IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi ML thanks! i'm working in town but i don't think i can bear with having such little food. i tried the british diet before which eat very very little and i cannot take it. i guess i'll just work with less carbo, no late dinner and exercise for now.

vanilla, disappointed with kelly leh. she didn't update me on my bloodtest result and I had to call her then she doesn't seems to be bothered by how I felt. Anyway, she gave me the reading for tue and thur and both almost the same. So I guess I can confirmed I've officially lost my baby

Hi Kym... she is new..she took over from the other nurse..so still abit gar-bra. Did u talk to Dr Low and ask her? maybe it is better to talk to the doc abt it to really confirm.

U take care. This is really a sad thing to happen. But I believe u are a strong lady and will continue to try again and the next time u will be successful!
oic. then it is really up to you. for me i converted half way thru my cycle to IVF as my body was not responding in the SO-IUI way. I guess if you are anxious, it will be better to go for IVF.

don't worry. this one not asking you to cut down on food. you are suppose to eat till you are full. i.e eat meat eat till full.

Did you manage to speak to the doc to get his/her opinion?

A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see the bed nicely made up and everything neat and tidy.

Then he saw an envelope propped up prominently on the pillow. It was addressed, "Dad". With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope and read the letter with trembling hands:

Dear Dad,

It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with you and Mom.

I've been finding real passion with Joan and she is so nice. I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercing, tattoos, tight motorcycle clothes and because she is so much older than I am but it's not only the passion, Dad, she's pregnant.

Joan says that we are going to be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood, enough for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children.

Joan has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone. We'll be growing it and trading it with the other people in the commune for all the cocaine and ecstasy we want.

In the meantime, we'll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Joan can get better; she sure deserves it!

Don't worry Dad, I'm 15 years old now and I know how to take care of myself. Someday, I'm sure we'll be back to visit so you can get to know your grandchildren.

Your son, Chad

P.S. Dad, none of the above is true. I'm over at Tommy's house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the report card that's in my desk drawer.

I love you! Call when it is safe for me to come home!
thanks vanilla. hard but have to accept.
she told me dr loh hasn't seen the report but will call me if anything urgent. so i asked her means if no call means bad news. she said ya. but blood test can't fool ppl. it's a fact that there's no increase of HCG

think i'll give myself 6 months to loose weight, do acupunture and see how later. no money to do ivf again but then with ivf i'm more in control of things cos of PCOS condition. sigh.. just have to wait and see...
hi ML, sorry didn't really read your msg well. When i see egg whites and pure meat i was like thinking of the british diet, boil egg, boil ham :-S

can you PM me the TCM? maybe I can check them out. thanks!

actually i dun dare to call the doctor cos since result is negative then nothing more to ask liao lor. just go ahead with the cleaning..
hi kym... take care.. do u have any frozen left for FET?

I ate brown rice porridge for a while and it is nice and v healthy. drink the porridge water too cos it is nutritious...
hi kym,
don't give up! stay positive.

I'm also having some weight problem. Dr asked me to walk 5km 3 times per week, and eat less carbo. You can try, walking is good.
hi vanilla, no more eggs liao, only got 2 precious which i transferred, but my fat body absorb everything

think i'll go with the porridge diet. good idea! thks!

hi jenn, i'll probably swim more as I've got slipped disc so can't really do too strainous exercises.
MSfamily & Budderball,
thanks for the ideas. DOM also can take only after the menses stops is it?
MSfam, yah can let me know the recipes if its convenient for you.
I will also go to EYS and see what they have. I actually went to NTUC and they have like 11 diff brands and mixture of things in little packs, with dang gui in it, some say nourish, some say tonic, etc etc. guess i might try one and see...
Sorry to hear the news. Guess we are in the same boat now.... well, lets stick with it and dont give up. Give ourselves some time.... you planning on going back to original doc or sticking with new one now?
Well, lets c wat Dr Loh can do..meanwhile dun give up & must hv positive thoughts!

Really ah? Wah...how come let an inexperienced lady scan for us? Today after coming back from KKIVF, then I found out tat Dr Loh will oni see us during ET time, other than tat, during the scanning & injections time, we will be seeing some other IVF docs leh....
Just come back from KK, done all the hormone tests & rubella test, hopefully, everything wil be ok...Pray hard! Another $170 gone for these tests!
Jus now learnt from the nurse tat I will be going on Lucrin jabs for 2 weeks, followed by subcut puregon jabs for 1 week.Then they will instruct me when to stop the jabs after the scannings after tat will be I/M Pregnyl at night for the maturation of eggs.

Anyone eva ask nearby GP to jab for u? I was wondering whether it will be expensive? I tink I will choose nite time most probably to carry out the jabs cos I scared will be tired after the morning jabs & I will hv no mood to work....

Hw abt asking TCM to tiao yr body? Cos some herbs might not suit each individual of us...

I hope 1 day I will tel u I see open le....I hv been trying for years, bt quite difficult!

Dun be despair! Though we keep telling ppl gotta be positive bt when things happen to us, I dun tink we can do it too, bt sometimes just hv to try! Never mind, tis time fail, still got next time ok? Dun give up!
No prob. Sometimes, it not about doing it, it about knowing there are pple who can see no open. I also see no open for some stuff, we just see not open on diff issues. Ha ha ha! Tmr counselling, dunno what to ask. Can anyone tell me what are questions I should ask re IVF? I should start atking BCP next week when Menses report. Ok ladies, we hang on.
ML, just PMed you for the contact of the TCM you are recommending to kymberly. Thanks

Hi babychloe, glad you have received the discs. How's your dad getting on? You must go go Jia You too, ok?
Hi kym & babydust ,

Sorry to hear tat... Pls rest well and cheong again...awaiting for good news, ok...

Hi sisters,

Didnt log in for almost 1 week.. Some bleeding & got blood clots ., Last Mon after seeing Dr Cheng. He saw some internal bleeding,i was admitted to hospital for 2 days and cost me $ 1 K.. Dr discharge me when he found no more bleeding and triplet are growing n heart beat are strong ..

So, Doing IVF is a difficut path to take and our 9 mths are also like roller coaster. Sometime, i am puzzled Y someone can get pregnant so easy Pop-out their baby,... Isnt tat lifes.
I went KKIVF for scan yesterday, hv the same experience as what u said. Just feel like giving the girl a kick when she trying to poke the in the thing. Hahaha....went home complain to HB, he was pissed off too.

Kym and babydust....don give up...take care.

ML, i got headache during the lucrin jab but was bearable. It was the bobyaching that i cant take it...keep complaining to HB but he cant do anything. Sigh...

Babycole, the 2wk lucrin jab is just estimated period. I also tot is 2wk of lucrin jab but end up got to extend another wk den start the 2nd jab. Need to go for blood test and scan before they decide when to start the 2nd jab.
glad that u are well. triplets' hearts are beating stong and well. Hug. Yes it will be a roller coaster ride but now u are in the carriage with 3 unborn children with u . hang on there with them till the ride stops in 9 months

I have started BCP and cant wait to start the jabs after that. when u are doing the jabs is the scans done by cr cheng himself or someone else? Thanks and take care

sorry to hear that. Boost up the moral and body again and try again. Dr zou, the chinese physician was telling one couple finally successful at their 6th IVF. It's good news but the amt of emotional/financial strain they went thru is beyond words.
Apparantly, she has to do total 3 rounds for jabs for those 6 sessions. Stay postive

Personally, my hb and i give ourselves 3 chances is all fails, accept my fate and get a dog. cause the end of the day i know i tried my best
Ya, will jiayou & gv my dad the support & help he needs...Thanks.

Glad tat yr triplets are fine! Do take v good care!

Guess I m a little worried over the scan at the KKIVF if it is so uncomfortable as described by u all....Dunno wil scold her or not cos my temper not v good one....
Yes, I tink I noe all those weeks are oni estimated. It also depends on how well our body will respond to the jabs. Now I am worried on the outcome of the hormone tests only. Hopefully all is ok when I see Dr Loh soon.....
Guess I need to start on my acu soon after my menses stop....
Hi Nichole!

Which doc are you seeing in SGH? Seriously, the CARE pple are great but I kind of felt that they take it quite lightly (perhaps they don't wanna stress us up!). When I went there on my first visit (10th day of my cycle)to seek a second opinion, the doc asked if I was keen, that very day I started doing my LH monitoring! The entire visit was less than an hour! Hmm...

I'm going on Mon, not sure whether I should try SO-IUI, remove my polyp or just ask to ride on the IVF wave! Ladies, what say you?
Hi Debz,
Sorry to ask...what is polyp? Did you ask Doc whether will it affect your pregnancy? cos i hv cyst on both side of my ovary (quite big abt 5cm) was told it will affect pregnancy so got it remove 1st...and was diagnose as endrometise...left side of my tude was damaged due to dat...was told only left 50% chance of getting pregnant. It take me 1yrs plus to decide to go ahead with IVF.
I havent start acu after you intro yours to me. Cant decide when to start...feel very tired with alot of needles poking (every nite lucrin jab still need to go for acu) Sigh....
hi nancy,

which day of BCP r u now. i have also started few weeks ago and now just began lucrin injection. so r u at tmc? i also cant wait to have e jabs done..
hi pinky,

agree that this whole joruney can b trying but when i hear gd news fr all of u, i get motivated to persevere in this journey. glad to hear that ur 3 bbies r growing strong..
dear ladies,

can i ask u something? when i press on the area where i inject, there is pain. any way to soothe the pain?

into my 3rd lucrin injection today and getting mood swings esp at night. is this one of e side effects of lucrin? feel really terrible to be tearing every night..
hi bbchloe,

so when r u starting ivf? don worry too much ya.. take one step at a time. the lucrin jabs not that painful. nurse will teach how to do it for 1st jab. just jab into tummy area with most fats.

if u r afraid of pain, i heard can rub ice onto area u wanna jab first. haven tried that but i heard it helps allieviate the pain.

If u r not comfortable doing it on your own after the 1st jab, you can still consider gg GP then.

i have a friend who is battling cancer at her early 30s and she has set up a website to help fellow cancer patients and their caregivers..

she recently won the Vanilla Magazines Singapore Women Award for her contributions.

Hope u find her blog useful in caring for ur dad..



Honestly I'm not too certain what's the polyp. Think it's got sth to do with endometriosis.. *sighzz*

My prob was my 1st doc told me to remove it then go ahead with pregnancy coz the polyp may affect my chances though it's not cancerous. Also, if the baby gets implanted on it, I'll have to stop the pregnancy too...

However, I went to SGH for a 2nd opinion, doc said it's fine and her patient got pregnant despite having a polyp.. The doc said it's just a 'fold' in the layers of womb...

Wonder if I wanna go seek a 3rd opinion... Anyone to advise?
Wat shd I do next??????
I fully understand yr predicament...hving to be on jabs everyday & still go for acupunture - which is needles again....
Seriously, I dunno I will also go for acu once I start on the jabs or not? My situation is quite different from yours as in I hv not start the cycle & the timing to start my cycle definitely depends on my dad's condition & my hub's sperm count. I will just decide when the time comes. Meanwhile, i will just start on the acu first....Understand tat some of the sisters here did both acu & jabs at the same time. Perhaps u would like to trace back previous posts?
Just had a talk with my mum today on my IVF thing & she ask me to go ahead wif it as she will take unpaid leave to take care of my dad...Bt I m still a little worried, cos once I decided to start on it, there is no turning back for the next 2 mths...If everything is fine, i will start end May or June...Ya, actually I did tink abt it, perhaps can gv a shot on myself first, if not, let my hubs jab, if cannot again then go lok for GP...guess I hv to start asking ard nearby GPs for their charges le...

Thanks for providing me the link. It is definitely useful to me. The inputs from the cancer patient herself is v encouraging!

Perhaps can check out more on polyp. Perhaps can check on line -google.com?
This may give u a better understanding to ask the doctors more questions before embarking on IVF?
Actually, i did go for acu before i started ivf but the needle thing really make me tense up. I got bruises after that. Even for the IVF jab, bruises were found on my tummy...Sigh.
But will acu really help? How many of us here gone thru acu and is successful? I donno, maybe just want to leave it to fate. If i'm fated to be a mum then it shall be.
Regarding the jab, maybe you should try it to do yourself. Can save lof of money here. Don worry so much. Initially, i was afraid of the jab too but after the 1st jab i found it actually painless. Just need lots of courage to poke yourself.
You should try going thru the 1st step 1st get the embryo and wait till you ready or your dad recover then go thru ET. It will be faster. Don u think so?

If the polyp is due to endometriosis then i think you should get it remove 1st. I suffer under endometriosis too. I was under treatment for 6mth plus before going thru IUI but everytime it either ovulate on my left or my right side eggs is too small, so got to give up. Btw, how old r u?
U mean I can go for the jabs first & do the ET once I am ready anytime?? Really?! I am not awared of!
I m so excited now....Thanks a lot...
If tis is the case, tink I will go ahead wif the jabs first & at the same time can take care of him as usual....Then once he is under control or betta, I will do the ET....
Thanks BlesswBB, Muacks! I will check wif Dr Loh in May....
Yes, need to take BCPs for 21 days. will complete abt may first week. Are u with TMC as well? Is the jab painful?

At least, I am glad I can have daily jabs at the fertility centre (FOC). My hubby is more scraced of needles than myself haha
Hi Ladies
All u still working while having the jabs? Does it affect work? Or need to rest at home? Seems that everyone has different side effects....kindly advise. Thanks
Wah..so good...can hv FOC jabs at TMC...
I tink even KK offer FOC jabs, its also too far for me...sobz sobz....
Nancy, all the best to you & hope to see yr good news soon in tis forum...Jia Yous....
I do have polyp too. It's cervical polyp. I have them removed at 3 three times already.. at least once a year. It's a painless procedure. The dr can get it removed as soon as he does the ultrascan. Before I start on the ivf, i removed 2. you don't worry k, just get it removed .. at least it would not worry you that it might be in the way..

Anyone knows if we will get medical leave after the follicle extraction? Also, anyone doing ivf at Raffles and doing or have gone through the gonal F and cetrotide protocol? I am so anxious.. wonder when they will extract the follicles and how many can be successfully extracted.
i am currently taking the Gonal F and centrotide jabs daily. yes, I still go to work... Actually not much side effects except for feeling bloated. Don't worry, should be ok.. it's good that you can be jabbed at the centre.. I am so scared of jabs.. my hb has been jabbing me for the past 8 days..
Thanks. Hope ur IVF will be smooth as well. Hope ur dad's condition is improving by the day. Must be very tiring for u...U take care and jia you too

Thanks Ur hubby so brave. If ask my hubby to try he will probably sent the few hundred $$ shot into the air !! waste money then.... Thanks i hope i can continue to work. As need to stay at home for the 2ww....good luck to u....jia you
Come to think of it, it's also good that your dr/ nurses will be doing the jabs for you.. Should be quite painless for your case.

Anyway, actually i am seeing a dr from raffles but on the week of my extraction, the embryologist will be on leave, so I will be doing the extraction at TMC. havent't been there before.. Are the nurses friendly there?

Good luck to you.. Will keep one another posted... Take care!
u are doing in raffles. I heard that they have TCM tied up with the clinics there. Are u doing acu and chinese meds as well?

Yes the nurses are very friendly there. They all know u by the name
All under one roof -- level 5 clinic. need not move from one floor to the other for all procedures.

good luck to u too and take care

That's what I heard.. but no, I am not doing the acu nor taking any chinese meds.. Firstly I am scared of needles and I still not sure how the acu can help. Do you have any ideas?

As for the Chinese meds, I have had a bad experience with a physician that I used to see at JE. Said that I have PCOs, introverted womb and endometriosis and had to take so much medicines.. but still did not help.. Then found out from gynae that I dont have all those.. Arrghh..

Take care again!
Yes, I also hv bad experience wif that JE sinseh...I believed we are talking abt the same one...She diagnosed me to hv PCOs too...& I hv been taking a lot of medicine which do not come cheap & later found out tat I dun hv any plm at all...Really unethical!
U take care & good luck in yr IVF journey...

Oh really.. That's so mean of her.. You know wat, I once attended a forum/talk on women's health organised by HealthSing and spoke to a gynae from GH and she said that she had heard of this physician as well from many 'victims' and even advised me to go for second opinion as all this may be a scam. The physician even asked me to see a dr from glenigles who wanted to charge me 8K to treat my prob.. (not even ivf yet) Luckily I went to see another gynae and he confirmed that what the dr said was not true.. furthermore his scan was fuzzy but he claimed this and that.. i was so distraugt over the whole experience.
Is that the one that needs to queue or call very early to book appt? I have heard and read from other threads that that JE chinese doc tells 9 ladies out of 10 that they have PCOS. She will then tell them to go to a dr in paragon to get it checked. Almost same protocol for all ladies( my gf one of them). Some dun have PCOS while some really do have PCOS after checked. From the no. of ladies sge sees the chances of " strike ' with PCOS is so high.

I am sorry i dun not have a good impression of that popular JE doc. It will be worse in ur case that she has wrecked ur confidence in TCM.

I have read nooks that TCM do increase IVF by 10-20 per cent. If we are patient enough or if we were younger, TCM can actually help us conceive. But the time is very long from minimum 3 months to 12 months without IVF. The book was based on the physician based in US treating "amg mo". i was amazed my the no. of them willing to give TCM something so foreign to them. One couple did 6 failed session of IVF and went TCM> They conceive after natually 12 months of TCM with acu.

For me, at age 35, i dun have the time and effort to tiao for so long. My hubby is so afraid of acu that he will not even try. This conceive naturally with TCM must work both wife and hubby. What i can do is to see dr zou for twice weekly acu and daily med for the past 5 weeks. Maybe u can consider TCM?

After my experience with the JE physician, my hb is very pessimistic about seeing another one.. I think for now.. I have to trust on western medication first.. till I managed to convince him again.. Thanks for sharing with me abt TCM.. Anyway, i am 32... i will pray hard that all us going through this trying moments of IVF will be successful..

I did not see her but was so pissed with her and the gynae she introduced my girlfriend. I was looking for a gynae to check my infertility problem and my gf introduced me to that gynae JE recommended. He first diagnosed me with PCOS which my current dr cheng said i dun have. Worse i did 3 failed IUI with gynae at paragon and he did not even ask me to check my tubes first. After i switched to dr cheng, he checked my tubes right away and found one blocked!!! can u imagine the $$, time and effort spent doing the IUI with him? So pissed !!!
