IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Josephine,
nope i did not buy it there, I bought brands at petrol kiosk hehe... forgot to buy when i was at KKH... Yah nurse angeline is very very nice... from my husband's jabs to mine, she has been helping us... she came back from her maternity leave and she still reconises me as the lady who has to jab her husband haha

hi bee, hehe yup it was just diffcult the very first time.. after that, I was able to do it without problems.... easy, just follow the instructions.... no problem
hi yck,
i think there is only one fertility doc at TMC. i know my doc as Dr Cheng, shd be the same one as yours. it was a referral from my gynae at ACJ (TMC).
hi jas
thanks, think i am too anxious. will take it step by step. so i can start taking chicken essence and egg white as well incl folic acid? my hubby sperm quality not so good. any tips on what he shd eat to improve the quality?

good luck for your ER next monday.
hi bee.. i hope the er will be next monday haha i am not sure even... My hubby had no sperm, so he had to do jabs... but from dr loh, he recommanded mega man from gnc for sperms... another alternative is going to a chinese doctor for accupuncture as well as medication, my chinese doctor was telling me, it helps both the woman, for her womb and man for sperms
hi bee, i think start taking the egg whites and chicken essence when you are in stage 2, injection puregon and lucrin together.. that way, the nutrients can get to the follicles... erm but i heard the egg white is to replace the protein used to encourage follicle and egg growth... so during the lucrin phase ( stage 1) no point taking those... but you can take the folic acid and multi vitamins now .
Hi Bee
I am with dr cheng as well. Mine pills are ending 26th jan. Jabs should start 1st Feb 09. Hm...yes age catching up. I am turning 36. Btw Dr cheng gave my hubby " Immuvital" on last visit. It's suppose to be good for sperm. You can call TFC to purchase it. $84 for 100 pills.
kaira,, i am doing natural FET this cycle. Have been through the lucrin and puregon injections...had a few big bruises on my tummy too. They have since all healed.

I am doing my ET tomorrow, getting nervous...my hubby is quite excited..My gynae gave me progesterone injection yesterday and asked me to start duphaston tablets today. Anyone taking these now?
Hi happyever,
Dr Zou acu also made my AF wierd. I had only 2 days very light menses, my normal is at least 4 days of heavy menses. But do still try natural as you might never know your body.

Hi jas,
oh Angeline is back from her maternity, that's fast. She's friendly. For those who are looking for essence or bird nest, this forum has a good source as many mummies selling at cheap price (especially if the brand doesn't matter). Some sell by the whole bulk. Previously i was getting essence for friend doing confinement and found cheap deals here, just post on the "want to buy" thread.
i am currently pregnant with twins and due somewhere in feb. All the best to your journey. Same to Nancy.
hi Jas,
How long it take to improve sperm with jab?
I heard for chinese medicine it takes at least 3mths.
Hahahaha, yea nurse angeline is very nice. That time when she jab for me, she was pregnant quite big on her 2nd child and she recognize my name. Hahahaha :D
Happy New Year to All!

I will be starting on my lucrin shot sometime end of this mth. Anyone starting ard the same time? We can become cycle buddies...

Can anyone provide info on what are the things that we need to do to prepare our body for this journey? Such as what food to take, vitamins etc?

Hi All, I had a cyst while I did my last cycle and the doc said it was because of the suppression drug (suprafact) and that it will go away. Do you have similar experience? Will it go away? My appointment with the doc is in Feb.
Somehow, it's a sad New Year for me as I discovered I started my period yesterday. Although when we sign up for IVF, we already know chances of conceiving is low (40%) and is prepared for whatever outcome it is, but it is still hard to face the truth.

Both my husband and I have suffered setbacks from our few IUI and therefore proceed to IVF after a period of rests. This IVF result hit me more with all those OHSS and injections because I've gone through so much. Although I've been strong yet tears still fall uncontrollably whenever I think of it.

We will be seeing Dr. Loh 2 weeks later. Maybe would hear what he suggests.
Happy NeW Year.

ladies - i'm trying to find the address of Clementi and AMK TCM doctors for my fren who's intending to go for TCM. I tried trawling through the archives but like needle in haystack. Does anyone have the address off hand? Thanks much in advance
Hi ponytail, if you are looking for Dr Zou from AMK, here's the details :
Zou Yumin TCM
Blk 505 AMK Ave 8
#01-2670 S 560505
Tel :64560833
Thanks RL

I just found the clementi address if anybody needs it

Dr Tan Kian Sing
TCM Healthcare Medical Centre
433 Clementi Avenue 3
Singapore 120433
Telephone: 68723237
thanks nancy!

Hi everyone, I just did my ET this morning and will now await my preg blood test on 15 Jan

I had 2 embbies transferred, one 5-cell and the other 6-cell, was told they are grade 2 embbies.
Anyone here waiting for their preg result too?
Hi, I am new to this thread. I am 33 and planning to go for IVF this year. i tried IUI before in my past 2 years and not successful.

I havent decided which hospital to go and would like to know if i go KKH (cos of the "grant"); Do i need to go polyclinic to get referral or i can register with KKH directly with the infertity clinic? pls advice me. Many thanks.
Hi Shirley, sorry to hear about your sad news. May you be blessed with wonderful baby luck in the yr of the ox! Take care of your health ok
you may choose any govt hospitals such as KKH or SGH in order to have the subsidy of ivf. I would suggest you choose your own doc and then make appt with the doc at the hospital infertility treatment department. If by getting referral, you will get to see diff docs at every apptmt which is no gd.
Hi blisstan,

Thanks for your advice. In another word, the difference is the consulation fee which is higher compare to referral but you get to see the dr you want. As for the IVF rate is the same for either referral or direct appt.
I am not very sure about the difference of the consultation fee. You are probably right. I dont think the difference is great. But I would advise to get at least a senior consultant for your ivf treatment.
All the best and good luck!
Must stay positive and take good care of both your physical and emotional health, very important.
thanks blisstan. i actually give out having my own baby after many IUI attempts failure for the past 2 years. The gynae that i visited do not do IVF. Hopefully, i will get better luck in the ox year.
I can understand how you have been feeling. I also tried very hard for 3 years before I got my BFP. I remember I was completely devastated(cried non stop for days) and almost gave up totally when I got my iui failure. But then after a few days of deep thinking, I just could not give up my strong drive to have my own baby. I believe there is still time and chances for me to try as much as I can, so went for ivf after 2 months rest.
It will never be easy, but always keep yourself happy and positive no matter what, ok?
Hi BBDreamz,
welcome. I am also starting lucrin this month but will be extended for a week due to the closure on CNY.

Hi Shirley,
Hugs, stay positive.

Hi babylou,
BFP! rest well before BT.

Hi Enerus,
Welcome to the thread. Don't give up.

yes, i will. I discussed with my hubby and feel that we shouldnt give up since we still have one other option; IVF. That why, i "return" back to this forum and to understand more.

BTW, which hospital you went and Dr?
I am with KKH, doc is dr Sadhana, senior consultant of KKivf centre. Many ladies with KKHivf here are with Dr Loh SF, he is the head of the centre. His ivf success rate is quite high.
hi ladies

Coming in here to seek some comfort and advise. I am in 2ww after a FET, today is 5DPET, i transferred a day3 embryo so now my embryo should be about 7days old and ready to start implanting? I dont feel any symptoms at all. I feel so well as if i didnt do any procedure at all. Is this normal? Anyone been thru a FET can share, its really not much effects or symptoms?
hi jo, my hubby took 6 mths of injections 3 times weekly. tcm tiao takes about 3 mths..
ahhh ER is not monday for me.... follicles not big enough... on 400iu puregon for 3 days...if everything goes well wed/thurs et.... hopefully can proceed to ER. 6 to 15 mmm total got 6 follicles now.
Hi Tryagain,
welcome! when i tried FET, also no symptom at all. Only one day spotting light brown stain. But that FET was BFN. Do stay positive, sometimes one might not have any symptoms.

Hi jas,
hope you can proceed to ER soon.
Hi gals...
I'm new in this thread, would like to find out any gals while doing IVF also combine with Dr Zou's medicine? cos I've consult my doc and he advice can't consume chinese medicine while doing IVF???

Combine with chinese medicine, chances of success it's high???
Hi Shirley, I can fully understand how u feel. There is no need to hold back ur tears, just cry and u will feel better. U r already very brave to try IVF.

I too had several failed IUIs and IVF cycles. In my fresh cycle, I also suffered from OHSS and was hospitalised.Recently, I did my FET and was a BFP, but it ended up in miscarriage...This is also a sad new year for me. The journey to getting pregnant is really tough, but I keep reminding myself that I should not give up cos if I give up, chances is zero.

I hope that the year of Ox will bring us good luck and bless us with healthy babies.
hi gals

i havent come here for a while. Happy New Year to everyone.

I am planning to start IVF in Feb and am hunting around for a new IVF centre with a good lab.

I am considering SGH 's Roland Chieng and Gleneagles's SC Ng

Really appreciate if anyone can share with me their experience at these 2 centres.
my gynae recommended mega man too and hubby has been taking. oic, then i will just stock up the essence first :p dun worry, u will proceed to ER very soon, stay positive and have faith !

Wow, twins! CONGRATS! must be really really excited! take good care of urself. i hope to hv twins or triplets... one stone kill many birds. haha. hee... my dream is to have 4 kids...

ya, i am turning 36 soon too. Dr Cheng has asked for my hubby specimen for test. will see how after the test then.

Sorry to hear said the sad news. For me, I didnt go for IUI. I had my septum removed 6 months ago but the blocked tube was beyond cure. I am born with bi-cornuate uterus which increases the chances of miscarriage. In fact, i had a miscarriage 15 months ago.. I was happy for 2 days then! Whatever it is, dun give up hope. After a good cry, look ahead for "HOPE" again. Talk to your Doc for next step. GOOD LUCK!
hi lina and bee,
hehe actually dr zhong , my tcm doctor told me, if you react to puregon slowly, it is good. it shows that the body is strong and i was thinking.. yah strong but cannot keep waiting mahh haha.. i am taking things one step at a time so not stress or unhappy over this, just puzzled why i take so long to react to puregon hehe. hope this monday's scan goes well
hi enerus,

You can call this no. 6294-4050 KKH to book an appointment. I was given this number by my friend and I told the nurse on duty to book my 1st appointment under Dr SF Loh (Head of reproductive medicine in KK).


Congrats!!! My dream is also to have twins and I've joked with my hubby that if I have twins successfully then I will close factory liao...
Hi Try again, i had my ET done on Friday. I have very slight menstrual cramps on and off and can feel 'twitching' in my breasts occasionally. Not sure if I am being too sensitive...it's probably too early to experience anything!
hi Babylou, is yours a natural cycle, as in no injections, no drugs at all?

Mine is natural, no drugs, no jabs so my chinese doc say its natural not to feel anything. Just like normal 2ww during normal ttc months, ask me dont worry. She say natural cycle may sometimes be better instead.

I also have twitching in breasts but mild ones and heavy feeling at the womb thats all. Its probably too early to feel anything, you are right. But i just cant help feeling apprehensive and scared at times. Thanks for replying.
Hi all,

I've been MIA for awhile, will be joining the thread again in April when I start my third cycle.

Hi babymaking,
Congrats, you can update my date. all the best for ur 9 mths.

RL - just read your earlier post abt gonal f dosage. i'm with prof too. i think its better for doc to be conservative than too adventurous, cos OHSS is a very serious condition and results from overstrimulation. my dosage was 112.5, then reduced some days to 75 and 37.5. i had 28 follicles and 13 eggs. i hear that around 15 follicles is a good no.
