IVF/ICSI Support Group

I dont know leh, I went to JE only on Saturdays. And before the clinic opened, the queue was so long that all the queue nos were already given out the moment it was opened.
Good luck to you and your wife! You will be blessed with your own baby sooner or later. Must believe it and dont give up.
Hi Ros,
thanks for your feedback. Haha..yup, it is like having a baby with another guy. Would your religion allow adoption?

Hi Chris,
thanks for your feedback as well.

Also opening up this question on donated sperm, donated embryos or adoption to other ladies here. Maybe can input how you all feel.
Hi Ros, glad to hear that your wound has recovered fast. Please take care of your health to prepare for your IVF in April.

During my last meeting with Dr Sadhana, she found a cyst abt 4.1cm. When I told her that no cyst was spotting earlier by my gynea, she became worried and request for a CA125 BT thou she said that the scan did not indicate that the cyst was canerous. My BT came back and the level is outside the normal level but she said it could be the size of my cyst. I was really scared and couldn't believe that there's always obstacles after obstacles for me to face. All I'm asking for is just a child of my own.

Anyway, I will be going back for my 2nd scan in Jan. Hopefully the size of the cyst will be stable. Wonder what's next for me?

Hi Grace BB, I'm also waiting for my menses to come. Today is 28 day after my last heavy menses and there is still no sign of menses on the way. Are you suppose to see ur gynea again when your AF come?

Congrats to u babymaking, I feel so happy for sisters who had succeeded. Take care and have a smooth 9 months ahead. Isn't this a wonder christmas present for you and your hubby?


Nancy, I feel so sad when I read your message. My eyes are really watery. You are really a brave gal. Please do not give up and we will always be there for you.
hi all,

i had just had my ER this morning. so shocked to know that i have 40 eggs. scan only show 25. not sure if i can do ER on Wed. i need to do blood test on Wed morning first then doc will decide. now the pain is bearable but i cant stand straight.

hi Shirley,
true what u said, the scan did not detect smaller eggs. worried on everything. is pain tom will be worse than today. now i can take it. did u have to take blood test too on the day of ur ER? is in based on the results then doc decide. so looking forward to this but now quite frightened.

hi Ros,
thanks for ur wishes. now resting to prevent much movement and pain. hoping for the best on wed. nevetheless, me will leave it to fate as all these have been planned for us. i believe there should be something gd behind everything. u take care. good luck in ur new school.
Hio Linda,

My sperms count is 40% over. does it consider goods.The answer is NO. Frm wat I learn frm Chris.
Good sperms count does not mean got Mobility & must be good head,body & tails & so much more in order for it to swim to the olvaries..
why not ask ur hubby to eat Iron ..It vit C..it does help..I'm nw eating all this frm Chris clinic..i do not knw u can buy it outside anot.
exp:exsativa,neovita,enat 400 & andriol & testcaps

Hi bliss,

I belive we will be grant with a kids.
It not I'm giving up even if i become 40yrs..
wat abt u.how manu kids do u have nw.

Hi Chris..

if ur hubby ask u to do it with a donated sperms..will u agree anot

Ho Ros...

that is what I feel too..
Really i not so sure...
if the woman body the baby is frm a donated sperms...does the baby still look like you or other ppl.
I am thankful to have successfully conceived my first baby in my first ivf on Sep and I am 18 weeks pregnant now. I am with KKivf, doc is dr Sadhana. I had been ttc for 3 years, had tried many methods to help such as clomid, iui, TCM, acupuncture, BBT taking. Those days were not easy but they had definitely made me learn and grow up a lot as a MTB and as a person.
I think your case might be the same as my hubby, his sperm count and motility are at normal range and in fact high quantity too, however the morphology is low and so this affected the success rate to have baby naturally.
hi everyone,
chris, haha i was really frightened initially but i realised it did not hurt at all. I am terrified of needles but my hubby worst!
Good news, i went for my scan and blood test and I am able to start stage 2 of my ivf cycle on christmas... ahh puregon, another hurdle for me.... how many days on average did you guys inject puregon? can you share the side effects?
everyone, please beware of this wine scam that happened to me, spread the word around...

This is what happened, I went to PS( plaza singapura) with my siblings to do our christmas shopping today. I parked on level 4A. On exiting the car, this young girl, about late teens to early 20s, came running to us telling us her sister wants to give free wine to us as she was very happy that she won the tender for shangri-la hotel. We were puzzled and were not really interested, she kept asking us to go to the car, which was only a couple of steps to where we were parked. So we thought no harm, so we walked over. I noticed the car was a C180 mercedes . I even got the number plate down for those of you who want it. This older lady, about late 20s to early 30s came out of the car, opened her boot and showed us the wine she used to win the tender and told us how much it cost and also the wine she was giving us sells for $400 at shang and other high end resturants, which by the way she prounounced wrongly. Please note that the wine that she was giving us was in a cannister, totally covered . The brand was not visible at all. She started going on about how she gave wine to a lady , who gave her a token of $100 per bottle and a man who gave a token of $50 per bottle. After which she told us she wanted to give us 6 bottles and we declined. She decided to give us 3 bottles. We thought ok. She handed us the bottles and asked us how much do we want to give her as a token. I thought $50 for 3 bottles is ok. She told me oh ok $50 each? I told my sister out loud, that I did not have cash with me and right away she told me, the lady did not have money too but her sister went with her to withdraw cash. Right then, we decided enough was enough. We passed her the wines and told her we were not interested and walked away. So everyone, please beware, their car plate is SFxxxxxx
Hi Everyone,

Phew! Finally I no longer throw out!!! For the past 3~4 days, I was throwing up like crazy..... an average of 2 times a day!

All thanks to the nurse when I had my 5th visit for the I/M Progesterone! I mentioned my symptoms to the nurse and she referred me to the doctor. The doctor prescribed me 2 types of medicine, Metoclopramide & another extremely expensive
one called Ondansetron Hydrocholoride Dihydrate (~$95 for 6 tablets!). The latter one is more effective.

Luckily, it works for me and my apetitite regains although bloatness is still there. Otherwise, the more serious OHSS patient may end up in the hospital for drip for observation.

Now, I'm more worried abt what the doctor said..... what I'm having now is just the effect of ER, the next wave ET still not yet. Not sure how bad it is. Anyone have some experience to share?


I don't seems to recall there is a need to take blood test before ER.
Hi Helen,
Can the cyst be removed since its not cancerous?

Hi Alyssa,
hope you can still proceed to BT, bear with the pain.

Hi jas,
thanks for sharing about the scam. Normal public would not suspect as they drove merz. Lucky you were sharp.

Hi Richard,
40% really does seems very good already. I thought in ivf, as long as anything above 10% sperm count is good enough for selection. At kk, vitamin E, andriol & testocaps given to hubby but doesn't seems to help. Glad to hear that you are very positive and will continue to keep trying for years. Yes, never give up is the key to success.

Hi Shirley,
when is your ET?
Hi Lina - I believe in my religion adoption is allowed. I mean, we are not carrying another man's child. We are providing a place called home to a child who happens to be in need. But if you ask me personally, I would rather adopt a child who has been given up immediately after birth coz as they get older they might already know people and it is going to be difficult. Donor sperm on the other hand, although the child is half mine, the other half is not my hubby's.

Hi Helen - Dr Sadhana found a cyst in you too. Mine wasn't cancerous too but it was huge. In both ovaries some more. She was suprised that my previous gynae didnt see them and help to keep them in control when they were smaller. I understand how you feel Helen. I am facing the same thing too. When I was ready for IVF suddenly the cysts came into the picture. i am not sure what is next for me too. For now I am just letting nature takes its course.

Alyssa - 40 eggs is a good number. No wonder you cant walk up straight. Just rest well ok. I am sure those embryo are doing well. N I am wishing you all the best for Wednesday.... I am crossing my fingers and toes for you.

Richard - If the baby is half mine and half from a donated sperm, it can go either way. The baby can either look like me or like the man who had donated the sperm. So you see... this could lead a problem. If baby looks like me at least I am comfortable but if not, i dont think I will be. Neither will my hubby. Not only that, I am not sure I will survive people talking.

Jas - Congrats on moving on to Stage 2. All the best babe. May it be a smooth journey for you from now on.
Thanks for the dancing Pinky Pig. So cute !!!!

Thanks for the encourgement. I am all ready to start all over again. Life is so unpredictable. Others just make babies in their bedroom and we have to go thru so much just to have one chance of the 20% sucessful rate. Anyway, accepted that fact that this is the path i have to take. May 2009 be a very good yesr for all ladies here trying to conceive. Our turn will come.......cheers !!
Hi Dec

The Lucrin Jab is not difficult. A little pain thats all. At fist, the self injection kind of scare me but once you try it once, its okay. I went KK for blood test and scan this morning. Will know the result at 4pm.The blood test was painful. First time I experience such a painfull blood test. I find the nurse not that skillful. Yesterday night, I had gastric cramp.I don't know if it is this IVF that cause it or the food I took. I seldon have gastric pain . maybe once or twice a year. Took 2 Actal and apply a lot of medicated oil.
hi Shirley,

sorry typo error, i meant before ET is there a blood test. or msybe just for those with many eggs.

did u? what do u mean by another wave of effect after ET? tot bad will kick in after ER and continue. will the pain after ER worse?
Hi all,

I have been trying for a baby for long time but no success and seriously considering IVF.

I just had my 2 cysts removed via keyhole surgery last mth and now my gynae is recommending that i do a 6 mth hormone jab to "kill" all endometrics cells before i try for a baby.

How is the IVF procedure at KK?
Hi Richard
I don't think there is "Zhu Sheng Niang Niang" at Jurong, but there is one "Song Zi Guan Yin" at Zhu Lin Temple (Bt Batok).

Dear Nancy
Thanks, I'm doing fine. Think u can start your acupuncture with Dr Zou now if u r using your Jan menses to start your IVF journey.
Hi Bliss,

So at that time you must be vg happy.btw how old are u now..ur hubby.
If i came here early on ..I thk we might not spend so much on Chris side,..maybe even go to TCM before going to gyn..I thk this way..we even in a tip top condition before going thru IVF..
Btw which TCM you go to?
Hi lina

that is not what chris told me..he say this is just above normal..what most important is the structure inside..the mobolity & what ever..there is a report to show it.well..never try you never knw..you knw when you see ppl with babies you are so envious with them..some even have so many..that is the Q i dun understand WHY.
hi ros..

that do make sense too..what happen in at the later part..if grown up...he or she do not look like both of u ..they sure ask why..bwt wat abt DNA...the blood type
Hi Chew,

I am sorry to hear that. Its ok to cry, I remember I also cry after putting down the phone the last time. Its one way to relieve our stress.

Maybe after u are ready, u can discuss u ur gynae whats the next protocol.
Hi Richard,

haha hubby didn't suggest that cos his sperm reports showed that his sperms are healthy as the problem lies with me. Cos I got endometrosis (blood cysts) which makes it more difficult to conceive.

Hi Jas,

Wow you are really brave. I should be starting my jabs around late Jan or mid Feb 08. OOoh so scary manz.

Hi Nancy,

You got to take care of yourself after the Ops and "tiao" you body ie eat well and sleep well.
Do you believe in TCM? Cos you could rely on TCM to "tiao" your body in preparation for your next step to IVF.

Hi chew - I am so sorry for the news. Pls cry if you need too. Once you are done crying, hope you will pick yourself back up again, "tiao" your body and come back up on the wagon once more. We will always be here if you need a shoulder to cry on.

Diana - You are just like me. I just had a surgery on the 10th of Dec this year. My dr suggested I took the GnHR injection for 3 months to suppress the hormones. How come your gynae suggest 6 months? I do not wish for my cysts to come back too.
Hi Helen,

I also can't help but think that all we ask for is to have a child of our own. But sometimes things may not be what we expect.

Maybe, u can think of another way that its better that u discover the cyst earlier. I have a few friends who get pregnant naturally soon after they have their cyst removed.

Take care and remember u have the support of the sisters here.
My next appointment is 2nd week of Jan. Dr said to expect 2 AFs before doing FET.

Don't be discouraged. Try try try until you have your baby. That's what I'm doing.

Yeah! Congrats!
hi kaira,
We are cycle buddies!
i went down to kk ivf to learn to jab the puregon, ahh it is the same one i have be jabbing my hubby with, his dosage is 100 iu and mine 200iu, you see for us, hubby had no sperm at all . after 6 mths of pregnyl and puregon we got some and I am able to do ivf, Since i have been doing that one for him, I do not even need to learn, just overcome the fear ..

Chris, really the lucrin jabs do not hurt cause it is quite painless.

Hi Chew, sorry to hear the bad news, rest and try again k*hugs*
Hi Chew,
Hugs! stay positive and try again.

Hi Richard,
Some people just take a longer time and more difficult route to have a child. I always like to compare ivf to study or career path. Some just get the easy way to become a boss/graduate but some will take years and tough journey to success.

Hi jas,
Your hubby also can take the puregon jab? daily for him? did his sperm count increase after 6 months of jab? Wonder if i can request Dr Loh to allow my hubby to jab as well becos his sperm count is 1%.
Hi Richard

Your advice noted. Thanks.

Hi Jas,
Went KK this morning to buy the puregon. The needle is longer than the Lucrin one, kind of scary. Heehee. My hb is also required to take antibiotics . We will start stage 2 together. I'm kind of relax about this whole IVF procedure. I don't know why. I have been trying for a bb since 2005. Have experience an early 2 weeks miscarriage and had also done a key hole surgery to remove a 6cm cyst. Maybe thats why I feel this way. Worried , anxious also no use. Went to KKIVF, saw many other people like me,trying for a bb. All very determind. Will be doing egg transfer early next year. Think HB will not be at my side cos he has army course. Guess have to go through all these alone.
Dear kaira,
You have my admiration! Its people like you that keeps me going. Yes, being anxious is no use. Continue to persevere and we will see results.

Here's wishing all a very blessed Christmas and may all our wishes come true. Next Christmas, we'll be holding our babies in our arms...
Chew, sorry to hear that. I can understand the disappointment and saddness that you have. However, dun let your saddness cover you too long cos there is a longer path for you to walk. If baby is not knocking your door this time, it will be next. God will always give u what u want when the time is right. Call your gynea to discuss about the next step when u and your hubby are ready, k? We are always here for you. Hug hug....

Nancy, yes. I do certainly agree that our turn will come soon. very soon!

Lina, I'm still not sure what's next for me. I guess I will know when I see my gynea on 16 Jan. I just pray that my cyst will be normal and stable so that I can start my FET soon.

Ros, thanks for reading and replying to my message. As I've said to Lina, I just pray that my cyst will be normal and stable so that I can start my FET soon.

Molecule, thanks for your comforting words. I remember seeing u in the forum quite some time back. What stage are u right now? I'm glad to join this forum to know all of you who are so supporting. If I gave up, then I got this strange feeling that I'm also failing u gals. Haaaa. Silly me hor... (opps, forgot now got 1 supporting hubby too)

Hello Richard, nice to have u with us. Apologise that I did not say hello to u before.
Merry Christmas to all of you!

For those who are preggy, may you have a smooth 9 months ahead and deliver a cute and chubby bb. For those, including me who are still trying, may little angel bring baby knocking on our door soon!
thank you!
Wish you the same too! Merry Christmas.

Chew CL,
sorry to hear that. You must not give up. Believe that you will have your baby sooner or later. Stay positive, ok? Hugz...

yes, I am very thankful since my BFP, will never forget how hard the tcc journey has been and will cherish every single moment with my baby.

I am 31 this year and my hubby is 37. My TCM sinseh is dr zhong from EYS paragon.

May alll here have their baby wishes come true!
Merry Christmas to all!
Hi Lina, thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. I still have 5. Will be transfering from CARE to KKivf if things went on smoothly for me.
hi Chew

i am so sorry to hear that it didn't work for you. Take some time to grief and let your body recover from the meds, plan yr next step and move forward.

Keep faith that one day it will be all worth it.
dear gals,

just an update on my situation. still feeling very sick from the OHSS, bloating, nausea, and very severe edema.

the OHSS is suppose to be resolved by now...but somehow in my case, it's still lingering. I'm still wheelchair bound due to pain from the distension & breathlessness and still got to sleep upright

on the positive side, we saw the sac and the HCG level is 2900 plus when we tested this morning.

to all those trying, may 2009 is a year of happy tidings.
Hi Helen,

I am still recuperating from the D&C surgery abt 3wks ago.I will need to wait for my AF to come and probably after 3 normal cycles I can try again. So now, I just eat more nutritious food and do a little confinement. After that I will start to exercise.

I also find that I am glad to find this forum, it really keeps me going and I can confide in ppl who can understand what I am going through.

I wish that your cyst will be normal and stable.

May we become Mothers nxt year k.
hi ladies
have to postpone my IVF cycle..got diagnosed with a breast infection, so have to stop this cycle, treat the breast infection before restarting my cycle. Yucks, 2 weeks of Lucrin jabs for nothing. But will perserve on.

To chew and the rest of the ladies who are still trying

Hang on! We all know we will not have an easy route to motherhood, but we are here to help and support each other through. I'm sure we can make it one day, one way or another.

In the meantime, I'm off the cycle. Will try again in Feb/March.

Jas, fellow cycle buddy
All the best!

To all MTB
A blessed and smooth pregnancy ahead.

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

all the sisters out there,

thanks for the comforting words.. really appreciate that i have got support from u all.. still cant help being emotional but was glad that i return to work today and was occupied with my work to temporary dont think about it..

ive been trying to act strong infront of my hubby but i guess he also knows that i cant get over it.. thought that i could give him the most precious christmas present if im pregnant.. instead, i gave him the worst news for this christmas... *sobbing*

worst things keep coming.. in the middle of last night, my menses came and i had such a miserable night.. the cramp, backache, the flow was so bad that i cant take a wink at all.. and i woke my hubby up, i feel so so bad and useless when he saw me in pain..
