IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks for sharing about Dr Zou. My AF came today, I'm glad I can move on from here. Start to make appt to see TCM because I'm feeling "liang" and my legs feel weak. Guess I need some TCM to warm my body.

Used to see EYS but it is at paragon, and it is rather expensive for me. So I'm thinking of going to Dr Zou,prefer a lady doctor.
Hi happyever,
after Helen posted the contacts, i called Dr Zou to make appointment and surprise that they have many slots available. I am also going to try out with Dr Zou next week. Let's give feedback after we visit her. I have never tried chinese medicine, wonder how it will taste.
wow, you are fast. Chinese medicine don't taste nice, but I do feel some different after taking for a few days. Glad that Dr Zou has many slots for us. That will make it less stressful for working ladies like us.

So happy for you. Your wish has come true. The baby is a wonderful Xmas gift for you and your hubby.

Actually I bought the clearblue 2 pc kit.. Sat which is 5 days pass my blastocyst transfer.. faint positive.. Wed my Dh see the second one also faint positive but darker than sat one...

US clearblue got a lot of false positives based on results so i scared..
I sincerely thank all of you mummies to be and going to be mummies for the support... Thank you all so much for the well wishes and blessings... Finally this 2 months, this is a good news to both me and my DH... We will work hard, take more jobs, part time whatsoever to give my baby a good life..
Hi happyever,
wow, chinese medicine has effect after taking a few days. That's powerful.

Hi sam,
HPT is sometimes difficult to read. Don't overwork yourself during pregnancy, still got to take things slowly. Let your hubby work harder.
Congrats Sam, take gd care of yourself and hv a smooth pregnancy ahead.

Would like to check if anyone know what could be the possible reasons implantation fail? I tried to research online, but can't really find any answers...doc also say, cannot explain why....Juz wana see other than TCM/ acupuncture, what else we can do to improve chances next round...
Congrats to u sam, have a smooth 9 months, eat lots of healthy food n dun carry heavy stuff.

piggy09 stay positive k, ah u're also in the 2ww , let's 加油
congrats! Take good care and have a smooth 9 months!
Congrates !!congrates !!

Dr Zou does male infetility too and i heard the progress was not bad. My hubby din wnana go as he is very afraid of needle but i do see many couples go together for treatment. Do not worry too much abt timings. Dr Zou is a very nice and accomodating lady and normally if u all are working ladies, she is willing to wait overtime for u all

Dr tan's waiting is also very long, sometimes he has a helper to help with medication, most times not. During my visits, he had to do registrations, medication and payment all by himself so sometimes u get frustrated with the waiting time. Plus he is very very slow, his actions like old man .

Dr Zou has a lady helper to help with medication, appointments , payments at all times. Plus she has 4 beds now so she is able to see 5 patients at one go. waiting time is not long and frustrating.Most importantly she does not behave like an old lady.

Also dr Tan's medication are all pre mixed , so u have to open and mix and match the medical formulation to the solutions urself.eg maybe u will 1 pack of med A + 2 pack of Med B + 1 pack of Med C + 1/2 Pack of med D etc etc...each dosage so i feel its messy!

Where for Dr Zou's medication they have machines to pack it up for u on the spot..so each time u take 1 pack per dosage, more convenient & not so confusing.

U may wanan give both sinsehs a visit then decide who to seek treatment from
Thanks for the info. I'm going on my own only, more flexible to arrange for slot. My hubby not need to go bec he is taking Vit that my Doc is giving him.

Do you think you can share about her charges? I've never done Acu before. When she does for you, is it whole body or only upper body? Will she poke on the face as well? Haha...Just want to be mentally prepared.

Yes, I do feel warmer after the TCM. My legs were cold than. Think my blood circulation not very good. Now I'm feeling the same, think need to Tiao abit to prepare my body for the next round.
hi all,

remember me. i started my lucrin today. when i went to kkivf this morning, i was told that dr loh is going for dec hols from 20 dec till jan. i am hoping me ER and ET before 20 dec or if it is another consultant will do it for me. DR Kelly something. anyone have any feedback on her?
thanks guys. take care to those on 2wws

per session of Acc is abt $25 and per week medications is abt 50 or so depending on formulations cos different ppl needs different medications. Theres 2 types of formulation in general , formula 1 and 2. formula 1 is to be taken on the 5th day after period till ovulation and then formula 2 to be continue . Formula 2 will taste better than formula 1 :p

no no no no face ! whahahha in my memory think theres 4 needles ard ur womb and 2 near ur feet for the front ( 20 minutes accuputure) then 20 min for the back ( think its ard the kiney ard). Theres a heat light shinning over ur womb and i quite like it as warms up ur womb for blood circulation. After a few sessions, most gals get used to it and most will actually fall asleep during the treatment like myself.

Zou YuMin TCM Physician & Accupuncturist
Blk 505 #01-2670 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8
Singapore 560505
Tel :64560833
Closed on wed and sunday afternoon.
Its opposite Nanyang Poly.
Thanks again for going into such details. Now I know wat to expect. Sounds good infact to me. I like the warm warm feeling.

Lucky you tell me about the medication formula 1 and 2. I'm having My AF now, actually wanted to see her when my AF finish. Now I know about this, better see her soon and start with my TCM F1 soon. haha...
I used to see Dr Zou...
I want to wait a bit more before I start again.. because the last time I went.. I had blue black on my chin.. and it hurt for a while.....

But Dr Zou is really really nice doctor.. and if your ER or ET falls on Thursday.. she will open the clinic up just for you to do accu...

She give really wonderful advices as well...

oh be prepared.. on the needles she will put electronic waves.. so that it will increase the blood circulations!

to start your accu... you will have to wait until it is not too much
hi hopefaith, thanks for the comfort. Today, there's some cramping feeling and I begin to feel worried.

Anyway, now I'll leave everything unto God already. Hope He can perform another miracle again.
Hi Lina and Happyever, Dr Zou is also very gan cheong about all her patients going through the 2ww. She will call and check ard Day 10 and ask u to do HPT wan. I was very surprise that she can remember each patient Day 10 and she will start calling to check if +ve or not. Feel good to have such an attentive doc.
hi helen,

i start my lucrin injection today. is it too late to start accu. i cant speak chinese, can dr zou speak Eng. btw dr loh not in favour of tcm medicine but allow accu, can we have accu without med

thanks for ur advice
Hi, Lina josephine & cuteball

Thanks for the encouragement and well wishes will try to rest well. Hopefully I can join the MTB thread.
the lady who takes care of the appointments will translate for you... I dont speak chinese either... and Yes you can just have accu with her... it was the same case with me... my doctor dont allow tcm medicine too...
Hi Pleasance,
thanks for the useful feedback on your opinion of both doctors and the cost. This will come helpful in our choices. Really appreciate that. Just for information to those going to Dr Tan, he only collect cash.

Hi happyever,
very soon we can form a TCM gathering. But just curious, how come there is no meet up or gathering for this group?

Hi sue and helen,
thanks for sharing the info on Dr Zou. Opening up the clinic on her close days and calling up patients on day 10 is definitely an extra step. Such good customer service and care she gives, makes me more excited on meeting her soon.

Hi Alyssa,
Don't think language is a barrier. I read up that TCM is already a popular option and caucasians even travel to china just for accu.
Hi Helen & gals,

I have started my work, that's why haven been in this forum lately.

Anyway, updates from me: my BT shows that I'm pregnant but the level is too low (Day 20, level 60). SF Loh said pregnancy is there but success rate is only 10%. Right now I am taking dydrogesterone to support the lining. I'm praying everyday for a healthy baby and am doing everything that I can to protect the baby... So far no menses n spotting, my next appointment with SF Loh is next Tues, by then my level shd be abt 1000, cos he mentioned it has to double every 2 days.
hi Piggy,
you are welcome. ^_^

hi dawnnie,
take a gut rest and think happily.
hope your level increase quickly.
Cheers for you and jia you!!!
hi sam,
CONGRATS to you & have a smooth 9 months!! do let your hubby work harder than yourself cos your body in the next few weeks will be working OT for your babies.

hi dawnnie,
will be praying for you... i can understand how u must be feeling cos i was in same situation in my previous cycle. is ur scan also done on next tues??
Sam - congrats!! Have lots of rest and a smooth 9 months ahead...

Helen - how's the 2nd BT?? Hope the levels shoot high high...

dawnnie - my thoughts are with you... Crossing fingers and toes for you...
Thank you all my dear sisters... I hope this will be a blessed pregnancy and letting me deliver this baby safely in 9 months time.. No matter how bad the situation is right now.. Me and my DH will definitely work hard for the sake of my baby..

Dawnie..Be brave ...be strong.. Ur baby will be strong and hang on tight ...You will have good news on Tues k..
hi dawnnie, be strong n stay positive k, i think food plays an important role, eat healthy, fish, beef n veg like spinach n broccoli.
no cold stuff n of coz i know it's difficult but try n relax.

congrats to u sam, have a wonderful n smooth 9 months ahead
Hi Dawnie, I can understand how u feel cos I'm in the same situation. My beta-hcg is much lower than u.

Can I ask if u've done your BT today (Day 20) and u get your BT result almost immediate to see Dr Loh? Day 20 is from ER or ET?

I've done my 2nd BT in the morning but till now the result still not out yet. Furthermore, I dun get to see my gynea after my ET. All attended by nurses which I dun really feel good abt it.

I will remember u in my prayer. Hope your reading will increase on Tues!
Hi Babymaking, Pretyy_lady,

I went for my scan this morning, and we were able to see the yolk sac very clearly.

Next scan will be 2 weeks later, hope to hear the heartbeat then...

Can i know do you continue to drink "Ensure milk" after tested positive?

I have not joined the MTB thread yet, still do not have the courage to pop over.
Hi sister,

Just received a call from CARE. My HCG drop to left 11. so sad.....

Got to try again but this time I'm thinking of switching to KKivf due to cost.
Sorry to hear abt the drop in your HCG. Not sure if any medication can help support to raise the pregnancy? Will you consider giving Dr Zou a call?
Hi Helen,
i am so sorry to hear that. Maybe you can check with kkivf if you need to get referral from polyclinic. Do you still have stored embryos with CARE?
sorry to hear that. Please take good care and do not give up. Hope to see you graduate the next round. Must jia you! Praying for you.
Hi Helen,
My Tues appt was arranged in such a way that my Beta blood test is 2 hours earlier than my appt to see SFLoh. While in KKIVF, I took BT at 8am (or earlier), then I will call KKIVF to check my BT at around 12 to 1pm. Your doc will review your results and nurse will further instruct when is your next appt date over the phone.

I read from other website, that the level is not as impt as the difference in level, the doubling is more impt.

KKIVF told my hubby that their standard protocol is to do 2 BT, there after it will be up to the respective Doc to give further instructions...

That's why after my 2nd BT, the nurse insisted that I see Dr Loh the next day, cannot wait too long hanging there. Cos if I delay the appt to consult him, during the time gap, I won't have any supplementary progesterone to support my lining for baby to grow.

I think your decision to come over to KKIVF is good, SF Loh is recommended by my hubby colleagues and friends, you can read more abt his portfolio from KKH website. In addition, the nurses from KKIVF are very nice and knowledgeable.

The regular blood test and scanning starts at 8am, you can arrive earlier than this time and it can finish as early as 8am then you can go to work
no need to take leave
dear BBwish,

so happy for you, am glad that everything went well.

so sorry to hear that yr hcg level drop. There is no subsidies for IVF treatments in KKH, the only difference in pricing is seeing the doctor at Clinic D or at the private suite clinc, and even so, the difference in consultation cost is about $6 to $10.

For those who went through the 2www recently, how did you settle your daily meals needs?
helen- so sorry to hear abt the drop. but dont give up, must continue to jia you and you'll suceed next round

babymaking - i hear that some 2ww ladies order tingkat. i live with my MIL so thankfully she cooks for me

BBW - my hubby also asked doc the same question. doc said ensure is a health supplement so no harm continue to take it. as for egg whites, can continue. for my case, i'm still very bloated, and face getting fatter everday. so still eating egg whites but trying to cut down bit by bit

May I know for those who went to TCM to complement the IVF, can recommend?

I tot of going TCM to "tiao" my body better, right now I'm pregnant but HCG level as of day 20 is only 60. Today I just did a preg test kit, the line is darker than the negative line and it comes out within half a second! I'm glad but hope its high enough on Tues.

Hi Helen, how much does it cost at CARE?

Hi BBW, so happy for you. When is the earliest you can see anything from the scan? Wat is your HCG level when you first see something in the scan?? For my reference...
