'm just afraid the new gynae will request to start all over again for my case, go for surgery scope etc.. Anyway, already fixed appt with Dr Loh, hopefully he can assist in my special situation. Tks
Hi Sierra,

If hubby sperm's quality is not excellent.. u should try to opt for all ICSI. U have to speak to your gynae abt this. Ok , let me share my experience. I have only 8 eggs during ER ; 6 eggs used for IVF and 2 eggs used for ICSI and at the end all IVF 6 eggs collapse.

Process of IVF : They will put ONE egg and many sperms on the same dish and wait for the strongest to penetrate in by itself.

Process of ICSI : Put one egg into a dish and used micro needle to inject into one best sperm into the egg. Chances of eggs collapsing are minimum unlike IVF process.

I was stubborn that time as my cousin get me to advise the gynae that i wan all ICSI but i say i will leave it to the expertise of the embrylogist. Well, i have ZERO freezing so now i have to go thru everything again.. from start of lucrins. So, i strongly advise u to speak to the gynae and remind them again before ET and GA.
hi WY Koo,
for chinese doctors, Dr Zhong gives me medicine all the way through even now during the 2ww i am taking medication . as for acupuncture, she advises doing that every other day when it is close to ER other than that, acupuncture is once a week. It stops after ER.
Hello Bee..

KKIVF will provide everything in written and summarise the est. charges.. I have a copy too
One thing good, they always give information by written and staple behing your follow up data. At times, they might forget to tell u , just flip and u will sure find it.

Bee... is there a procedure : assisted hatching ?? Please tell me more and abt. how much it cost est. can ? Woa..really want to fly liao... Pls pull my legs before i fly up.. I really thot there is no much hope except gtg thru' ICSI.. yesterday i went to check with my friend , TCM got herbs to soften shells but she need to "tio" for ONE YEAR. ermm.. i better safe time. Of cos i will go TCM for normal tio yang.

Awaiting for your good news. !
Hi Jas , i will jia you .. come on .. u really have to cut down cold drinks and take more warm water k... stay to be a good gal :p
Hi Chris , thanks for the link .. i will read now..

Hi Koow, mixing chinese herbs or accup. should not be mixed during IVF process. U have to try not to do so to prevent any complication. If u are more comfortable to do it , you should speak to your current gynae doing your IVF and get a firm advise from him/her. But my view is still NO.
develyn, libby - thanks for the well wishes..
Lots of baby dust on the two of you too...

libby - yeah.. i think that he is also always rushing off at CARE, as he is quite busy at his clinic.. but then again, i am his patient and i started at his clinic.. i usually see him at his clinic, and it is only for the IVF ER and ET that i see him at CARE.. really praying for you to have good luck with Dr Loh.. keep us updated..

i think there's someone going for BT tomorrow.. can't rememeber who, but those of you in 2WW.. stay happy and positive.. lots of baby dust on you all..
Opss.. sorry ... i found it :

I think it is a IVF process on laser + ICSI.

However , i will still check with Dr. Loh this Friday. Thanks gals...

(8) Assisted Embryo Hatching

Prior to implantation, the embryo has to escape from its protective shell known as the zona pellucida by a process known as hatching. If this process is not completed properly, implantation will fail and a pregnancy cannot occur. We offer the Laser technology for Assisted Hatching (LAH), where a laser beam is focused over the Zona pelucida making a small opening of about 20 microns to facilitate embryo hatching.

This technique is particularly useful in cases where women show embryos with a thick zona and also in cases with previous failed cycles.
stay +ve. God will bless u

Im taking chinese medication. sud i stop then when i do the ivf procedure?

Im underweight n cant put on weight due to high metabolism. Will that affect the chances of getting pregnant?
Hi Itjabi ,

Thanks ! I am trying superz hard to be positive after so much comfort from the forum sister.. I finally feel alot better than the past two days.

Hmm.. i think u should check with your gynae and check on the content too. Unless your TCM is a IVF specialist than he/she can give u better advise. As for me , i did ask KKIVF if i can continue to cook herbal soup and their advise is "PLS DO NOT complicate the process".. when i check with the on TCM treatment together with IVF , they says that i should go to TCM first then after your body gets better - u start with IVF. The nurses there also says that the injection might complicate with the herbs we are taking. Strongly suggest you check it okie.. I have no comment that it is not good but that's what i understand and learn from the nurses.

To me , age / BMI + lots of luck are required so just stay positive. Try to eat more food and go only for very light exercise since you have high metabolism.. try to eat more small meals. When will you be starting your IVF ?
iwant5bbs - thanks for the cost infor

bliss - i manage to get the book u recommend from queenstown libary and I also borrowed another book titled "Infertility - A survival guide for couples and those who love them by Cindy Lewis Dake

develyn - if u want, you may borrow the book from me and read 1st since you wld be doing the ICSI soon rite? How do I pass the book to you?
Hi Zaza,

That's great. Ok, i try to find it at Popular bookstore first - Just a secret : I read pretty slow... hahahha... I really hope to just take your to photocopy then read from there.. heez..
Btw, where are u staying ?

Hi Jas , yupz .. please cut cut cut cut okie... otherwise , we will *smack* ur bum.. heez.. just joking la... but really , please keep your tummy warm okie.. Your chances are really high. Btw, when is your last HCG jab ? U can test 3-4 days after your last HCG jabs , u know ?
Hi Zaza, i am not doing my ICSI cos i just got miscarriage and need abt 3 mths to get my body back to normal before i go for my second shot.
Really need those book to encourage me :D
oh great ! Finally you wait for your big day le.. Lots of baby dust to u... keep us posted ya... Be positive la.. one will have better chance on getting all the nutrient from your body.. Stay ++++ve.. u can check tomorrow , sat and sun then your worries will be gone when u see all the +++ve okie.. Bless u !
develyn - I'm staying in the west area but can meet sumwhere in central too if it is to ur convenience .... mayb we can also have coffee together???? Popular did not carry this book as I had check with store and online webby ....
PS: U did not activate ur PM?

jas - gd luck
Hi Zaza , sure ... no worries ... singapore is small.. Hmm , how to activate PM so i can give u my contact no. or what's your email address and i just email to u... i dun mind to give my no. here .. but is there a regulation or terms that we are not allow ? I scare later kana kick out of forum..
If ok, i will give u here..

I have no spotting or pain at all before I get to know I miscarriage but I did notice my nausea decreased and boobs not that sore on wk 11. Was very calm when sonographer informed me the bad news. I started to tears when I meet up with my gynae.

It is super hard to stand up immediately only time will heal our wounds.

Ok, you may prepare the following for your mini confinement (2 weeks):
a) Dang shen, longan & red date tea. Drink it everyday. To provide strength and blood.
b) Bath with herb (da feng ai). To get ride of wind (buy herbal bath mixture fr medical hall, must boil hor b4 having bath).
c) Cook chicken soup with DOM, hua qi shen & ginder. To warm your womb.
d) Fried chicken / meat / liver with ginger
e) Fried rice with chop garlic, sheredded ginger, mix veg, meat & sesame oil.
f) Fried chicken with sesame oil.
g) Fried veg. must add few slice of ginger.
h) Avoid cooling stuff eg. winter melon, xi yang chai, chai xin, orange, pear, papaya & etc.
i) Avoid carry heavy things.

Feel free to post me if you have any question. We will reach our motherhood kingdom one day! Jia you!
Hi Breezy ,

Ok sure.. i guess those information will be great enough.. how long will we need to rest before going back to work ? Or it is just not a problem to go work.. I dunno will dr Loh do DC for me as the whole sac went missing according to the gynae from A&E.. he says he cannot see any sac left.. Yupz.. i agree that we will reach our motherhood soon.!

Are u starting with a new IVF process ?
Hi Develyn,

I've asked Dr Zou the same qn whether do we still have to take tcm during ivf. She said that not necessary can just go ahead with acupuncture unless the scanning results from Dr Loh shows that the eggs are not responding well then she will provide some chinese medicine to complement.

She also mentioned prior to egg retrieval, we have to go daily for 5 consecutive days for acupuncture. After ET, no need to go for any acupuncture or take any tcm just rest for the 2ww and wait for the eggs to successfully implant.
Hi Chris ,

As i heard many good remarks on this Dr Zou , i really unable to comment. Nevertheless, just ensure that Dr Loh is also being inform on your arrangement. I do heard Dr Zou has very good knowledge abt IVF.. When will u be starting your IVF ?

Oh ladies , i dunno if u know that u are able to email to Dr Loh when u need advises... I did try once and he did reply.. he did tell me that although he is busy but he will try his best to reply.

Hmm...it is good to have mini confinement even you are not required to do D&C. Aiya...I am SAHW not sure how many days need to rest before going back to work...sorry! Anyone here can advise?

Yes, will go for my 2nd IVF in March / April. Was advised to start IVF at least 2 or 3 menstrual cycles after miscarriage. Meanwhile seeing Dr Zou to 'tiao' my body.

Thanks for the website. I will ask dr loh if i sud stop. I hopeful start the procedure next mth.

Dun wori we r alwiz here to lend a listening ear. Guess that's wat we all need. Juz relax n remember watever happens alwiz happens for the best. ;)
I'm with Dr Sadhana. I've been e-mailing her back & forth about my previous test results when I was with Raffles. I've already gone for the sitting with the Nurse and she explained to us the timeline, costs etc. But like you, it was pretty overwhelming, all the info ... the questions and queries are only starting to come to me now as I find out more details/info from you ladies here.

Thank you so so much for the advice on the ICSI. ER and ET will be done by our own gynae right? The rest all will be done by the team of nurses at the ctre? If so, maybe once ER and I know how many eggs managed to be retrieved, can then tell my gynae how many eggs I want to ICSI and the rest just ivf. To be honest, even though we already know my hubby's sperm test results, I don't even know at this stage how "bad/good" it is for ivf or should I just opt for ICSI. Doc & nurses never talked about this at all either. Hmmm ... luckily you ladies pointed this out. Maybe I'll see Dr Sadhana again about 2mths before I start ivf to ensure that we got this sorted out.

BTW, how much is one ICSI at KKH? Can anyone advice? Is it counted by per egg or by per process?

Thanks ladies!
Hi Sierra,

How is Dr Sadhana?

I am in the midst of deciding which govt hosp to go for IVF. Looking at the info here, looks like very long queue for Dr Loh and i can't afford to wait too long. hee he..
hi all, i will be going to KK next week to embark on my FET. I'm very excited about it. I'm hoping this Ox year will be a great one for me and my hubby. Good luck to everyone and hope all our wishes will come true !!!!! and graduate from this thread soon....
Great that you found the information on assisted hatching... err, let me go home and check if the hard copy information contains the cost of AH. Should be some hundreds to a thousand if i rem correctly. KK pricing shd be slightly cheaper than TFC.

It is your big day today! good luck...
Hi Jas,
All the best to you! BFP! BFP!

Hi Koko,
I have just started on my lucrin shot. We can become cycle buddies. How was ur lucrin shot so far?

develyn -

bliss - had only started reading the book and I even bought the book from Amazon.com for my personal collection after much thinking that I would need to refer to the book very often
Hi Breezy : I am going to see Dr Loh at 1530Hrs later and i really scare... haha.. anyway , just have to face the music. I am not sure if he will do DC for me today (Hopefully Yes).

Hi Itjabi/Bliss/Jas : U all must stay happy + positive too

Hi Chris , dun worry .. last time i see needles i will start panicking ! Trust me that the needles are MINI and just breath in before you inject (Get hubby to do it if possible). Try not to find dun hard spot. Sometime one side of your tummmy will have softer fats , breath in & HIT there.. u will get use to it.. JIA YOU ! Any problem , just let us know.

Hi Bee ,

Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Sierra ,

Let me tell u more and hopefully it helps your doubt.

ER and ET will be done by our own gynae unless your gynae is not around or on emergency opt. - very rare case. The rest all will be done by the team of nurses at the ctre such as blood test and advises or scan.

One difficulty that you will meet :

ER carries out under GA which means u are totally asleep. After 2Hrs or so , u will wake up and feel very blur .. Haha so u will not ask so much qns but just stay on bed till your giddiness gone. After you are ok , u will go out of the observation room and link u back to KKIVF centre.. the nurse will tell you how many eggs retrieved. From there, you can tell the nurse that you would like to see the gynae and speak to your gynae abt. this.. (need to queue for awhile). If gynae not around , u must let the nurses know your option.

Just to share with u , my cousin's hubby got superz poor quality sperm and he needs to ejaculate more than 8 times to freeze inorder to get few good ones. They opt for ALL ICSI at Gleneagle and now they are having twins and balance 6 embryo freezing. technology is good now a day , even man with ZERO sperm counts like my friend hubby has gone thru' injection to get sperms.. so what's impossible ?

For the cost of ICSI , i done mine for 2 eggs ICSI and paid abt $600. Anyway , that was deducted by Medisave so no need to scare abt cash involve - That's why so many of us choose govt. hospital.

Yes , u should speak to your gynae for his opinion on the sperm quality before you embark to the process. - Ermmm cos after u start the process , you will hardly able to see your gynae until ER and ET... :D

Hi Mel , yeah.. i will keep all posted soonest.

Hi Jas , must keep all posted of your good news.. JIA YOU and cool stuff is a NONO okie.. haha.. just being abit naggy... *Bleahz*
