IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi kalki,

you starting puregon so early? start on the 2nd day of AF?
Ok thanks, I am not worried anymore after many of you sharing with me about your puregon dosage.

All the best for the next stage!
Hi Kalki

Have updated your status. You mean lower dosage lower risk of OHSS or the other way round??

stage 1
Sri - 25 Aug

Stage 2
Mala - 11 Aug ER 26 Aug
Bakaholic - 14 Aug ER 25 Aug
Austere - 15 Aug ER 27 Aug
Ping - 16 Aug ER 29 Aug
Dimple - 17 Aug ER 26 Aug
Patricia - 21 Aug
Bliss - 23 Aug
Mel Wong - 25 Aug
Kalki - 28 Aug

Stage 3 - 2WW
Maykel - ET 13 Aug
Cale - ET 14 Aug
Hopefull_BB - ET 15 Aug
Josephine - ET 22 Aug

Hi Bliss,
I agree with what you said. A parent's love is very special.

I have a 3yr old child from normal pregnancy, although this time trying hard in ivf, nearly wanted to give up due to the cost, pain and difficulty. But the thought of holding baby in hand is still a reason to continue with the tough journey.

I don't sound wei da lah, in fact thought may sound a bit 'selfish' by wishing to gain more (intangible things)for myself from having kids. I understand what you are trying to say.

I think it is a good decision to choose taking care of kids full time for some years. It is only a short period of time for kids to be close to parents, so we must cherish the time. Once they have grown up, they will only care for friends and their girlfriend or boyfriend and then their own family. By that time, it will be too late wanting to spend more time with them.

Aiyo, I am so long winded, like grandmother! haha!
sure will be sleepy. try to take short naps during the day, then slowly cut the nap timings lor... i also hv to trial and error. i jus woke up from a nap;p

i think the best thing abt being a civil servant is dat no pay leave is allowed, and extendable. my fren's wife alrdy took almost 2 yrs, my SIL alrdy on her 3rd yr or something... both for their kid(s)... shiok!
hope u dun have chronic fatigue syndrome alrdy. guess u too stressed from work.
Oh my, the thread's moving really fast! Kinda lost what's going on

Bliss, I was on 150iu of puregon from 15 Aug till 25 Aug.. that'll make it like 11 days? I'm with Prof Ng from Gleneagles. He's a nice man. Really puts you at ease.

Mala, don't be too worried. You must rest lots and think positively. I'll pray that you will succeed

Bakaholic, you're right. So nervous when they wheeled me into the op room. By the time the anesthesist jab me with the white stuff, I could see the lights flying! hehe... that was the last thing I remembered. Totally knocked out after that! Nurse woke me up and I was super groggy. I could only move so slowly. Didn't feel that pain much until I got into the ward. Man! it was like mestrual cramps 5 times stronger with a small balloon filled with water dancing around in my tummy. Luckily told DH to get ready the painkillers earlier. Immediately popped one in and rested. Oh ya.. I was starving
Had garlic bread and soup from delifrance courtesy of DH. Thank you for the tip on a blanket. Brought one. It was quite cold. Glad this part is over. A little difficulty in walking though. Gotta gingerly walk (like walking on eggshells). Tummy feels really uncomfortable. Even in the car ride home, I was cursing at every bump on the road ;)

Do you still feel pain in your abdomen? How long does it lasts?

Now waiting for the transfer. Nurse said they've managed to get 12 eggs. So now, I'm just paring for the best. Prof said that it'll be on a Sat morning. So yours is tomorow? I'm sure it's exciting. Good luck and rest lots ya

We've all gone thru so much. I'll pray that all the ladies here have good news soon!
Hello all,
Wow, really alot of readings to catch up and this thread moves very fast. All the best to all who are going through the ER and ET.

I have sign the consent yesterday. Not planning to meet the social worker, coz my hubby and I will fall asleep from all the counselling talk ;p

Thanks for the info on the TCM. Will discuss with my hubby to go for that or not.

I was a civil servant 3 years back too. Quit coz end of bond and also too stressful from the job

Guess we are along the same line as I'm doing some online work from home too.

oh that is childcare leave, right? Yes, can take up to 3 years of childcare leave. But the revised is 4 years liao, so good! Too bad, I will not be able to enjoy that anymore since I quit liao.

Thanks, I have tried ways to strengthen my immune system, a lot better now. But has been very careful still, coz I had recurrent yeast infection last year due to that, even had infections twice in a month, was very disturbing.
Hi RuRu

Thanks for the sense of humour! As long as I get either a healthy John or a Jane, I will be very happy.

Hi Bakaholic.

The nurse did tell me that drinking a glass of any kind of milk is advisable. Ensure has lots of nutrition so keep up with it. We are also advised to drink lots of water. For me too, no special diet was recommended. All I was told was to continue with my normal supplements. Good luck for your ET!

Hi Cale

Thanks for your good wishes! I did my ivf with Thomson Fertility under Dr LC Cheng. I've always been doing Day 3 transfers so I'm not too sure about doing a Day 5 transfers. As long as the embryos grow well and are of good grades, I'm not too concerned about Day 3 or Day 5 transfer.

Hi Sri

In Thomson, we are told to rest for at least 1 week and more if possible. As in all my previous ivfs, I usually move to my parents home and am there for 2 weeks so that I can rest and since my mum is there to cook, I don't really have to worry about food. The nurse did say to lie down as much as possible but at the same time you have walk about for a while for circulation.

Hi Maykel, Mel Wong, Lina, Bliss

Thanks so much for your good wishes. Will keep you all updated tomorrow.
Hi Bliss,
I went to a sinseh. I used to have quite a bit of infection too. They suggested I drink barley. Not the one you but at the supermarket, you gotta brew it yourself. When you boil, the barley seeds must be supersoft and soggy. They told me to add dried yam (i think) Its white slices. Wash first before boiling. you can get these at the sinseh shop. But now going for ivf, duuno if its good for the body coz its suppose to be cooling. It worked for me when I drank it everyday for about a week, beginning of the year.
Hi Austere

Thanks so much! Don't worry! You will feel better after a day or two. May all your eggs be fertilised and be of good grades! Take care and rest well.
Hi Austere,
Congrats on your ER. It wasn't too painful for me after the ER but just some discomfort. But i am getting some menstrual cramps today and was worried. Prof said it is normal and the crinone should alleviate it. Just have a good rest and you should be better tm. Try not to walk too much. I was moving too much yday and thus feeling cramps.
Prof will call you tm to update on the embryo fertilisation.
Take care and have a good rest! Eat a balanced meal to ensure we are in good health. Dun forget your antibiotics too.
Hi Mala,
Thanks for you advice. I will continue with ensure and lots of water. Just wondering, does your boobs hurt? Mine was a bit sore and when they take bp and brushed against it, ouch!
oh, and do you experience menstrual-like cramps?
Hi Mala,
Thanks for the info...
As for me, my parents are in india...
So, only we 2 here

Hi austere,
All the best for your ET
Hi Josephine,
I'm singaporean hehe.. I not working office job. My job needs to stand a lot. guess what " I'm a staff nurse"
Hi Dimple,
u r still young, will strike this time.
How old r u?
Hi ladies,
still feeling weak coz side effects of the purgeon.
Hi Bakaholic

No, my boobs do not hurt but my legs do and I don't know why I feel so tired! It was unlike my previous ivfs. I have slight cramps but it was not as bad as yesterday. Don't worry! The pains will subside soon!
Hi bakaholic,
same.. same, I was knocked out and dreaming after they put sedation. But my jaw and chin was not aching like yours. But the nurse told me to continue to eat egg white, drink plenty of water or ginger water and rest well.

Hi Ruru,
Hope you strike on Oct. ^_^
Keep us update oh. How is your recovery?

Hi Juju,
Yea sleep more. Dun sleep 2x3hrs. ^_^

Hi Pbabe,
Ooo ic. Yea yea, I understand. I thought that one is a must.
I also almost fall a sleep during the counselling talk. Hahahahaha...

Hi Patricia,
Ooo ic.. Then how you take the hospitalisation leave?
u so cute... me nite owl... haha. now hv to force myself to change le. else, my boss hv to make me the only one in dept to work nite shift liao... haha

counselling sleepy? me and hubby were laughing with the counsellor leh... maybe she let us talk a lot. somemore i shared dat i hv frens from forum plus i hv some frens who r/had done ivf, so she was very easy going wif us. we chat and laugh a lot
Hi all,
I am also equally confused. I went for my blood test today (10th day of lucrine). Then the nurse asked to me to follow her to clinic, suddenly they say need to see doc and he did scan and asked me to take the puregon.
Asked my hubby to come down immediately(lucky we stay in city area and he work in clementi)
Don't worry the lower the dose the less chance for OHSS bse if the growth lower can increase the dosage and check everyday and fix the er the day it is mature.That is how they did my second cycle but still not enough egg.
Hi Ping
Thank you so much for updating.

My cycle is totally different from my previous cycle.My ER will be done on the first week of sep (going back to clinic on monday which is D5)
This is so different that i am also taking my jab in the morning not in the evening..anyone following the same.
Hi Kalki,
They never inform you to bring the puregon during the scan? I was informed by them to bring the puregon on the D8 during the scan. But it was never used because they ask me to buy extra with smaller dosage. Then the puregon i bring is for next day jab.
Hi Josephine
I only got my puregon today and my D1 is tomorrow.
Ok i meant they asked me to go down for blood test but never tell me that i was not sure of my puregon (a lot of unlearning needed from that of my previous cycle.)
Here he is not waiting for day 21 from periods for my lucrine, instead went on a longer contraceptive and started lucrine just 10days before the my period.
Hiooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long story.
But just wondering is 600iu of puregon cost $800?????
Hi juju,

if the leave is taken for reason of taking care of children is considered as childcare leave. And childcare leave is no pay leave, there is no pay given during the period.
Hi austere,

thanks for your receipe for preventing infection. My sinseh has given me chinese medicine all along to help me from that. Indeed it has helped. I was told that my body is very 'heaty' and is not the 'cold' type, so I easily get heaty and get gastric and intestines problem. I get constipation easily during luteal phase too.
Hi Patricia,

why are you feeling weak due to puregon? I didnt know it has such side effect. I can only feel the side effects of lucrin so far. As for puregon, just can feel some slight cramping at ovaries part, probably producing follicles or wat.
Hi Kalki,
Lucrin was started at D16 of menses or D15 of Oral tablet (Tablet and lucrin together till the tablet no more and lucrin for 14Days till your Blood test and USG scan). They never guide you nor give you the form when you start the lucrin injection?
Wow... I do not know the price for puregon 600iu, because my dosage is only 300iu.
Some ppl different dosage, it depend on the body response. Bliss dosage is only 200iu.
You can ask Maykel, I think her dosage is 200iu-600iu.

Just wait till 2WW, you will feel short breath, easily exhausted... Cramps.. yup..
Hi bliss,
haha..you are not long-winded, wat you say is actually wats in my mind oso ;)

Hi juju78,
Yup, now i try to tahan and not sleep during the day oso.

Hi pbabe,
No problem, actually my hubby oso took tcm. Cos he always 'heaty' and always got mouth ulcers, after he took tcm, really got improvement.

Hi austere,
All the best for you ET, hope ypu have many fertilised eggs

Hi Kalki,
600iu puregon costs abt $411 in KKH. U bought urs for $800 at Gleneagles? wow.....

Haven't been posting since June. Well, tried IUI in June and July. Finally decided that it's not going to work this way. With much support from hubby, here I am on the IVF journey!

Hi Bakaholic and Austere, I'd like to check, with Prof Ng, did u start off with Suprefact then Gonal F? Many of the Mothers-to-be here had Lucrin instead, even my friend was on Lucrin. I'm beginning to worry if I've been jabbing the wrong thing... I never got to see Prof Ng. Since my last IUI, all instructions were given by Dor. Really confused...
Hi Maykel,
If got pregnant, I would likely stick to Dr Loh for the first scanning and see how it goes. If it's singleton, i may consider to change to other doctors as he is super busy, super long waiting time. If heng heng got multiples, then likely will stick to him lor as he is more experience in handling multiples. Count down start, 2 more day for you and 3 more for me..
Jia you!

Hi Juju,
Great that you can get the hospitalisation leave extended without seeing the doctor, saved up the consultation fee
. How are you feeling so far? Still feeling bloated or tired? Tomorrow is your 13 dpt liao, very fast, our 2WW is ending very soon.

Hi HopefulBB,
How are you doing? Have not heard from you recently. Tomorrow is your beta day right? Good luck to you!
but if too tired, still must sleep a while during the day la. dun push urself ya?

ya lor, save $30 plus wor... Still tired and sleepy. Bloatedness on off nowadays. A bit of side effects here & there but not much. Only consistency is high frequency of PU, tender boobs and tiredness... haha
2WW ending soon, but BT only next Tue... still so far away...
Debz - i am on suprefact and gonal-f too.. but nope, i am not with prof ng.. dun worry, no wrong jabs...

both have same uses,, so nt to worry...

just wondering if you git=rls know that both lucrin and suprefact are used to treat **prostate** cancer...
Hi Cale,
Yup, me too, will see him for the first scanning and see how. I think we must choose a gynae tat can make us comfortable thruout the pregnancy. Yeah man, counting down now, very nervous leh kekeke.....
That's a relief to hear that medication was rite. Thanks Mel! How long were u on Suprefact? Dosage? And for Gonal F? I shd be on it soon...
Good morning ladies,
I can't sleep already...got a bad shock in the middle of the nite....when i got up to PU, got some fresh blood staining when wiping. Now just woke up again and it had lessen alot, just a faint stain. I tested HPT again cos i so worried but it is still positive, thou i must admit that the line is fainter than the 1st one 2 days ago. Wonder is it cos different brand or cos my hCG declining. Very scared now, can't wait for my beta test 2mr. Oh, but 1 thing i realised, my urine color seems different, kinda like got blood, so i oso suspect if its bladder infection, cos infection may have blood in urine oso right? I do still have lower abdomen pain occasionally, but no burning sensation.
Does anyone has this b4? Thanks...
Hi mel,
Yea I know that lucrin can be used to treat "cancer", but i do not know is "prostate cancer" thought all cancer can be treated.

Hi cale,
Yea, your waiting almost end soon. While mine still got another 1 week plus.. sighh.. worried too much till dreaming my result test is BFN. Sighh... hahahaha..
Keep us update your beta test.
Hi Debz,
Welcome to the club!

I was using suprefact. I think lucrin and suprefact are similar, just different brand names.
I was using Puregon becos at that time, only puregon has the pen-like syringe. The Gonal-F is in powder form vial and has to be reconstituted and drawn out with syringes. I find that a hassle so I went with puregon.
Dun worry, you are on the right track...If in doubt, you can always call/sms prof to clarify. this will put your mind at ease.
Hi Mel,
I found this on the web. Thought it might be interesting...
Suprefact/lucrin are in fact Buserelin. In prostate cancer, the cancer growth is supported by testosterone. Testosterone production is controlled by another hormone, luteinising hormone. Buserelin is used to reduce the luteinising hormone which in turn reduces testosterone, slowing down the cancer growth.
Hi Maykel,
Did u consistently test with your first morning urine? If u did not, the faint line mayb due to urine not staying long enough in ur bladder to absorb the hormones in ur body. I remembered going to the clinic on 14dpt to take a urine test. I only see a very faint line on that day. Doc told me result is not conclusive. I think the line was faint becos that is not my morning urine and i drank and went toliet frequently b4 giving my urine sample for testing.

So dun worry so much. As for spotting/staining, Merleena and Miss Hae had that too b4 they were tested positive. U should be alright just dun move too much. Have more rest.
Hi Maykel,
The urine concentration play a big part to determine the line tone. If you just pass your urine not long ago, and test again, the HCG hormone will not be as high, thus the fainter line. Besides that, i think different brand also could be the reason. When we do comparison, we have to use the same product to compare mah. So not too worry about the fainter line.

Lots of ladies have spotting in the early pregnancy, not too worry ya. Like bebe said, marlenna and miss hae also experiencing spotting before their beta. If you are really feeling uncomfortable, you may want to call the nurse and ask if they can let you test today to determine your beta, after all it's just one day earlier. If it's high, then you can ease your mind. If otherwise (*touch wood*), may be they can order the pessaries or any other progesterone injection or insert for you to strengten the support?
Hi Maykel,
Cale is right, u can call them up since only one day diff. Very impt to check with them so that Dr can give u medications for extra support.

Did a scan a few days back, my cysts is gone. So I'm starting my stage 1 in early Sept. It will be quite close to your FET, we support each other ok.

hi ladies,
I'm having kind of mood swing these few days, not sure if it is bec of the Gynera that I'm taking. I had this side effect in my last cycle of Gynera as well. Not sure if anyone has this problem.
Thnks lots gals, now just waiting for the news of my eggs.

Bakaholic, do you have to insert progesterone vaginal cream (crinone) twice a day? I was to start on the night of my ER but was so tired yesterday that I fell asleep. Panicked this morning. Quickly did it in the morning. Called Dor and Prof said it might be okay but not to forget again. Kinda worried now.

Will it affect the implantation? My ET will be on Sat morining. Does anyone have any experience in this?
all interested in HK or Korea Drama,

FYI, Poh Kim Video is having discount on their DVDs. Brought 1 sets of Korea Drama 9 DVD at only $15.

Sharing this for all going into 2ww.

Debz - i was on suprefact 50cc for 7 days or so, i started Gonal-f @ 225 on day 5 of mense, and have reduced my suprefact to 30cc, so my regime now is morning -> suprefact @ 30cc, night -> gonal-f @225

maykel - dun think too much.. the girls are right... call your doc/nurse and tell them that you have bleeding.. no point wondering abt it.. if needed, they will ask you to take additional medication to support the lining.. trust me, i have been through bleeding during pregnancies, and i know what kind of panic attacks that you are going through... think about it.. you are paying the $$, get the attention from them!! i used to call my clinic every 2 days.. :")

Josephine - hmm.. most cancers, not all..

bakaholic - yeah.. they amount to almost the same treatment, but i have always thought that Suprefact->Buserelin Acetate, but Lucrin->Leuprolide Acetate.I have always hated the fact that i have to inject cancer drugs..

happyever - heh.. my mood swings has never stopped since i started on the quest for motherhood, which is a few years ago.. but yah, the medication manifests them.. (my poor DH)

austere - all the best for your eggs!!
