IVF/ICSI Support Group

Kym & babychole
the nurse told me tat don't always rest on bed, just walk walk, cos laying all day on the bed oso don't help much... now i jus leave it to fate... hope my embryos stick onto my womb.... cos I've no freeze embryos due to less no. of eggs.... let natural takes it own cause...
Pray hard for it...

Sorry babychloe. here's the website


I took yingchuan's medication for abt a year my menses still didn't report so i have no choice but to go to IVF. For PCOS cases, we are not certain when menses will report so it's really very very difficult to try for baby

anyone here with PCOS after seeing dr zou and has regular menses?
hi blesswbb,
m not sure if we pass by each other this morning at KKHIVF centre. like u... i went for my blood test and scan. according to zeena's feedback & what the nurse told me, the scan test is to check our uterus lining, while blood test is to see our hormone level.
i was told to continue my lucrin jabs for another 2 weeks before the 2nd jab (i.e puregon). were u advised likewise?? And as i'd ran out of needles (last one to be used tonite), went to replenish them @kkh pharmacy around 8.30am. yet i forget about getting the alcohol swabs. wonder if guardian outlets stock these??

meanwhile i believe u maybe like me now... waiting anxiously to call in the centre for our tests results in 1.5hrs time. oh... i went back to work after this morning's tests. now... getting some sleepy bugs after lunch....

Dun worry, all will be fine...walk walk ok, bt dun run ard with yr doggie ok?
Its not easy for us to hv a chance to become a mother...of cos also depends on fate la...

Thanks for the website...Now I hv a better understanding of PCOs...so they can actually checked from ultrasound scan...so I hv been cheated by some sinseh for so many years when western docs dun even mention abt PCOs to me when they did scanning for me....
Anyone feeling unbalanced like me? My grp of frens all actually hv babies or conceived naturally....sometimes I dun even feel like going out with them as I dun hv any common topics with them. Do u all tink I am not balanced? Sometimes I will cry at home just tinking abt all these...& y I hv to go thru all these? Y some ppl can just abort when they feel they hv too many kids?
Sometimes I do quarrel with my hubs over this thing also...
Sometimes I feel tat I m not fairly treated by god la...I am the unlucky one!
Sorri....just feel so sad today...dunno y!
babychloe, I know what u mean. I feel the same way.... since I found out my best friend is preggy, I just couldnot talk to her anymore. I just email her to find out how she is.. Even I speak to her on the ph, after I put the ph down I will just cry. I fight with my HB about this.. He thinks Im being silly... He said we just try if no baby than no baby. But I cannot live without a baby. I just one a baby so badly. I feel its like making a family complete......... Ohh well we just have to see what happens with IVF than..
Nicole G,
When I see yr post, I nearly cried, bt I cannot cos I am in office now...I just feel tat someone understands me....My hubs also tinks tat I am silly to fight wif him wheneva I found out tat someone is preggie again...My hubs says the same thing as yr hubs & I feel the same way as u....
Sometimes I feel tat I m being unreasonable too...bt I just cannot help it...
I dunno when I will be so lucky to become a mum!
Mabbe god wans me to go thru the hard way!
yup baby chloe, we just have to wait n see.. Ur not alone. Im sure alot of other ppl go thru this feeling toooo... Nv think ur alone.... Its just u mayb be alone with ur friends n family who can conceive naturally but out in the whole big wide world there is so many ppl going thru this.....

Im constantly fighting with my HB about this.. I will pick on this n that n that come out about this infertility thing. hahha.. I will only know how silly Im after the fight gets lbown up but its to late by than cause we fought already. hehehehe...

Babychloe, we will always have up n down days. All we want is to hold a baby n call him ours.. I just have to do my part and leave the rest to God.

May I know how old are u?? Im 29 by the way, the problem is with me.... I nv had menses without medication since young.
HB got tested and he is perfectly fine... Doc can even suggest him donating since good quality!!!! I almost punch slaped her! hehehehehe.. Told her NO WAY until I HAVE MY BABY! CALL ME SELFISH I DONT CARE! She must have been shocked! hehehhe but she is a nice doc.. Same doc as MsFamily @ SGH.

Dont worry so much, just give IVF a shot. I told myself if this dont work than to bad will cry like mad for sure but have to live with it.. at least we know we tried.

Hugs to u.
Nicole G,
I am 31 tis year after my birthday in August...
The plm is with my hubs..only got 1% good sperm...docs say nothing wrong with me....
U r still young, chances are high...

I am just like u, constantly fighting...We just fought again last nite...& I just feel so sian today...so sick of all these...

All I wan is to hv a baby...tats all, no gender preferred, dun need to be v cute, oni a healthy one, is tat too much to ask for????

I am seeing the TCM in Clementi now & he says chances not v high when my hubs sperm count is so low....will c him again next Fri for my hubs new sperm count report...Aft hearing tis, my heart sank....& I am confused too cos Dr Loh say I hv a 40% success rate... I dunno la....just see wat to do as we go along...

So far really spent so much money on TCM & gynae hopping...hope dun nd to spend much soon....
Hi babychloe and Nicole G,

I guess I am feeling the same as you ladies previously. I have avoided my group of friends who are already mothers to several children as I am sick of answering their questions on why I have no children.
And recently, a colleague just conceived within a month of trying! I am happy for her and at the same time feeling life is unfair. Some ppl who can be mean and nasty gets a child easily and yet ppl who try to be good have no children. I was so upset and angry that day that i went home and cry. My HB was quite shocked at my reaction but i didn't tell him the real reason as our main problem was male fertility issue.
Anyway, few days later, i had a call from a friend who was only her mid twenties and still recovering from a stroke two years ago. This made me realized that actually we are very lucky and life could be much worst. And somehow, there was some documentries on channel 8 or channel U which shows the least fortunate ppl struggling to get on with life.
I stopped my lamenting instantly and be thankful that things are still ok for me. Perhaps, some things are just not meant to be.
Baby chloe, u might need to do ICSI, they will insert your HB sperm in ur egg. dont worry. at least they can do that. so there is still hope.

Ya same boy or girl I dont mind. I just want healthy baby thats all..

I know what u mean about spending $$, the worse thing is that no guaranteee also..

Hows ur dad? Is that stressing u out too???

Ur young too. I been watching so much of baby shows on Discovery home & health Channel 70, got ladies 40yrs old also preggy.

Cheer up, I know its hard...... Just pray. U christian/catholic? Religion is another factor also cause we both catholics, n my HB is not comfortable with IVF as the church frowns on it........ We fought so much about it than he eventually said, He will do anything to make me happy la.. But I feel so sad, cause I know he is not comfortable with IVF, he thinks its playing God. I dont know la so confusing......
Well, the only thing that worries me is that I dont want my friends who are preggy to think Im jealous and upset that they have a baby n I dont... Im very happy for them, they lucky to have baby with out all the emotional, physical n mental pain and heratache plus lets not forget the thousands we have to spend on fertility treatments which are not even guaranteed!!!!...

Basically we are just feeling sorry for ourself.....

Yes, there are worse ppl out there... We are still considered lucky than others...

Its just human nature we behave this way...

Just remember we are not alone..... Loads out there with fertility issues..... just that ppl close and around us all seem to be PERFECT in the having baby dept......
Ya, some ppl wan to hv babies is as easy as 123...for me, is like getting the moon from the sky!
Fyi, I hv been lamenting for many years till tis year then I decided to go for IVF....Did not tel many ppl, bt some discourage me not to do, as v painful la, then skalli fail la...I decided to go ahead despite all these comments cos I hv been tinking it for many years, finally hv the courage to do it tis year....
Sometimes I tel myself to take things easy, bt I just cannot! I will still feel sad & wanna cry for tis issue....I still cannot bring it down...
MSFamily, may I know what u had to take after ET? Like any more jabs? or medications?? n was there anymore jabs after BFP? any medications? Thanks,
Nicole G,
I dunno wat is ICSI, my gynae oni suggest us go thru IVF....
My dad has completed all his 10 sessions of radiotheraphy of his brain...next week will continue his weekly chemo for another 5 times & see how. I told my mum tat I need their blessing & understanding when I go for IVF cos I cannot afford to stress myself too much and run here run there...
I am a buddist, hv been "talking" to my guanyin at home everyday...abt my wish...hope one day she will help me out too....
babychloe, dont worry about the pain..... to me the fear of injections will be the initial injection u do, than the rest will be oks.... I went thru 2 cycles of PIO (somthing like SO-IUI but without the IUI, we tried on our own after the HCG injection was given) so I can bear the injection bits, Im sure u will be ok with it.. The ER bit Im really not sure cause have not gone thru it.... some say not pain some say pain... but I think after all that jabbing u give urself, the pain of ER shld not be that bad.... Im just so frighten of the results of it all........
We are not telling anyone we are doing IVF. my HB said not to say to anyone.. n I think its also better cause if BFN no need to tell ppl also what, of u tell them about IVF they will keep asking u about the results...
babychloe, its an additional part of IVF, they will leave ur eggs n HB sperms overnite, if the next day they dont fertilise, they will do ICSI to them, force it to fertilise la. Im sure ur doc will tell u more in detail. check out the website.


There is additional cost to ICSI. but at least its an option if they dont fertilise on its own, if no option than all is wasted.

Glad to hear ur dad is getting better...., ur guanyin will listen to ur prayers.. Try to have hope... I know its hard, I tell myself that too.... Im just so pesimistic...
Nicole/ Baby Chloe – I also feel the same, maybe when I finish my blog I let you all read…. I once cried 48 hrs becoz my SIL was preggy.
Nicole G,
I hv to tel my 2 close koligs so tat they can cover some of my job when I am away for 2 weeks...
& I dun like to bottle up things, I will tel my close frens too whom are mothers also & will gimme me better advices...Those whom discourage me are those dun intend to hv kids one...
My hubs is v open on the IVF issue & he say he will tel everyone we actually went thru IVF if we heng heng succeed....anyway he already told his frens & koligs tat it is his plm...I dunno y, bt he is definitely not a MCP!
Bt his mum keep pushing the plm to me even though my hubs told her is his own plm. she will brush it aside & say doc anyhow say which makes me v pissed off at times...& keep telling me to eat tis & tat to boost the chances of conceiving when the plm does not lies with me...so sickening...
Nicole G,

Orh...I tink I eva heard the staff nurse brief me before in Mar, bt cos me not ready to start yet so never really listen...will go search the paper tonite & see...anyway I will cal up KKIVF these few days to check on the hormones test & everything...

Guess most of the ppl whom hv plm conceiving naturally will feel the same as us ba...just tat I too thick skinned to say out 1st...hahahaha.
Me actually wan to start a blog too bt dunno how cos not IT savvy la...anyway, never mind la...
Nicole/ Baby Chloe – I also feel the same, maybe when I finish my blog I let you all read…. I once cried 48 hrs becoz my SIL was preggy.
MSFamily,ya pls let us read ur blog.. I just spoke to Sister Diana, feel alot happier..... She told me I need to be positive.. She cannot help me there can only tell me.. hehehe...

So ladies lets all be positive oks..hehehehehe.....

Ya Babychloe sure in ur cost sheet... Its in mine.
Nicole - After the BFP, need to take more protestone tablet (can remember the spelling) but the blood test are twice/ week and that cacn be quite costly. $104 each time.
babychloe, no worries... I can try to help only as I have no gone for IVF. Only 2 PIO cycles... Can ask MsFamily, she went thru IVF and got BFP.. so lets look @ her as encouragement.....
& its oks, I also ask many questions.. thank god for this website!!!!

MSFamily, I was taking the white tablets after the HCG injections.. start with D. hehehhe. Was to wither thicken the lining or strengthen the womb. Ohhh so u mean Progestrone as in like Hormones.. heheheh.. Wahh Blood test damm ex.. to check what ahh e blood test???? Have they scaned u yet???

U know I feel alot better talking to Sister Diana.. I will be on Menogon n growth hormones... Found out the growth hormones in Pen like injections.. Can someone tell me how does that feel.. I only know how the needle injection feels as I have done that for the PIO cycles...
At least, your hubby is keeping you company now. Me so bored, just first day being at home, I buay tahan already. I entertained myself by watching SVC, play PSP, read magazine, still find it boring. Can't imagine how am i going to spend for the rest of 13 days HL.

How often (every alternate days?) do you need to go KK 24hrs clinic for progesterone shots? To my understanding is that if less than 15 eggs, 4 shots will be enough.
My scan will be end of the mth.... think Dr Yu might be on leave next week that why.... If you are going to use Gonal F, 3k cash incuding medicine might not be enough.

Think there are lots of people with experiences here .... more importantly we share a bond many people can understand....
Thanks Nicole G, really glad I hv u all, else I dunno where to start off...like a headless mosquito...
Sorry wat does BFP & BFN stands for?
Hi MSFamily, ohh oks.. so the procedure is scan at 6weeks from ER?

I will be on Menogon, that needle injections. The Growth Hormones is the Pen injection. I would like to know how does the pen injection feel? Yuppers was told by her to at least have 4K so dont have to stress out. ahyoh now stress already dont really have 4k! Crap man. Will figure something out.
Have TVB drama at home but now no mood to watch, i consider active type, me quite hard to please hor...just hoping i can always sleep if there is nothing for me to do.
Ya lor, if I were u, I dunno how to spend my 2ww at home too...Tink I will rot & throw temper cos I dun like to stay at home do nothing one...
Bt for the sake of the little one, we gotta try & be careful...
Nicole - I think is 4 weeks from ER, by that time should be 6 week preggy....

Then there after you probably need 1k/mth for 2 mths bah... blood test 100+ each visit & twice weekly ............till you are abt 9 - 12 weeks preggy....
nope. not delaying. I'm crazy. no time to post now. but work and ttcing have been at "war" ever since i started trying for a baby.
I think they should be the same. I kinda of kan cheong now. Scared to know the results. Thinking of asking my hubby to see what Dr. Loh says first. If good news then tell me.

Dear All, this is my blog.... i have only blog till the end of puregon/gonal f. Yet to continue to ER .... writing this need a bit of mood .....

Since back in office, yet to have much time to think thru the IVF process and pen down my thoughts....

Honestly, this blog wasnt for anyone but myself but since many of us share so much in common.... i am sure your guys will understand and feel what i wrote.

Pls pardon my broken ENGLAND...
Sorry gals! Got lots of problems today. So didn't post.

I'm really sorry to hear what has happened. Really hope that there are words that I can say to make it less painful for you. Whatever it is, we will always be here to lend a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. Please take care. HUGZ

All the best for your dad's treatment!!!

Nicole, Babychloe
I used to feel that way too. Still do feel a bit sad when I hear of others getting pregnant so easily. Guess we are just feeling sorry for ourselves. My DH keep telling me that we should not feel sad or jealous when we hear others being preg. Instead we should feel happy, in a way, this is accumulating good karma for our baby to be. This is not going to be an easy journey and there will be constant mental anguish along the way. Guess we all have to learn how to fight our own demons so that life will be easier for us. But right now, just do what makes you feel better. Guess we all need to feel good. All the best!
read your blog. Hugz.. Can understand what you have went thru..
Will post mine when I'm done. have started it since i started ttcing.

Work and trying for Baby
have finally called it quits a few weeks ago. this stupid job of mine is giving me more problems and stress. Although most might envy a very free job. But I was driving myself crazy with trying to fill up the time. Initially, i kept consoling myself that my prioriy is the baby. However, after months and months of failure, i couldn't take it anymore. how much more mental torture can I take and it seems like the baby dream is so unattainable.

Finally, i decided to let fate take over. I did not actively search for a job but the jobs came to me. And I got offers within 2 short weeks. Life is weird sometimes.

Now the only issue is that I will be serving my notice period when I'm on HL. god knows how that will work. Sometimes i feel that I am just looking for trouble.
And I lament being a woman and really envy those who can just get preg so easily. sigh... guess i'm blabbering... i'm just so mentally tired sometimes thinking of IVF, work and life. I just feel like stopping everything and hide in a corner and sleep.

Sorry gals! It's just one of those days!
