IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Develyn,

No prob at all!

Just let Dr. Zou know about ur problem so that she can advise u accordingly.

Good Luck to your upcoming IVF cycle...

Btw, did dr. loh advised u what happened this cycle? why the pregnancy did not sustain?

Hi develyn
Glad that u are taking the MC well. DO see Dr Zou to 'tiao' ur body and try again. I am seeing her too. As for the IL issues, it must have been hard on u. pls take care...and Jia YOU !!
Hi Nancy
gynae gave 2 weeks hospitalization leave, so i resting at home.this is my schedule for the past week:
9am: wake up/wash hair/bathe/breakfast
1030am: sleep
1pm: lunch
530pm: watch tv
630pm: sleep
730pm: dinner
(when i said sleep, i meant lie down lah, coz sometimes cant really sleep)but this schedule has been laxed this week..coz am having constipation, so tot walking a bit more round the hse may help.

dunno what food can take..but i saw the sinseh at JE she told me cant take fruit juice and soya bean while doing lucrin.. dunno why
develyn - after a MC, the flow is usually heavier.. it is good.. it means that your body is purging.. for me, i bled for almost a month after my last one... you'll be ready for the next cycle in no time.. good!! Lots of good luck from me!!

nancy - all the best..
lots of baby dust on you..

lina - thanks for the word of advice.. it has been constantly on my mind that i might not have enuff breast milk for the boys.. but i super cannot tahan the milk.. i only drink fresh milk every now and then.. :p think i dun have enuff calcium/potassium.. have been having calf cramps every night.. did all the raise legs, massages, hot water leg soaks.. will have to ask the doc to double my dosage of calcuim if possible..

kaira - how are you feeling now? enjoy!!
Hi 76,
you are very organized, a good resting schedule too. BFP!

hi mel,
taking in fresh milk or other calcium food is good too. If you can accept cheese products, can also eat more. You can ask the doctor for more calcium pills. Are your scan baby pics in 4D? Can see their moving actions, very cute. Forgot to ask if you and Bliss taking the pre-natal classes?
lina - yah, already munching on cheese and spinach.. gotta think of more calcium rich foods.. nope, not taking pre-natal classes... me and hubby too lazy.. :p 4D pix.. thinking of leh.. i called up a few hospitals.. i think NUH is cheapest.. a bit of pricing knowledge for all.. NUH is offering the 4D scans at $117.17.. it is just simple 2 pix and 1 clip.. the rest of the hospitals that i've called are offering more detailed scans.. at > $230
Hi Ellsa,

I went to see him last dec but only managed to start on ivf this mth. I heard good feedbacks abt him thats y i took him.

Yes, i am currently working. Initially quite reluctant to tell my boss but then i made up my mind to tell him cos it has been bugging me for days. I told him abt it so as to prepare him in case i will be away on and off.
Hi Nancy,

I think gonal-f is similar to lucrin. I am not so sure myself. I guess diff hospital practice differently.

Currently, i am experiencing slight bloating, headache and at times hot flushes...today while talking to my colleague, i get annoyed suddenly...dun know why...even though she is nice..haha...i guess mood swing too cos AF shd be coming anytime soon.

Hi Kaira,
Thanks for the tips on multivitamin. Will take note of that. I was wondering anyone consume wheatgrass too while doing ivf?
Hi babydreamzy,

Yes i agree Doc Loh is gd, he did my operation last yr March. Only that the waiting time to see him at private suite will take more then 2hrs.

maybe ur rite i shld inform my boss too since i will have to be away most of the time, only thing is his a male and i dnt know how to start it off. hehe.

Did the nurse tell u what to eat and what not to eat during ivf? lately i have been eating junk food alot.
in KKH, stage 1 is lucrin, stage 2 is puregon. utrogestan or pregnyl jabs are given during 2ww.
so, jus have to see which stage u r in & u will noe which medication u r using now. most pte hospitals use the same ivf drugs.
Hi Ellsa,

Oh you did an op with him? So far i have only met him once and he is soft spoken and quite funny too. Make me feel comfortable. Hopefully it will remain this way..hehe

Ya, it may not be easy to speak to a male boss. My boss is also male..but he seems ok with it..i do feel good after telling him cos i dun want him to think negatively when i am away from office on and off.

I did ask the nurse what to eat/not to eat during lucrin shot..but she just said to eat a balanced diet but i do admit that i keep feeling hungry...dun know why...
juju78 - i think it depends on hospital.. for TMC, you will need a doc's referral.. they will do something similar to the nuchal/oscar scan and the detailed scan.. sort of a combination.. they'll look at the cord, looks for kinks, and physical deformaties.. and such,,

i called up glenegals.. it was like 300+..
they dun need doc's referral, but they'll do something similiar to TMC.

the rest, dun remember..
Hi ellsa
Welcome to the forum. TMC has this IVF package at $4922 This cost includes

Lab preparation (1st 10 eggs)
Doc's fees for egg collection

Things not included in package
Drugs (i.e GonalF, cardiprin, etc etc) Depends on dosage. Each Gonal F 300IU is $328, 420iu is $492. Needs to inject 10-14days. Estimated $4500
Blood test $100
Embryo freezing ( first 3 straw) $513.60
subsequent every 1 straw $107.00
insurance 3 embryos $711.55
anaesthetic fees $250.00
ICIS fees First 10 eggs $1,070
subsequent every 5 eggs $267.50
Assisted Hatching if required $535
Pregnancy test $100

Total estimated costs $13,075. Medisave first claim $6k. This fees doesnt include the previous scans before jabs and sperm freezing
Hi 76
Seems that you are getting the deserved rest. My hubby insist that i rest at home since today is my day one jab. I am already bored to tears. Cant imagine 2ww. Hee....Lots and lots of babydusts !!! ....
Hi babydreamzy,

Yes i have been seeing him since Feb'08, he had my endometriosis cleared up, and he had bug me to do IVF ever since.. hehehe.. and finally m ready now.

me too.. i feel hungry ever min ever sec. I dnt know if its the lucrin or me quitting smoking.

U did the jab urself or ur hubby help u with it?
Right now im starting to feel bloated and giddy.. maybe due to menses coming soon. Dnt know if its ok to go for V scan while having ur menses. aiyo so paisey.
Hi babydreamzy
Ya lor, so bored at home. My hubby paranoid more tense than me. The nurse taught him how to give me jab he freaked out. So everyday go back clinic for jab from tomorrow onwards.

I think work better. Stay at home sometimes have wild thoughts hee...anyway tomorrow i will go back to office. Hee....
babydreamzy, 10 for 14 days.

Hi nancy,

Wow that even cost more then KKH, maybe coz Thomson is private thats y. They split up the cost and all.. very the confusing. hehe
Anyway which stage are u at now?
Hi Ellsa,

i guess might be due to the injection..i heard that ivf injections can make u put on weight..thats the scary part..LOL..It is good that u quit smoking...

My hubby helped with the jab...cos i cant jab myself...he always do the jab at 6am and i am still half asleep while he does the jab. Dun think i can do it on my own...scared i overdose myself while feeling sleepy..hehe..what abt u?

Ya it can be paiseh to do scanning during menses..my menses will be due anytime end of this mth..i can feel slight cramping already, a sign my menses is coming...by the way, how many units u taking?
hi ellsa
Yes, the cost can be very confusing. But since I was with Dr cheng for sometime now, decided to stick with him.

I am in GonalF stage. Today only day one. Needs abt 10-14 days of jab depending follicle size then do ER.
Hi Nancy,

Correct me if i am wrong...i think you are stage 2. Thats when the eggs grow...did u eat anything so as to grow more eggs?

Hi Ellsa,

you are only 23? Wah..u r young leh...hehe
Hi. babydreamzy.

Yes, think stage 2 hee. Cause i took 23 days of pills before today. Not yet, I am not sure what to eat. Can u advise? Thanks !

last time i heard ladies drinking some protein powder. Is it additional to the daily eggs?
Hi babydreamzy,

huh gain weight?? u scare me, that part i might not be ready.. hahaha

hey that nice of ur hubby to do it for u.. Mine just sit and watch coz he dare not do it.. i did it myself from day one till now. It was scary at first but now im ok.. thinking to quit my job and be a nurse. haha

I am taking 10units for 14 days. Whens ur next check up to kkivf?
Hi Nancy,

I heard from the ladies here to drink ensure milk and also to eat egg whites to avoid OHSS. But to think of it, protein is also good to grow quality eggs..not sure whether is it right..
i went thru 10 days of puregon. the plan was 6 days, i think, but was extended to 10 days.

noted. will call up NUH & ask bah... since they are the cheapest. cost savings more important now cos need to save up for infant care.
Hi ellsa
Wow, u so brave. Did the jabs urself. I thought i could do it but a was so scared. Was Thinking each pen cost more than $300 bucks better play safe. If i shoot into the air, worse !! Hee...
Yes im only 23 dnt know if im the youngest to do ivf. And i have been trying to conceive for 2yrs.

How come urs so diff? pills before injection..

babydreamzy, How come we dont have it in KKH.
Hi Ellsa
Did the doc say the reason for not conceiving? U are so young. The youngest I encountered here. Your IVF chances will be much higher . stay positive !!

Thanks. I will check out Ensure. Hope the taste not too yucky. I dun like creamy stuff...sigh
Hi Ellsa,

Ya u r brave...to do it on ur own...ya i think got potential to become nurse leh..hahaha.

My next checkup will be next friday. Have to come for US and BT. I have to inject lucrin for 16 days. When i called to ask why 16 days and not 14 days...reason is becos..too many patients..what kind of excuse is that..i was rather mad! But what to do.. she has assured me that it wont make much difference.
Hi Ellsa,

Reason being..diff hospital practice differently. Thats y.

Nancy, i dont like creamy stuff too and i am not a fan of milk too..but i guess have to sacrifice to achieve our dream...even though have to put on wt..hehe.

Juju, 10 days..wow.i guess during stage 2..we have to frequently visit kk for checkup etc rite...i guess that is the stressful part...any tips to grow and have quality eggs?
Hi Dec ,

The problem is NO , Dr Loh did not mention anything .. i guess he is too busy.. i waited for an hr to see him for abt 5mins.. lolz..

Hi Nancy ,

Thanks for the encouragement.

Hi Mel ,

I dunno how long will the menses last.. i am having doubt if i still need to go for for a DC.. if i m having menses now, does it also mean that i dun have etopic (baby in fallopian tube).. any idea ?
u can ask ur gynae if u feel dat lucrin stage is taking too long.
i had lucrin for a total of 26 days (in stage 1, then in stage 2 together with puregon jab).

mine was suppressant (microgynon 30) for 21 days, lucrin (10 units) for 26 days, puregon (200 units) for 10 days. number of days & dosage depends on individual & scan results.

during stage 2, i went back for v-scans (to monitor egg growth) & pregnyl jab (2 days before ER). i din take any special diet to help egg growth. i guess balanced diet & more protein is good, plus try to relax.
nancy - i am currently preggy with twin boys at 22 weeks..
good luck!!

juju - yeah, call early.. cos the last call i made, they have not really finalised the price.. this is the current price that they have..informed me that they might adjust the price.. not too sure if they will adjust up or down.. oh, btw, the scans will be done in mid 2nd trimester.. but i forgot which exact range of weeks.. :p

develyn - i had 2 ectopics, i still bled... sometimes with clots.. i still went for methotraxate shots.. but hor, i rememeber that your scan showed at least 1 sac.. if you did ever see 2 sacs, then, possibly quite safe from ectopic.. to be on the safe side, go see doc and let your doc evaluate..
Hi Mel , i show the scan of the sac to Dr Loh .. remember i told u abt the Dr. Venga Clinic at Tampines ? Dr Loh told me that he has seen the wrong thing as the sac should not be that big at week 6.. I am seeing Dr Loh this sat morning to have the check again.. Hmmm .. but if i am on menses , then it will be paiseh.. lolz... sorry to ask , how many weeks do u carry the baby till u MC ? Are u undergoing IVF at that time ? And usually how Dr determine on that ? I am really scare if more complications if it is really ectopics.
juju - you should still be eligible... i think the end of the range was either 28 or 32.. different hospitals diff.. so, i am really confused on what is NUH's exact range.. :p you should know.. now, the blood all goes to the babies.. leaving almost non for my brain.. so.. very blur for sometime liao.. ha...

nancy - thanks for teh congrats..
well, i have been thru similiar experiences as you girls.. and encouragement certainly helped me last time..
Hi Juju,

Thanks for the advise. I will email to my gynae soon. Hehe. I just want to make sure what the nurse said is right. They can be confusing/blur at times. The last time i went to see them they told me to pay for sperm storage when we have already paid for it and she also thot i did my IVF in dec when i will be doing it in Jan...My hubby was totally upset with her. Haiz.

Wow u are going to 26 weeks already....congrats to you!

Congrats to you too Mel for having twins..
develyn - dun worry abt the mense part and the vaginal scan during mense.. throw all your paisehs away... sorry to tell you, you will be subjected to worse paisehs in this motherhood journey.. have been poked there like countless times.. heh.. nope, both ectopics were naturally conceived.. 1st was at 8 weeks, 2nd was at 10 weeks or so..
ya... brain almost non-existent. lol...

i guess the nurses are too busy alrdy. jus make sure u double chk everything when u r there. ur name labels to stick on stuff like test tubes, what kind of payment u had done, etc...
what i did was to keep all the receipts for dat round of ivf (my 1st) in a zip up bag & bring along whenever i go kkh. it contains all the papers i had been given, the jab/scan timetable, brochures, etc... really useful when u can't remember
thx... suddenly, 2nd tri ending soon. amazing how time flies...
Hi Mel , okie.. dun paiseh.. haha.. Just praying hard to just go thru this stage and go to the 2nd try of ivf.. dun wanna get hold back when i am determine.. later kana pour salt water on wound by ILs again.. lolz..
called NUH le ~ $117.17 is for 2 fotos & 1 video clip of face only wor... they dun scan anything else. think tmr i ask my colleague abt her gynae's charges - whether is for 3D or 4D, think is less than $100, if i remember correctly...
Hi mel,
do post your 3D or 4D pics here, can give us a motivation. Losing memory and hair is part of motherhood too. Don't worry about it.

hi mel and juju,
4D scan are not really required, actually only show you the actions of the babies. My previous gynae says that all babies yawn and smile while inside the womb, makes no difference if you see it. It is the detail scan that will show any abnormalities. The detail scan will therefore be important. Would be good to do it at the hospital of your gynae.

hi develyn,
Hope you don't need to go throught the D&C.

detailed scan alrdy done. itchy hand wanna do 4D scan cos wanna see how baby looks like... hee... spending unnecessary $$
