IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Happy,

Yah, all contraceptive pills cause mood swing. In my journey to get pregnant under gynae's help since Mar'08, the worst mood swing period I have is not from having clomid or injecting puregon but from eating Yasmine (also a contraceptive pill). I will scream at my HB, cry at small time and get angry over nothing. My HB agreed also

And you know what is the worst part of eating contraceptive pills? It is the killing of my sex drive. I told my gynae the birth control pills works not by stopping ovulation but by killing sex drive lah! She told me if I think my sex drive is reduced by Yasmine, wait until I start on the Lucrin injection, my sex drive will be totally "killed". I laughed like crazy when i heard that. Luckily IVF don't need to do the "love-love", not like SO-IUI.

Yeh, now I have 2 cycle buddies. Mystyy (she hardly post in this thread nowsaday) is also doing her FET in Oct. We 3 support each other ok?

don't worry normal symptom.Mine was extreme breathing trouble and gas formation, took few fresh cloves of garlic and was back to normal.
Thank God my parents are here if not my hubby would have called emergency..
Rurucat and mel wong,

Thanks for sharing. I really don't like myself these period of time. Get angry over small thing, start to tears easily. Already HB is under work stress and I keep giving him sudden attack. I noticed I'm also heated easily, don't feel like talking, give very short answers to pp, sometime the tone can be shockingly COLD.
Hate this feeling........sigh........

Tat's why haven't been posting, firstly no progress, secondly, no mood.....

But some women take these contraceptive pill almost every day for years. Aren't they affected? Or is it bec they are taking for a diff reason(not to have baby), so they don't feel it???

Lucrin I think my reaction still not so bad, I was on it for 10days last cycle. My mood was better when I was on Gynera. My HB also noticed that.

Great! with Mystyy in as well, there will be 3 of us as jie mei for next month journey.

At first wanted to be cheer leader for this month sisters but now my mood up and down. No Energy.....
Hi Ladies,

Theres a Enhancing Fertility talk on 7Sept, you might be interested to attend. further detail can be found at "Mind your Body" (ST newspaper).
Hi Bakaholic,
I had my polyp removal with Prof Ng previously. He msged my hubby then to let him know that I was fine but after that my hubby deleted his number! All my hubby and I remember is that he's got a very nice set of numbers... Now I dun hv his number to ask him so I guess I'll just have to go through Dor.

Hi Mel,
Dunno why our procedures are different. I'm on the 6th day of my Suprefact at 50iu and I forsee I'll have to jab for up to 11 days since my AF usu comes on 3rd. I was told to start Gonal-F at 150iu immediately when my AF arrives, continue with Suprefact at 20iu, even if it's in the afternoon. I'll have to see prof on day 5 to check on my progress. U began Gonal only on day 5?

Really hate this feeling. Guess I'm quite dominating.. I can't help but to feel annoyed when I dun get my things right.. the dates, the procedures, the....

Can I check, at which day of your cycle does ER take place? Trying to plan my work.. Really busy this period but dun wanna stop my IVF journey. A little worried that my polyp will come back... Doctor says it usu recurs after 6mths... HHHEEEELLLPPPPP!!!!!

Thanks for your welcome to this big family Maykel! To you, please rest, sleep lots.. Heard that sleeping helps so.... Well, it's our priviledged to laze ard during this period!
Debz - hmm.. i guess that mine was a bit funny too.. on paper, my ER should be on 6th or so.. i do suspect that it will be later than that..
Yup, Gonal-F for me began on my day 5.. I have PCOS and blood work shows that i have elavated LH, so, it means that i can grow the eggs myself for the beginning stage, but not the maturing..

so now, my gynae says that my suprefact is to supress the dominant egg, the gonal-f is to help the other little eggs to catch up with the fat sibling..

can't really tell you what day if the cycle it will be, cos, after the meds take over the cycle, i just depend on U/S monitoring to decide when it will be..
Hi Bliss,
Still able to take HL, but if strike go back to work then got to walk alot again. When ur ER?
I went kk today for scan, i still got to go tml, sigh...

Hi ladies,
What is the appropriate size of egg so that ER can be perform?
Hi Mel Wong, now I understand. At Day5 I had only one follicle at 5 to 9mm. Day 9, then I could see the rest but the dominant one was quite big. The last scan I did, the largest was 21mm but the rest was like 13-15mm.
think ur ER coming soon. usu is scan alt day, but ur next scan is tmr. maybe going to be right size soon. yes,Austere is right, minimum about 18mm.
When Dr Su do the scanning, u jus try to hear wat she say... something like right side, then the qty, then size range, then she will say left side... can get a rough idea from there
dat's wat i did during scanning also ;p
Hi Patricia,

I don't know when my ER will be, probably be next week if everything goes smoothly. Going for US to check the numbers and sizes of follicles this Sat.

I also don't know why, I am feeling easily upset lately. Will cry for small matters too and even for nothing. Seems like have nothing better to do except being in tears, can't stand myself.
hi all,

so the minimum size is about 18mm? For SO-IUI, I was told minimum size is 16mm. So the requirement in ivf is different from that in IUI...
Pray that my eggs will grow well in time.
Hi Bebecraze08,
I only tested twice, once on 14dpt and 1 is today (16dpt). My spotting was kinda like AF coming like that, and i have cramp this Am too, thats why i'm quite worried. Thanks for your reassurance, think all i can do now is wait for my beta test 2mr....

Hi Cale,
I tested with AM 1st urine, maybe you are right, shldn't worry abt the faint line, shld be more concern abt the spotting instead. Hiaz...think we have become worriers, you know, cos its like, so near to being positive and then to have it crashed again....Think i will stick to 2mr's date, keeping my fingers crossed now. Jia you to you oso.

Hi happyever,
Thanks for your reply, think I will go early 2mr Am. Anyway, now the spotting seems to decrease slightly, just pray that it will continue to decrease and not increase.....
I think ur mood swings could be due to anxiety for the whole procedure too, dun think so much and it'll be alright soon.

Hi Patricia,
I was told that the follicle must be around 16-20mm. Ur ER shld be quite soon, so fast
all the best.

Hi mel,
haha...thanks for your advise, i will call them if the spotting get worse. Really hope its just a passing phase and will go away soon....
Hi Feibb and Bliss,
Thank you both so much, i really feels much better after sharing with you gals. It makes me feel that i am not alone and that all these symptoms are nothing at all. Dun know wat i'll do without sharing on this forum, maybe become mad woman kakaka......
Dont mention it, Maykel. I am quite confident that you will get your beta test positive tomorrow. Just continue to rest well and eat well. Be a happy mother!
Hi ladies

Its confirmed that my ET is tomorrow.Had a call early in the morning today that out of the 5 embryos 4 are growing okay except for 1 which is not doing too well. I'm also having Assisted Hatching done as in my previous ivfs as the shells are a bit hard.

I'm a bit disappointed as I thought that since this is probably my last ivf attempt, i could go all the way put with a bang and do a blastocyst transfer so that my chances will be increased.Now all I can hope for is that all my embryos will grow and at least 1 will take off and implant.

Hi Bakaholic

Hope you are feeling much better. All the best for your ET.

Hi Happyever

I too was on Gynera. I remember feeling weepy. Other than that, there were no other effects. It may get better after a while, so don't worry.

Hi Maykel

Don't worry! Spotting and staining are signs of pregnancy too. So hang in there and stay confident!

Hi Austere

Don't worry about missing that 1 dose. You did make up for it the next day, didn't you. The important thing is that you do not miss a dose after your ET. By the way, my doctor at Thomson doesn't even give us Crinone after ER, Its' only given after ET. All the best for your ET on Sat.

To all those in the 2WW

All the best and babydust to you all!
Hi Maykel,
As long its spotting, then its ok. Try to bedrest more. If the cramps come, just lie down on your bed. Wish you all the best tomorrow. Stay positive!!!
Hi Mala,
Thank you. All the best for your ET. Like wat they say, it only takes 1 precious embryo for us to succeed

Hi Imel,
Thanks....was just thinking of you
did you have spotting b4 ur beta test that time? How are you feeling now? Ur 1st scan is next wk right?
Hi Mala,

Have a smooth ET tmr. Don't be dissapointed abt the Blastocyst, as I know, only 2-3 embies will survive into Blastocyst stage out of 10 because embies can't survive long in a cultured environement. The best media is still mother's womb, so it is better to put in 2-3 days embies as they have higher chance of surviving in yr womb. Thus, blastocyst option only for those with many eggs retrieved.
I dun have any spotting. But 2 days before the the beta test, I had intense cramps but it comes and goes. And back pain too. Feeling like my AF coming. Been very emotional.
Yep my scan is next wednesday. Yesterday I had no appetite to eat, gastric and diarrhoea. Today feel abit better, but still can't eat too much. My meal portion cut to half liao. Still bloated and frequent urination.
To all my brave, wonderful ladies

Thanks so much for all your good wishes. I'll be transferring 3 embryos and will keep you all updated. Thanks once again.
Hi mala,
All the best on your motherhood journey
Your tiny ones will definetly stick to you

Hi Maykel,
all the best to you too
Hi juju, Bliss, Maykel, austere,
Mine only measure 10-13mm. got 1 largest is 27mm on my right. So kk still ask me to continue 200iu and see them tml. Luckily tml i working afternoon shift, if not problem again.
Doing this ivf treatment the stress is not the injection part but my working schedule.some more i need to walk anot. makes me so tired..sigh..
Hi bliss,
my emotional is not so bad, is only my physical part. think of good things that will happen ahead k?
Hi Ladies,
What u all eat to improve egg quanlity and quality? Egg white and ensure milk?
How many follicles and size of follicles on ur Day 7 Purgeon US scan? purgeon units u r taking?
A bit worried and emotional about today scan. I am worried. Worried about treatment and my work..
Sorry to trouble u ladies..
Hi Patricia,

ok I will think of whatever good things I can. Just cried in tears for nothing again. I am so silly.
Me is both emotional and physical part. Feeling aching at my lower part of body, not sure is the 'menopause' side effect of Lucrin or is the ovulating effect of puregon. Can be quite depressing suddenly. Guess I feel bit better now after crying out.
Hi bliss,
So u r going kk this sat for D7 Purgeon and US. We r buddy now. haha..
I going tml to check again. Already went today.. A bit tired liao.
Hope if everything ok, Can do ER sat or mon. Can't wait any longer, a bit kan cheong nowadays dunno y..? Lucrin haha...
Watch DVD u will feel better..
all the best for ur ET

tmr BT sure will be +ve. dun worry so much

i guess they are monitoring very closely then. dun think too much. if need be, they will up puregon dosage.

if need to cry, jus cry out. dun bottle up your emotions, not good for the body. try to think of happy things, eat happy food, those kind
Hi Maykel,
Think if i in my 2WW, i cannot tahan to wait for 17 days to do my BT, i will go do it at my work place. waiting is very hard.
bliss - hugz to you , dont cry dear everthing is going to be ok.

mala - good luck on your ET , dun worry so much just relax .

cale and maykel - wish both of you best of luck on your beta result ...hopefully congra is the 1st word that the doc will said to both of you
Hi Patricia,
During the Puregon Injection, I did not eat white egg after the D8 (after the scan). I thought the white egg to prevent OHSS and bloatedness.

Then KK ask me to buy extra 200iu for D8 injection. And D9 injection with the balance of 300iu, then scan my follicles increase to 16 with size 9-15mm (if i am not mistake).

Your size is big leh.. how many folicles you produce?
It has been hard for me this few days i had very mood swing and feeling emotional as i'm trying to quit smoking and prepear for my IVF.

After 20years of smoking and i have end it 100% for 4days till now is like hell to me.....i noe there are alot more things to come ahead.

Good luck ladies and hang on there dun give up
Hi Josephine,
Forgot to ask, but from wat i heard and the doctor write think about 10 only.

Hi juju,
Yes i know i will be on HL 14days. Thats the think i worried.
jus dun think abt it and occupy urself wif other things.
i was a smoker too and totally stopped since started ttc-ing. i've been doing fine without much withdrawal symptoms.
u can do it! hang on there! think of ur future babies!

4 Eggs, very good indeed. Your dream is another step nearer. All the best to your ET!

You too another step nearer to your dream. Positive is the magic word you'll hear tomorrow. Jia You!

Hi Patricia,
I think because my dosage is 300iu so doc prescribe me for 8 days. I think your dosage is 200iu, is it?
