IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi all

I found Felicia's previous post(4 Nov 2007):

Felicia Wrote: Hi KBC & Rabbit,
My HB switched brands of his regular vitamins & boosted his intake. What he takes is the normal Vit C, E, B & Beta Carotene. I also added CQ10, Salmon Oil, Calcium. He did some research online & found that Glutatione, Alpha L Acid, Lycopene & Selenium are good too. We trust vitamins as we're tackling his problem at cellular level, using supplements to aid the body's natural healing abilities.
We'll be having the 3rd SA & hope there's further improvement."

How's your bloodtest for today?
I'm bored to tears, how do you spend your time during this 14 days HL? For me, everyday, once wake up, surf net, play PSP, watch DVD, super sianz.

Has your bloating getting better, do you feel tired after second shot Pregnyl?
Thk don't force too much when you go toilet.. regards to the embryo being forced out, thk won't drop out so easily... remember i saw a post tat she asked Dr Loh abt this issue and he replied her... "depending who's the Dr who do tat do the procedure..."

To improve ur hubby's sperm qty & quality, he needs to comsume Vit B & C daily....
I oso v "Sian"... woke up v early in the morning... do nothing... watched korean drama, HK drama till giddy... eat... take a nap... eat.. watch TV...
Last nite can't sleep well, on and off, stomach cramp...

Bloodtest result need to call and check after 3pm..

I'll be gg back work next wk, will see how, maybe go back early... i saw lady oso ET same day as me, she went back to work already...

u cook ur lunch?
hi rejoice,
can understand how u were feeling towards the headache. it's ok to take panadol (normal green-white, not the extra type) to ease it. note not to exceed the recommended dosage stated behind box. i'd high fever & whole body aching after day8 of lucrin jab.
now m still on lucrin till this fri to start puregon.

thanks babychloe, budderball for both your inputs on how medisave claim procedures. btw... wonder what were your respective puregon dosages given & to be taken for how many days??
did u have alot of gas in ur stomach, i always fart... hehe.... oso go "PS" alot... hehe...
sorry saying so gross...
Zeena, all the best

You must be very anxious now
hi ladies....
when taking jabs for the growing of follicles/ eggs, are there specific food that we should avoid or take more of?
guess it'll be esp beneficial for ladies who will be starting their IVF journey in next 1-2 mths.

summary in previous posts: avoid soya products, had more veg & fruits with more fibre content/ drink fibrogel (mainly for those on 2ww).... list to be continued.......

MS Family, How u feeling?? Just wanted to check have u settled ur bill with SGH? did u have to pay after the ET? How much did u top up?? U were on Gonal F? Is it painful the shot?? I was told the growth hormone injection is the Needles Pen. I have only injected myself with the needles... Kind of worried plus worried that Menogon wont produce good eggs or mature them enough Was told I will be using Menogon. plus grotwth hormones every other day. As May approches Im getting very worried n stressed out with the whole IVF procedue n COST and the results... I can bear the pain of the needles its the results after it all is what I wont be able to handle... God Help me pls.
On the topic of GAS...... I have been having very bad Gas... hahahahha... Been farting alot.. Not on any injections or medications now.. Feel very bloated n very hungry.. Ate a whole tub of Ice Cream with loads of Hersey's chocolate Syrupon my own over a period of 3days........
Anyone having this... Is it the excitment of IVF?? hahhahahahaha.. Feel so fat......
Did you check with nurse what is the reason for stomach cramp?

When will your HL ends? I am hoping that i can get back to work earlier but my hubby scolded me 'gong' since i am given the chance to 'rot' at home when go back to work, should take this opportunity to rest more. Moreover, i now walk like an old lady, abdomen pain, always shortness of breathe. I also have also gas in stomach, not much 'PS' leh, fart only.

You still can recogonise the lady who did ET same day as you. She so 'sard' can go back to work so fast.

Nope, I don't cook lunch. My ILs will prepare for me.

Are you kan cheong about the result on 2 May? Will you be doing a HPT at home first?
I was asked to jab 250 unit of puregon for 10 days. it actually depends on invidual how you body respond to the medicine, if not responding well, most likely will asked to increase the dosage.
hi ML got your PM. thanks

Nicole, thanks for the detailed info. Will take into consideration if I wanna go for 2nd round. Good luck with yours ;)
Hi Nancy,

All the scans are done by Dr LC cheng @ TMC.. He will take care of us till 8 weeks then ' pass u back ' to yr previous Dr.

Hi ML ,

Last time when i go to temple prior to my FET , i just told the God tat i m going to do IVF and hope tat i can be blessed..

I dun dare to ask " Qian " wait is bad qian how ? Jus follow yr mind n dun think too much...

As for me, just came back frm TMC .. now is my 8week and everythings seem good..3 babies are growing but the 3rd is smaller then the rest...

Let jia you together...
MS Family
i'm scared whenever go toilet cos of the cramp, make me v scared...

I've asked the nurse, she said is normal... bldtest for hormones is ok...
HL end tis wk, so next wk gg back work...
Think I'll test HPT at home... cos afraid if result turns out not gd, I might cry in front of iVF ctr, so "ma lu" so test at home and at least well prepare...

How abt u, will u test HPT oso?
ur symptons maybe +ve... cos shortness of breath and abdomen pain... congrats in adv...
Ur ILs cooked for u...so good...
I am not sure if it is the same in KK...

On blood test day, they will only drawn blood in SGH then you can go home already. Result come back after lunch. You probably be home when the result is out
MS Family
you mean the preg test result?
Saw KKIVF, they'll give Preg test kit & do bloodtest & scanning on tat day...

Do you have any severe pain suddenly during ur 2ww?
pretty lady,

thanks for sharing. glad im not alone. my headache comes on and off and sometimes can b really unbearable. saw doc today and he said prob migraine. nvr had migraine before. hope it will go away soon..

im on day 6 lucrin. going for scan next week before moving on to puregon. r u in kk too?
Zeena & budderball,
During the puregon jab, how long do we take the jab before going back for scan to check on the size of follicles?

Don't think i can give up on coffee. Will try to reduce the intake. Wow! just found out soya bean also bad for the eggs. Just took bean sprout and bean curd for lunch. :p
Think have to start avoiding beans again. Have avoid beans for 2yrs liao now have to start all over again.
Zeena and Budderball,

I am so happy for the two of you.. All the best and looking forward to hear great news from you! Meantime, take care!
Hey, i am excited to hear that you are in teaching too. I am a little stress lei cos exam in two weeks time, I probably do the ET this Sun or Mon and then will be on 2 weeks HL if everything goes on rite.. that means won't have enough time to revise with the kids..Poor kids.. Anyway, are you still on cetrotide? have you scanned? how many follicles so far and when is your expected egg pick up? I really hope that the dr will be able to pick up good eggs and hopefully can be implanted successfully. Pray for me..

thanks for the reassurance.. dont know why lei.. as the date of the pick up is closer very kan cheong.. suddenly thinking of so many what ifs.. I am hoping that everything will be alright. Anyway, will the dr tell us after the pick up how many eggs managed to be collected? I am so anxious..
glad that the triplets are doing well
hang on for the next 7 months. went for counseling yesterday, done by nurse Cindy. have to start balanced diet but a little difficult as i eat out most of the time .......

thanks for still checking out this thread to spur us on...u rest well
After 7 days of puregon inj, you need to go back to scan the no. of follicies...

All the best for ur ER...
no prob. i had that feeling too during my cycle. it's just so natural, don't worry too much. you've come so far. just go all the way and see the rewarding result

so excited for you that you are doing your ER and ET soon. Will definitely pray for you to have good quality embryoes succesfully implanted in your womb. = )

don stress, must keep yourself relaxed as much as you can. can get your dept to help if you are not around?

today is my day 7 of lucrin injection. still a long way to go. er & et shd be in mid may.

btw, what is cetrotide? going for 1st scan next week to determine if i can start puregon (or GonalF.
Perhaps you can test it a day or two before KK preg. test date cos if test too early, will have false pregnancy since we are having HCG shots. Or let's wait for MS Family's reply, on which date she did her testing.
Zeena / Budderball,
For SGH, They will call you at 2-3pm plus to tell you if preggy. Dr will look at your test result and see if there are medication she would like to give you to support the pregnancy till the scan... Some people need, some people dun need. Think will depends on the tests result.

When the end of the 2ww for your gals ???
if got cure for the headache, let me know, have been having headache for 10 days liao... ever since i started the lucrin..

glad to hear that the triplets are doing well!!!
Have a smooth 7 months ahead and rest well.

Btw, i never go temple and ask for qiam also... dunno what to do if bad qiam.. haiz... dunno why my grandma did that leh... arghhh!!!
Thanks! I'm fine except for the freaking headache... :p
was in training the past 2 days.. so didn't have time to come in...

anyway, you in 2 weeks waits liao right? Hope to hear good news from you soon!!!
ML, hope ur oks.. Dont worry to much about the Temple thing. In ur own heart just pray and ask for a healthy baby and safe preggy. We can all do so much, once the embries are in us it totally out of our hands..... I just hope we all get some good news la.. after all e hard work!

Ohh, we have stoped our counting down huh? Miss that. hehehehe
Dear cuteangle,
ya, that's a good idea. I will be there early, usually. Hmm, we can meet too. Let's see if we fated to meet. I short hair, fat fat one! Ha ha ha!
dear ladies,
I will be going for my Oral Contraceptive Pill tmr. Just to check, for the period of OCP, anyone put on ridiculous weight? Any side effects of the OCP? Thanks
Nicole - Yes, they continue the protestonge tablets. some people need more "extra" medicines.... I have Lucrin Jab for 14 days then Gonal F for 14 days also .... all in abt 1 mth...After preggy, not sure if i told you abt the monitoring, 1 week twice for my case, each time $100+. for the next 6 weeks approx... so that another sum. Need to get prepare.

Budderball, i was on blood protein drip. I had mine when i did EC cause i was mid risk then already. Did you take lots of eggs.... i did and i feel better in days.
Budderball/Zeena - i did my HPT abt 8 days after transfer. Actually i know it is too early then but i just want to see a positive or a "pregnant" on the HPT. Never happen to me before .....EVEN when i know it might be false negative....

** pls buy the HPT that can show words whether pregnant or not .... cause if it is faint lines ... you also get worried... also very difficult to read if it is double line or single line... spend a bit more or a better HPT.

hi ladies,
My ER will be tomorrow. Not too many eggs, only 5. But no choice lah, already came so far, just have to go thru it now. Hope i can go to the stage of ET.
