IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi babydust21,


Hi Richard,
your wifey is so luck

Hi Ros,
if not for Grace pointed out, i was about to welcome a new person. Maybe you changed log in ID, so nickname changed too.

Hi hopeful,
merry christmas to you and everyone here.
hi gals,

have scheduled first appt with Dr. Loh on 9 Jan 09. Hopefully, will have some luck with him.

can check with you gals if we go in as private patient (as specifically requested him), will we still be eligible for the subsidies/grants etc for IVF?

can some sister advise?


im seeing dr loh at private suite so is that consider as private patient? i guess as long as u do ivf in any govt hospital u will get subsidy/grant, so u dun have to worry unless u do it in private hospital.


thanks! same to u too! BFP BFP BFP BFP to all 2ww..
babydust babydust babydust to everyone...
Hi all

Thks for sharing your experience . Didn't know that eggwhite helps with bloatedness

Lina Ang & Ladymiz
Thanks for the warm welcome.

Nann & Dec
I'm new to this thread too. I just started on the lucrin injection. Need to inject every morning. So far so good . Except feeling some bloatedness. At the same time, I also doing acupuncture with Dr Jin from Raffles Chinese Medicine. Cost $350.00 for 5 session. Each session last abt an hr.
Hi Ladies

I started visiting this forum in august 2007. All planned to start IVF with LC cheng in May 08. We did the counselling, blood tests and all registraion. After completing the 21 days of birth control pills i went back to clinic all ready to start the jabs.

I was all mentally prepared to go into the doc's room to start first jab. Planned my work for ER ET and 2ww with leaves and all. A little worried but pretty excited to start the whole thing we have been planning for a year.

Guess what, dr found that he saw a right tube filled with water --very obvious. He mentioned -- Hydrosalphinx. I remembered holding on my tears in the doc office. Dr gave us 2 options. Go ahead as planned but there is a risk that the tube may burst if do get pregnant and miscarriage may happen. Cause water inside may be toxic...

option 2. Do a surgery- remove the right tube. I was devastated. One moment all excited to start the program we planned for 12 months with all the 2x weekly acu , TCM medication and careful diet for months and now this.

I cried non stop for 2 whole days right from the moment i reached home. From that day in Mid May 08, i disappeared from the forum. I decided to do the operation. One week later, my right tube was removed. And wanted to rest a month then start the IVF again. From May till now, i have yet to start --- very tired to start the preparations again.

Finally decided i cannot procastinate, I am going to be 36 next year and plan to start the IVF again in Jan 09. I hope all ladies will assist and give me advice as i go along. I need to recall all the advice and experiences i once shared with another grp of ladies. Few were lucky and pregnant now. So happy for them. Few failed and disappeared from forum like what i did to heal.

Thank you so much so listening,ladies. Thanks
Hi nancy,

What you did is right..... to remove the right tube. I think no matter wat, try to start IVF as early as possible. According to the nurse, anyone that is greater than 35 yrs old pose a lesser chance in conceiving.

I believe most of us suffer those disappointments before coming to a final decision of IVF because it is not a easy process. You must be strong that time to decide on IVF...... so you must not give up.

Although some ppl may get more setbacks than other ppl, but I believe that as long as with determination and support from family members, things may turn out better eventually.
Hi nancy,

Sorry to hear what u have gone through, it must be difficult for u.

But I think u r strong to embark on IVF again. Hope that we can all be mothers next year
Dear Nancy
I'm sorry to hear your situation. Pls stay strong n positive throughout this journey, u r not alone, we r all here to give each other support n encourgement.

Btw, r u still going to Dr Zou for acupuncture?
hi Richard

I did not go back to Chris Chen becos of cost factor... He is really very expensive and thought I have succeed my 1st time under him, I still feel some of the surgery and extra cost are unnecessary.

You may have bought Provironum from Chris Chen, this really would help sperm count but prolong time of taking this drug may increase the risk of getting cancer I heard... just for your info.

For supplement, most important is continue to take your antioxidents.

You could still go TCM while on supplements..No problem. Just take your western supplements and herbs an hour apart.

Hi Nancy

I agree with what Shirley had said, you did the right thing in removing the right tube. I am sure you don't want to waste all the effort on ivf and later found out the water in your tube affect the chances....

Let's jia you together in this support group
Hi Gals,

Just an update, readmitted to hospital, hubby is posting this reply for me. Wanted to share good news, official Beta HCG is 295.3 as of Friday.

Although feeling miserable, and happy, I will update further when discharged.

Good Luck to those in 2ww. Baby dust, Baby dust.
Congratulations to you Babymaking. Hang in there & keep the number increasing doubly in the next couple of days. I'm so excited for you, hooray!!!

Nancy-u're such a strong woman, hang in there & i believe you will have your baby one day! It is not easy to make this decision-IVF, we need to do so much thinking, reflecting & the cost is another factor to consider too. No matter what, the ultimate goal is to have our BABIES right all ladies?

I agree with the gals here that we're here to encourage & support each other and most importantly to be there and accompany each of us down the route (IVF) till we are all PREGNANT one day.

I heard that TCM & accupunture does help in pregnancy; therefore, i should be starting it soon. See some of the shots, not sure which one is good; Ma Kuang or Yu Ren Sheng which one is better? Any good recommendations?
Hi wishy,

Yup you right,sometime we even waited at least 3hrs to just to see him..& he just took 5 mins to go over our records..Indicte he is vg exp..hai..so after Chris did you go others places to see any doctor..

Hi Bliss,

I thk we both(my wife) are so keen of having babies.Also didnt do much of our homework...so we just follow chris for a yrs..Imagine how much time & money have we spent..So after the 2nd attempt we almost wake up & relaise that this is not the way...before she is pre..we are almost broke..
Really you heard so much of neg story of chris..maybe you are right..there are here to make us of their profession to make money....that why there is a lot of ppl like us bluff bluff just throw in the effort this way..just loke blowing.,.haha

well..will explore this site to see which TCM is more suitable for us..cos we do not have so much time to go around looking except weekend,...

btw why u go so earlier..my first app with the JE TCM.. went there around 9 am,,they still take me in,..

hi Ladymiz,.

I'm now take those medicine which I decide to buy again frm Chris there,.this medicine is to increase my sperms chances i thk so,..I dun thk if i go see TCM now ..it will crash together..
Cos I like baby more than her...haha
It really fun & living to have one...

Hi Ponytails.

That what I have told here to do that...why dun she join me in this site...maybe she can find more useful tips for herself...
hai..but she like those chinse tv series in the net than this,..

Tks chris..
I understand the pain she is having during the IVF ..especially the jab she is taking...especial those in the bum so pain...I even have to use ice to make the pain & bum go off sometime..

Hi babymaking..

Congra to you>>

Hi love.

I thk I didnt take this frm chris Provironum.
what I taking now is exsativa,neovita,enat 400 & andriol testocaps..does ur hubby need this also,.
hi Shirley,

when u say really bad on the first day,how bad is it. can walk? as me needs to go go my accupunture at Raffles after it. BTW during ER, are u asleep?

Hi Irish Coffee
when u did accu with Dr Jin, did she ask u to return to her after ER. did she acc at the tummy. Dr Jin is on hols so Dr Miao take over for me. She requested for me to come back day of ER for accu. Yours?

Thanks a lot
take good care of urself
Hi Alyssa,

During ER, I'm asleep, so throughout the procedure is quite ok. I don't know how long I've slept but I rested for quite sometime before the nurse gave me Milo to drink and make sure I can sit and stand. I seems to be ok until when I'm outside waiting for another nurse to brief me on the details. Feel like fainting and very very weak plus naueous. There are 2 nurses who bring me back to rest again.

Basically, with sufficient rest, can still walk, but better with support from your husband. You better cancel your accupunture. You won't feel like going anywhere after that. When it is evening time, you will feel the pain of the ovaries (unless u have less follicles). Hot water bottle may help with the pain.

Up till now, I still feel nauseous, but seems to be better. I do really hope so as this afternoon I threw up 3 times, but not at night.
Dear Shirley, Hopeful88, Lots of babydust, Noi,Love, BleeewBB, Snow-white88

Thank you so much for the encouraging words and support. My eyes were tearing as i was reading ur words. Thanks so much ladies. I will stay positive and start all over again.

It's been a long time. How are u? I remembered clearly u were the one that gave me Dr Zou contact when i first joined in. I did 3 months 2x weekly with her till dr mentioned i need the surgery. I have not seen dr zou since. I guess i need to gather my energy to start with her soon since i starting the pills late Jan 09. Are u still seeing her?
hi everyone,
my af came, about 3-4 days late, but i think due to the lucrin injections. I have been feeling really really sleepy . Will be going for my lining scan at KKH on monday .
I started a blog on my journey , feel free to read it, and please pass on the information about the free wine scam i posted on my blog!

Hi Lina, Sorry to have caused the confusion. Haha itchy fingers on my part. Don't know press what then I totally forget about it.

Oh ladies, just an update. My laparoscopy wound is healing very very well. My bandage is off. Waiting for my appointment in January with Dr Sadhana. So far the GNHR injection is not causing me much problem. Just something I realise, there was no ovulation pain.

Nancy - Welcome back to the thread. You are really strong to be able to go through all that and then come back and decide to re do IVF again. Good luck to you and may you and the rest of us ladies get that BFP we are seeking in 2009.
Hi Nancy,
glad that you are trying again. Don't give up.

Hi babymaking,
congrats! have a smooth pregnancy.

Hi Richard,
Doesn't matter who does the research, as long as one person gets the information, will help in your ivf process. Just a query for you as a husband point of view. Would you mind if your wife takes donated sperm or adopt a child? I asked my hubby whose low sperm count is a main factor and risk of dropping to zero % from the current 1%. He is quite strongly against this. I kept asking him if it was out of male ego but he said just that better to have own child.
Alyssa & Shirley,
though i din go thru TCM, i thot accu done on ER day is before ER?
better chk wif ur TCM doctor again. cos after ER, is best to go home & rest

congrats to u!
thanks gals for your well wishes

i am so happy, yet reservedly so as i have a history of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. and to top it up, am having OHSS and recovering from a failed abdominal tap which is causing me endless pain.

right now am wheelchair bound whenever outside as it hurts too much to walk, even getting into the car is a cold sweat episode.

it's really a hard won positive.

usually it's the day before ER and immediately after ET. at least that's the protocol with raffles TCM & Dr Jin.

you tested positive already?
<font size="+2">Updated List </font>

Planning to do IVF/FET
ros (IVF - Apr 09)
Starzy (IVF - Feb/Mar 09)
grace BB (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
happyever (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
lina (IVF - Dec 08)
splithair (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
pbabe (FET - Dec 08)
besswbb (IVF - Dec 08)
piggy09 (IVF -TBC)
ML(marvlis)(Feb 09)

stage 1: (lucrin or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:

Hopfully, LFB, pleasance, akachan, Pretyy lady, BBW, ponytail, sam, hope &amp; faith, Dawnnie, babymaking
Hi Lina,

I also against it..my in-law did suggest it to us before..if really we can't have a kid why dun we consider to adopt a kid....it may seen simple now...but who know when the kids grown up..a lot of problems my just appear out of nowhere..as for donate sperms .this we do not thk b4..will discuss it &amp; explore further..
what abt u..so now how is ur hubby sperms..are u preg too.
Babymaking, congratulation to you. Do take good care of yourself.

Pls amend the list as I'll be only starting IVF somewhere in mid Jan 09. Will update you again when I'm in stage 1. tks
hi Shirley,

thanks a lot. true, i think i will can cancel my accu on that day. i don think i have the energy to go anywhere. had my pregnyl jab last, wasnt so bad as i imagined. very nervous of what to expect. do u have to go to kk daily for proges jab after ER.

you take care and rest well k.

congrats.. so happy for you.. take good care ya.. hope to join u soon..

i will be doing my bt on tues.. very kan cheong.. dunno hows e result like.. like someone mentioned before, worst than taking exams.. hahaha..

just wana check, do u experience gastric pain and white discharge? cos almost every night i had gastric pain and last night its quite unbearable.. also the white discharge, its after et.. kinda uncomfortable..
Hi babymaking,
you got it wrong, i am still at stage 1 doing my lucrin injections.

Updated List

Planning to do IVF/FET
ros (IVF - Apr 09)
Starzy (IVF - Feb/Mar 09)
grace BB (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
happyever (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
lina (IVF - Dec 08)
splithair (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
pbabe (FET - Dec 08)
besswbb (IVF - Dec 08)
piggy09 (IVF -TBC)
ML(marvlis)(Feb 09)

stage 1: (lucrin or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:

Hopfully, LFB, pleasance, akachan, Pretyy lady, BBW, ponytail, sam, hope &amp; faith, Dawnnie, babymaking
do update the list if i got it wrong.

i know how it's like, this is like my dun-know-how-many-times-2ww already, but still it's nerve wrecking.

hang in there!!!

yes yes thats the feeling like.. cant tolerate anymore... actually i quite tempted to check hpt but my hubby told me not to and nurse also discourage that makes me even more anxious... :s


how u feeling now? i managed to extend my mc till my bt on 23. they are quite generous in terms of giving out mc. do bring along your old one in exchange for a new copy.
Hi Chew

So far no gastric pains and very little white discharge. But my 2ww is relatively quiet so keeping my fingers crossed. Btw, did you do the prog inserts or daily jabs? All the best on Tues, hope you get an early xmas pressie.

my 2ww is also quiet except for the gastric and discharge that i find irritating.. i on jabs every 3 days once. already finished jabbing since 18. so nw keeping my fingers crossed..

when is your bt? wish u all e best too.. BFP BFP BFP....

seasons greetings to all.. biggest and most valued present is a BFP to all..
Hi Richard,
For donated sperm i feel that at least part of the child would still be mine. Adoption would be the last resort as i already have an older child, so worry about the sibling jealousy. I believe that an adopted child can be nurtured, with the good environment that we give him/her.
Hubby sperm count is still at 1%, even after all the western medication. Now just trying out TCM and hoping might improve a little.

Hi chew,
good luck for your BT, BFP!
Hi Chew

I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed. Counting down to the date of my test. Everything else seems almost normal and yah, I do get occasional gastric pain. The first few days after ET were worse. Now as long as I take small meals once every three hours, it's ok.

oh really? cos i just take bfast, lunch and dinner. either i ate more or less, i still do get gastric pain..

just cant wait for bt to come asap.. to end e agony of waiting to know whether positive or negative...

bfp to u ya.. take care n hope to hear gd news fm u..
(Sorry if I've brought back bad experiences...)
But, I just want to find out when will AF come after a miscarriage? I've been waiting for my AF to come. It has been 40 days since my last heavy bleeding.
Hi Jas, Thanks for the wishes. I will take care of myself.

Lina - I know you ask Richard the question but I would like to put my 2 cent worth. hahaha... To me donated sperm is totally out of the question. My religion don't allow it. Even if it is allowed, I am kind of against it. I rather go for adoption. Having another man's sperm in me... hmmm... feels weird. Like having me being intimate with another man. That's just my personal thought lah.

babymaking - CONGRATS and I know it has been one painful journey for you but the end result is definitely worth it right? Make sure you rest well and take care of yourself.

Alyssa- You are in your 2 week wait already? Time seems to pass so fast. For me at least coz i am not yet doing the cycle. I guess I would say a totally different thing if I am. Hoping to hear good news from you.

Hi Jas,

Wow you are really brave to do the lucrin shots yourself. Last round when I did SO_IUI, my hubby administered the puregon shots for me cos I didn't have the courage to poke the needle myself.

Hi Nancy,

Take care and hang on.

Hi Lina,

There was once when I asked my hubby if we could do without a child (my hubby loves children) and he suggested adoption however I'm kind of against it as I felt funny as the bonding is not there.
