IVF/ICSI Support Group

Lina Ang,

My ET was on 18 Dec. Now is already my 8th day of I/M Progesterone injection...... counting down to 10 days before I have my pregnancy test.


No need any blood test before ET, but after ET, you will be injected with I/M Progesterone 25mg by the nurse. You will be given an injection form and you are required to either come to KKIVF centre to inject, 24 hrs Woman's Clinic (if KKIVF centre is closed) or your own preferred clinic with the doctor's letter.

That is what the doctor said...... I was surprised when she said there is another ET wave. But so far, I never experience any effect of ET, so I assume not. For me, I experienced OHSS of shortness of breath, bloatedness, nausea & vomiting around 2 days after ER. This continued around 3 days until I seek help and got better medication.

Now I feel better, more energetic, able to drink better and can take a better portion of food.

Diana Lim,

You have 6 months hormone jab? Is it jab 1 time for 6 months? I have cysts last time and was removed by keyhole surgery too...... but I was never on 6 months hormone jab coz the gynae never say so.
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hello, oh so we are starting together. Well I am kind of like you, except for er and et, i normally go for appointments alone cause hubby has been very busy at work and normally has no time to go with me. But i am fine though cause I am quite independent.

Hi Lina, nope i do not think your husband can do the jabs, my husband had zero sperms. doing the jabs did not make his sperm's quality any better, just that he has some sperms that can be used. The puregon is done by ourselves though, not by the nurses...
Dear all,

Wishing you all a Merry Xmas and to all who is still ttc like me, may all baby dusts falls on us.


Anyone can help me with the puregon pen. After turning the knob to 250 and injected, what should I do. Do I continue to turn the knob all the way. Goodness me. I forgot what the nurse have taught me. I just

relax.. dun turn anymore if your dosage is 250. just inject at 90 deg angle. its quite hard to jab so please dun force your way thru. did e nurse give u the instruction pamplet? just follow..

haven heard from u since our bt.. so hows your bt result?

me have been grieving over the pass few days.. still cant get over it but i tell myself that i wana carry my dh's baby and i must make it. so i thot of doing it asap again.. cos i nt getting any younger.. partly also my dh wana have a cow baby.. like me.. so hopefully i can start my new cycle as soon as the year started..
Hi Chew
My hb drive me to kk let the nurse teach me. How forgetful I am. When I inject the pen into my tummy, I forgot and kind of panic. Thks.

Hi Jas
Yes. We are cycle buddies. We start the puregon jab on the same day, Xmas Day. My hb sperm morphology normal forms is 5% which is below the normal range of 14%. Let's give each other support.
hi everyone, merry christmas and god bless!!
Kaira, whaa exactly the same day, dun worry , once you injected, make sure the indicator goes back to zero and leave it that way, your next jab, wipe the head with the swabs, turn the dial to 250 again and jab. that's all, no more turning after jabbing. My dosage is 200 only, hmmm i am wondering maybe cause of my age or something.... lowest dosage the nurse said. when is your scan? 31st too?
Hi jas,
thanks for sharing your blog. Wow, and your cost is double of everyone. But for the pain that your hubby went through, at least he can see some results. He is definitely more understanding towards the pain that you went through by being in the same shoes as all of us. Clap! Clap! for him.
Hi Jas,

yup 200 is the min dosage. I saw Dr Loh wrote in my report long cycle and 400 puregon. Fainted when I saw 400, that's alot rite?

Anyone can enlighten me? Cos last time when I did SO-IUI only 75 puregon. And what does long cycle means?

I should be starting my ivf program tentatively after chinese new yr.

Dr loh ever told me not to consume chinese herbs together with the IVF process. Acupuncture can but not chinese herbs. Maybe you want to check with KK. Yes, my next scan is 31st Dec. The nurse told me ET is around 5th Jan.


Don't give up!

Mine is the long protocol. I'm even req'd to take contraceptive pill before the Lurin injection. Reason being to prevent cyst formation.
hi, im totally lost on the ivf treatments thingy and have no idea how to start going for an ivf treatment and how much.. i lost my bb 8 mths ago and am trying to have a bb. wonder if anyone has got any recommendations? i go for a consultation first for ivf?

hi Lina,
yup hubby knows what i am going through and is really patient and understanding... my temper and mood swings getting very bad these days.

Kaira, I am seeing Dr Zhong Xi Min, she actually knows doctor loh quite well and her medicine actually compliments the IVF stages we go thorough. From what I heard, she actually discusses with him what to give patients to help with the IVF process... The down side is, she cost quite a bit... from my first appointment till now, average is about $180 per session with her! I will spend the money cause i know I am in good hands....
Chris, mine is also the long protocol... so i am wondering what is short.... from start of jabs to pregnancy test is about 1.5 to 2 mths for us... am wondering if the short protocol means 1 mth?? seems like normal patients go for long protocol... Anyone here had short protocol under dr SF loh feel free to share??
Dear Rosemint,
I just went through the final bill for my IVF cycle this morning. I am with NUH, Prof PC Wong. After medisave of 5,000 (for 1st attempt I think u can use 6,000) and government subsidy of 3,000, I have to top up cash of about 2,400. Everyone's bill will differ as it depends on the dosage of the stimulation drugs, etc.

I also paid another 500 for freezing 1 embryo for one year.

I am not sure why you want to go for IVF cos you may not need it. You can call Clinic for Human Reproduction (CHR) of NUH for enquries. Tel is 67745336. They are very nice people.

Hope this helps you.
Hi jas,
it's ok to have mood swings. I am normally not short temper but whenever i take the ivf medication, i became very depress and mood swings easily. I jump on every small little things/problems.
Hi kaira,
i am still in the beginning stage of taking the contraceptive pills. But previous try of fresh and FET, i don't experience any pain during the puregon stage.
Hi Chew,

I was also very upset and cried many days on my unsuccessful attempt. Kept blaming myself why it happened. With adenomyosis, my cramps were so bad that I went to 24Hr for painkiller jab. I am also thinking of starting the FET asap. Will be seeing Doc in Jan09 for advise. Let's hope that we will strike this time!
Hi Gals,

I am also thinking of going thru IVF as my husband sperm is very very bad plus I am POC. Any good IVF doc to recommend. Btw, how is the process like? Thanks!
Hi Chew and babycoming

I called kkivf today and got a BFN for my test result. Was devastated but tried not to show it infront of DH as he was so supportive through the whole ivf cycle and don't want him to be upset. Really disappointed as I tried to eat well, exercise and also did tcm and accp this time.

Still can't help feeling like it is so hopeless. This is my 3rd ivf cycle and read some where that if still not successful by 3rd cycle then chances really slim. But on the other hand, it is really hard to let go and not be able to have one's own child.

Like you girls, will be seeing Doc in Jan. In the meantime, will give my body a rest. Take care.
Sorry to hear the negative results. Sometimes, we wonder why after all the things we do, still unsuccessful. Cry if u feel like it. You will feel better after that. PLease dun give up. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe it's not your time yet. It will be ur turn to be a mummy soon.

Discuss with ur gynae for options. Rest ur body and mind first for a while and move on from there. All the best. Hugs.......
Hi Hopeful88,

I can understand how u r feeling...its normal to be disappointed.

Dun take it seriously on what u read "chances slim if still nt successful by 3rd cycle" I also read abt ladies who succeed only after many cycles. So dun feel hopeless, I believe as long as we dun give up, it will be our turn soon.
Hi ladies,

I haven't been logging in for a long time. Just would like to check if anyone of you have Group B Streptococcus. Aside from antibiotics, was there any other medication prescribed by your gynae? I am starting my 2nd fresh cycle soon and that GBS was found in me on my FET cycle. I was given antibiotics before ET. So if anyone had any experience with it, perhaps you can share with me. Thanks!
Hi Ladies -

To all of you who have done laparoscopy before, just wanted to check, do you sort of bleed like menses 2 weeks after the surgery.

Everything was going well for me. With hormones suppression I am not supposed to have my menses for 3 months, but today 5 days just before my 'due menses', I suddenly start bleeding. First it was just red blood clots, go toilet clean okay already. The today again just more blood. Anyone has experience with this before. What is this blood supposed to be?

Is it my menses (means the suppression didnt really work) or is it just the overdue blood from surgery? Any kind of help/explanation will do. Thanks.

The good thing is if it is my menses there was no usual lower abdominal cramp means the surgery had work...
Hi ladies
I would like to know what are the side effects you feel while having the injections. I was thinking if I have the jabs during chinese new year. Is it still possible to house visiting? Or need to rest at home. Thanks
Hi Lina, Nancy and Molecule

Thanks for your support. Glad to have you girls here to have a shoulder to cry on and who understands the whole ivf process.

Will have a good rest and see doc in Jan.

I didn't have much side effects during the jabs except slight bloating around the abdominal area but guess it's okay to go house visiting but don't tire yourself out.
Hi Nancy
I remembered when I was injecting Gonal F(Stimulating medicine), I felt very tired and sleepy for day n night (maybe it was due to the high dosage used). I was ok (no side efect) during Suprefact (Suppressing medicine). Think can still go for house visiting, but have to take enough rest/sleep.

Hi Hopeful88
Hugz..Pls stay strong. Believe in yourself that u will become mummy in the next round! Mostly importantly, pls rest well n 'tiao" your body!

Hi Richard
Zhu Lin Temple is just next to Bt Batok Driving Centre.
Hi hopeful88,
good to hear that you are seeing doc in jan.

Hi nancy,
i only have slight pain on the legs after injection, had to walk slowly. Should not affect visiting. Unless you are in 2WW during CNY, then it might be affected.
Dear Ros,
I think it is better to speak to your gynae about your condition. Is there a number you can call?

Dear Mystyy,
I think the best treatment would be antibiotics, cos its a type of bacteria. If you are pregnant, then antibiotics will be given before you give birth.

Dear Hopeful88,
Hey, like your name says, stay HOPEFUL! You should not give up. Giving up means zero chance. Continue trying until you are successful. Meanwhile, relax and take care of yourself.
Dear Ros,

I agree with Grace BB too that you should consult your gynae about your condition. I too had 2 laproscopy done with the 2nd one having to inject lucrin (total 3 injections over 3mths) which is a form of hormone supression supposedly to stop my period from coming for the next 3-4 months. However my gyane did mention that I may experience slight spotting after the 1st injection
which is normal.
Hi Grace BB and Chris,

I truly appreciate your explanation. I guess I will ask my gynae. Anyway I am meeting up with Dr Sadhana on the 6th of January. Is that too late? Should I go and call the 24 hour clinic sooner?

Hopeful88 - I am sorry about your news. Please don't give up ok. For this coming new year, just rest and and take care of yourself. After the dr appointment then decide what you want to do. Like what Chris said, if you continue trying, there is still chance no matter how small but if you totally give up then the chance will be 0. What ever your decisions we will always be here for you.
Hi Ros,

I had my cysts remove late last mth and experience only light spotting for the first wk after surgery. Gynae asked me to take 6 hormone jabs, 1 every 5th week. dont knw why 6 jabs instead of 3. Just had the first jab today, 5th day of my menses.

Gynae say i might still have menses next mth but shld stop after that.

Better chek with your gynae and take good care.
Hi Kaira,
what time will you be there? my scan is anytime from 10am onwards i think.... but I have a acupuncture appointment at 3 pm after... is yr hubby going along with you? mine isn't hahaha...

these are the side effects i have so far...
nothing at all.... just little sleepy,
Lucrin and Puregon now...
Grumpy , mood swings, very very sleepy all the time,major overeact hahah happy very happy sad very sad, angry also very angry but still able to do things day to day just naps in afternoon or sleep very early, 10.30pm instead of usual 12 am

no discomfort for me so far... Kaira experiencing discomfort?
Hi all,

I am new to the thread. Started my 1st ICSI last week but was told to abort it yesterday as I am producing too many eggs. Quite disappointed esp nurse told us that I have to wait for 2 months to start another cycle.

I will be seeing Dr Loh in Jan to ask for opinion on whether should I start another cycle of ICSI or convert to IVF.

Another one have similar experience?

Take care all :)
Hi Jas
I will be there ard 8am. Cos got to work. I think HB just fetch me there. I did not tell boss or anyone abt this IVF I'm going through
I don't want family or frens to question me . How abt you ? Are you taking any egg white ? I took three eggwhite this morning. Also bought Ensure milk . Taste quite Okay. Vanilla Flavour. I felt bloated yesterday night and some tightening at my lower abdomen. Somemore I took beancurd for my supper. We are not suppose to take beancurd right? That Dr Jin on leave , my next visit with her on 2nd Jan 09. I feel sleepy and tired too .. No mood swing for me though.. If u have mood swing, you can direct it on your hb
They are suppose to give us support during this period right. My right ovary not producing any eggs due to the previous cyst, only left ovary working. HB don't dare to look when I do my injection. He's more scare than me . Heehee.

You experience anything during puregon stage ?

Hi cler cler
Welcome! Can't help you cos have not gone through ICSI.
Noi, hopeful88, Jas, Lina
Thanks for the useful info. Guess I will go ahead with the injections during CNY. I am seeing dr next tue to start the pills for next 21 days. Thanks again. I am also planning to see dr Zou once the menses clear in a few days. Ladies, let's work hard together. Cheers

hi linda.

sometime you can say..this is the way ppl is comparing..but certain time...is fate whose is making fun of ppl..so older ppl say..if we do hope to have baby ....try to do more charity work.help those poor to needed ppl..
