IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Zeena,

Better avoid Soya products during 2WW. Abstract from BBC "Soya may make sperm burn out Women should avoid eating too much soya if they are trying for a baby, a UK fertility expert believes.
A study in humans has shown a compound in soya called genistein sabotages the sperm as it swims towards the egg"

Hi ladies,

I've been a silent reader for quite a while. Will be going to KKIVF for 1st consultation in May. Realised that most of you are seeing Dr SF Loh. is it true that Dr SF Loh only sees patient on wed? How often do you need to see Dr Loh after the first appt?
Anyone seeing Dr Sadhana from kk? Is she good?
If u are seeing him for the 1st time, yes, I tink Wed is the oni day u can c him...
Aft tat, u can choose any days, & on Sat also. Bt on sat, u can oni see him in the private suite, consulation fee will be $10 more.
Alamak, thought soya bean good, drink like mad! Aiya, nothing to drink already man. Coffee cannot, tea cannot, soft drinks also no good. Sigh. I am sick of milo and horlicks! What do you ladies drink then?

mine is hubs poor quality of sperm, but improved alot from TCM. Now waiting for better result. we both like so scare to get sick, so very cautious with food. Very tiring. Last week go TMC, saw all the babies. sigh.
I also quit drinking soya bean long time ago.
Only once in a while, then drink. Actually I every morning must drink tea to perk myself up. Bt I tried to stop these few days. I changed to Milo. At nite, I normally drink milk or plain water.

U r welcome!

Just check wif a doc nearby my place, she charges $8 per jab if she do it for me....Trying to lok for cheaper source...

I also heard from someone that soya bean drink is not good for the eggies.. So avoid it at all cost.. i agree with you about getting sick of the drink.. never in life have I been drinking hot drinks.. but I tell myself that for the sake of mt future baby. I will endure.. I have been driking hot milo, horlicks and hot chocolates all this time.. Let's hope that the sacrifice will pay off...

I took 225units for the gonal F daily this morning was my last jab.. That means in total took for 11 days. On my Day 6, the scan showed that I had 3 follicles on my right and 8 on my left.. I dunno whether that is good or not. When I asked the dr, he said, 3 - 8 or below 20 is enough.. but I fear that the no. of eggs collected may not be enough... Anyone knows? Is 11 a good no? Anyway, on Day 9, I scanned again, dr said I got 4 in the right and so in total 12.. Latest today, there were 12 in total but one is rather small, so dr said, probably 11. Tmr, taking the pregnyl shot and Thursday morning, I will go for the egg pick up..

Thanks for the info.. ya i think I will ask for HL..I dont think I can stand the standing the discipling.. Furthermore, I am the discipline head, have to address the school everyday and look serious all the time.. I heard that during the 2wws, its best to be happy and calm..
LFB, Babycole
Cannot drink coffee meh? I'm still drinking every morning leh. Abit should be ok right...if can't drink don think i can work...i will sleep thru my office hr. Jia lat!!
Coffee contains caffeine, that's why I avoid. Sigh, drink water lor, no choice. But really bored. I used to gurp down cans of diet coke and cups of chinese tea. Now, I really envy pple who are drinking them. No choice, tahan.
Wow, u are a discipline head. "Students run!!" Haha...Is it tough for u to take leave for doc appt ? hm....jia you

Missing in action? Are u alright?

Ya all have to avoid. Now only drink water, milo and horlicks. Must be hot somemore. TCM says no cold drinks.. sigh what i sacrifice we need to make......
Thanks...think only a small cup shouldn't harm much hor.
My cousins who pregnant naturally also drink coffee but the baby come out still ok leh
But milo and horlicks very heaty leh. Drink too much will get constipation.
I heard from a fren who is having IVF say during the 2ww must take alot of fibre to prevent from constipation. And try not to force bowel cos will force the embryos out.
ya....having body ache....the funny thing is the pain always on both hands. Sometimes feel breathlessness. which stage r u in now?
On both hands? oh hope its not too serious. Me on BCPs, cant wait to start the jabs though. Do u still continue to work? I hope i can still go to work except the 2ww...
yes...both hands...not so bad during the day only feel the pain at night. Mayb i hv my jab at night. I'm still working unitl the 2ww which start next mth i hope. Will be on HL for the 2ww. How long do u need to be on BCP?
Hm...for 3 weeks. The pills will end 5th May, should start jabs from there. I will cheer for u during your 2ww. Jia you and may u have good number and quality of eggs. I am 35 so just do whatever best i can.... sometimes need some luck
Thanks....You too...jia you..
I'm praying hard to hv good quality of eggs. I'm already 37. Gone thru alot of treatment and taking all kinds of chinese Med still have see luck yet. Hoping this will works.
we both work hard together
Me too u name it i tried it haha...I I can understand what u mean. We have passed 35 so get more stress up. TCM, IUI,BBT, OPK finally going to do IVF. This is my final option. Got one block tube, HB sperm not so good.

anyway, just pray for the best and leave it to fate
hi everyone,

wow this thread is moving real fast! but it's a good thing that we are sharing info and supporting one another.

pls pardon me if i have missed any of your posts. will try to catch up. =)

so fast u r moving on to er ald.rem i started almost the same time as you. all the best to your er & et!

oh u teach too? me too! gd thing exam period coming ll b less stressful..

will pray that u have gd quality embryoes to b implanted..
hi ladies,

cannot take soya once we embark on ivf isit or only during 2ww? cos i have drinking it still leh. im now at lucrin stage. gotta stop?

can i check with all of u something? is there any way to improve quality of embryoes, like working on our diet? read that it's very crucial that our embryoes are of gd quality, ll have higher success rate. is that true?
i rem a few ladies mentioned that they had headaches during lucrin stage. is that one of its side effects? cos i experienced a very terrible headache today, so much that i had to go back early. can we take panadol if we have headaches at this stage?
Sorry. Was MIA yesterday. Having training all day yesterday and this week.

Anyway, can't really sleep these few days. keep thinking abt the FET and really worried abt the success. my grandma told me yesterday that she went to the temple and pray and there were no good news.
so that got me even more worried... kinda of silly right... haiz...but can't help it...

not sure if it is one of the side effects. But have been having a headache ever since I started the Lucrin jabs. Have been taking panadol as it was quite bad. Having very very bad cramps too...
wow ML u're early! dun worry too much. things will be fine for you.

Nicole, is the waiting long to see dr yu? possible to be within 1 hour during lunch time?

cuteangel, 11 should be good enough. i only had 7 follicles but i still managed to get 2 eggs to transfer so there's still hope.
Welcome back. Have fun with the training
dun worry to much abt the outcome. Just try ur best okay? We can only do that much, we got no control over the outcome. Hope the headache and cramps will sudside. Take care,ML
Try to avoid caffeine, though a bit is ok. Bt I try to avoid it now...
"And try not to force bowel cos will force the embryos out" - Is this confirmed? OMG, freak me out...

Dun worry too much, try not to listen to anything now prior to yr FET....just do yr best & go for it. Stress will oni make things worse right? Be positive!

I rmb asking the nurses at KKIVF whether there is any side effects to the jabs and they told me will be bloated & put on a bit of flesh here & there...wah, never heard of headaches leh...must ask them again in my next visit. & perhaps ask them any medication I can take if the side effects arises. Gosh, so many things to take note..

Ya, my TCM ask me to avoid cold drinks too, though sometimes I will drink a bit due to hot weather. He also ask me to avoid tea, bt he nvr ask me avoid cofy la, bt I dun drink cofy leh...sobz sobz...Till now I am still trying to change my habit of drinking which cld be difficult at times. Bt wat to do?
heard abt the constipation during 2ww. eat more fresh fruits for fibre if cant, drink fibrogel( can buy from pharmacy) an orange drink for fibre.

This is to prevent constipation so as to have smooth bowels. The force used to empty bowel may push the fragile embryos out as they are trying to stick to the lining walls
Thanks for the valuable information. & Yes I am v prone to constipation. Bt I dun normally force my bowels out, if dun hv, its ok wif me though it cld be uncomfortable.
Ok, another thing for me to take note....haa
eat more fibre food like wholemeal bread, prune, and food with fibre. These will help. Google and find out what kind of food. I hate water, but now must drink also. Water is good for constipation too.

we same age. Yesterday night told hubs we just keep our mind open and try cos when we are 35, the chances go diwn somemore. Xian, right? Anyway, do what we can lah. Jia you!
In fact I drink lotsa of water, bt sometimes I will also constipate..dunno y...bt funni thing is when I am taking the chinese medi from TCM, my bowels are quite smooth. O ya, I normally constipate when I am stressed, guess tis is 1 of the factor.

To me, yes, age is a factor to take note when comes to IVF. Bt if u hv a happi & open mind, I am sure u gals will succeed. Unlike me, cos I am v stressful now so I am still hoping by the time I do IVF, I will be less stressful. If not, all will be gone down the drain le.
Just come across tis thread - SUPPORT group - infertility. There is a Felicia inside saying her hubs sperm count & quality improving tremendously after taking some vitamins...& she is pregnant naturally!
Bt dun tink she respond to the questions. Anyone has any idea wat kinda vit her hubs taking?
Thanks gals!

the felicia never reply to my PM leh.. I also very prone to constipation. I found that eating museli helped for me. and it's a healthy source of food.

got receive my PM?
Dear ladies,

Received this in the morning, thought I would share.

Babychole, try to relax. I know how terrible it is to be stressed up. Give yourself some time to loosen up. Go for your fav activities. I also have stressed up time, just that I suppress them so that I won't be too stress up.
Take care. You on leave today, right? Rest after your activity and relax.

The Secret
One day, one friend asked another,
"How is it that you are always so happy?
You have so much energy, and you never seem to get down."
With her eyes smiling, she said, "I know the Secret. I'll tell you all about it, but you have to promise to share the Secret with others."
"The Secret is this:
All I do is live a simple life, have some really good friends, a happy family and enjoy nature.
I have learned most of the time I don't need
half of what I think I do. With the above thoughts, I learned the 'Secret' to a happy life."
The questioner's first thought was, "That's too simple!" But upon reflecting over her own life,
she recalled how she thought a bigger house
would make her happy, but it didn't. She thought a better paying job would make her happy, but it hadn't. When did she realise her greatest happiness? Sitting on the floor with her nephews and nieces, playing games, eating pizza or reading them a story.
Now you know it too! And now I pass the Secret on to you. Once you get it, what will you do?
Please tell someone the Secret too.
Dear ladies,
my hubs also improved by these Vit and food, hope it helps.
Zinc, Vit C, gou qi zi and tong chong cao.

Actually, if his improve, it also depend on us. So sometimes, it is not really just 1 problem.
hi rejoice - how are u? Try to avoid soya bean and its products during the injections stage as well.. I didnt but only learnt abt the not so good benefits of soya during my 2ww. Soya has high estrogen (female hormone) and also according to TCM, it will make the outer layer of the eggs hard so diff for the sperm to penerate (so unless u do ICSI then not so bad).Also avoid bean sprouts cos it is a cooling vegetable. During the 2ww - eat more apples, no oranges and no chinese pear (li) this is according to TCM.

for headaches i think u can take panadol. If unsure can always call the IVF clinic and ask the nurse or the doc..but try not to take too much....

Take care and when will u start ur next stage of injection?
hi vanilla,
my headache is still persisting. gg to c doc later. maybe it's becos i din sleep well. hope it goes away soon.. one of e worst headaches i've ever had..
thanks vanilla! yes m doing icsi but i wld stop taking soya now. ok to take cereals, the 3-in-1 kind or milk?

my current cereal packs contain a bit of soya protein, u think i can take that?

thanks. will take note of food i can't take.hope it ll worth the sacrifice.
Hi rejoice - u take care..rem to let ur doc know what injections u are taking so what he gives u will not clash. i think abit of soya protein is ok... not too much..
Hi Kym

If ur meeting her the 1st time than see her on Sat or make an appointment for a week day. If I have to see her I will take 1/2 day leave like on a monday or when ever is my appointment with her.

Once u start on injections, u will see the nurses and sonograoher. Than after the results they will show Dr Yu ur results n will tell u to buy more meds or no need la..

I normally go @ lunch time to get scanned say reach SGH by 12.20pm, if the sonographer not busy than will be fast la. The only waiting time for me is the pharmacy. I normally ask them to do express for me or while waiting for Dr Yu to see ur results, u take the pharmacy sheet 2 the pharmacy 1st la.. Im back in the off by 1.45pm. I will leave the off @ 12pm. Take cab there n back..
Once ur on injections its e nurses u see n not the doc, they will bring ur results of ur scan to her so u no need to go see her..

Explain to the nurses ur on ur lunch break. They are understanding but there are days if the sonographer busy than have to wait la.. I like the scanning to be done in Care itself. Its more relaxing... The one @ th ONG clinic not nice. hehehhe...

Dear all,

M reported. So I will be going to TMC either tomorrow or Thursday. Probably starting my OCP soon. Hmm, finally on the journey. Ok, we jia you ladies.
