IVF/ICSI Support Group

ML - changing a job in the IVF process not going to be easi wor... Some company, you cannot tell them that you preggy cause they might not confirm you, to save for Maternity Leave, although illegal but frankly it happens ... so additional stress... if financially a concern....

Jia You
the weekend coming

hi ladies

havent been here for quite some time. just to share my ivf experience after my 2ww. i went for scan yesterday and the doc only detected one heartbeat (6.6 wks old) though two embies were transferred.

i am worried cos doc said got to look out for severe cramps and bleeding as the other one might implant on the outside of the uterus.

i felt its really a roller coaster ride for all of us here..even when we managed to conceive successfully, we still need to be emotionally prepared for the next 9 months...for me now..i am always afraid of going toilet ...afraid of seeing blood..
You & ur hubby will go to the procedure room together, and Dr Loh will tell u the no. of eggs, and u have to decide on the spots (v fast) how many embryos to put in...
Hi babychole and nichole,
crying is a form of de-stressing. I cried loads too. So much so that I cannot sleep. I also wonder what happened to us, why we can't be the lucky ones. But I have thought through. Previously, I will start to cry when pple ask me why I got no baby, so jia luk, right? Anyway, we hang on. At least we know we tried eventually.

so sorry to hear that. Be strong. Take care of your body, you need good health to con't.

asked the man who is helping Dr Zou. He said she seldom do Acu for weight prob now, but you can call and ask. No harm trying.

Today I finally told my bosses about the IVF. Thank God they are very supportive. Told them abt 2 weeks leaves and they didn't even look displease, can still joke with me. In actual fact, I am currently not working, been on course for 4 odd months already. So when I am back for work in May, I will con't taking leave. But big boss said no problem. He even got my female boss to take over me to go overseas in Oct if I kana. So I think I should be very thankful to have bosses like them. They are really supporting and understanding.
So envy u tat u hv such understanding bosses...Dun tink my bosses are tat good lor...tats y I can never tel them I going for IVF...
& I hv been crying a lot too...sometimes I cry to slp...which I tink is v unhealthy...my hubs say I going insane soon which I agrees lor...
If my IVF fails, I tink I will go berserk...
I also cried myself to sleep a couple of times. But I just tell myself I have many, many things that others don't. Like health, loving hubby, and so on. My bosses are good, no doubt, but I am sure you have other angels in your life too. In life, we win some and lose some. Be strong. I tell myself I must not give up my life while chasing another. You can make it, trust your inner strength. We hang on together, remember?

Just started my blog, you are welcome to visit.
nicole, bbchloe,

understand ur struggles too! sometimes i get bitter and got upset when news after news of frens n colleagues getting pregnant. have to firmly believe that God will provide and bless us with our own offspring soon.. not ez but He will..

Just read your blog.. hugz hugz... really encouraged by your strength n perseverance..

just started my lucrin injections. went thru periods of fear n uncertainty too.. hope i would as strong as u..
can io check with all of u? for lucrin injections, can do anytime of the day? any diff in doing day or night? any side effects?

sorry so many qns.. my 1st day of injection so a little nervous.. thank God it was not painful..
Hi Ladies,
I've been a silent reader for quite a while... Reading joyful news from MSFamily, worries from Kym.. Thought all of you were really brave.

I've just failed my IUI on Monday. Didn't really know how to react except to sob (guess I look silly amongst all of you).

IVF came to my mind since Wednesday. I started my IUI at SGH-CARE after hearing overwhelming number of operations my first doctor suggested.

Anyone has any idea if one can go through IVF if one has a polyp in the womb? Must one remove the polyp first?
Hi Rejoice,

Lucrin injection can do anytime of the day, as long as you do it around the same time each day, no difference. Personally i prefer morning before go work. Otherwise, need to bring it along with you, kind of inconvenience. Unless you don't work, then no difference.
hi pretty lady,
i reach KKHIVF at ard 8am. Left abt 8.30 think most likely we did pass be each other. Call up KKIVF ard 3plus to check the result was very nervous cos worried that the test fail.
i was told to continue my lucrin jabs for another 1 weeks can start my puregon jab on 25/4. Were ask to go back KKHIVF to get medicine and will advise on the procedure.
Guardian should hv the alcohol swaps. Try getting from there lor.

Babycole and Nicole,
We all in the same boat. Went thru the cries and disappointment and fights with HB for no reason.
Anyway, we are all here to encourage each other. So no more sadness...all our babies dreams will come true....YES!!! Jia you everyone!!!!

I hv my Lucrin jab every night before i go to bed. hv been advised to do it at the same timing everyday so i chose night time cos wont miss the timing. My side effect is breathlessness and bodyaching, breast tenderness.
Remenber to jab places with lot of fats...i got bruises as i jab too low where less fats.
hi lfb thanks for checking for me. if they dun treat weight problem i will also need to tiao my body. will settle the weight problem seperately. diet and exercise. hope will succeed.

tdy will be getting the result of my 2nd HCG bloodtest. no hope but at least can ease my mind on next week's D&C
gd morn ladies,

just found out tt my colleague is pregnant. happy for her but upset at the same time. ever since i was on this trying journey, been afraid to hear n see frens pregnant or even go for 1 mth celebrations.

i wan to b positive and pray that i will join her soon..

i work n i leave very early so intend to do it at night.


so far only did 1 jab at kk yesterday. not much pain but can still see the mark. hope i wont get a bruised tummy at the end of all the jabs
I am pretty sure tat u r taking things easy better than me...For me, I m quite stressed up honestly. These few days, I hv been sleepless, tinking abt the IVF procedure, bt I tell myself, I ought to give a shot, else I will regret when I gets older. Hv a talk with hubs yesterday & he say he will go consult a his FS master on when is the best time for the IVF...zzzzzz....I tel him I will only treat it as a reference, cos it still depends very much on myself....Do update yr blog, hope tat the ultimate result will be GOOD NEWS!

To all the ladies,
Lets strive hard & hang on to it with lotsa baby dust & good luck!
I will be going for my hormone test later at KKIVF as today is the 3rd day of my menses so tort of going for the test first before miting doc in May...I am stepping nearer & nearer to IVF...hope all my blood tests will come out well....
do you work near town? My fren has this TCM which she swears by for loosing weight. Not sure if you want to try. But very radical diet. Basically, you eat eggwhite and soybean milk in the morning, pure meat in the afternoon and pure veg at night.

good luck! Guess woman all stress up rather easily.
Hi Debtzs
Im also starting IVF in May with SGH Care. I also did 2 cycles of PIO without the IUI. We wanted to try on out own. both were failed cycles obviously as Im going on the journey of IVF. will u be doing ivf @ SGH? What medication were u on fro IUI? I was on Menogon. Mayb we might end up being cycle buddies.

All, let be positive oks.. Its hard but will have to try our very best!

MS family & LFB I read ur blogs too.. Its really touching....... Now Im so worried about the Pen injection. I mange the needle injections, manage to stand the slight pain. After reading ur blogs about purple & green tyres... Ohh dear its that goanna happen to me too..... Scared shitless now..

Have a good weekend all..
ML, so how e job thiing? U might want to inform ur new employer that u will need to take leave for 2 weeks for a prior appointment. Not sure if that will work. Sometimes is better to inform that earlier but sometimes it might not work in your favour. No matter what god will guide u. thats y u were offered another job! Its a sign!

Keep us posted.....
can u start ur new job after the 2ww? Maybe u can suggest a later start date? U are so brave to do a job switch. hope ur migraine will ease away soon. take care

yes, i get upset when i hear news of friends/relatives getting pregnant. But i tell myself that my turn wiil be here soon too. if keep thinking abt this, probably will go crazy. At one time, was easily affected just by seeing pregnant ladies on the street !. Sigh. Now just taking a step at a time for the IVF process and leave all the god( if there is one). I tell myself at least i tried. No regrets if all 3 IVF fails...... but glad that i have the sisters here to work at it together and hope one day we can all meet in the mummies forum. cheers
Thanks Nicole and nancy. Yap. will be starting my job after the 2ww. courage and stupidity is only yi xian zhi cha... anyway, nothing is concrete yet...haven't sign on the dotted line.
Babydust, big hugz to you. Please take some time to tiao you body and try again, ok? Stay positive and never give up, who knows, you might just strike naturally!!

Kimberly, big hugz to you too. Glad you are taking it in your stride. Take some time to tiao your body.As for your weight issue, with determination, I'm sure you'll be able to shed some weight in no time. Take care and best of health to you

ML, Nicole & nancy, all the best in your IVF journey. Lots of baby dust to you and hope to receive your good news soon

ML could you kindly email me the contact of the TCM for loosing weight? Do they give pills or any medicine or have to do accupuncture? Its for my hubby actually. How fast can we see results?
Sorry for all the questions. Kindly email me at [email protected] if convenient. Sincere Thanks
dear ladies,
just came back from scan. haiz.. my body is not responding well to the medicine. only 3 eggs after 4 days of injection and i am already on the highest dosage. may be ask to cancel cycle. really don't know what to do now.
Jan, dun give up! Did the doc advise u further?
Perhaps the eggs will be more as the days goes by? Ask yr gynae wat r the chances like before making decision now...U never noe things will change to the better...
thans babychole,
Dr Loh ask to jab for another day and see how. Tomorrow have to go back for another scan. Anyway, the lady who scan me today doesn't seems to be very experience. I really don't feel comfortable with her.
Now just got to take one day at a time. Let see what is the outcome tomorrow.
MSFamily u mean doggy ah.. Ya my doggy will lick lick my face when I cry. hehehe he like the salty taste.. But I dont like him to lick my face la. hehehe.. My HB like him to lick face so gross.. hehehe...

Im glad I have a doogy la. I told me HB is IVF fails, we get one more doggy la. hehehehe..

MSFaily, the pen injection very painfull ahh??? Is the pain cause of the medicines going into the body or the pressure of the pen? Im scared la.

ML, good to hear ur goign to start after 2WW... When u starting IVF?? u started ur injections already ahh??

Oink Oink how u been long time no hear.

Jan, dont worry so much ks, just pray that ur eggs will grow.

babydust & Kym hope u both are feeling better. Trust in God. Im sure u both will be blessed again with a bundle of joy.
I only have 2 embryos fertilised & they are of grade 3 & 4.

Anyone knows that will implantation takes place once embryos is tranferred?
Hi Budderball,

Implantation takes place or not depends on your womb's condition and the egg quality. Some hospital rates egg grade 1 as best and grade 4 as worst, some the other way round (grade 4 as best and grade 1 as worst). After ET, dr will give you jabs and med to improve yr womb condition for implantation to take place (implantation takes place abt 5-8 days post ET).

DOn't worry, you have done whatever you can, so now is to rest well during 2ww and wait for a BFP!
DOn't worried too much, your units of puregon is how much? I do agreed tat the lady doing the scan was damp lousy, whenever she trying to scan me, I always jump up cos she jus put the thing and stroke up our vargina, really inexperience... she don't knw how to poke in.. always stroke up and dwn our vargina then poke in... sometimes i feel like scolding her but no choice, everything is on her hand... sigh...

How's many embryos You put in? and how many frozen? wat's the grade?
Hi y'all,
thanks for all your wishes.
Just came back from KK , saw SFLoh and he comfirmed that it's gone now. Can do again in about 2 months. I wish can do sooner, but i guess better to prepare body. last time i waited 3months in between surgery and FET, so thinking back my last Bhcg test til now is 6months!!! It all adds up and takes so much time. My MIL wants us to try naturally for a few months but I dont think I want to, already too long and i'm getting older. My hb pointed to the kite and asked her to take it home fly it... haa haa. It took me a while to realise what he was saying... ;)
Anyone has any recipes for things to make body strong again, like black chicken with what? My MIL wants to make for me... but we aren't chinese so she doesn't have any idea what to add.
I am also going to re-start taking Yomeishu and essence of chiken daily. You all take Yomeishu before? Really need to take 3x/day is it? Scared i will get drunk, how to work like that?
Also, Dr Loh said next time round if positive, I will have to RIB for first few weeks also just incase. To try adn prevent repeat erformance. Really hope i get the chance. To strike 2 times out of 2 already very lucky, dont know if myluck will hold out. I guess I have to see it as God telling me not to give up on this process, that's why he gave me so many frozen embbies and gave me a positive this time, altho eventually not meant to be. I just cant help wondering if there was anything i did like being too active.

Babychloe adn NicoleG,
I understandhow you all feel abt frens who are preggy. This last month i gave been invited to 3 first month/ first year parties and I have said no to all 3. I figure, i dont want the sadness (and related stress hormones) to affect me, and if they are good frens they will understand anyway. Dont put yourselves through the pain, its not worth it.
Also, it helps me to think that it's easy for them , but there may be something else in their life which is not as smooth as ours. Our time will also come butmaybe its not theright time yet. having kids is but one aspect of our long and fulfilling lives. (but right now a huge important one)
I have a fren who got pregy after 1month of trying but 3mths into the pregnancy her husband was often unfaithful and useless, she was sobbing at the pool at midnight with 9month belly and he didnt even come after her... like that also no good right? So we dont know the whole picture often, and we should try to see the good as far as we can.
Zeena, yes... i feel that all the time.... bloated and i keep thinking AF coming ....i worried very time i go toilet.... scare see red ....

Think that quite norm leh....

Babydust - can you taken DOM, my auntie gave me a receipes to "improve" the body.... i will go home scan and email you ??
Jan - i think the medicaine sometimes take a while to start responding... initally my case, they also say body not responding to medication ... later after few days, realise i already over-stimulated, having mid risk for OHSS.
Hi babydust, hope ur feeling better. Rest well and make the best of the frozen embies.
I know what u mean about there may be something in there life thats not so smooth. I know we are suppose to be thankful for what we have but its just human nature to want so much more. I think its alot harder for alot of us who dont even have 1 child to want so badly....... cause its not like wanting a car, a boat, a condo, more $$. Its a baby to call ours to love care and spoil rotten.... Just have to pray and ask god to help complete our family for us........

I hope we all can meet in the mummies to be forum and start our baby group........... Hopes and wishes and dreams come true.................
It's black chicken with dang gui etc. You can go to Eu Yan Sang, tell them it;s to nourish your body. They will get those herbs, ask them to pack seperately for each use. These will have to cook in slow cooker for couple 1-2 hrs. Remember to remove chicken skin and cut into 6 pcs. You may ask Eu Yan Sang sales staff for more details.

Last time i only take DOM at nite, if you find it too concentrated / strong, can add little bit of plain water. Morning, I will take chicken essence. All these will only be taken after menses stop.

In the meantime, take care and get well soon.
sorry to hear that. Take good care! HUGZ!

thanks! I have started the jabs already. taking lucrin jabs now.
Hi babydust,
pls take care and get rest. You sure need more rest.

I cannot don't take easy, still got to work and watch over hub's feelings. Anyway, I believe it's fated. Every morning when I go for my class, I will see this middle age couple with 3 kids. The kids are like abit filthy and tired looking. For breakfast, the mother gives kit kat and chocolate stuff. I am always very angry when I see them. Why she so lucky got 3 kids but she is not taking care of them properly? Sigh. Been through all these lamenting in my brain. So I think think and decide why be so hard on myself and others. IVF is my last resort, so I am hopeful but I keep talking to myself to also see open if things don't work out. Fated! Again, in life, we win some and lose some. But I still want to try. Be positive. If we are pregnant, think baby also want a happy mummy. So I have to be happy!
Hi Ladies,

My Dr suggests tt I should do SO-IUI cos i'm still young. to him 32yO is still consider young, but to me, i already starting to panic when i past my 30. But the final decision still lies with me n i've chosen to go for IVF. i do understand tt IVF is physical straining but SO-IUI is not much better oso, both require jabbing n i feel tt in IVF, we can control the suitation better. so i insisted on gg for IVF since i've already finish my BCP. However, he still feels tt i'm too young and gave me the least dose 150iu GonalF with Cetrotide, although i request for higher dose. I just wanted more eggs mah... n i oso worried too few eggs end up have to convert to SO-IUI. is it too much to ask for?
Hi ladies,

Can I ask if it is alright to take chicken essence during the 2WW? Also, during the ET, did the doc uses the scan to put in the embroys?

Good luck to all ladies on 2WW. The journey of TTC'ing is reli painful and tiring for us who have to go thru IVF but i know God will be watching over us and we will be blessed with healthy children one day. Just dont give up...
Dr cheng right? he very relax one. anyway, 150iu should be enough. he doesn't want to push your body too hard. afraid that you get OHSS. Don't worry. he will monitor. if too few eggs, he will up the dosage. The choice is really up to you. btw, how many times SO-IUI have you done?

Hi ML,
yes DrCheng. i nvr do SO-IUI b4, cos i feel tt SOIUI n IVF are similar so no point doing SOIUI when the IVF have a higher chance of conceiving. i dun1 to wait until i fail SOIUI then have to 'tiao' my body back and BCP all over again.
