IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi helen..

no problems as..i was new here. still need to learn a lot of thing..to bad my wife is not interested in this forum...that why i was here..hope can really gain a lot of unexpected experience here for ourselves..

what about you?

Hi cler cler,
I though in KKH they will do both IVF and ICSI together. In other words, in terms of the desirable no of eggs required, it should be the same expectation as IVF.

Unless you are doing SO-IUI, usually if more than 3 eggs, doctor may advise to cancel the cycle and start the next or sometimes they may suggest you to convert to IVF/ICSI.

May I know how many follicles you were told having now? Mine one last time also done in KK and have about 20 eggs, doctor never gave a hint that i might face any cycle cancellation risk at all.

I am quite puzzle with your situation. I though for IVF/ICSI the more egg the better, of cos preferably not too many in view of the OHSS risk.
Dear Kaira,
I'm with NUH. They use Gonal F instead of Puregon. I didn't experience anything very different, except for slightly sore boobs. That's all

Dear Ros,
Do call the clinic if you are in doubt. You paid them for their service you know?
Hi kaira,
for me, everyone in my family knows, even some of my aunties and cousins know. Cause for hubby and I , we decided that we had no problems telling anyone, even friends... u see.. i dun get stressed easily hehe. Me? I have not been taking egg whites.. i think i better start tomorrow... eeks. Beancurd... erm I dun take that.. but emmm.. i do take my chinese medication, multi vitamins and folic acid... Oh i got to check with you.... I cannot take milk at all.. first reason, I hate milk... 2nd, I get diarrhoea when i take milk so i am wondering how now.... I do take a lot of protein in the form of meats though... better start on eggs... Yah hubby is like your hubby dun dare to look... when i do his jabs he doesn't look too..
Hi cler cler,
did you mean you did IUI? cause for ICSI and IVF i assumed the more the better ... I haven't heard of them cancelling a ICSI procedure due to too many eggs... like Cale, I only heard of converting SO-IUI to IVF/ICSI due to too many eggs
I forgot to add... based on my scan, Dr Loh says no problem for my ovaries... mine is a male factor case... maybe that's why hubby feels bad and says sorry i have to go through this... but seriously, I was already prepared when I married him
the charges at EYS is about $150 to $250(depends on what kind of TCM prescribed) for the consultation and 2 weeks of chinese medicine. So for both you and your wife, will be about $400 plus for 2 weeks and so around $800 for one month of TCM.
The consultation must be made by appointment. You will have to make appointment 2 to 3 days in advance for weekdays and 2 weeks in advance for Saturdays.
As for the sinseh, I find it not bad. I asked many questions and the sinseh did answer and explain to me. The sinseh is familiar with the infertility treatment such as iui and ivf, so the medicine and treatment given will help to complement with the various stages you are going through.

Clomid is a kind of fertility drug that induce ovulation. You may like to take a look at the below websites to know more about clomid.


Hi Richard

My case complete opposite from yours. I'm the one surfing the net and finding out information on infertility . My hb prefers playing face book game. He don't like to talk about this issue too. Its not that he don't care. He loves kids even before marriage and talks a lot about wanting kids. But now different. I think I will start donating more to the needys now
We spent quite alot seeing gynae and chinese doc too.

Morning Jas
Took four egg white this morning and ensure milk. Wow, have to wake up half hour earlier to prepare all these. I think with your multi vitamins and chinese medicine,should be sufficient. Slept the whole afternoon yesterday. Woke up only in the evening.

Grace BB
Which stage are you in now ?
Hi all

My blood test results - BFN. Got to know on xmas eve as I had bad cramps and they suggested to take the test earlier. I am feeling better now. Want to check how to prepare myself better for the next FET? Must I take any special food now for the lost of the 2 embies?
i took 5 egg whites today.. I took 4 during breakfast and 1 when dad bought lunch. I work for them now see. But feeling more and more tired .... Barely stay awake during the day....
hi everyone, i will be doing my ET this friday. It's my first time, can anyone give any advice eg, is there any food that I should take or avoid? Thanks!
Hi everyone, i am doing my ET this friday. Its my first time, does anyone have any advice to give eg, what food to take or avoid? Thanks!
Dear Cale and Jas,

Sorry, realised I made a mistake. Thot ICSI and SO IUI are the same. Mine is SO IUI. Will see doctor to decide whether to convert to IVF or stick to SO IUI.

Jas n Kaira, Is it good to eat egg white and bean curb? Then must eat more :) I also don't take milk. Hate the taste.
cler cler
i converted my cycle from SO-IUI to IVF and it failed terribly as I had only 1 embie to use from a batch of 15 eggs out of 60 follicles. initially, the doc told me that there will be no impact to the quality of the eggs.. but after the whole cycle, he told me that there is a possiblity that the prolong simulation affected the quality of the eggs as they were not matured quickly enough as the dosage used for SO-IUI is much lower. so do think carefully with regards to this and ask your doc. cause i was rather irritated to have spent so much money and time only to be told at the end of the cycle that it possibly failed due to the prolong simulation... i would have rather wasted the money i spent for SO-IUI and do things right for IVF rather than get a half-baked solution where the possibility of failure is higher. thus, I'm rather pissed off with my doc abt this.
hi all,

it has been awhile since i log in. i was in the hospital a few days after ER due to OHSS. very nasty, feel like dying. doc suggested to postopone ET and i agreed. so now planning to do FET in a couple mths time when i am in gd health.

anyone know how the procedure like? cost?

Irish Coffee,
how are u. hope ur pregnancy is smoth sailing. need some info. what to prepare b4 FET. any injections. how much did u pay in all.was told that i have 16 fertilised eggs. thanks a lot
Dear Grace, I am with NUH also. May I know how many follicles do you have? I went through 2 cycles and it seems that the no. of follicles I have is very low, about 7 out of which 4 fertilised. Some of the ladies here can have 16 fertilised eggs! Is there something wrong with me or is Prof too conservative with the Gonal F? I am 32 and the Gonal F administered is 225 units.

Dear Alyssa
For FET, the lab needs to thaw the embryos first and make sure they survive well. On the day of the FET, you need to drink some water to maintain full bladder during the procedure. It is a simple procedure. No anesthesia used. After that, you will lay in bed to rest for 2 hours. For me, they gave me a Pregnyl injection and was told to inject myself again (during the 2ww). Everyday, I use the crineone stick until preg test. Cost is about 1,400+ if I remember correctly. I did not use medisave.
having more folicles doesn't mean it is a good thing.. if the simulation is too high, you might be at risk of OHSS.. having too many folicles will also affect the quality of the eggs as they will be competing for resources to grow... one of the reasons for taking eggwhites is to replace the proteins that are being used to grow the eggs...
hi any ladies on 2ww now? I just did my FET yesterday, now in 2ww. This is a natural FET, no drugs used hence i feel so normal, not even feeling abit like i did for a fresh cycle's ET. Is this really normal? Alittle cant get used to feeling nothing at all.
Also ladies, i m alittle worried that my progesterone suport during this 2ww may not be sufficient. I am given cyclogest inserts twice daily, thats all. No prog injection and no proj blood test too. How do i know if my progesterone is sufficient? Any foods we can eat to boost progesterone?
Try again,
your hosp will be taking a blood test for progesterone level during 2WW, to check if need to increase the progesterone dosage. No worry. If you are taking TCM too, your sinseh will probably give you TCM that helps to increase progesterone level during this period.
Hi Fellaine,
Hugs. Do rest well now. After my failed cycle, i took chicken essence, more ginger food, liver, pig trotters for a few days. Something similar to confinement food. Not sure if it is necessary but thought might as well eat well after the lost.

Hi babylou,
all the best for your ET.

Hi Alyssa,
hope your OHSS will go away soon.
Hello everyone

i am new here... i have been reading this forum for the past 2 weeks, still trying to figure out some of the abbreviations used like AF, BT, OHSS etc..

i hv just started my pre-IVF process with TMC today. Doc gave me marvelon, a medicine that suppress the release of eggs. he said this is to let my ovaries rest as they hv to work very hard at next stage... do u all hv to take this too?

funny thing is we hv not been told on the detail of the grant / subsidy etc… other than knowing that the fees is btw 8K-15K. the nurse told us to ask the counsellor when we see her but that is 2 weeks later. apparently, we hv to go thru a 30-60 min counselling session b4 the start of IVF. Can someone advise if the govt subsidy is applicable to private hosp?

just curious, are u all working during the process of IVF esp during hormones injection till ET? i am contemplating if i shd take leave or at least work from home during this period.

wish all good luck in this bb journey.

Hi cler cler,
I read somewhere that egg whites are good but bean curd is a nono. Can anyone help me with this? I dun take milk as I am lactose intolerant when it comes to milk and ice cream... I hate milk but when i eat ice cream I get diarrhea... but i like ice cream . :p
I went for acupuncture today. Was speaking to Dr Zhong, she was saying too many eggs is not a good thing, Having 7 eggs is a good number as they will be seven good eggs. She says low number does not mean bad.

Hi Bee, working during your jabs depends on the nature of your job, if it is a relaxed job, no problems continue, but if stressful and physical, I will definitely advise going on leave or working from home. I got really tired and sleepy. Going for scan tomorrow and hopeful good news! hehe so far no serious side effects.
i am also with TMC. are you with LC Cheng. the procedures you describe is correct. this is exactly what i have gone through. but sad to say that govt subsidy is not applicable for private hospital. i work throughout the entire procedures except 5 days of resting after embryo transfer.

good luck to your journey.
Dear Kaira,
I had a successful cycle in Oct, but ended in miscarriage. I'll be starting next cycle after CNY.

Dear RL,
Hi! I'm also 32. Yes, Prof is quite conservative with dosage. He reduced my dosage to 75 units at one point. That's to prevent OHSS. I had 26 follicles, 12 eggs with only 6 fertilised. I've used 2, now got 4 frozen.

FET is only $1400 plus? Good, I thought it'll cost around $2000. Anyway, I've spent so much money for the past few years... Feel that the monthly salary is used to pay for all these, so yuan1 wang4.
Hi Jas

Yes, u have to do the lucrin jab thats all. I'm feeling very bloated and very tight at my lower abdomen. Feel very uncomfortable. Hope thats not symptons of OHSS. Hai...
Hi Felliane,

Rest your mind and body well this period. Don't give up your fighting spirit.

Hi Grace,
I'm 32 too. Lets' give each other support during this emotional draining period.
thanks Lina!

I have some bacterial infection in the vagina, my gynae have to 'intensively' treat me today...he clean me with iodine and gave me both antibiotic injection and oral antibiotics. I hope it doesn't affect my ET this friday...
i am due for another antibiotic injection tomorrow...my arms and hands have had so many pricks over the past few days, can see bruises and slight swelling..
Dear Grace BB,
All the best to your new cycle after CNY. I am resting now and seeing Dr Zou for TCM before starting again.
I have one frozen blastocyst which is quite an awkward situation. Haiz...
Hi Babylou,
After my puregon and lucrin injection, I too have many bruises around my tummy area. Do take good care of yourself.

Hi Jas,
Just to update you, left ovary has 6 follicles, right ovary has 4. Suprise that right ovary still working. I need to continue to jab and come back on Friday for scan. Size range from 6 to 12. Do uodate me on your results. DH feel guilty after I complain and black face to him. So he accompany me go KK this morning. I'm going to enjoy myself this weekend and forget about making babies. Heehee ! Happy New Year
Hi everyone,

It has been a long time since I posted here.

Btw, if anyone has the same feeling of nauseous and vomitted (OHSS) after the ER and doctor prescribe a nauseous medicine called Ondansetron Hydrocholoride Dihydrate, you can purchase a few from me. Coz 6 tablets already costs $94.56. I only ate 1 so far and it really works effectively.

I'm looking forward to this Saturday...... Pregnancy test. I still have the last 2 progesterone jabs to go. All these progesterone jabs really make my muscle aches. Really happy that it is going to end soon, but at the same time worried abt the pregnancy result.

After going through so much, I really hope that the pregnancy result will be positive.
hi Everybody,
Happy New Year to everyone!

hi Lina and Bliss,
Have not posted for sometime, seeing Dr Zou since late Nov, doing Acu twice a week since than and taking her medications. My AF is late this month, late for 10 days liao. But did home test is negative, guess my body is getting the stress from my brain bec I'm going to start work soon after a long break.

Dr Zou also puzzled with my late AF, she told me to stop taking her medications, observe and wait till I take the next steps.

So meanwhile, only on folic acid now. Don't dare to pin too much hope to get BFP thru natural this month although I do hope to get pregnant without doing the FET later. hahaha. Take care!
perhaps you should stop taking the medications and let your body take a break from all the western and chinese medicine.
You are a positive and happen person. Dont be disheartened, I really feel that you will have good news next year!

Happy New Year to you too.
Hi everyone,
Happy new year!! God Bless!!

Hi Kaira, just an update, it seems like the puregon amount they gave me not strong enough, they can only detact a total of 5 or was it 6 follicles, size ranging from 4-11... the doc said too small and increased my dosage to 300 iu puregon for 2 days. today I did the first 300iu , nurse angeline did it for me.. whaaa no pain !!and already I feel bloated and even more tired.... This morning I had a shock, I saw the sticky mucus and i thought I was ovulating , thank goodness nurse says it is normal to see sticky mucus. I hope everything goes well for my scan on friday.. 9.30 am hopeful by monday can proceed to ER.
Oh everyone, tip to share, esp to kaira, nurse angeline told me... if you want egg quality to be really good, besides eating egg white, take chicken essence ... gives very good egg quality... She told me some patients take even 2 bottles a day... ahh i just bought 1 dozen and intend to do just that!! KS lahh hahaha
hi Happyever,

Just believe yourself that you will BFP.
Dun dishearten ^_^. cheers for you.
Wish you all the best.

Hi Jas,
oo nurse angeline is the one take care you. she is nice and friendly nurse. Hehehehe.. her jab not so pain. Hehehehe... where u buy the chicken essence? is it at KK? Yesterday, I go to KK pharmacy got EYS sale 20% off for chicken essence, bird nest... Hehehehe
hi yck
thanks for the confirmation. ya, just found out that there is no govt subsidy and we could offset $6K from medisave. which stage are you at now?

hi Nancy
great to know u & yck are with TMC too.. my marvelon will end on 19 Jan... which mean if everything goes well, my IVF cycle should start ard CNY. age is catching up, so the earlier the better for us.
