IVF/ICSI Support Group

happyever - I've called Dr Zou and she had given me some medi to support between Day 14 to Day 17. I believe that my E2 drop a lot from 1136 on Day 3 after FET to 149 on Day 14 and this might be the cause for the lost. Maybe I should insist of doing an intermediate check on E2 and Progestrone between Day 3 to Day 14. Anyway, it's too late to talk about it anymore. CARE had advise me to stop medi and wait for my AF to come. I've yet to call Dr Zou to tell her about my lost.

Lina - I still have 5 embryos at CARE so will be transferring to KKivf for FET. However, I will see the doc at KKivf first for advice. I might do a lapro to check the internal lining before proceeding further. FYI, I've for a endometrial cyst of 35mm.

Bliss, Babymaking Ponytail - Thanks. I'm still positive cos I believe that no one is infertile. It's just the timing might not be right. I will definitely try until I succeed. Thanks for your support.

Dawnie - It's nice to know the result almost immediate and get advice from gynea. Yesterday, I've done my 2nd BT at 930am waited almost 11 hours for the HCG result. Call CARE and the lady advice me I will know by 6pm. 6pm past and my hubby call again. This time no one pick up and sms, no return. Suddenly just felt so helplessly and started crying uncontrollably. Finally got result at about 830pm. Anyway, I've prepared for it.

If line is darker than previous, it definately means that your hcg had increased. So happy for u. Take care, k?

Hi Dawnie, the charges at CARE is ex. It cost me almost $6K for FET, so after my 3rd ET medisave, I paid abt $2K. That's why I'm considering moving to KKivf as I have used up my 3 times medisave deduction.
Hi ponytail,

Oh, luckily can continue to drink "Ensure", as I still have 2 big cans.

Hi Dawnie,

My HCG level as following:
Day 15 - 597
Day 16 (night) - 1188
Day 18 (morning) - 2216

After that, I did not do anymore BT.
Hi Dawnie,

On day 16, the dr from 24 hrs clinic could not see anything as if could be too early. The first time we saw the sac was yesterday which was 5weeks 4 days.
My experience tells me it is good to get someone to cook for you. If really cannot, order tingkat. You may consider to cook something easy such as porridge, noodle or sandwich. May ask husband to buy and prepare the ingredients for you to cook. Try to avoid fast food if you can. Hope this helps.
Hi All,

Hmm sometimes have been feeling moist, and will always run to the loo to check. This morning I have a tiny winy faint brown stain after ET on fri, not sure if it's ok. Maybe will be calling KKIVF nurse tmr to check if it's ok. Really hope that everything is fine.
Hi BBW..

wOW UR HCG level are very good. Day 15 alrdy urs is 500plus. Mine Day 19 was 373 but dnt noe abt now. How come u did 3 times HCG?..U did at KKIVF?..I am kk..but they never ask me to come dwn to do the blood test again. Just ask to come on 4 dec to do ultrasound. Why different?
Dear Helen, sorry to hear abt the drop..take care and don't give up..All the best!!

Babymaking, for me durng the 2ww..I do not have any special diet. For one week was in hsopital..so eat watevr they serve..n eat watever i feel like eating..chicken rice, drink soup..milk..nothing special. But i do make sure am not eating junk food. Personally i feel that one should maintain eating healty food..eat friuts drink lotsa water and milk..and just relax..
Hi Hope&Faith,

I think normally, BT is done only once unless you request. I was tested positive on day 15, and on day 16, there was some staining. I was worried, and went to 24 hrs clinic and Dr there advised me to do another BT to see the HCG level.
After the second BT, the doc still think that they want to monitor again, thus requested me to go back 2 days later to do the third test. Therefore, all in all ... I did 3 tests.
Hi all,

I've just called KKIVF and enquiry abt my condition, the nurse manager told me it's ok to have a small faint brown stain after ET.
hi try again,

I was told by CARE that the E2 and progestrone need to acheieve a certain level in order to support a pregnancy. That's y we need to have these tested via BT to determine the level.

Will check again with CARE.
helen - am so sorry abt the drop... my thoughts are with you... just curious.. during your 2WW.. how many blood tests did you do? if i remember mine, i had to go back twice a week after ET to monitor my levels...
I only did twice. 1 on FET itself and another 2 days later. My 1st BT indicates my E2 at 1116 (consider good). My 2nd BT indicates 1316 (consider good cos there's a rise).

Then the nurse told me no need to do any more BT already.

Should that be the way? I kept wondering if I've insisted to have more BT, then I might be able to detect the sudden drop of E2.
Thanks Mel for your morale support. It really helps to know someone cares.

I couldn't afford CARE anymore. So now waiting for my AF to come and I will make an appointment to see a gynea at KKivf.

Anyone try Dr Sadhana?
helen, i think i know why i had to go back for more BT.. my levels dropped after ET.. so, i was started on progynova for E2.. then, after a few days, 2nd BT, and my E2 still not good, so, increase dosage of progynova... i know i was bawling like baby, cos i thought was bust cycle.. Agree that CARE is EX.. but i guess that i like the fact that they are quite caring.. but then again... that's what one has to pay for service i guess... good luck on seeing KK doc.. i an crossing all fingers and toes for you..

i think Bliss had Dr Sadhana, and she thinks the world of her..
yes, I am with Dr Sadhana. Actually it was my hubby who made appt with her initially when we decided to go for ivf. I prefer female doc and must be at least senior consultant too, so we went to see her. Anyway, I find her not bad lah, she is softspoken and looks gentle. She did laparoscopy for me, my iui and ivf were with her too. In KK, we will not get a lot of chances to see doc, so I dont really see her much in total.
Btw, Ros and tintedsky are with her too.
Hi Helen,
Please stay positive, i strongly agree with you that no one is infertile. Can endometrial cyst be removed?

Hi Dawnnie,
good luck for your BT.

Hi piggy,
it could be implantation bleeding.
Hi Bliss, thanks for your advice.

I heard a lot about Dr Loh too so can't decide between the 2.

How's the procedure for lapro? Why did you go for lapro in the first place? How long to heal?
mine is too big to be prescribe with medi to reduce the size. So need day surgery to remove it. I guess it should be laproscopy. Not too sure about it.
piggy - oh yeah, i forgot to warn you of something that happened to me.. when i had been using crinone, i was really uncomfortable with the excess discharge and super wet feeling 'down there' so, i keep going to toilet and wiping myself.. till.. i had abrasion and started bleeding.. it looked like spotting.. i see that you keep going toilet.. so, becareful not to cause abrasion like me.. :p
Hi sue, pleasance and helen,
thanks for your feedback about Dr Zou. I had my 1st appointment with her last week, she is really good. By just showing her my hubby SA results, she explained about his problem. She knows about the ivf treatment very well and suggest that hubby and i take accupuncture twice a week. And while we had accu, her staff helped to take care of my child. I didn't bring enough cash and the staff advise me the nearest ATM machine.

Hi happyever and Alyssa,
Do give Dr Zou a try, highly recommended.
more ladies in KK here are with dr loh, maybe they can give you more info about Dr loh.

Dr Sadhana suggested me to go for laparoscopy was becoz I have ttc for quite a few years and did all the necessary checkups and tests before I went to see her. So my case was kind of unexplained infertility, and I did have painful menstrual cramps, so doc thought it will be good to have laparoscopy to find out if I have endometriosis. Luckily, I was found perfectly ok after the surgery though I had to go thru the cut for nothing in a way. :p
Anyway, the surgery is fast and simple, but need to be under GA. Just a bit of pain after surgery on the first day, and the healing is fast in a few days time.
You may want to take a look at this website about laparoscopy.


I read in the strings above that someone mentioned about "Ensure". Is that milk powder? Can anyone advice why do we need to drink that? Helps in implantation?
Hi Bliss, thanks for your detailed explanation.

Final question. :p Can lapro be performed at anytime in our cycle?

Should I give KKivf a call to make an appointment once my AF come?

It has been a while since i come in. This thread is moving very fast.

My 2nd AF just came after my failed cycle. However it lasted only 2 days. This is unusual for me. And i am very worried. And i also just got my FSH result which is 12. This is not good. Does anyone know what i can do to reduce FSH? very worried.
have to be done after AF and there must be safe sex before the surgery to make sure you are not pregnant at that time.
I guess you have to make appt with the doc whom you want to perform the op for you first.
Yes, maybe you should make a call and make consultation appt first. Then your doc will fix a date for you to have the op.
helen - ensure is a milk powder that contains all the nutrients the body needs. like a meal replacement powder. i read from this thread to start drinking ensure as soon as possible. before my ER the nurse also told me to drink ensure and eat egg whites.
Glad u have a happy experience with Dr Zou. I never like chinese sinsehs but i too am happy with her.

u still drinking ensure? wats he difference between ensure and Anmum? which should we drink?
Hi pleasance,
i was quite nervous as never tried accupuncture before. I felt ticklish when she switch on the electric current. The medicine is really convenient but quite terrible to drink.
thks gals about the suggestion of meals for the 2ww, i'm still hesitating abt calling tingkat - not sure how healthy the food is.

on average, how many days of puregon did you have to jab in KKH IVF?

just went for scan today and had to extend another 2 days.

wow! time really past so fast.. u gonna do er soon... i read somewhere that if doc find that the follicles not of the size that they want, will need to extend few more days(ladies out there, correct me if im wrong).

i just started stage 2 today.. wish you good luck ya..

nw im beginning to feel the excitement in me.. at the same time i also feel stress if things doesnt turn out to be the way that i wanted it..

time will pass quickly when on puregon, yep usually they will extend..but wondering by how many more days. wonder what is average no of days they usually extend puregon in total.

dun be stressed - relax.
hi babymaking,
i had to extend puregon too. I recall was extended 4 days, the trouble of going back, buy medication, then jab. Hope you will not need to extend further.
My post- cycle review supposed to be wed but will be changed again bec my hubby is busy. My AF came last fri, i went to see Dr Zou on Sat, but will only start TCM F1 tomorrow.

I'm going back tomorrow for Acu n her assistant just called me just now asking me not to take n bring to change my medication bec i'm a Veg. There are some non- veg content. So if anyone seeing Dr Zou, remember to highlight your diet.

As for Ensure milk, think it only provide extra protein n Vit. No relationship with implantation.
Hi happyever - Just told Dr Zou about my lost. She said my menses will come tomorrow and I would be able to see a lump of blood clog. I was extremely sad for a minute after hearing this.

Anyway, we must really jia you. Same to Lina and Splithair too. We will be seen active in the MTB tread soon.
pleasance - i still have 2 full bottles of ensure. chocolate flavour so tastes quite good. except i think its contributing to my weight gain. not sure a bt anmum, but heard from ladies in earlier parts of this thread that its good too

i agree with you.. tho i didnt drink ensure but i have been eating 3 meals a day resulting me putting 3kg! i only eat b'fast and lunch.. usually will eat fruits for dinner.. but due to starting this program, i tell myself that i must eat at least 3 meals a day..

my clothes all cannot wear... everyday headache what to wear to work.. everything is so tight fitting.. hahaha..
chew - yes yes yes. same problem here. all my clothes which were a bit loose now very tight, and bursting after i finish a meal. luckily most of my clothes are babydoll so can hide the huge belly a bit. i'm still feeling very bloated. is this normal ?

helen - the bottle says to drink 6 scoops of powder everyday. after ER, the doc told me to take 12 scoops, can split into 4 cups. drink throughout the day. now i cut down to 5-6 scoops cos cannot dahan put on so much weight.
pony i think now is really not the time for u to think about your figure la. U dun have to eat alot but just bear in mind to have a balance meal n the food must be fresh so as to maximize nutrition.

For the rest of the ladies here let's stay positive. 加油

me too.. some of my clothes are babydoll but not suitable for work.. so i have to wear dress.. cant stand myself.. my hubby keep laughing at me when i told him i cant button up my pants..

nw i eat 4 hard boiled eggs daily.. (sometimes too full so i skip). dun really feel the bloatedness unless i drink lots and lots of water.. and i dun go toilet. i can drink like almost 1-1.5L of water and i can dun go toilet till like 5-6hrs later.. think its very bad..

nw come to think about it, gotta worry for ohss... (*sighz*)
Hope & Faith,

Congrats! YOu have come a long long way....what's with your hospital stay that is quite long coz of your OHSS. Sorry had not been logging in as I am bogged down with work...just trying to finish everything up before I am off for a long holiday on 2nd Dec. Take care, ya. Hope you are doing fine!
hi all, im have been a silent reader during my 2ww and am understand how you gals had went through...am finally gotten a BFP today after 3rd attempt, thanks to needles and IVF. Just some of my thoughts and experience to share with you, hope to encourage those had failed their cycle... it will be your turn to get a BFP as long as you never give up hope

It has been a long long journey for me, my case is unexplain fertility, I've been trying to conceive for 10years and have been through all sorts of methods just want to get pregnant but alway turned up to be negative, finally we made up the difficult decision to try IVF. Im with KKIVF Dr Sadhana but during this FET Sadhana was not available and Dr Kelly has done the transfer for me...guess she is my lucky charm.

1st Fresh Cycle with 3 embryos in 2006 - Failed.
2nd FET with 3 embbies in 2007 - Failed... And finally
3rd FET with 3 embbbies - BFP with 562 Hcg beta

I beleive that accupunture played a significant part in the sucess of my IVF treatment. Before my natural FET cycle started, i decided to try accupunture with Dr Jin at Raffles Chinese Medicine in Raffles Hospital through recommendation. Im very confortable with her from the first session, each session lasted about an hour. she also forcus on my diet and lifestyle habit which indeed reduced my stress and greatly improved my general sense of well being.

During the 2ww after the embryo, besides the usual needle treatment she has also advised me to drink orgainc soya bean 2 or 3 times a day and chicken boiled soup which can enhance and thicken the womb lining. She even banned me for having Coffee, tea and cold drinks which usually these are a must for me daily. I have also experienced some cramp on and off with sore breast till now. Most importanly..dont work and get stress for those working ladies if you can, must really rest well during the entire 2ww.

Hope my token of thoughts could help you gals in getting a BFP
