IVF/ICSI Support Group

Don worry how long u need to hv the puregon. After the 1st failed cycle, it teaches me that its good to let the eggs grow slowly. Last mth, when i met up with Dr Loh, he wanted to increase my puregon from 400 to mayb 600. But i told him that its not that i cant produce eggs, is the eggs (16eggs) that are not in the rite sizes. He then decided to remain at 400 but prolong the days. Think the most important is that u relax and have peace of mind in order to hv a gd quality eggs. Good luck to you.

<font size="+2">Updated List </font>

Planning to do IVF/FET
ros (IVF - Apr 09)
Starzy (IVF - Feb/Mar 09)
grace BB (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
happyever (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
lina (IVF - Dec 08)
splithair (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
pbabe (FET - Dec 08)
besswbb (IVF - Dec 08)

stage 1: (lucrin or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:

Hopfully, LFB, pleasance, akachan, Pretyy lady, BBW, ponytail, helen ,sam, hope &amp; faith

Good luck to those on 2ww
Think positive!!!! BFP BFP BFP!!!
yeah, it's pretty troublesome to have to walk all the way to the main pharmacy and queue for the meds, i ever had to q more than 1 hr for the meds previously.

just wondering why KKH IVF can't have a satellite pharmacy at the IVF centre, that way no need to q again.

u mentioned you eat 4 hardboiled eggs daily - it's preferable that the egg white shd be preferably either raw or half boiled without the egg yolks.

thks for sharing your experience, I am also seeing dr Jin over at raffles hospital, just wondering did you go back for accupuncture sessions after your embryo transfer?

how to eat raw or half boiled? ladies out there dun u afraid of salmonella disease? i just bought a whole tray of eggs n nw 30 eggs are sitting in my fridge... oh no....

even hard boiled eggs also got protein right? must i really eat raw? any alternatives?

i do have protein drinks fm gnc but i did not drink for quite a while.. maybe i should start drinking it...
I've taken my name out for the time-being until I have a clear direction from the gynea on what's next.

Updated List

Planning to do IVF/FET
ros (IVF - Apr 09)
Starzy (IVF - Feb/Mar 09)
grace BB (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
happyever (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
lina (IVF - Dec 08)
splithair (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
pbabe (FET - Dec 08)
besswbb (IVF - Dec 08)

stage 1: (lucrin or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:

Hopfully, LFB, pleasance, akachan, Pretyy lady, BBW, ponytail, sam, hope &amp; faith

Good luck to those on 2ww
Think positive!!!! BFP BFP BFP!!!

just curious, have u moved on to stage 2? when are you starting?


just wana check, yesterday i had my puregon and i had this burning sensation on the injection area. very painful.. do u gals have the same feeling too?

when u go for ur scan after day 8 of puregon, roughly how long is the waiting period and what time is your appt and what time it ended? cos i took half day leave, afraid that it might not be sufficent. so need to clarify. thanks.
Hi Irish coffee,
congrats, have a smooth pregnancy. Really appreciate for the sharing of your experience. And you really made an effort in changing your lifestyle, glad that it pays off.

Hi babymaking,
that's a good suggestion to have all the medicine purchase at the same area. Moreover the ivf centre is at different location, really troublesome.
Hi Chew

I just went down to have my blood test and scan this morning. Have been on Lucrin since 5 Nov. Can't wait to move on. But I have been coughing for the past few days and am on cough mixture. Hopefully will be ok before stage 2.

samonella happens because of uncooked egg yolks, so if you separate the egg whites carefully, shd be ok.

Hard boiled egg whites have proteins but not the water soluble ones that raw/partially cooked ones have. i read somewhere that it's this water soluble ones that are similair to albumin which we need to replace.

some gals suggested adding the egg whites to powdered milk/milo and then adding boiling water over it to drink.

half day leave shd be enough. the scan is 8am, then wait for doc's review, then collect additional meds if needed, then wait for nurse instructions if necessary. i reached ard 8.15 and was out of there by 945am. luckily the pharmacy had short queue, so it was pretty fast.

thanks for the info..

actually on the day of my scanning is my bday. my hod's secretary is on leave so i cant take leave. (we supposed to liase with one another)

so sad that i gotta work.. nw trying to find ways and means to excuse myself so that i can take 1 day leave instead of 1/2 day..

btw, what is albumin?
i have just started my cycle - my 1st time, would like to join in the support group and learn more from all of you. Can you gals share some URL that I can read up to find out more?
Hi ladies, I am feeling very upset. Had a BFP, however when I went for my 1st scan at wk6, doc saw only a empty sac, was told to rescan one wk later but this time also didn't see any baby. Doc prepared me that it is likely gone and I have to wait for another wk to confirmed.

Sorry, can I ask if anyone has done a D&amp;C, is it a day surgery and whether is under GA(put to sleep)? For KK, will the D&amp;C be performed by your own IVF gynae or just any other doctor.Usually, how long do we need to rest. Thanks.
Hi Molecule, I'm really sorry to hear that.

I can understand how u are feeling. I know having to wait for another week is really torturing. Please do not give up hope yet until the confirmation next week, k?

Is this your 1st IVF?
hi ladies,
can I join? I done 1 IVF(FET) in May this year.. but failed.. no frozen embies left... now.. i'm very apprehensive abt starting another cycle of IVF in Feb next year... wondering if i should try again... really feel very tired and scared of the whole process.. sigh...
You must be feeling terrible. Hope that it is just baby being shy and wanted to show up later. Meanwhile, you eat well and rest well. Must take good care of your health. Don't give up. Jia You!
You must try again if possible. Don't give up. We are all here for our dream.

Lina and Helen,
i went for my first Acu today. Kind of like the warm feeling when Dr Zou put the "light" thing on me. I'm going twice a week. Prepare my health and hope that i can even strike naturally.
Hi ML,
welcome to the thread. Please don't give up, maybe the next round of fresh cycle will bring good news. Do you still have the government subsidy?
Hi happyever,
i also like the light thing. I was thinking that twice a week can be on weekends, then more convenient but Dr Zou says cannot be too close for the accu. Have you tried the medicine yet?
Hi happyever,
Glad that u have tried. I believe it really does help.

Hi Lina, are u working close to Dr Zou's clinic? Maybe can try during lunch time cos less people and normally u got priority cos they know u only have 1 hour to spare. Last time, I use to do that but ever since I change company, I can only go after work.

Happyever and Lina, did u say u want to see Dr Xia too? I'm also seeing Dr Xia once a month when she is in SG.
Hi ML, u should not give up trying. U will definately succeed one day. For me, I've done 1 IVF and 2 FET. All failed. I told myself not to give up trying. The sisters here are very encouraging, so dun be afraid. We will share happiness and sorrow together.

We will be with u!
Thanks! I'll prob be doing my second round with GlenE. so don't think will qualify for the subsidy leh.

Happyeverafter, Helen,
thanks! mine is rather complicated. I can't do a fresh IVF as I have too many folicles, abt 60 on a very low dosage. so the doc is very worried abt OHSS. quality of the eggs are also bad. got 5 embies out of 14 eggs. Can't do FET also because my embies don't survive the thaw.. only 1 survived.. so I'm rather worried abt going through IVF again with all these obstacles. sigh... really scared to face all these disappointments... guess feeling worst during this time of the year.. every christmas.. i would wish for a baby to spend christmas with me next year.. haha.. but so many christmas have passed.. haiz
Hi ML,

I can understand. I thought I can 'strike' this christmas too but... sigh.... nevermind lor... Maybe next christmas will have baby decorating christmas tree together with us. haaaaaa...

Wow! 60 is lot leh. Since u have such a complication, ur gynea will be definately be looking at the most appropriate ways to reduce OHSS and make u preggy too! Be positive, k?
thanks helen! Good to "hear" that you are so positive.. don't mind me asking.. are you trying another cycle and when?

oh.. i went back to my gynae.. he don't have much suggestions for me leh.. so i switched to a new one.. hahaha.. anyway, will have to wait and see how.. my new gynae gave me some meds and ask me to go back in Feb. so nothing much that i can do in the meanwhile.. i have been a bad gal.. have not been seeing TCM for some months liaoz.. I eat the chinese meds till i scared liaoz... :p
Thanks Helen, happyever &amp; lina... Im sure it will be your turn soon

Hi Grace bb
I visited Dr Jin to do acupunture just 3 weeks before my planned FET. I bought the IVF booster package of five acupuncture sessions, this package is to complement IVF procedures.

Hi babymaking,
Yes. 1 day before the ET and 3 days later after the ET need to go back to Dr Jin for acupunture.

Oh ya ladies also during your 2ww, go buy some red dates (without seed) and dry logan, boil them with water and drink it every alternate day this will help to increase blood flow to your womb
Hi Helen, Lina and Happyever,

Thanks for your support, I really appreciated and will try to take things easy.

For me, I had 1 failed fresh cycle and FET. This cycle is my 2nd FET and I have no more embryos left.

Today is another terrifying day. Just now when I went toilet, suddenly a blood clot just flow out plus some fresh blood. I was stunned and really at a lost. Luckily it was almost knock off time, so I rushed to the 24 hrs clinic immediately after work. My mind was like thinking why .. what happened?? I have been a very good gal since tested positive .. no lunching out ... no heavy stuffs, no cold drinks, no fried food, no this and that ... only healthy food and diligently drinking ensure milk.

After seeing the doc, he said there's a blood clot below the uterus, and the bleeding could be due to that. He kind of said that it could be a threaten miscarriage. He increased the dosage of Duphaston, and gave me a Progesterone jab too. But 1 lucky thing was he detected my baby's heartbeat. He issued me with 1 week's mc and asked to have complete rest. I happened to have applied leave for the next 3 days, so will just take annual leave instead. Will be going back to see Dr Loh on Fri. Haiz ... dunno whether will Dr Loh laugh at me or not ... it's like every other week, i am going back to see him. But I really can't tell whether the bleeding is serious or just false alarm. I cannot afford to take the risk as I feel that I have gone this far and with this postive result, I would rather be kiasu than sorry.

I will continue to talk to my baby and encouage him/her to be strong.

Meanwhile, all ladies out there ... stay positive and you will be a happy mama soon.


Please don't give up. I remember reading your posts previously ... All of us are here to give each other support.
Hi ML,

I'm not sure what's next for me until I see a gynea at KKivf. I'm considering doing a lapro first to remove my endometrial cyst and to check for any scarred tissues. I suspect my lining is the caused on failure.

After that, I might try to do a fresh IVF during 1st quarter of next year even thou I still have 5 embbies with CARE.

Who were u with previously and who are u seeing now?
Hi BBW, that was really terrifying! Feel a relieve when u said that u can hear your bb heart beat.

When u said u went to 24 hours clinic, it seems that they are very familarize with IVF procedure and they do scanning for u too? The clinic at my place doesn't seems to be that professional leh. :p

U think Dr Loh will laugh at u for being kiasu when u are seeing him on Fri? I was about to ask u to see him tomorrow! haaaaa

Anyway, please take good care of yourself and tell ur bb to be good good.
hi pleasance, Lina, happyever, Helen,

I was reading the thread and notice that all of u are seeing Dr Zou. Is this the Dr Zou at Ang Mo Kio? If it is, can I ask you some qns abt seeing her? please be patient with me, I've got lots of qns.

I previously had few failed IVF, so hoping to try tcm to improve my chances for my next ivf.

1) Does Dr Zou specialises in male or female problem?

2) IF she specialises only in female prob, does she see the husbands as well or husbands need to find another tcm?

3) How often do u need to see Dr Zou in each cycle in order for tcm to be effective? eg how many times accup before and after Ovulation. Coz I read somewhere that norm is 2X accup before Ovulation.

4) How easy or difficult is it to make appt with Dr Zou for evenings or Saturdays?

5) Is the waiting time to see her on your day of appt long?

6) If we do ivf, how many times do we need to do accup before/after ER and before/after ET.

7) Her herbs are the powdered packages right?

8) Does Dr Zou speak English?

9) Is Dr Zou open to IVF? Coz i knw some tcm don't like ivf.

10) Are Dr Zou's charges expensive?

Thank you so so much for your advice
Hi Helen,

Oh, the 24 hr clinic that i was referring to is the KK 24 hrs clinic. So the doc there is pretty familiar with the IVF process.
Dear Irish,
Does Dr Jin give you medicine before FET then? Is it difficult to make appointment? My gynae does not encourage TCM, but I'm tempted to give it a try. I'll be seeing him in Jan for FET.

Dear BBW,
Yes, Helen is right. Do see your gynae ASAP. Be good and have complete bedrest until no more bleeding.

Fsh is an indication to see the ovarian reserve and it help a little to see how we are responding to the stimulation process.


I understand how you feel; maybe you can talk to your RE on the different protocol that is available for you. I have went through 2 long normal protocol – Fresh IVF and I have no embies for freezing. Sigh but I believe as long as we have dream, it will paid off just a matter of when.


I wanted to share something with you on the process. I went to KK yesterday supposing to do a HSG scan , in the end I found out that it is Tubal cannulation procedure which is a totally different thing. And the miscommunication is due to wrong term being used, and KK doesn’t key in the procedures or test which we have to go through before we start IVF. So at the end of the day, it bottom down to the form that we have on hand and we are the one who need to remind the nurses. The worst thing is there is no one explaining to me the procedure when I have been showing the form to the nurses.

Sigh guess I need to be more careful and understand the doctor writing and hope I get a good nurse who is able to understand all the different procedures available. I only managed to talk to one good nurse yesterday.
So sorry to hear that. Please be strong. For a 6 weeks miscarriage there no need to do a D&amp;C, a blood clot will drop together during ur period and all will be gone.

Well do not frighten urself till everything's confirm. Ur baby might implant late therefore heartbeat is detected late.

Glad to hear that u r alright. Ur baby will be strong.Please rest well and take extra care.

Congrates !!Have a smooth 9 month ahead.


1) Does Dr Zou specialises in male or female problem?
Dr Zou Specializes in infertility problem . Be it male or female.she can handle equally well.Just that in general she has more female patients than male.

2) IF she specialises only in female prob, does she see the husbands as well or husbands need to find another tcm?
She sees males too and treats males problem equally well.Many couple sees her for treatment together.

3) How often do u need to see Dr Zou in each cycle in order for tcm to be effective? eg how many times accup before and after Ovulation. Coz I read somewhere that norm is 2X accup before Ovulation.
Best recommended is 3 months b4 IVF so as to give ur body time to improve. But there are patients who succeed with just 1 mth acc too. Normally is 2x a week and the week b4 transfer is recommended continuous 3-5 days acc to maximize blood flow in the womb.No Acc after transfer so as not to disturb the womb for implantation.

4) How easy or difficult is it to make appt with Dr Zou for evenings or Saturdays?
For weekdays eveing its quite full as most working staff will come after work. U can give her a call and her helper liying will try to arrange it for u.

5) Is the waiting time to see her on your day of appt long?
Waiting time is not really long as she has 4 beds now and she is able to attend to 5 patients at 1 go.

6) If we do ivf, how many times do we need to do accup before/after ER and before/after ET.
B4 Er 2x a week.week b4 transfer preferrable continuous 3 days or more. No acc after transfer. The womb need to remind calm for implantation.

7) Her herbs are the powdered packages right?
yup. Pour in hot water and be able to consume.

8) Does Dr Zou speak English?
Her english rather limited. But she does has a female helper who will do translation for u. Not to worry.

9) Is Dr Zou open to IVF? Coz i knw some tcm don't like ivf.
Dr Zou In fact specialises in IVF treatment.She is not against the idea of IVF and she will advise u according during ur IVF treatment. Her knowledge of IVF is rather well-versed.

10) Are Dr Zou's charges expensive?
Per session of Acc is $25 and her tcm charges are like 50+ per week if i still remember.

Do give her a try and most ladies who have tried her are rather happy with her.

R u suffering from PCOS? Most PCOS patients will have many follicles with very light dosage but the quality of eggs is bad and most will turn out empty. For light PCOS patients blood test might not show.
Thanks Pleasance,

I will be 8 weeks when I have my rescan nxt wk, doc did mentioned to me that I may have to do a D&amp;C because due to the size of the sac, I may have infection or excessive bleeding if I wait for it to pass out during period. That is why I was quite worried because D&amp;C may result in scarring and make concieving even more difficult. Anyway, you are right that I should not be frightening myself. I shall take things a step at a time and hope I can find the strength to overcome whatever outcome.

Happy that you have a pair of twins, children are really a blessing from God. Wishing you a smooth pregnancy ahead.

u mean u dun feeling burning when u jab puregon?

e last time when i went to buy puregon, i told the nurse that when i jab lucrin on my right side, its very painful but not on the left side. she never said anything, just giggle only.


u must have complete bed rest.. do not get out of bed unnecessary.. take care.
Hi Helen,
no, i work far from AMK so can only go after work and weekends. In fact i took mrt the other day, walked by the main road and the distance is really far. Next visit i try walking through the flats to see if distance can be shorter. Who is Dr Xia? I recall you mention about her, any difference in seeing her? When does she come to SG?

Hi ML,
every round of ivf is different. Sometimes you need several rounds to get the figures, eg. number of follicles, quality of eggs etc. Only with these past record, your doctor might be able to determine a more suitable protocol for you. Don't give up, keep trying.

rest well during your mc. I am sure Dr Loh will understand your worry and concern over the blood clot. Take good care now.

Hi Happyhippo,
i am still quite new in TCM, just started 2 session with Dr Zou. Hope can answer some of your questions. Dr Zou knows how to treat both male and female, so i am giving a try as my hubby is having low SA. As for your number of visits is really individual, depending on the reason and if you are doing fresh or FET or just trying to "tiao" the body. Quite easy to make appointment and she is also willing to stay back after closing hours. Weekends she open on sunday morning as well. I only had to wait slightly longer around 15 mins on weekday evening. Herbs are powdered pack and just add warm water to drink. So far i paid $140 for hubby and myself accu and herbs.

Hi pleasance,
after you have confirm BFP, does Dr Zou give some "an tai" herbs? do you still have to visit her during pregnancy?

I am sorry to see what you are going through. After D&amp;C, remember to keep warm, do a little confinement , avoid cold water. If possible go to Dr Zou to restore your health. I am with Dr Zou for almost a year after my D&amp;C, personally I feel that my womb lining is better and my health too.


Has anyone done tubal cannulation before? Does anyone know will there be any side effect?

I'm seeing prof ng now. I think several of the sisters here should be with my prev doc. so I shall not mention names. anyway, i changed my doc as he wasn't doing enough tests and the meds that prof ng given seems to be improving my condition.

yap. I have PCOS. But my blood test is still within the normal range.

Thanks Lina. Will keep trying but still can't help feeling the apprehension and worry. haiz..
btw, for Dr zou, it seems much shorter to cut thru the flats. haha.. but i have not been seeing her for sometime liaoz..oops..

thanks! you take care gal! rest well!!!
