IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Molecule,
Hugz... be strong.
I think the doctor will ask you to do DnC. It is a day surgery. Last time I got miscarriage, my gynae is the one who do it. I do it almost daytime so by time the I discharge I still in weak condition so I stay 1 night at hospital.
For IVF, not sure whether the IVF doctor or not. I think should be IVF doctor because still same case. Better do it in the morning, so afternoon you can be discharge.

Hi ML,
Jia you and welcome to the thread.

Hi Chew, Thanks for praying, I will try to be strong.

Hi Sunflower,
Sorry to hear that you have undergone D&C before.I think you are much stronger than me.Btw, D&C is done under GA(put to sleep)rite?

Actually, I have been seeing Dr Zou for about 3mths before my FET. I too believe that TCM will help, at least my embryo did managed to get implanted this time. I will continue to see her to build up my body.
Hi ML,
Oh thanks, will cut through the flats next visit. Do see her when you free since accu is painless and worth continuing. In the past, i felt that TCM is not a necessity, thinking that we have spent so much time, money and pain on ivf, why need more herbs and needles to suffer. But hearing the feedback and benefits of it, i felt there is nothing to lose in trying tcm. Rather to sit around and wait for next cycle, might as well take some pro-active approach.

You must be a strong and brave lady to experience this news... *sighs* .. realy dunno what to say.. feeling so sad for you.. how about a 2nd opinion or wait a while more.. hope miracles happen at this point of time ..*pray hard*


Dun worry about the blood clot, ample of bed rest will be good cause sometimes the uterus is trying to purge out the menses blood and scared it will cause miscarriage.. Stress and not enough rest will cause that.. Just destress and sleep.. BB will hang on to you la..
Hi Sam & Josephine,

Actually, I am not brave at all, cos I will feel like crying each time I think of it. But I know I have to get over this asap and will try my best to stay positive.

I am really glad that I found this thread with many sisters giving me encouragement. Thanks.
Molecule - dont be too sad, must jia you and prepare yourself for next round ok. i went for d&c before too. you're under GA so wont know a thing. but best to rest well after the procedure. i continued to bathe everyday, but my mother in law scold me. anyway, you should keep your body warm

BBW - please take care of yourself. yesterday i had tiny brown spotting and cramps. was so afraid flood would be coming. thankfully it has stopped. you've come so far, so must take care even more. at least you saw heart beat. i'm going for 1st scan this fri. quite nervous leh... i think i saw some advice earlier in this thread to stop spotting - glutinous rice and lotus root, cook into porridge, eat 2 times a week. maybe you can check the archives. i remember asking a lot of ques on it.

Yeah, i remember the post on lotus root and glutinous rice. Will probably try it.
Don't worry, you should see bb's heartbeat this fri. How many weeks would it be on Fri?
did doc give u medication for PCOS while doing IVF?

Yup i still took the 'An Tai' medication from her. It taste really yucky but i still force myself to drink it down. She say take it for 3 mths and no need after.Anyway this is optional, i know some ladies they dun take after pregnancy.
Hi pleasance,
Bear with the an-tai herbs, 3 months only. I find the accu medication yucky too. Would you need to visit her during this 3 months?

Hi ponytail,
enjoy your 1st scan this fri, will be a wonderful experience to hear the heartbeat.
nope. i don't think there is any medication for PCOS. From what i understand from prof ng is that if i'm going for IVF, i will need to take metformin so that the quality of the eggs might be better. erm...
<font size="+2">Updated List </font>

Planning to do IVF/FET
ros (IVF - Apr 09)
Starzy (IVF - Feb/Mar 09)
grace BB (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
happyever (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
lina (IVF - Dec 08)
splithair (FET - Jan/Feb 09)
pbabe (FET - Dec 08)
besswbb (IVF - Dec 08)
ML(marvlis)(Feb 09)

stage 1: (lucrin or suprefact)

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)

Stage 3 - 2WW:

Hopfully, LFB, pleasance, akachan, Pretyy lady, BBW, ponytail, sam, hope &amp; faith
i didn't visit her at all after the transfer. But Dr Zou will call me once a while to see how i am. after each doc visit she'll ask me to give her a call and she will ammend the 'an tai'yao accordingly according to my conditions. Normally my hubby will go collect medications for me.

Dun be despired. I was once like u , though blood test i was perfectly normal but doc suspect me of light PCOS . i took metformin for a period till now, i think somehow it helps too. My egg quantity reduced and the quality of the egg increased. Of cos with the help of TCM and acc too.
thks, in the end, how many days did you have to jab for puregon? i went down today for 2nd scan and was told to extend another 2 more days.

the burning sensation is probably when some of the solution slip into under the skin when removing the needle. it shd be ok, but if u are worried, can always ask the nurse.

albumin is water soluable proteins.

oh dear, kinda upset to hear of yr experience with KKH IVF, it's probably won't be the last time they mixed up, had a couple of such experiences with them as well. i guess, as a patient, we have to be more pro-active and take control by asking questions and clarifying at all stages.

by the way, tubal cannulation is basically to unblock the tubes via the uterus- so they already confirmed that you ahve blocked tubes?

metformin can help with PCOS, metformin is also the same medicine used to control diabetes. i'm not sure if it helps with the quality of the eggs but it's suppose to help with ovulation.

i was on metformin together with clomid for 6 months but it did nothing for me, except stomach upset. hope it works for you.

an update
seems like this cycle, the response is worse with accupunture. not only fewer follicles but also smaller in size and slower growth rate, half of my previous cycle.
on the positive side, i hope that the slower growth rate means that the eggs are of better quality - guess will only know after egg retrivial and fertilisation. *cross fingers*

anyone here with the same experience of 2nd cycle having poorer response than the first one?
Hi pleasance,
she is really a caring doctor, thumbs up for her. She even call you once awhile, that's very good service.

Hi babymaking,
still early to tell as you have got 2 more days of puregon. The growth might speed up within the 2 days.
oic.. good to hear.. hope i can be like you.

i was not on metformin when i was on clomid. However, my cycle seem to have shorten when I'm on metformin alone. metformin controls the insulin levels. i.e it makes it easier for the glucose to reach the muscles, thus, reducing the insulin levels released to control the glucose levels. And indirectly improving the quality of the eggs. that's what i remember. haha
Hi Just want to ask those sisters visiting KKivf. Their frist time consultation is about $97 and subsequent consultation is SGD70?

That's sounds a bit ex to me cos TMC only charges me $50 for subsequent consultation.

Anyway, I've made my appointment to see Dr Sahana on 6 Dec and see what she says.

Hi Bliss, is Dr Sahana very vocal? Will she wait for u to ask question before explaining your situation?
Hi Lina,

Dr Xia is a doc in Yu Ren Sheng @ Paragon. You may refer to her introduction here.


Any difference? Hmmm... I feel that she has better knowledge in fertility treatment. Not sure what the rest think.

She only comes to SG once a month. I do not know when she is coming but previously, I've sounded my interest to Dr Zou that I would like to see Dr Xia too. So Dr Zou's helper Liying will call me every month (about 1 week prior to Dr Xia's arrival) to ask me if I want to see her.
Hi ML,

Prof Ng is from Gleneagles? since u feel ur condition has improved, then stick to him lor. The most important thing is u must be comfortable with him.

Go and tiao your body with TCM leh. Dun be lazy wor...
let's hope so, cos so far the response this cycle is worse than previous cycle. not only fewer follicles, smallers ones and on top of that slower growth rate. really weird, thought going for accupunture will help!!!
let's hope so, cos so far the response this cycle is worse than previous cycle. not only fewer follicles, smallers ones and on top of that slower growth rate. really weird, thought going for accupunture will help!!!
Hi Helen,
I find that consultation and hospitalization fees in kk are sometimes more ex than some private hospital. Think only the medication is reasonable cost. Oh thanks for the link, then will ask Dr Zou assistance for Dr Xia too.
Hi babymaking,

I'm fine except for a tiny brown stain that i spotted on sunday after my ET on fri. Other then that ok. Trying v hard not to carry my 10 mos plus gal.. will go back to wk next week already time flies.
Hi Grace BB
No. No oral medicine was given just only acupunture treatment. It is very easy to make appointment with Dr Jin although her appointment always fully booked. And also, if you have any questions to ask you can always call her, she is more than willingly to advise you cos sometimes i called her to ask what are the do's and don't for my daily diet. If she happen to have patient with her just leave down yr number and she will definity return your call. When my confimred FET appointment has clashed with her fully booked schedule she helped to squeeze in the priority time slot for me.

Hi Pleasance
thanks and lets jia you together.

Hi Molecule
Cheer up. you have come this far and that makes you even stronger to overcome..yor wish will happen just hang on to this journey, all of us here are with you...
I feel that Dr Sadhana is not the kind with lots of words, but you should be feeling comfortable to ask her any questions or when in doubts, she will answer your queries.
For me, I dont really ask her lots of questions, so my consultations with her have been rather short and fast. Heehee.
molecule - yes, under GA so you will not feel anything. but remember to rest after that. cos you'll just feel like having normal AF and may forget to take care of yourself.

i guess u r right.. i think e nurse did mention something like that.. anyway, thanks..

when r u going to do er and et?
Hi Molecule,
Understand how you feel.
Last time after DnC, I cry (dunno how long). That is why you must strong and get well soon so you body can recover soon and you can start to conceive again.

cheers for you.. ^_^

Yes D&amp;C is done under sedation. The one who do for me is the IVF doc. I wish I never had to wake up from the nightmare. And from time to time, I still grieve over the loss.

Take your time to grieve no matter how long it take. Most impt is to take care of your health after the ops.


I shown my displeased at the service they provided, as not all patient are literate. It is very troublesome and to think they did not key into the system then procedure or test we need to go through.

It is confirmed I have blocked tube based on past HSG record. But funny thing is when I show the photo of my tube, it look ok. So RE suggest I got tubal cannaluation to see first while waiting to go for the next round. Will there be side effect?

Ladies who is preparing to go for the next cycle,

I don’t know what else I need to do in preparation. I have tried TCM and accup before embark on the cycle. But not sure if it help or not as my egg quality reduce. Now I don’t know if I should continue or not. But it did help as I am responding well this time.

Re advise me against using TCM and accup if I am to go thru another cycle. I was thinking should I go now while waiting for the next cycle? Kinda of in dilemma as I thought TCM need some time to see the effect, isn’t it the same as going thru it while I am in the cycle. My hubby is against TCM and accup now. As he feel that it seem to make my situation worse. But I don’t feel it that way. What should I do ?

if your issue is just blocked tubes, then tubal cannaluation can help to unblock the tubes.

in my opinion, the decision whether you shd go for TCM &amp; accup should be a joint decision between yrself and hubby. his reasoning is valid since yr egg quality did reduce when you are on accu &amp; TCM. so how did it help with yr cycle?

i'm facing the similair issue now, after going for intensive accu, the follicles (number, size and growth rate) drop rather than improved. the TCM said slower growth means the egg has a longer time to mature properly, but when i checked with the IVF clinic, what the doc said was slow follicles mean poor quality eggs.

which in turn means lesser number of eggs retrieved (less to choose from for ICSI &amp; fertilisation),&amp; more immature oocytes

it's up to individual to decide what's best for them, not all methods will suit everyone. i strongly believe that tcm &amp; accu will help with implantation but not too sure of it's usefullness in egg quality &amp; production. But i just had to try accu this time round to assure myself that i tried whatever is the best treatment around at this point in time.

rest well and enjoy yr break from work

I guess I am in the similar situation. I believe that are some goodness out of TCM and Accp. Deep inside I want to give accp another try to see how is it.

Just feel funny of not doing anything much for the next cycle.
hi molecule,
after reading your update...I'm as upset as you are, esp that you're 1 wk more than me. anyway, i'm praying for you that it'll get dispelled by itself &amp; you won't have to go thru D&amp;C.
you're a brave gal, &amp; holding on to the faith that everyone can be a parent hopefully will give u more strength. take care &amp; stay positive!!
hi hi

need some advice from the seniors here. i am on lucrin now. is there anything i can eat to supplement, apart from egg white.

I have not been coming into this tread but is very active in another SO-IUI/IVF thread.
Today I come in here to grief as I have to go through a D&amp;C tomorrow morning.

My SO-IUI was successful but unfortunately the pregnancy did not continue after 4-5weeks. The sac had collapsed and no heartbeat.

Planning to do IVF after this and doc advise is to start no later then 2mths from now...this is sooo tough and after spending so much money and heart and now this....sigh..
Dear Irish,
Thanks for answering my queries. Have a smooth and enjoyable pregnancy ahead.
I called up both Dr Zou and Jin, Zou happen to have slots for me today. So, I'll be seeing her these 2 mths before my FET. But Dr Zou's acupuncture uses electrodes. Does Dr Jin use electrodes?
hi bodhi,
then when would i start eating the egg white. kinda sick of egg white already, is there anything to replace it.which stage are u now btw.

thanks &amp; take care
