IVF/ICSI Support Group

I only see Dr loh during the first visit(waited for 2 hrs), ER & ET. Most of the time, you will be seeing the nurses at KKIVF dept.
thks babychloe & budderball, seems like we deal with the nurses more than doctor hor. which is what i don't like cos you have different nurses each time. Right?

really hate the waiting seeing gynae, esp when you see pregnant woman so happy and u're one lonely soul hoping and hoping...
i understand what u mean when the happy couple with their big bellies waiting outside the clinic and u go " hm...when will be my turn?'

Dr cheng see pregnant women on level one while he see only his IVF patient on level 5 -- thomson fertility clinic(TFC). So, all the patient u meet on level 5 are in the same shoes as u and the nurses there are very frinedly to assist u
Understand hw u feel. Cos I cannot afford the charges at TFC...so hv to do it at govt hospital. I hv checked & their charges are quite different.
Of cos, I believes u wil get better service in pte hospitals.
Bt so far i went KKIVF twice, the nurses there are also v nice.
thanks nancy. sounds like the place is quite comforting. maybe i'm fated to go back to TMC after going one big round. i used to see TC Chang from same clinic but wasn't happy cos he c-sect me rather than waiting abit longer when i last gave birth. so i think he just want to earn money. how's the waiting time like?
ya babychloe, money also big issue for us. already spent so much on 1st IVF, i'm thinking if i do 2nd round i better have more more more follicles and eggs! at least if failed dun have to do 3rd cycle
Most of the time it's almost the same few nurses attend to me and I find it OK as long as I can get pregnant will do. Just like what babychole said, the nurses in KKIVF are very nice.
Thanks ladies, life still go on. That's why I see open liao. Last time I always thought I very cham, then I see others worse. So I tell myself no need to be so pessimistic. Just do whatever I can lor.

cost is really an issue. I dunno how much KK is charging, but TMC charges 10-13K for whole process.

Anyone can tell me what is the est cost for KK, SGH, NUH? Actually, my very close colleague's brother is Ng SC from NUH. But dunno why dodn't go to him. Fate I think.
hm...LC cheng is the doc i am seeing. usually i wait abt 30 mins max 60 mins to see him at level 5. all his IVf patients see him in the morning while the preggies see him at level one in the afternoon. hope this info helps
Yes, cost is a factor when come to IVF. I was once comtemplating if i should switch to another to lower the costs or one with higher success rate. I personally feel that first u have to be very confortable with the gynae and next is will be the distance u need to travel/waiting time to see the gynae during the jabs and so on.

As for the higher success rate in diff hospital, it all boils down to individual. Some did it at age 29 some at age 40 so many factors will affect the overall success rate. After few weeks of reading the threads and info online, i decided to stay with TMC
ya nancy, u're right. my concern is travel and waiting time. when i did at raffles i can just go during lunch since i'm also in town so it's more convenient. SGH is another good location if it's not too long waiting time. looks like TMC abit tough also cos i usually can only take half day in the afternoon as i deal alot with aussie ppl. hmm.. so much to consider...
KK quoted me 7k to 9k (max) depending on the jabs tat I required to take.
I went SGH once (2 years back) & they quoted me almost the same...
Not sure abt the other hospitals..
Last nite my hubs was asking whether I wanted to do it a TFC...I told him no cos I rather save it for the child if I am successful...
progesterone test tmr and preg test on 2nd May...
How abt u? I felt bloatness initially for jab but after 2nd jab, on and off bloatness... but felt AF cramp sometimes, so worried... told the nurse, she told me is normal

my total cost is abt 9k+ cos the puregon injection I've higher dosage, but if yours is not that high dosage thk is abt 7k+

Find tat KKIVF nurse they've nice and friendly too... they are willing to answer all ur questions and quite patience...
If you wanna shorten the waiting time for seeing Dr Loh, maybe u can go private suite, find tat the waitg time is much shorter...
thks zeena, pte suite means pay higher for ivf? u know roughly how much? i find for PCOS, it's impt for doc to be skillful on the dosage to give in case OHSS. will the nurses know? or it's the doc who decides? don't worry abt the cramp, it's normal as when the sac grows, it will expand and cause cramps. believed pinky has the same experience

pinky how are you? since u have triplets, wanna sell me one of your baby? so i can safe all the trouble.. hahaha.. joking.
MS Family
How u manage to pass the 2ww... everday my mind will switch to -ve thkg... so scared of the result... really mentally stress...
Hubby told me not to thk too much but naturally my mind will switch to the thkg... cos 'm bit clumsy person....

Do you come across these during the 2ww?
I didn't 'bu' during 2ww. cos last time, chinese sinseh says only we only 'bu' ourself after AF. And what if really get pregnant, scared some of chinese herbs maybe harmful to BB. I avoid food that is 'cold' such as water meon, bittergourd etc, squid etc.

I will be doing progesterone test on this coming Thurs & pregnancy test on 5 May.
really 'm not sure... tot the price same only consultation to see Dr, prices are diff. I've spent total arnd $9k+ for all exp.. (have not deduct medisave)

The dosage & all advice to go next stage is advice by the dr... upon our bloodtest & scan....
What's your dosage for Gonal F? and how did you response with it? good nos. of follicles?
I'm also taking Gonal F and centrotide jabs daily, today D4, gg for 1st scaning on Wed, so dunno how my body response yet.
Private suite is not exp for IVF....its oni the consultation which is like $10 more...and we get to c Dr Loh in private suites on Sats. I will be seeing him in private suite in 2 weeks time & will tel u abt it..

dun worry too much...since like u got symptoms of preggie leh...I tink if I am in my 2ww, I will also be like most of u here. try to keep yrself occupied wif other things?
Thanks for the info. Was telling hubs KK may be cheaper but he said no point going from 1 to another. Think we will settle with what God provide and follow His words then. Anyway, waiting for my M to come. All the best ladies. This is the best site I can ever wish for now. Jia you, jia you!
Hi Ladies,
this thread is moving fast.So touched everyone is sharing as much info.Been busy these few days cos thought of trying to clean up the house so that when I start my IVF,I will be more relax.

Hi Kymberly,
think we r on the similar boat.Having PCOS,a child to tend to,plus weight problem.I also waiting for 1 hr before seeing him for my first visit.Dun worry,I think the nurses there will be experiences enough to handle.

Hi Babychole,
My in-laws r very old liao plus my mum is working so really no one to turn to for help liao.Will only ask my mum to take leave for my ER & ET only.The rest really have to take a step at a time liao.I am seeing Dr Tan mostly in Tues.How abt u?Maybe we can arrange together 1 of these days.

Hi Ms Family,
Yr blog is so well written,I cry when I read,really say out all our feelings.

Hi babydust2,
Glad that u see Dr liao.Mean time take gd care of yr body & prepare to try again.

Hi Pinky,
so happy for u.Do update us.

Hi Zeena & Budderbell,
try to relax,just eat,sleep & rest at home.Hope times can pass quickly.
Tues are quite difficult for hubs & me cos hubs is usually bz in work from Mon to Thur. We can oni see Dr Tan on Fris & Sats.
We going to c him again tis Fri at 9pm. How abt u?
Hi chua_family,
may i know how old is your son and yrself? i remember reading somewhere but wonder if it's you. so u're seeing dr tan from clementi? i so wish tcm can help me conceive naturally then dun have to worry so much.. sigh.
About the chinese sinseh at JE,I also saw her before when I was ttc for my no 1.That time trusted her so much & all listen to her However,I took her med for a few mths only cos having very bad diarrhoea & gestic pain until I really cannot tahan liao.But still contuine to see Dr at Gleneagles,even spent all my $$(that time got retenched & use the payback $$)to do the op for me & hb.Think back I am so lucky that I am successful aft the op & got pregnant naturally aft it.That why follow him thru out my preggy.At that time,never think of $$,just spent & spent just to keep my bb,all in all,I almost spent almost near to $35K just to get preggy & give birth.Plus abt $10K more to try my IUI 2 yrs later aft for no 2.
Now,not working so try to save up & spent on children better.This time really hope Dr Loh can help me.
Actually I also heard many ppl after op by the Gleneagles doc got preggie later on. My fren's SIL also lidat & giving birth soon. Bt the plm is I got no plm, hw to op?
Bt at least the money u spent got u preggie wif yr no. 1, bt 35k is really alot!
Hi gals
Anyone aware tat during the stimulation period, it advisable not to take too much soya products... how abt 2ww, can we take soya products & food??
Hi Babychole,
I can only go during my son school time which is in 11am to 2pm.That why everytime rushing like mad.Did yr hb taken the sperms test at KK already?Mine did 2 wk ago but never hear the nurses calling me abt his test,how huh?

Hi Kym,
is it?Which thread r read abt me.I am 31 this yr,my son is 5yrs old now.I also really hope TCM can tiao my body better so that chances will be higher.Let my son to be a gorgor.
Hi Babychole,
ya,is a lot.Last time only think of bb & bb,nothing but bb.That why never think much so just spent.Heard anyone say where & do what can get preggy,I will try liao,never care much.
My hubs tok the sperm count test last 2 Fri & the result is out. Bt he did not do it under KK as KK oni cater for weekdays. We tok the test under Dr Tan - Care instead cos Fri or Sat also can go...
We will be seeing the result tis Fri....bt the recept from Dr Tan clinic cal my hubs liao, say the sperm count not really high..
hi babychole, zeena & budderball,
glad to hear that all of you are managing well so far in your respective IVF treatments thru your posts.
with rgds to the charges that we'll accumulate till our ETs are done.... wonder when would we expected to be paying?? and would we be advised by KKH on how's the procedure is like for making claim (for 1st time IVF) from medisave?
We also like u...tats y been gynae hoping....anyway dun wanna waste our money anymore...so best way out now is to try IVF....if not, if got baby liao, no money to feed him/her.
pretyy lady,
From wat I understand, all jabs & medi got to fork out cash first, bt fertilisation & transfer of embryo will directly deduct under medisave. Then 3 months after IVF, got excess amt, then will oni reimburse back via cheque..
hi chua_family, i'm abit blur whether you or oink child is 5 already, i think both but yrs is boy and oink one is gal. my boy is only 3 but i am already 32. you married young hor. i also seen JE sinseh for almost a year but thru out the medication, my menses didn't come at all. so her medicine is really no use. but she din ask me to go for ops leh. maybe cos i managed to conceive naturally for my boy. $35k is alot man! sometimes i wonder if i am poorer, i'll get conceive naturally. it's ppl like us who has some spending power have to go thru IVF, but some dun earn so much can have it naturally...
I agree...haa...u c also those dun earn a lot one hor will easily pop out 1 by 1...Perhaps we are more stressed, tats y...We win some & lose some..
Pretyy lady,
Was told that we need to fork out at least 4k up front, depends on medication used. Most 'xiong' is buying stimuatin drugs - Puregon, other than that were small bills.
Hi ladies,
I am back after missing for a week, this thread is moving very fast and can't figure out who is who now ... so sorry (old liao la).
All the best to those ladies who are in 2WW..
Thanks.... I've checked with the nurse, she said anything oso can eat... u knw lah western doc normally said everything can eat... hehe...
