IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi All,

Anyone taken an HSG test before ? Is it painful ? I know this is thread is for IVF, m considering that after my results from the HSG.

Hi Angelz07 ,

Welcome On board !

I myself have not start anything yet till so i can't help you but I do believe there are ppl her who has gone thur HSG, Can anyone help angelz on her question .

Tks , i will up trying
Thanks fairyrose,

Hang in there, it's a big step u took! Keep urself busy & try not to hang ard friends who smoke, that shld help.
Hi ladies

Just a little update. I called the embryologist and she said that all 5 eggs have fertilised. Whew! What a relief! Tentatively my ET is on Friday 29 August but the embryologist wants to see whether the embryos can go up to blastocyst. If they do, the transfer will be on Sunday which is a Day 5 transfer. I will know tomorrow anyway. I doubt I will have a Day 5 transfer as by previous ivfs were all Day 3 transfers. The requirement for a Day 5 blastocyst transfer is that my tommorow all my embryos must have reached a 4 cell stage and they must be Grade 1 and 2 (In Thomson, Grade 1 and 2 are the highest and best grades).

Hi Bakaholic

Thanks for your reassurances. After my ER yesterday, the pain was very bad. I literally had to bend when I walk. Today its slightly better although I feel some tugging pains on both sides of the abdomen.

You take care too, ok? Try and eat egg whites and drink lots of water.

Hi Mel

Thank you, I feel much better today and more so when I heard that the few eggs that I had have all fertilised.

Hi Maykel

You know something? I quit my job to go through all these fertility treatments because I knew that a lot of time and commitment are needed. If by God's grace I do get pregnant, I will not go back to work because I really want to take care of myself.

This is a decision that only you can make. As RuRu has suggested, it really depends on the doctor's advice. My sister's sis-in-law quit working on her doctor's advice. Maybe you can work part-time? Whatever decision you make, I'm sure its for the best.

Hi Dimple

I'm glad that you are feeling better now. Rest well, ok!

Hi Austere

All the best for your ER tomorrow. May you be blessed with lots of good quality eggs!

Hi Fairyrose

Congratulations! I'm sure it wasn't easy to stay away from cigarettes but perseverance will help.
Hi Mala,
My bloating went away after the ER so i only took 1 glass of ensure/day. Is that normal? I am allergic to eggs so i did take any. Would i still develop OHSS after the ET? My gynae did not advise me about taking extra food. Only the antibiotics and crinone.
Hi fairyrose,

I am afraid, this is not a choice you can make, but have to make. I too am a smoker for > 10years. Did not have enough determination to quit smoking before embark on IVF program, and was actually puffing away while I was on IVF cycle. In the end, though I have 20 eggs during the retrieval, only 3 fertilised. So after tranfering all 3 empbryos, I am left with 0 embryo for FET and diagnosed to have very bad egg quality. I am sure, you wouldnt want to end up like me!

Glad you have make it a point to quit now. Stay determined for your future baby. If possible, consult TCM.

Hope above helps.
Dear Angelz07,
I did my HSG this June. An oil-based dye will be pumped into the womb and the X-rays will be taken. I experienced cramps (like severe menstral cramps) during the procedure. I had to ask for a MC after the procedure. Usually, MC will not be given, only excuse chit given. So, request for MC if you don't feel well. I went home and slept for a few hours...

Just bo-chap at work lah! The 4 mth maternity leave is too good to miss out. Its more that $10000 paid leave for some leh.
got me HL extended till 2 sept which is BT day... cannot tahan, so sleepy all day, how to work... nurse Noor simply check my BT schedule & wrote HL for doc to sign le. dun even need to see doc... wonder yest which nurse answered the phone...
Hi Angelz,
Yes, I'd taken a HSG 1.5 yrs back at KKH.
It is not very painful.
During the procedure, I could feel the liquid flowing through ...
I'd a crampy feeling in my lower stomach , after the procedure.

It 's also believed that for some people, , soon after the test thy do conceive, because, the test itself, helps to clear some minor debris in the tubes.
so, all the best for you, Lady luck would smile at you soon
Hi Angelz07,
I did a similiar test to HSG two years ago at SGH. I was in the most excruciating pain. But it seems some ppl had it painlessly. So, i guess it depends on individual.
Hi Angelz07,
hmm..as for pain during HSG, it does depend on whether you have any blockages or any injuries in the tubes..

personally, i have gone thru HSG after my 1st ectopic, which i believe is in my right tube, and so, during the HSG, when the fluid flowed in the left tube, there was hardly any feeling.. but the right tube was a different story... indescribable pain..

But different ppl, different story... have you had any suspected problem, i.e. blockages / ectopic / twisted tubes? if not, you should breeze through the check...
hi Angelz07,
i did HSG in 2005. i felt crampy during the procedure when the dye was injected into my body. after HSG, i had to get an mc as i was having very bad cramps.
it actually differs from individual to individual, as some of my frens say they dun feel anything during and after HSG
Hi Angelz07,

Basically, your HSG will be painless if both your tubes are clear and not blocked. Painless as the dye will flow freely out from the other end of tube.

If either one or both of the tubes is blocked, the pain is something you will not want to experience again. Becos of the blockage, dye cannot flow out of the tube and hence pressure building inside which causes pain.
Hi Dimple,
glad that you are feeling better now. Are you still bleeding? Maybe should eat food with high iron to replace the huge loss of blood yesterday.

Hi Mel,
so what is your date for ER? I have not gone for my US after starting of puregon injections. Will be this Sat.

Hi Cale,
Thanks for telling me about your puregon dosage. Hope that there will be enough well grown eggs during my US this Sat.

I have gone throught HSG last year. I did it at Glenegales. The whole procedure was abit uncomfortable for me, especially when the doc inserted the tiny tube into the vagina to put in the dye before taking the Xray.
Anyway, I did a laparoscopy this year, as my KK doc suggested to make sure I have no endomentriosis before I start my iui. HSG is not able to check clearly on that, whereas laparoscopy can check and treat any problems of fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries at the same time.
Thanks ladies for all ur response.
I had an ectopic last year, so really hope all is ok now. Guess have to be brave, if not how can i handle IVF, a different story altogether!

I will keep my fingers crossed!
Angelz07 - will you be trying again after HSG? as Sri has said, there is a study that shows 30%-50% improvement in fertility after HSG. the success rate drops after 6 months... but nontheless still higher then normal success rate.. fingers crossed, all the best!!

bliss - no idea abt my ER date.. like you, i have yet to go for my U/S after starting stimulation.. it is also scheduled this sat!!
hope we both grow good number of eggs..
Hi fairyrose,
must persist further and soon you will be feeling better about not smoking! Jia you! It is not only better for trying to conceive, it is for the best of your health. Don't give up, you are having a good start now.

hi Maykel,
I quit my job partly becoz of the ivf treatment, wanted to go through the whole process without any stress from work. But for you, since you can tahan through the ivf journey while working, and you are almost to the end now, maybe can still hold on to it first. However, like what rurucat said, different women have different experience of 1st trimester, so will have to see how you will be feeling during the period. Meanwhile, just hang on and work at your own pace, don't get stressed by work. If really can cope with it, just talk to your boss first to seek understanding. Don't think too much now, as the chinese sayings, "chuan2 dao4 qiao2 tou2 zi4 ran2 zhi2".

All the best to ladies who are going for ER and ET soon! Have confidence in yourselves and your doc. Everything will go smoothly.
Hi Mala,

so happy that all your eggs are fertilised! Don't have to worry too much. So did you actually opt for day 5 transfer? Or they will decide for you after checking the quality of the embroyos? It will be good to have day 5 transfer if possible, but kind of risky hor.
Hi fairyrose,

You can make it! You may wanna try the tobacco gum initially as a substitute as cold turkey is really tough!
Hi Maykel,
I agreed to what ruru's said. Depending on your condition, if permitted, try to dong until bonus, if can, dong until maternity leave even better. Can enjoy the maternity benefit. I think you can seek doctor's opinion as and when things goes. Doctor will know best. If needed, i think he may give you long MC to rest one.

Hi Fairyrose,
I am sure you can do it. Think of your baby, and you will have the determination to continue. Dun give up! You have been doing great so far.

Hi Angelz07,
I have done HSG before before trying for the IUI. It's pretty uncomfortable as you are not under any sedation. The cramps is quite bad during the procedure especially when the the tube was inserted.

Hi Mala,
Congrats on your good number of embryos, feel happy for you. Did you ask for a 5 days transfer? The standard practise here looks like transfer either day 2 or day 3. Which hospital you did your IVF?

Hi Bliss,
No problem on that. You are still young right. Should have good response. Keep the finger cross
Hi Melosdis,

Yes but i can't afford to wait another 6 mths, maybe i try for 1 more mth, if no results gonna do IVF. I have been ttc for more than 3 years now.
Hi Maykel,
On your job, depends on how stressful it is dear.
As for me, job is not very stressful, still the journey to office & have to sit for long hours
And also , I need to cook for both of us.
I basically, want to eat well & take gud rest during the precious time of the treatment.
And complete no stress
So, I've taken a loss of pay from here starting from stage2.
Anything for the sake of the little ones :D

May be , I suggest you to go to office , but don't worry on the leave that you might take ,
when you are tired or so...

Also, to all ladies,
Do we have to take a complete bed rest during the 2ww?
I'm little worried on that since , we are just 2 of us at home here....

Hi Mala,
All the best for your ET & 2 ww
Please keep saying that your are preggy to yourself...
Definetly , you'll succeed...
Hi Rurucat,
Haha...thanks gal, yup, hope you will 'strike' too in oct, jia you jia you

You are right, maybe see wat doc say 1st. But i think most of the time they won't commit to this kinda advise....hope i can at least tahan until the bonus oso, cos i felt that i had worked very hard this yr and 'bu gan yan' if i dun take leh heehee.....Thanks for sharing, me oso cannot tahan everyday stay home do nothing leh.

Hi bakaholic,
All the best for your ET 2mr

Hi Lina,
I think financially able to cope, but just cannot get over it if i didn't take the bonus kekeke.....my boss did promise to lighten my work, but their mood is so unpredictable and can change their mind anytime, its their temperament that i cannot tahan...cos their mood affects me alot. My work oso need alot of travelling, so can be tiring.

Hi Mala,
Thats great! told you it'll be fine
so happy for you. All the best for your ET this fri.
Thanks for your advise, i will see how it goes, cos we know by now baby is our main priority, else we won't be here right ;)

Hi Grace BB,
haha...i like that, but think i'm the type that difficult to bo chap leh. I got 1 ex colleague who can really bo chap and thick-skin all the way thru her delivery leh, she can oso dun care wat pple talk abt her, really admire her leh....i'll be happy to tahan til yr end, dun dare to think of maternity haha....

Dear Angelz07,
but sorry i nvr did HSG before....

Hi juju78,
Actually not difficult to extend hor, ya, wonder who is the missy who ans the call and ask you to go all the way down...anyway, good that you had extended, rest well. Me oso, dun know how to go bk work next wk, cos now everynite cannot sleep well....hiaz
haha... nvr mind, hubby also brought me jalan jalan though i started yawning away after leaving kkh. need to start readjusting sleeping hours,else next Wed dunno how to tahan in office. Tue BT also need to check with them whether still need progesterone support...
Dear Maykel,
Now, I work as if I don't need the job. That'll take loads of stress off. Since you are thinking of quitting, you can also have the no-work-also-can kind of attitude.
Of course do what you need to at work, but take care of yourself. Family is still more important. Your boss won't be there for you when you need him.
Hi Bliss,
Thank you so much for your advise, ok, shall see how it goes bah

But how do you cope at home, not bored meh? Cos can't even do housework etc right....?

Hello Cale,
heehee...i oso hope that doc would give me long mc if needed to tahan this few mths. But i think most of all, hope that i will have good health thoughout then all will be well. Anyway, now still gotta wait for beta to confirm, sekali talk so much but its not a positive *touchwood*

Hi Sri,
Thanks for your reply, yup, i agree that any sacrifice for a healthy little baby is always worth it

I didn't go out alot during the 2ww, oni went bk kkh or temple. Rest of the time rest at home. But i think if you feel ok, dun really have to complete rest in bed. I'm very restless, so i will walk around in the house hehe....
There are oso oni 2 of us at home, but the first few days i did not go out at all, cos want to minimise walking and had to depend on my hubby to get all my meals for me. Lucky he is able to take leave for that period of time.
Hi Cale,

you are also 31, same as me, rite?

I used to plan to have at least 3 kids, but now I dare not think much liao coz I am already 31 and yet to have my 1st child. If can have twins, then I can try for another one later on, then can fulfil my wish then. Hahaha! :D
Sri - have fun with the journey... think of all the mothering storys you can share with your "soon-to-be" kids..

Mala - Weeewooo... great news and great eggs!! feed us with more good news.. :D

juju78 - rest more rest more...sleep the MC extension away..

Angelz07 - all the best for you.. your day will come..

All the ladies that quit or took leave if absence from work, whoaaaaaa... you all have my admiration...
i lack the courage to consider this step.. i love my financal freedom, and, my cuz is kicking my butt to h*** for not considering this..
Hi juju78,
haha....but sleep difficult to adjust now leh, i oso worried abt going bk work next mon, sian.... dunno how to tahan in office oso.

Hi Grace BB,
You are right, i shall try to be thick-skin and bo chap at work, cos my boss knows i'm doing ivf and shld be more supportive instead of putting me down. Hope i have the courage to face them next mon.....family is more impt then anything else.
Hi Maykel,

I am doing some part time job at home actually. Can't sit at home and do nothing, still need to earn some pocket money. :p But I am very free most of the time and so definitely is bored. But I quite enjoy my own company, so still ok for me. In fact, I had taken 1 year no pay leave last year, so quite used to this kind of lifestyle already. Hehe!
Hi Bliss, then next time if i jobless, you can recommend me your part-time job or not? hahaha...(just joking). Cos like Mel, i oso enjoy my financial freedom, and having to stop work means less shopping for me....but i love my job,hmm...maybe can consider taking no-pay leave, not sure they allow or not...
sleep the extension away? dat's a total of 5 days, excluding BT day leh... even if i can sleep like pig, my back and head will be breaking loh...
at least now, if sleepy, can jus go to bed. in office, how to???

hv to ask hubby to try and wake me up earlier and earlier lor... try my bestest to sleep early though quite impossible...
last nite, dunno go PU how many times also. yet my mouth was so dry dat i had to drink water but got so much liquid to go PU... sianz...

u working in govt dept huh?
Hi Bliss,
Yeah, we are same age. I also want more kids preferbly 3 kids too. IVF got higher chance to get twin bah. Keep our finger cross and hope you we conceived twin this time round. Our dream now is closer than ever

Hi Maykel,
Are you planning to stick to Dr Loh if confirm pregnant?
Hi Maykel,

haha! ya, I understand, also enjoy earning own income, don't like to depend solely on husband. But now, after quiting my job, I don't really go shopping anymore, must try to save up.

I am planning to be a full time mother all along, at least for the first few years of my kids. Don't know why, I have been forward to looking after my own kids even though I have seen my sisters going nearly crazy with taking care of their children. They are working mothers and have maids and mother in laws to help still.
nope. cos i noe several civil servants who can take quite long and extendable unpaid leave. if in private industry, prob kena kicked out liao...
Hi juju,
I will try to wake up early oso, but just dun feel gd the rest of the day cos didn't sleep well the nite b4.....me oso wake up every 30mins to PU, then each time managed to sleep, oni to wake up after 3hrs plus, so tiring.

Hi cale,
I'm oso thinking abt that leh....i heard that if got twins, he prefer that we stick to him so can monitor. But you know lah, he is always so busy, so i am thinking of going bk to c Dr June Tan in TPS, she is super gentle and patient, really like her. She is oso the 1 that i suggest i see Dr Loh. You leh? Who's ur gynae b4 you see Dr Loh?

Hi Bliss,
Me too, oso hope to see my kids thru the 1st 6yrs of their lives, but i dun want to become 'huang lian po' oso leh kekeke....now still in a dilemma, will see how when the time comes

oh yah. for me, I took no pay leave for medical reasons. Coz I was suffering from Chronic fatigue syndrome during that time as my immune system became very weak.
Hi Maykel,

That is the point I am making, most gynae won't advise anything unless they feel your pregnancy is considered high risk (touch wood 100 times!). So if really gynae advise must take care and rest more, then don't need to think already, straight away throw letter and sit at home and grow mushroom on head.

I met this lady on the motherhood forum, she is on bed rest for the 1st trimester as the baby very unstable and she bleed a few times (signs of miscarriage). But now her daughter is 26mths old already! I think we women are so brave and sacrifical leh, anything we endure to have kids. PM Lee should talk to us man !

Hi Mala,

Great to heard u now have 5 honey bunnies waiting for u! I am sure ur darlings will split up very well and all grow to blastocyst stage, then u have to decide which darlings to follow u and which darlings to sleep in freezer 1st. I wonder Thomsom chief embrylogist can give hint anot. Or u hint u prefer a Jane and a John in ur womb? Ha..ha..
Hi Maykel,

I agree with you. I also don't want to be huang lian po. I keep telling myself cannot become an 'auntie' while being a full time mother. Will definitely go and work after kids have grown older. I want to play the role of mother well, and I am afraid I can't manage well if to work at the same time, so I choose to be with my kids for some years first.
Hi Ruru,
Your description very funny leh, can't imagine growing mushroom on my head hahaha...
Wow, its really no joke to be high risk hor...
Hi Bliss,
Tats why pple say mothers are the most 'wei da' cos got a lot of sacrifices to make. Cos now we have to choose career and babies. If we chose babies, then by the time we go out to work again, we are not in our prime already and may get unpreferential treatment....but i oso want the best for my kids next time.
Hi Maykel,

actually I thought it is not sacrifice. In fact, I want to have my own kids so much becoz I want to learn alot more from my own kids and from experiencing motherhood.

I really look forward to becoming a more complete person and to be able to love someone so much. Always feel the love of a parent for very own child is the greatest love in the world, and I really wish will be able to give this kind of love to my children.

So Maykel, don't think it as sacrifice, in fact I am sure we will gain more than we expect from being a full time mother. It surely will be the most enriching and meaningful experience in life.

Haha, this is what I feel lah, perhaps I am never a career minded woman, I like to be a good wife and mother since young. Hahaha!
Aiyoh.... No one will remember what we did for our company years later. But what we do for our family and children is eternal. That's why I 'kan kai' see open liao! So I just do my part at work. I'll not fight for any position and recognition like I used to.
Hi all
missed you all for sometime. Just today my 1st day af and had to go down to the clinic for blood test+scan. Starting puregon tomorrow
don't worry i have lower than yours 100iu.
We where discussing that lower is better because we can extend the days for er but higher then there is higher potential for OHSS for PCOS ladies.(This is something that i read in a lot of articles and doc also say the same).
Anyway so stepping into next stage.

Hi Bliss,
Think you are right, you sound so wei da....
maybe to me its a sacrifice cos its not easy for me to get to where i am now, so....but anyway, i know my priority now, my family comes first now

Hi Grace,
You are right, dun think bosses would remember the good deeds we did for them...
