IVF/ICSI Support Group

thank you. Yes, it is great comfort to see baby growing well while enduring daily discomforts.
Really hope you will share with us your happiness in your next round. Believe that tomorrow will be better. Jia you too!

happy - its ok to cry, better to let out your feelings than bottle up. but after crying must remember to pick up and move on ya ?

lina, splithair - sorry to hear abt that. must remain positive and look forward to your next round

hopefaith - congrats. your hard work, will and perseverance have paid off. i'm very proud of you

bliss - did you ever feel tempted to do hpt after BT is positive ? today i had some discharge, and still dont feel preggy, so tempted to re-test with hpt. i read from website that too much discharge is sign of MC *touch wood*. a bit worried now, but also scared to take hpt cos think that for more accurate results should take morning urine... sigh... did you also join any early MTB forums ?
happy - oh dear.. i wish that i could comfort you... pls take care and stay happy and positive.. i still believe that being positive will generate a super welcoming WOMB!!

lina, splithair - happy to see that you both are also quite strong and positive.. all the best for the next round...

Girls.. one of the main reasons that i still hang around in here, is becos of the camaraderie and the caring sisters here... i would like to see all of you graduate, so i will ngeh ngeh hang around here until all of you graduate..
Hi Sam,
All the best for your BT tomorrow. BFP! Hope to hear good news on friday.

Hi happyever,
yes, dun give up. So many BFN this week. Dr Zou from AMK? let me search the forum to see if any information on him. Since you are in the west, do give Dr Tan a try. My friend strongly recommend him. But be prepared that his needles acupuncture gives out electric feeling. I work in the west, so also more convenient to see him. Hope that ladies here can give us recommendation.

Hi bliss,
thanks, you have been giving us support and advice, really appreciate it.

Hi ponytail,
you could take HPT but the problem is HPT don't tell you the HCG level, so cannot detect any MC (touch wood).

Hi mel,
yes, please hang around here. We want to see all your lovely baby pics.
bliss - i'm quite scared that BFP will drop off and become BFN *touch wood*. thinking not to think abt unpleasant stuff but sometimes it just pops up. i'll join the MTB thread soon, maybe after my scan next fri.

lina - good point. ok will see if i can dahan until next week before doing hpt

personally, i think TCM is good idea and i would have gone myself, but its too far from my house (i live in the east) to go to AMK or west coast, and think that all the travelling with negative any good side effects of TCM. just my 2 cents.
Hi Hope&Faith,

c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s.... yea... happy for you...
on which day you do the BT?
what oral medicine that they gave you? (*last time I only got jab)
is it new procedure?
hi ponytail,
not to scare you but do be concerned when you see any form of discharge (brown, red, etc). Take note if there is any increase in amount and call your doctor or hospital immediately. This is one mistake that i learn from the previous cycle. I have BFP after BT for 2 weeks, HCG is of good level throughout the 2 weeks, then started with very light brown spotting, amount increase slightly but still brown. I continue with daily life and only go to the emergency when i see light red. By that time was too late. Not sure if i have seen the doctor earlier might help but i read that some people can ask doctor to give injection to stabilize the pregnancy. If i have known, then might be able to hold on to the pregnancy.

Hi josephine,
thanks. We will jia you.
Hi Mel,

Thanks for your concern. I do not know about the unit of HCG measurement. I once read from 1 sister that her HCG is 22 and in order to confirm pregnancy is 25. However, CARE told me that 50 is border and I should achieve at least 100. So a bit confuse here.

I was quite negative in the beginning but having such result is already a great news for me. It's really God's miracle!

I really pray to God to bless me for this Sat's BT and a smooth preggy ahead. Do remember me in your prayer. I really believe that there's nothing I can do now; except to trust in Him.

My progestrone level is okie but not my E2. So I was given medication to take as there is no jab to increase E2.
Hi Lina and Splithair,

So sorry to hear about it. U will definately succeed. Please do not give up hopes.

I believe doing accu helps. I failed in my 1st ET and 2nd FET last year. I rested for 1 year and had been doing accu and taking chinese herbs punctually and manage to get a positive this time round.

Although my positive is not that strong but it's still a positive. Do give it a try to increase your chance!

BTW, I'm seeing Dr Zou and Dr Xia. They are actually cousins. I like seeing Dr Zou cos she is a very concerned doc which make me feel very good and taken care of. This is something I cannot find in any of the western gynea as they always appear so 'far away'.
Hope & faith - So happy for you BFP! Have a smooth pregnancy ahead.

Grace BB, Sam, Ros, happyever, pleasance, cuteball and all sisters - Thanks for your well wishes. Hope to see some increase on Sat.
dont worry too much. Like what lina said, I also think if your discharge has some brown or light red spotting, must go and see doc.
Take good care and all the best for your coming scan. Hope to see you in the MTB thread too!
HI Babymaking!

Good to create the list... and good to see so many contributors to this forum! All the best to you for your upcoming ivf!!

BBW, ponytail, helen ,hope & faith - CONGRATS on your BFP!!Be sure to get plenty of rest during the 1st 3 months!! I hope to be able to join you all in this rank....

Happy: Dun give up!! I know how you felt! When i learnt that i had a BFN on my first ivf, i cried so hard. Moreover, my hubby was not with me... i have now started to see Dr Zou to "tiao".. i hope that will help me in the next ivf which i think i will only start in Feb/Mar09.... So, dun give up... I dun believe we cannot have our own kids..
Lina & Splithair - I am so sorry to hear the news but I am glad to hear your positivity. This journey of ours is tough but having good sisters/friends that understand our situation really helps. Let's keep up the faith and hope and may we be bless like the rest of the sisters who are graduates now.

Mel - It is nice to see you drop by here to see how we are doing. Do sprinkle alot alot of babydust in this forum. N keep us all in your prayers...
Lina & Splithair,

Sorry to hear the news. Stay strong and continue to fight the battle. Your effort will be rewarded soon... Take Care.
Dear happyever, Lina, Splithair,
I'm in the same boat as you. Will be doing FET hopefully in Jan. Meanwhile, I just try to eat well. I didn't see any chinese sinseh, cos I thought taking TCM for one month will not make any difference.
Thanks all for the encouragement.
I made appt to see Dr Zou next Sun, will see what she say...

Sam - when i tested on day 12, it was solid negative.
Hi all,

My first IVF cycle also failed. I was very upset when I had staining last Sunday. Went to KKH for BT and was negative.

Maybe I didn't expect failure as everything went smoothly during the preparation stage. Even Dr Loh mentioned during my ET that my conditions are ideal and high possibility that I will succeed.

Anyway, I saw Dr Loh for review and he encouraged me to do my FET next month. I did ask him if I need to go and see TCM to 'tiao' my body, but he told me not to do anything coz sometimes TCM might make matters worse.

I am confused leh, coz almost everyone of you say TCM is good. So should I go and see chinese sinseh??
Updated List

Planning to do IVF/FET
ros (IVF - Apr 09)
Starzy (IVF - Feb/Mar 09)
grace BB (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
happyever (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
lina (IVF - Dec 08)
splithair (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
pbabe (FET - Dec 08)

stage 1: (lucrin or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:

Josephine, Dimple,Bliss, Mel, babyhopes, Faith, Sri, Dwi, Comfort,
Hopfully, LFB, pleasance, akachan, Pretyy lady, BBW, ponytail, helen ,hope & faith

Good luck to those on 2ww
Think positive!!!! BFP BFP BFP!!!
Hi starzy,
am glad to see you back - do continue to tiao with Dr Zou, i've seen her before and although the FET cycle i did with her didn't work, she's a great sinseh.

splihair & lina ang
so sorry to hear of your negative but it's good to hear that you are already planning yr next move.have faith it will work the next cycle.

although i am not a advocator for TCM, i believe that accupunture will benefit..even for short periods of time like one month, maybe not so for 'tiaoing' the hormones (that only works for long term TCM), doing accupunture also helps to destress the IVF process.

but of course, if you feel more stressful/rushed going for accupunture, then there's not much point in doing it, this was the advice given by Dr Zou and it does makes sense.

if you are having discharge, go see yr doctor quick. not trying to scare you, but any discharge (brown,pink,red) is not good, do not delay further, at least if you see the doctor, he can prescribe further meds (pills or jabs) to stablise the womb.

sorry to hear of yr negative.

I am surprised that dr Loh does not approve of TCM. I have been seeing him for the past 3 yrs and didn't hear him disapprove of TCM. perhaps in your case, the period of time is too short, and since everything seems ok, he rather you do nothing to compromise it.

if the issue is still bugging you, why not give him a call and ask him, how TCM "can make things worse"?

I need your help - some time ago, someone posted here the contacts of a home food delivery that caters for those undergoing IVF - so anyone have the contact?

I am thinking of getting someone else to do the cooking during the next week onwards, up till the end of the 2www - which is about 3 weeks to a mth as it's getting very tiring to prepare home cooked meals every day.

anyone with her contact, or any others home delivery which provides healthy food - pls recommend.

ladies on puregon
anyone of you feeling very lethargic/tired and difficulty in breathing? I'm on 4th day of puregon and feeling rather tired to the point of being unable to take deep breaths.
Hi babymaking,

May I know what does BFP means?

Hmm I'm on puregon but I dun have the symptons that u mentioned leh. Maybe u shld check with the nurses why u r feeling this way.
hi piggy

BFP - Big fat positive
BFN - Big fat negative

what dosage were you on with puregon and how many days did you take in total, also how many folicles altogether?
Hi helen,
can ask you some questions on accu. How often is the visit to sinseh? do you need to increase the visit during 2WW? can also advise the contacts for Dr Zou and Dr Xia, thanks alot.

Hi starzy,
can share your experience with Dr Zou as well, thanks.

Hi Gracebb,
we must jia you together.

Hi babymaking,
suggest you check with the nurse on the difficulty in breathing. I didn't feel tired symptoms during puregon stage.
Hi pbabe,
sorry to hear that. Hope you will have success next round. I thought Dr Loh is in favour of TCM. When i ask the nurse for recommendation of TCM, they can't advise. One nurse suggest going raffles hospital as many patients go there.
babymaking - i called clinic yesterday, and they said colourless discharge is normal. phew. but i forgot to ask them what abt whitish one. today going for jab again on the butt (v painful) and will ask them again.
Lina, I did accu twice a week last year hoping I could conceive naturally. 5 days prior to my fet, I do accu everyday. See dr zou first and u can request to see dr xia rong later as she only visit sg once a month. Dr zou contact is 64560833.
hi hope&faith!
CONGRATS to you on your BFP!! it must have been a reward to you since you went through so much "sufferings" after your transfer. when is your scan to be taken???

hi blisstan,
thanks for pointing to the link for IVF MTB support group.

hi sam,
how's ur BT today?? would suggest you called up with gynae/clinic/hospi if u still see the spotting u mentioned.
personally i've tried Dr tan At clementi before i go to Dr zou.To my experience Dr Zou is far far far more professional and knowledgeable than Dr Tan. During my visit to Dr Tan, he is very against IVF or IUI, he insist patients to conceive naturally. Instead of guiding me wat to do, he keep asking informations from me about IVF etc. It takes me 2 visits and i gave up seeing him, i feel its a total waste of time.

As for Dr Zou , its a totally different experince. Besides very well-versed in IVF programs, she will guide and advise u according. I went to her after my failed 1st FET. Immediately i went for another fresh cycle,though she is very against, i insist and that cycle i failed. She inisist that i tiao my body for 6mths b4 i go for the next , she assured me that i'll definately succeed and true enuff this cycle ,my eggs were all grade 5 .

Ladies who r deciding between dr Tan and dr Zou, my recommendations would be Dr Zou.Though her location is a bit far but its definately worth.
Thanks everyone for the wishes!!..Hearing ppl and esp the nurse said CONGRATULATIONS..thta moment was really incredible priceless. My first scan will be on 4dec. I am now given Dydrogesterone to be taken orally to support the pregnancy. And im still inserting the progesterone cos i still have a few more. .

By the was my scan wont be done by my doc, it wil be done an hour before i see my doc by the sonographer. I did mention that i wanted my doc to do it in the private suite, but the nurse said that its better that the sonographer do cos then can print it out and they do it better. But im wondering if hubby can also be in the room during the scan. Cos it will be our first time n definitely hubby's presence is very important.
Ponytail u have any preganacy sypmtoms? My breast is not sore yet, just very slughtly onli but quite tender. Furthermore i am very skinny n naturally i dnt have big bustla..hahaha. By the way wat was ur beta hcg result?..Mine was 373 on day 19.

Helen..don't worry so much im sure urs will increase as the days go by. I know it is difficult not to worry..even i am still worrying unnecessarily.
Hi pleasance,
thanks for your advice. This information is of great help. A doctor who is pro ivf would be better. I tried making appointment with Dr Tan but his timing are fully packed so i am going to Dr Zou first. But hubby will still need to go to Dr Tan as he is specialized in male problems.

Hi hopefaith,
yes, your hubby could go in with you during the 1st scan. And it will be a wonderful experience, enjoy!!
Hi sam,
congrats! Do take care for the 9 mths ahead.

Updated List

Planning to do IVF/FET
ros (IVF - Apr 09)
Starzy (IVF - Feb/Mar 09)
grace BB (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
happyever (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
lina (IVF - Dec 08)
splithair (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
pbabe (FET - Dec 08)

stage 1: (lucrin or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:

Josephine, Dimple,Bliss, Mel, babyhopes, Faith, Sri, Dwi, Comfort, Hopfully, LFB, pleasance, akachan, Pretyy lady, BBW, ponytail, helen ,hope & faith, sam


the book I was talking about...
written by: Dr TC Chang and Midwife Wong Boh Boi
they are both from Thomson Medical Center..
the title of the book: "Pregnancy and Childbirth"
sam - congrats!

sue - wong boh boi. hah hah. laughed when i read the name. i'm so mean

hopefaith - nope, still the same slight sore boobs. today i weighed myself and almost fell off the scale, i put on almost 2 kg since my ER. my tummy is really bloated, like at least 3 months. scared of OHSS. maybe cos i ate too much. and lazing around past 2 weeks. still, cant really fit my clothes now. must try to diet
NO no no!!! dont diet now!!
Go buy that book.. its for people with normal pregnancy.. but still after pregnancy should be the same to what we have to be careful... the book will give you tips on about how much you should be gaining as well!!!
Hi ponytail,
try not to diet during pregnancy. Have heard that Ms Wong Boh Boi gives very good pre-natal classes and tips on breastfeeding at Thomson Medical. I used to attend pre-natal classes at KK (10 lesson), it gives tips on taking care of newborn and pain relief during delivery. For MTB's, do find time to attend such courses, will one day come useful.
Hi Josephine & babymaking,

Thanks for enlightening me. This is a new term I heard. Dun have such term when I did my first cycle.

Had my ET done today out of 4 eggs only 2 useable ones. The day before still thinking shld put 2 or 3 embryos. Like the previous cycle.. dun need to decide cause no choice.

A bit disappointed as I inject 400 units of puregon this time higher than my first cycle, but only manage to get 4 eggs. sigh...

Just hope that 17 days later will have gd news.
