IVF/ICSI Support Group

yes, i can understand how ur hubby feels. My that gf did not have PCOS and she conceive naturally after a year. Think postive. U can take some DOM at night to improve ur general health. Or boil some black chicken soup. For men, it's good to eat more sea cumumber and white/black fugus


that's really too much, man.. i heard that this JE doc will either refer her patients to the dr in paragon or gelanigles.. They are all in cahoots! i also realised that the doc that she refered me to in glen is one of the most famous one and he even appeared on Channel News Asia once! Can you believe it?
Yes, i hope some other ladies ttc will read this thread and learn abt their scam like babychole said. I may start a thread to warn the ladies out there next week. i wasted all my time with that gynae!! still pissed when i think of it. angry man.

Well, people in our situation are easily duped by ruthless people.. Think its a good idea to warn the rest.. Take a good rest tonite and no need to think of the gynae again.. good nite!
Yes,I believed it is a scam too...Me also went to the gynae - C at Gleneagles as recommended by her & later part another gynae - FY at Tiong Bahru. The Gleneagles doc also ask me & hubs to go for op - all cost ard $20k just for op only!
I was so sad by all the diagnosis & told 1 of my kolig. She ask me to go to seek for 2nd opinion cos none of my gynaes told me abt my plm previously. I decided to go for further checks & guess wat!? The scans result from the Gleneagles doc & the other gynae is different! There are no cysts at all! Then hw did the spots come abt? I am puzzled! Perhaps the machine tat the gleneagles used is ???? If u read my blog, I did mention I spent alot on this sinseh's consultation! Till now, I am still v pissed off!
A thread is already set up....lok under "Y" under Matters of the heart....the sinseh's shop's name is already set up by some other forummer. I also input my comments inside already.

I am glad u did not went to her. Imagine all the queueing, waiting, expensive medi & her ridiculous diagnosis. The paragon doc got another branch at Tiong Bahru - cal FY!
Well, I believes in karma...if she is so unethical, i believes 1 day she will get it from earning our hard earned money!
ladies, i saw fm another thread that je tcm, Yingchuan, that she was on paper (xinming or wanpao). The article said she helped alot of couples conceived. All BS! they just didn't report the failed cases. She really good with doing business man!

Its really so upsetting why these doc so money face n not trying to help ppl by their heart. They are just doing a job n no interest of helping. Sigh!

Babydust, when i 1st started ivf i only wanted 1 try n c if fated to hv positive result. Now failed so i shld give up. But my heart still dowan to. I feel that doing ivf i m in more control of thingr. Dun hv to wait 4 menses to come n count ovulation period. So now oso v lost if i shld do again. If do, i may want to change gynae, but dunno which one. Personally i prefer lady doc but heard dr cheng of tmc is gd. Oso worry abt clinic location as i dowan to take 2 much leave. Also thot of sgh but dunno which doc is gd n if there is 2 much waiting cos public hospital. Ladies here can give advise?
Hi ladies,
i need some advise. I am thinking of doing IVF, and would like to know if i need doctor consent if i choose to do in KK hospital. There is no issue with my hubby sperm, they just suspect that i am not ovulating, but i have got that work out by TCM. So far still no good news. I want to go ahead for IVF as i suspect my egg quality is not good, at least through IVF, they will only put in the good ones and i will know how bad is the condition.

Do i need to do HSG to check if any of the fallopian tubes are blocked before i can proceed for IVF? Do i need doctor referral in order to do IVF in KK or other hospital?

ML, i din off my pm leh. I received few b4, can u try again? Thks.

Pinky, hang in there. Go thru the 9mths n do us proud!

Babydust, hv u done D&C? Yr menses came by itself? I wish u succeed in yr FET n dun hv to go thru more jab liao.
with the IVF you don need to know whether the tube is block. Cos you don need the tube anymore once you go thru IVF.

As for referral. not so sure but i did went thru gynae who refer me to KK Dr SF Loh. If you wan i can intro to you. He is a very nice Doc.

Hi Ladies,
I went to JE TCM (Y) too. With her for 1yr, took her medicine but never see any improvement. She also intro me to the gynae at Paragon. Went thru the ops to hv the cyst removed. The funny thing is many time this gynae ask me to go thru IUI or IVF i will reject. Mayb no "Yuan fen" with him. Finally, went to my colleague's gynae from KK. Donno y just agree to him to all his suggestion even to IVF.
Gd morning. No i didnt need a D&C. I continued passing clots last 2-3days. Once I stopped progesterone, all the cramps (like BIGTIME PMS) came and then now having menses. Hopefully wont be too prolonged.
The only female gynae i know doing this is Sheila Loh in RH, but i am not sure if there's one in SGH as well. TMC's Dr Cheng, KK SFLoh, SGH YuSL, NUH SC Ng ( he worked with Prof SS Ratnam who did Spores first IVF in 1977) are all good and popular. there are plenty of others in private practice as well. Maybe you can read the archives of the thread and see who is with whom, orcan go into MothersToBe thread and ask them who they were with...
Re: doing again, I think you should go with your heart. If you feel you are not ready to give up then dont, if can afford to. the pain is all temprary but the result is permanent. I also felt that I had a lot of control, but in the end the truth is that it is all in God's hands and not really our own. Go wth your heart; if you are meant succeed you will eventually. I hope i will too.
Nancy, Cuteangel,
I'm sorry you both had such bad exprnces with JEdr. That's awful. I did acupuncture with Dr Jin in Raffles Hospital TCM. As you said, there is a tie up with RH's IVF programme and it is a 5-session set. some during injection stages and the last 2-3 are on day of ET and soon after. It's more expensive, but if you're with RHIVF then its very convenient. Dr Jin, is very nice,gentle and experienced. After my first IVF i thought if switching to a cheaper doc, but in the end stayed on bcs i have confidence in her skills. I have also read the reasearch paper from germany that was quoted by the papers last year when they did the segment on IVF, and those patients only had 2 or 3 sessions, around the ET time, not like us, going for it well before etc. And already got better outcome than without. So I had some faith in it and went for it. Hope that encourages you...
hi babydust, gd morning! thks for the informations. i'm very tempted to go to sheila loh but not so nice cos dr thong's room is just opp hers. and i do like nurses at raffles hospital alot. sometimes i wonder if both patient and doc must have "yuan" then will succeed. will discuss with my DH and see how, he also quite poor thing cos when going thru the IUI and IVG i've been giving him lots of nonsense.
Hi confused, thanks for the quick reply. =P
I have an appointment with the KK doctor previously, but i can't remember his name, it's a young men. Anyway, can you give me details of Dr Loh? Can i call and make appointment without referral? Is there any subsidy in appointment?

I went to JE Ying Chuan after my miscarriage last year. She also said i have PCOS and tilted uterus, and asked me to make appt with Dr Cheng. Luckily i have done some research after the visit, and realised about all the unhappy incidents htat happen, i decided to change other TCM. Currently i am seeking Dr Tan in Clementi, very friendly guy. He managed to improve my ovulation cycle on just one visit with acupuncture. I got his details from this forum too, apparently quite a lot of pp got pregnant by him. He is patient, frank and good at acupuncture. I will take his medicine for few months if no news, thinking of doing IVF in end of years.

How is the success rate of IVF in KK? heard that they do not monitor after the ET? was thinking of doing at Johor. but it may be too troublesome, and it costs more than KK. Their success rate is very good becoz of their skills in transferring embryo in the womb.
Hello. TO answer some of your qns...
No you dont need a referral letter from another dr,you can make an appmt to see a Dr who specialises in IVF/IUI on yr own. Not any cheaper if refered from poly bcs we all have to be A class pt's no choice, as govmt doesnt subsidise this. (but you can use some medisave, upto 6K if first time for IVF)
The dr will decide if you are a suitable patient for IVF or not.These will often depend on things like:
1)your age & Dx
2)how long you've tried
3)if you have had SO-IUI before and if that would be useful or useless for you.
etc etc...
hope that's useful to you.
I am new on this forum. Just started my injections of Suprefact for suppression. I usually take my jab at 11pm. Yesterday night I forgot about it! So I did it this morning at about 10am. The clinic's closed today and I cannot ask for advice. Can someone advise me?
Dont worry about it. If its for suppression then its ok, bcs you cant grow a big follicle adn ovulate all in one day, so dont worry. On monday just call your clinic and confirm with them.
Hi Babaychloe,
Thanks for the website! Everytime I try to read, I'm always filled with another round of confusion.. Well, spoke to my hubby yday, he said we should go see both docs again and see what they say as well.

I'm 28 this year. Been married for almost 2 years. My hubby's 8yrs my senior. Really wish to have another member in the family... Your treatment was 6 mths?! I thought it'll be a simple process and I can start IUI/IVF like the following month! *dread*

How long do we have to rest after the removal of polyp? yah, my doc did mention that it will recur even after removal so he advised I shd remove then start ASAP and if I plan for more than 1 kid, it shouldn't be too long a break in between.. Can I go to work the following day? Day surgery right? Any Dos and Don'ts?

Spoke to my HB last nite, like MSFamily, having an older hubby's much more comforting. Told him that some of the ladies here get into arguments with HB when discussing the topic of IVF, he said he'll 'try to calm down'.. Hahahahaa..... My HB's quite traditional, was not ready to accept this initially. Think now he's getting to it. So glad...
hi ML,
believe u were in similar case as myself, that is, having migraine while on medic inducing mense/BCP. i was told then by the nurse @KKHIVF that the migraine is probably due to side effects of the medication. was advised if medic is taken in morning.... can try to have it at nighttime before heading to bed. however i was already doing the latter... hence was told that if it's really un-bearable, normal off-the-shelf panadol (the while-green type) can be taken according to specified dosage.
hi blesswbb,
m like yourself, going through another week of lucrin till 4/25 before puregon jab. btw... it seems we are having 2 jabs (lucrin & puregon) daily from 4/25.
wonder were u also advised by nurse that if things are smooth, ER will be likely to take place in early may??
i wonder does our follicles really be growing (by taking puregon jab) so fast within a week or so ?? honestly m surprised!

hi rejoice,
for almost painless jabs, look for areas around tummy with the most fat deposits. my own realisation is the part of tummy that purges out (away from belly button) when we sit with our back slightly curved (perhaps it's me who have more reserves around waist in this forum..keke!).
hold it taut while poking needle perpendicular to skin. by doing so, my bruises incurred so far are minimal.
my worries now is more on puregon jabs, as i read from many ladies' forrum posts, puregon jabs are far more painful. are puregon jabs done at the same area as lucrin (i.e tummy) or others (eg thighs, buttocks)?? if the latter, more pain is expected as there're less fats to cushion, isn't it?

After I removed the polyp, immediately went home. The experience was very fast that it was even done in the dr office itself.Yes, you can go to work the next day. Ypu should not have any pain, just a little blood stain for a couple of days.. You can just use panty liner. It's not even day surgery.. However, like I said mine is a cervical polyp, if yours is at the womb, it may be different, but usually, the drs have special tools that they use spefically to remove polyp and this is usually done quickly and safely. To me nothing is worse that the fallopian tube test. It was so painful that I teared throuhout the whole thing.

I think tose drs who are out to cheat us will definitely not come to good end..Anyway, fyi, I am seeing Dr Koh from Raffles. I know that you personally prefer female doctor. I have heard from many that male doctors are gentler than females and kinder too. I have had 3 experiences with male gynae.. They are all friendly and kind. I cannot comment so much bout Dr Koh from RH though cos It's my first time with him but so far, he has been encouraging and I know of someone who did ivf under him and gave birth to a pair of twins(a boy and a girl) last Oct.. that actually convince me to see him. You may want to consider seeing him.
Hi Ladies, those of you who are talking about the gynae at Glen E *C... and at paragon/Tg Bahru *F..., actually they are friends of Dr Loh too. Apparently the industry is very small, they are know one another. And once when i bring my reports from these gynaes to Dr Loh, he also say 'aiya, they only scare us with the fanciful reports from their scan, so if in doubt, seek more opinions'
Really, how come nobody complain to case or something? think they should be taught a lesson.. The agony and pain they have brought upon us.. so many of us some more.. is unforgivable. which stage of ivf are you at?
Cute, i think its becos no hard evidence so nobody can really bring to case. Dealing with these doctors must be really careful lor, otherwise easily get into law suits. Dr Loh also dont dare say they are wrong but just asked me not to worry so much about their reports. So i read between the lines i think he also hinting no need trust them bah. My opinion only lah, dont base on this alone hor? You must do research so as to be able to make wise decisions and choices lor.
Erm, the last time i did IVF was last Aug so i kinda forgot about the payout from CPF liao. Can anyone refresh me:-

When we claim from CPF, assuming withdrawal limit is $6000 (1st time), do CPF give us cheque for lump sum $6000? Or they deduct the procedure for ER and ET (assuming $3000), then return us the balance $3000? Total, they must give us no less than the withdrawal limit of $6000 rite?

They wont need our receipts (from buying puregon etc) to claim from them rite?
Oh ya, i also got something to share. Regarding embryo quality (grade 3, 4, 5 etc ...), in case you wonder how to tell ... i realised ...

if your embryos on day of ET is about 4 cells and up, then they should be quite good and strong. And likely to grow further.

if like mine, only a 2 cell on day of ET, then chances may be slim lor. Maybe thats why my IVF failed. I know it should be more than a 2 cell on day of ET cos i went around and ask, many pp have a 4 cells on day of ET de. Also, Dr Loh was somehow trying to comfort me, say maybe my embryos grow slow, i can see he trying to comfort me only, not that they are really just slow growing. Somemore he said "i hope it will be successful" like not very confident like tat.

Cute ah, i havent start next IVF. Will be fresh cycle 2nd attempt. So want to make sure i am more prepared this time. Am taking TCM and ACU, hopefully improve my FSH and adeno conditions before i go thru the ardous journey of IVF again.
Momo Bear,

I see.. I just hope that the dr will be able to extract good and enough eggs from me next week. Actually, I am quite scared of the process of extraction.. never been under anaesthetic before.. then after that I will start to worry if they can succesfully fertilise the eggs and get good embyros.. Pray for me..

All the best in your next journey and I hope that this time, it would be successful.
thanks cuteangel, will take into consideration dr koh if i decided to do ivf again. good luck to your cycle and do keep us posted on your good news
cuteangel, don't worry. the nurses at raffles are really nice and place does not seems scary at all. my ER was pretty fast, before i knew it, i already woke up at the resting area. when are u doing your ER? my D&C is next thur
same place but feeling is totally different. when i had 2 eggs transferred, i was told they were 5/6 grade.
Hi ladies,
went to TFC for my counselling, got Dr Chia from the clinic. Abit cold, sis said she is like that. Anyway, she briefed us on the procedure and cost. Also told us about the outcome. Hub not too positive cos she said only 30% for my age. Anyway, we will still go on. In the meantime, we really really watch our diet. I have completely stop drinking tea, cold drinks and eat cold food. Been drinking soya milk alot more. Heard from a friend that our daily intake of food must be closely monitored to make sure our body in good state to absorb the medicine and nurse the embyro. I just listen and follow. Anyway, once menses report, I will start OCP, then wait for the rest to happen. Just hope I am strong enough to withstand all! All the best ladies.
you can try calling 63941694 to see can make appt anot...if not you can see this gynae from KK at AMK. He is Dr Tham..Appt no is 6297 7763.
Good luck to you.

pretty lady,
I'm not sure i will start the ER early May. Never check with them cos it looks like they will change the plan base on the growth of folical. Hopefully can start early, can wait to be a mum.

You still so young. should remove the polyp and get treated 1st. for my case i'm already 37 can wait that long. 6mth treatment include 3mth jab to stop my menses from coming so that my endometriosis will be controlled.

of cose you can froze up your embryo and decide later on the date to continue with the treatment. This is wat Dr Loh and my gynae told me.
Yes. That's the one at paragon/tiong bahru -FY. I am glad we both seek second opinion and are in safe hands now.

IVF success rate is like that. usually abt 25 per cent. The counselling is to prepare the patients and HB abt the costs, risks and success rate. Some pple sink into depression after the IVF failed as this counselling was not made compulsary by MOH then. that's what the nurses at TFC told me. some pple thought spent so much $$ sure positive. We have to mentally prepare ourselves for such failed outcomes. All we can do now is do whatever best. if still fail, it's fate
regarding the HSG test it is not necessary to do it if ur wish to proceed to IVF. The tubes blocked had no issue with IVF. My current gynae, dr cheng from TMC has a list of protocol BEFORE suggesting IVF
1. Age
2. years of ttc
3. HB sperm analysis
If u are still young like below 30, suggest to do IUI for 3 times. less invasive and cost abt$1k. Before this, HSG is done to check if tubes are blocked. No blocked === IUI. Blocked can do lap surgery to clear blocked tubes
4. IUI falied move to SO-IUI. comes with injecions to boost no of eggs.
5. SO-IUI failed ==== IVF

But not all patients do thru that, some already pass 35 years old when seek help and ttc for more than 3-5 years plus HB sperm quality no good or low sperm count === IVF
hope that helps

My ER should be either Tuesday or Wednesday. I am seeing Dr Koh tmr. However, the dr said that I might need to do the ER at TMC as the embyrologist at RH will be on leave next week. i am so scared.. never been there, then have to get to know new nurses and all that. I hope that it would be fast too and dr will be able to pick up good eggs.

You don't give up ok.. take care..
hi cuteangel, dun worry too much, gave birth at TMC before, nurses are okay too. earlier this thread sisters here also said they're good. yin yin the embryologist at RH is very good, she helped me alot during my ET. feel sad that i've disappoint her for not being able to carry my baby well. i didnt get MC for my ER or ET. ER was done on sat and ET on monday morning, then i went straight to work after ET. Cos I'm doing accounts so i cant take MC during ET which is also month end. i have to take pregnyl before ER n has to be taken in the clinic. is that wat you meant?
Y u oni comfortable wif lady gynaes? I personally feels tat male gynaes are more steady...

Haa...I also bring the reports to Dr Loh....& he told me something nasty abt them....Dun wish to disclose here...haha

Good luck! Must take good care wor...waiting for yr good news...

Thanks for the great info, told hubs just now & he was shocked too ask me "can meh?"....I told him never mind, we will cfm wif Dr Loh if he has doubts. If tis is ok, & all my blood tests are ok, we will start in May le...Thanks...muacks!

Yes, I always like to seek 2nd or 3rd opinions. Nowadays, docs' diagnosis are questionable...though not ALL.
ya, no choice lor. Just have to see open when things don't work out. I also know the chances not high, but if I am going to spend alot of money, I make sure I make all effort. Anyway, this time, I know I should be relax and hope for the best.

you have to be strong. I lost a sister to cancer when she was in early 20s. We have since been through 3 cancer scare in the family. Stay positive, you can make it. We will jia you one another in this journey.

Going for my acu tmr. When I see patient stepping out of Dr Zou, I always wonder whether they are the sisters in this forum.
Tmr my clas in afternoon, so will go in the morning. Tmr is another new day, yahoo!
thanks for all the info. I feel more reassured now. However,I don't think that I can go back to work after ET. I am teaching and does lots of disciplining.. don't want to be too stressed out. Do you think the dr will be able to give me mc?

this pregnyl shots also at the tummy is it? is it just a one time injection or everyday before the ET?

Take care and hope to hear good news from you!
hi cuteangel,
sure they will give you MC. I heard some they request for hospital leave. not sure if RH gives that though. Dr thong wanted to give me MC but I really can't use it so no point.

the pregnyl shots is on the butt. nurse will jab you.

LFB, sorry to hear abt your experiences. I'm sure your sister will bless you along the way and give you a lovely baby. stay positive and go all the way!
Things will work out for u....Dun worry! Yr sis will also bless u too...

Try to get HL & since teachers need to stand for long hrs during teaching, try not to go back for 2 weeks after ET. U shd rest well.
For KKIVF: Pregnyl is shot on the thigh, after ur ET will be shot on the tummy

Do you have any symptom of bloatness? Will it last or on and off...
Any AF cramp/pain?
will you be gg back work after ur 14 days HL?
No, I hv not start yet. Mabbe wil start in May on the jabs, as for the ET, will do it when my dad's condition is more stable.
Hi Zeena,
Still have bloatedness, what about you? The bloating sometimes OK, but sometime can be so bad that i can get breatheless after a short walk. And i also get tired very easily, Not sure is it because the side effect of HCG.

No leh, no AF cramp, mild pain at ovaries acceptable -can endure.

When are you going back? Took 14 days HL? I see how, if i am getting better. When will be your progesterone test and pregnancy test? Are you kan cheong for the day to come?
