IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi everyone, thanks for all the well wishes... not my big day today, my offical blood test is on 28th of jan... i tested today using the clearblue digital, it was a BFN. I was a little sad, but i am mentally prepared for it... I am not sure if this is it, it means BFN or is it too early to test for a singleton? cause i only had one embryo.... anyway, i have decided that all this testing is really bringing me stress hahaha so i will just wait till 28th for the blood test... i am mentally prepared for a BFN ....
thanks everyone

Omg gal , to be honest u should have a positive or positive or false positive by now.. Anyway , dun stress le and wait for the official blood test. No matter BFN or BFP , it is just the result le.. JIA YOU and stay happy for now & enjoy your new year ! Will always be here for you... Will PM u my no, anything just give me a ring okie.. :D Hugz !
today is only 23 Jan, you have still 5 days before your BT, so the negative might not be the final result. Dont be upset now first. If 28 Jan is your 17dpt, today is your 14dpt right? So you may want to wait and test on Sunday again and see how.
Wish you good luck, all the best.
Gal , u cannot accept PM ... anyway , please stay POSITIVE.. maybe like u say , the HCG level still low bahz and cannot detect.. wait till Sunday like what Bliss says okie.. Hugz
haha i am not testing anymore... haha too stresses i will just wait till my blood test hehe dun worry and thanks a lot develyn... i think BT is offically suppose to be on monday but they are closed.
Hi Sisters,
I have just started on my lucrin shot. So far, i dun feel anything as of yet. Is it normal to feel this way? May i know for the puregon shot, how long is the duration? Thanks!

Hi Jas,
It might be too early to test. Just be positive and like the others said, the HCG may still be low...
it is good to prepare for the worst mentally.
However, fyi,there are quite a number of ladies from this thread had the same experience too. Some even had BFN still on the day of BT or the HCG level was slightly below the pregnant level on BT. But then the hospital wanted them to retake BT in another 2 days time(hcg level will double every 2 to 3 days), and then they finally got a BFP after that. So hang in there still.
hi babydreamzy and bliss... thanks a lot for the positive encouragement... yup i have concluded that testing on my own brings too much stress, not able to sleep well and all that stuff... so i decided as much as i like to keep testing, i am not going too, just wait till blood test... oh by the way, after a failed cycle,when will menses come??
yes, so today is your 14dpt.

It depends on individual when menses will come after a failed cycle. Menses may come within a few days after BT or may be in a couple of weeks.

Dont stress yourself, can understand what you are going thru now. Just leave everything to what is fated to be now. You have done your best already. Stay positive that you have the chance to do what you can for your baby.
HI Bliss and Mel ,

How are you guys and your baby doing?

As for me not so good for the pass few months. i am suppose to start my IVF somewhere jan this year but something real but happen during New Year Eve my dad had a brainstem stroke and now he is Coma ................ :~(

i have delay my appoinment with Dr Loh till Mid feb, i remember Dr Loh told me that he will see me 1 more time if hubby semen no improvment then he will start IVF with me , but now i also not in the right mood.
hi bliss, yup i am just going to leave it, my hubby also says stop stressing myself he said... maybe there is a baby there and you stresss yourself so much baby cannot do well, so i decided i am going to stop all the testing today....
Hi Jas,

Yes, maybe u shdnt stress urself too much. Just think positive

By the way, ladies, may i know when shd we start on eating more protein foods, drinks etc. I read that ensure milk does helps in giving the protein that we needed. I am also currently consuming wheatgrass pills. Is it ok? Please reply. Thanks!
sorry to hear that. Really hope that your dad's condition will improve. And hope that you will be able to start your ivf at the perfect time, or maybe get good news even before ivf. Good luck, will pray for you and your dad.

Thanks, I am doing fine. I am in my week 22 pregnancy and my baby is a boy. He is doing fine too, I have started feeling his movements 2 weeks ago. It is very wonderful to feel baby moving actively.
Hope you and ladies here will experience motherhood this year!
You must be strong still and stay positive.

Take good care.
By the way, may i also know how long is the lucrin and puregon shot? Thanks! Appreciate your kind reply..

I am kinda of nervous and worried abt this whole journey.
may i ask which hospital you are with? Did the nurse or doc brief you the whole procedure?
Well, different pple has different protocol, so it really depends on individuals on how long the lucrin and puregon stage.
For my case, I started lucrin from D21 of my menses and lasted for about 2 weeks plus, and puregon for about 1 week before ER.
Dont be nervous, tell yourself that you can face it bravely.
Jia you!
Hi Bliss,

Thanks for sharing. I am currently on D2 lucrin with KKIVF. The nurses are alway so busy and it is so difficult to ask them. The nurse has indicated on the form that i will be taking 16 days of lucrin till my US and BT.

I dun feel anything as of yet, maybe is it too early? There are so many questions in my head and i am totally lost. Luckily, there is this forum for me to seek help.
you are welcome.

Yes, it is too early to feel any side effects of lucrin now. You may start to feel it after around 1 week of lucrin jabs. I felt headaches everyday after 1 week of lucrin. Some pple will feel nausea, hot flashes and other symptoms like having menopause. Just bear with it for a while if you experience any side effects, they will subside once finish with the lucrin jabs.
You will start to feel more discomforts from puregon jabs. Coz puregon will stimulate your follicles to grow, so you will probably feel lots of abdominal cramps after days of puregon jabs, due to the follicles increase in numbers and sizes. For my case, it was kind of painful and very crampy on the day ER.
But dont be scared by all these, you can overcome one by one.
Just think positively and hopeful that you are able to do something to be closer to having your own baby. Isnt that wonderful?
Hi Bliss,

Thanks for the encouraging words. I feel much better on knowing that it is still early to feel anything. I am just worried if my body is not reacting to the injections.
Hi All
Did my bt today and tested positive (500 plus). Been feeling very tense the whole morning counting down. Call kk and they keep asking me to call back. Kind of surprise cos I dun have high hope. Didn't have those symptons like nausea, funny taste or sensitive smell. Just sore bbs, extreme tiredness and bloatedness. Anyway just wanna spread some positive vibe to all. Best wishes to those waiting for their bt results as its really not an easy period.BB dust . Guess I also have to thank Dr loh sf for his lucky fingers.
Hi All,

I was just wondering...y the nurse indicate mine to be of 16 days lucrin..I read from the web that some ladies are of 14 days lucrin. Is it due to the blood test results or age?

fairyrose - oh dear.. i do hope that your dad will wake up soon... stay in this forum and keep us updated... hope that you will fell better soon.. will be sprinkling lots of baby dust on your for your feb procedure..

Kaira - congrats!!! here's wishing you a fantastic 9 months ahead..

Congrats!! Take care of urself and eat loads of healthy food k?


Be strong and have faith. Prayer is the most important at this point of time. God bless.
I think Dr Sadhana is ok. I only met her once but she seems nice enough. I've been e-mailing her back & forth about my test results and she replied each time. My colleague was under her for his wife's ivf (but 6yrs ago.. hehe). Believe blisstan was also under Dr Sadhana. She's the next in line after Dr Loh, so should be ok lah

Once again thank you for your valuable info. Ok, hehe .. i know what you mean. After ER sure zonked out, possibly not a good time to hold "serious" straight conversation with anyone then :p So like you said, will talk to my gynae about this soon to get her opinion & assessment on my hubby's quality of sperm.

Oh, finally managed to call KKH today abt my Day 3 BT. Nurse said all is clear
Thank God for that. So can start ivf in peace come May. Now time to tio body for the remaining mths.

Kaira: Congrats on your +ve results! Bless us all in here with babydust ya! ;)

Jas: I watched this ivf prog on tv. This lady went through ivf at age 37 or so. 3 days before her BT, her AF came. She thought gone case sure failed, but on the day of BT, doc confirmed she's actually pregnant. So maybe silver lining for you despite the -ve results earlier on. Just wait for the BT to confirm for sure. All the best!
Hi bliss and mel,
do continue taking the pregnant mom milk at this stage, will help breastfeeding when bb comes. Looking forward to see your ox babies photo in this thread soon.

Hi kaira,
congrats! Good news before the CNY. So happy for you.
I am home early today, everyone is in festive mood :D Here is the cost at TFC for your reference...
ICSI for 1st 10 eggs = $1070 (I didnt ask if the cost will be prorated for less than 10 egss)
Subsequent every 5 eggs cpst : $267.50

Assisted Hatching $642.00
Blastocyst $374.50 (i guess this is some kind of drug that goes with the procedure)
Hi Kaira , congrats !!! Hugz...

Hi Bee,

Thank you so much.. I went to see Dr Loh today and he says assisted hatching required to come along with IVF/ICSI process... zzz...

Anyway, i just took my blood test and waiting for the result as Dr Loh suspect Baby at fallopian tube
Hopefully the blood test left with ZERO HCG and i will be safe... He says my HCG level pass after IVF of 573 and second test after a week is 1057. On Monday when i am at KK emergency , it became 133.3 and then... gone...
But he still insisted me to have the blood test as he can't find any remains foetus.. when i see him, i really feel like crying again.. Haiz.. Passing all the babies' shops makes me feel worse.. Anyway, he says if blood test pass, i can try the IVF again in 2mths time.. meanwhile i just need to stay healthy bahz... Hopefully the bad dream will be over after NEW YEAR and everything will start all over again.
Hi Kaira,

Hi Develyn,
Just read your post today.
Sorry to hear. It is not good news.
Be strong and dun lose hope.
Hi babydreamzy,

Today is only my 2nd shot of lucrin .. i think we started on the same day

It is not as painful as I thought it will be, but then it is my hubby who is doing it for me.

The nurse told me that I will have to inject for 4 weeks so we had to buy 2 bottles of lucrin. How many bottles did you buy?

Can any ladies pls share if there is anything we should avoid eating during this period? Tks!
Hi Kaira,

Congrats to you! Wisihing you a smooth pregnancy ahead!

Hi Jas,
All the best to your test results!

Hi Develyn,
Hope things work out well for you. Don't loose hope!
Hi kOkO
Your lucrin injections will be for 4 weeks? Wow, that's pretty long. I thought it'd be only for 2 weeks.

Ladies, any idea what factors will determine the length of lucrin we need to take?
thanks, but I have stopped taking milk since my 2 months. I just try to take lots of other high calcium food and also calcium supplement prescribed by gynae.
Hi develyn

Yes, AH is an additional procedure to IVF/ICSI.. I hope you can work things out. Well, better to be sure that everything come out than having something still "stuck" inside. I remembererd when my Gynae suspected that I had a miscarriage, I basically have to visit the hospital every 2-3 days for blood test and wait 1-1.5hrs for the blood test results. This continued for a few weeks till my hCG level drops to near zero. Ya, that feeling was really terrible and unbearable! Luckily, I didn't have to do any washing. My gynae merely use a "forceps" to remove some remaining tissues. I was told washing is like a mini operation and so it will take alonger time for the the womb to recover.

Hope you dun have to do any washing. Take good care of your health in the next two months.. baby dust will fall on you soon!
Hi Gals,

Thanks alot forthe blessing..Haha... i woke up early today to wait for my blood test... aarrgg.. the switch is too fast...On Monday i was hoping that the HCG level can be superz high and today i hope that the HCG level can be zero.. Will stay ++ve.. just hope no DC too..

Hi Koko,

Yes, we started on the same day. I have to be on 16 days lucrin. Urs is super long. Did u ask them why urs is 4 weeks? So far no symptoms fr lucrin as of yet. What abt u?
