IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi oink,

Sorry to hear abt the test result.. Pls dun give up on hopes.. u still have 2 more embies waiting for U...Like wat other sisters say " Tiao " yr body 1st.

Althought i m +ve , i have 2 misscarriage b4..so i m also very scared.. nothing is confirm 1...
I agreed to like wat u have said.. " u have already tried yr best and that is life .."
nancy - my previous doc was from paragon

oink - i like your spirit.. full of hope..sure u will succeed on ur FET

pinky - congrats to u!!!

as for me, managed to find some time off from work to do the bld test this afternoon..will only know the result tmr ..hope i can sleep tonite
Oink, don't give up, we all know once we start the ivf thingy, is a long tough road ahead......I just failed mine 1st Ivf, b4 that 1 failed iui, and now planing to do tcm, and then try again.

Pinky - congrats!
Oink Oink,

Dun give up! We are here for u....Wat u can do now is to prepare for the next ET! I like your optimistic character....Hope I can be like u...


Congrats! Yr good news really spurs us on!
To all whom console me...

Ya, I will c my dad's condition and c whether I can still can proceed with the IVF.....meanwhile will still keep on going for scheduled appts with Drs and TCMs...
And yes, please help to add in the list, my Dr is SF Loh from KKH....Thanks a million!
Hi Oink, con't to stay positive! your 2 embroy still waiting for you! jia you!

Congrats Pinky. know how worry u are even when tested positive. i shared the same worry too

we keep reminding ourselves to stay positive yeah! jia you!
good job !! congrats
a positive is a good start dun worry abt the MCs u had. I had this gf that is already a mum to a healthy 3 year old boy, she had 3 previous MCs. Hang on there
all will be well

Oink oink
u sounded so positive. glad that u are not giving up. the 2 eggies are waited for u to be twins.

my previous gynae was also from paragon.
Hi oink,

I had a negative too. I was wondering how long do we have to wait before FET? I still have balance 12 eggs frozen. When can we see Dr Loh? Do we have to call clinic to make our own appointment to see him?
opps sorry i just saw that you are not with KKH...

Any sisters here have the answer to my question? please help, thank you.... greatly appreciate it...
Oink Oink,
I admire your spirit and strength... Rest well for now and Good luck with the next FET. TCM first good idea.

Congrats !!

Praying it all goes smoothly for you.

Sorry to here that. Was it the blood test? Got 12 embbies more... dont worry next time will be positive. Dont give up hope. It's all we have...
I think you should call the KKIVF number & ask them to make you an appointment if they haven't already done so. For me last time, i had bleeding so ended up in 24hr clinic and they gave me apointment from there...so am not sure of exact procedure but no harm caling KKIVF and the nurses can help you.
Are you having any symptoms ? if so, when did they start? I stil have no symptoms leh... getting worried now. No sore boobs, no tiredness, nothing.
Day 8 Post-ET today...
Morning All..
Another day... Feeling really tired and getting anxious about IVF in May........ Waiting to go on my holiday at the end of April and come back to do IVF.....

Oink Oink, glad ur positive thoughts..... That keeps me going.....

ML, another 8hrs of work!! Damm . hehehe.. Looks like Oink Oink is on the count down with us toooooo......

Have a good day ladies.......
Morning ladies!

sorry to hear that. From my understanding.. it will take 2 mths before the FET can be performed.

ya loh. damn! so lucky, can go holiday. me can't go as my DH is not free.
never mind, hopefully, the next time i can go holiday will be after baby is born...
me also very anxious with the FET in May... the countdown is so far away...
ML, Lucky cause I got free tickets to Bali, boss give. hehehe.. so took the oppurtunity to go during our annivesary... Wanted to start IVF in Mar but the doc said just go for ur holiday n start after, dont want to japordise anything.... Wish the holiday was earlier or much later... Really wanted to have a Dec baby.... My HB scold me said as long can have a baby doesnot matter whether Dec, Jan or Feb or Mar. hahahahhaa.... Only go 3nites anyway. short holiday... Than hope n pray for baby la... I want baby I want baby! hehehehe...

I hope we all can move on to our mommies to be portal after our IVF journey.. How many FE u have???

to all who didnot succeed their IVF/FET cycle, next time sure strike... all the best!! Positive thoughts..

ML. 7hrs more to go.. cannot wait for lunch! hehhehe
Dear Lenny, Oink,

Give me the restful sleep I need,
Before another dawn,
And bless me in the morning with

Author unknown

See that quite a lot of u are under LC Cheng at TMC, may I know the reason for choosing him? Word of mouth? Or recommended by TCM dr? any other reason? any feedback is welcome as I am deciding which dr to go for my 2nd fresh ivf.
:p under lc cheng cause he cute loh... :p actually was under him since i started fertility treatment. Very nice and kind doc so stick with him loh.. hope he bring me baby luck soon.. making him a very rich man... ha ha... I guess you should choose a dr which you are comfortable with. That's the most important. For Dr cheng, he very relax one... so see if you ok with him or not.
Thanks to all Ladies for your kind and encouragement words...

Sorry to hear that you have "negative" result .. But be strong, you still have 12 eggs frozen waiting for you.."tiao" your body 1st b4 embark to "FET". May be rest for at 3 months ba ... I will go TCM and acupunture b4 my "FET" cos I only left 2 precious eggs and my hubby said that would be our last try if still unsuccessful that means fate ...

I am so bore at home. The time seem slow and counting down is also part of my life now ha ha...
lol. work also count down. don't work also count down. si bei cham... erm.. find a hobby? go out? Come look for us for lunch??? ho ho ho!!! :p

watch TV?
My girl have extra classes almost the whole week, come back only around 3.30pm ...
Sure ! not a problem to go for lunch ... where is your office .. Pls don't tell me "Jurong" hor ??? heehee
may be we should arrange for a "Dinner gathering" some day with all the ladies here ...
i choose dr cheng after 3 failed with IUIs with first gyane. I chose him as he is the head of the fertility centre in TMC and it's few minutes drive from my home.

He is detailed,patient to answer ur questions and pretty cute looking too hahaha...i was impressed that he has a lists of protocols for infertility couples on my first appt. He write them down as he explains to u and bring the papers back to digest. haha ... sometimes mu hubby cant go with me so i use the written info to explain to him. I regret not going to him in the first place. But be prepared to wait for a while though u may have an existing appt. Busy gynae
oink oink
yes a gathering sounds so cool. sometimes we may meet each other at Dr zou's clinic and dun even know that. any one interested?
oink oink
i work at raffles place. ha ha.. sure sure dinner gathering sounds fun.. eh.. but must pick a date where everyone is not in 2ww.. kinda of diff hor... oic... at least 3.30 got company liaoz.

lol.. you think Dr Cheng's cute also??? ha ha ha... oops!! we really go and "SEE" doc! :p
Hi ML, Nancy,

Thanks for your input! I am planning to go see him and KKH Dr Loh and then decide. I just went to Dr Zou too yesterday afternoon.

My current dr is very brief in answering our questions, like not so keen like dat, he oso nvr tell us any other protocols....although his skill is pretty good as I don feel much pain after ER, and no bleeding too.
:p then you can tell us which dr is cuter? kidding!

Dr Cheng is really a very nice doc. really cares abt his patients. He keep asking me if i want to take a break before continuing the FET as he is very concern abt my emotional and mental health since it has been a very very long journey. have started all types of treatment since april last year. Guess the strain is showing when I see him. but DH and I rather stubborn. cannot stand the wait mah... :p
Haha..."SEE doc" funny. Pretty cute for his age. yes must find a week where no one or fewer in 2ww.

no problem
the most impt is u have to feel comfortable with the gynae. one gf so afraid of her gynae dun even dare to ask him questions. How was the session with dr zou? i got back an hour ago.
:p motivation to "SEE" doc mah. if not, every time got to go and see him.. not cute very sianz one...
I agree. For a almost 50 year old guy, got nice build and butt also... ho ho ho!!! Me very se! my DH buay tahan me..

me going see dr zou tonight.

Sorry gals! digressing just for fun... :p
i have more or less decided to start the IVF with dr cheng when the period reports mid april. Dr zou gave the go ahead.

I understand the mental strain u are saying. the longer u wait u more stress u have sometimes, indiectly. But u dun worry . ur many good are eggs waiting for u. my hubby went to see dr zou last week .. too scard to do acu so just take her med . what to do? Man....so timid
that's good!!! ha ha.. your DH really that scare ah.. never mind lah.. got take meds better than nothing... good luck!!! erm... maybe i might see you at TMC. me going in mid april for review also...

ya loh! the wait is killing me esp when i not the very patient type. :p
Dr cheng is almost 50? wow many go for asthetics haha... ya see cute doc at least to got something to look forward to after the long wait outside. the nurses at level one very helpful too..all been there since his dad's period..
when u go review is it at level one or 5? i told him that his led costs me $8 per day can buy 2 plates of chicken rice and 2 cokes. Haha not cheap better drink up !!
have been seeing him at level 5 all these while.. ha ha.. aiyo.. i go there so many times.. chit chat with the nurses mah... za bo is like that one.. gossip gossip...

wah.. you pay ah??? I make my DH pay if he's with me... terrible hor...
Hi babydust,

For the past 2ww , no symptom .. only coming to the end, i realised tat i love anything which is sour ( maybe no appetite ) .. so everyday, i ate tomatoes spagatti & kimchi noodles..

Smaller appetite ? previously not a pblm at all,.. so at 1st , i tout i have been eating all day long @ hme tat Y so no appetite ... maybe doesnt related at all...

Hi Febb,

I thk is the friendliness of the nurse who tell me abt IVF when i called them up . I decided to go n take a look and tat is, i m hooked liao..

Went to see Dr LC cheng, found tat he is very patience , friendly and very comfortable to talk to .. He analysis our problems n chances of normal pregancy . He suggested IVF and in April 07, i did my 1st IVF w him...Got a bio-pregnant..( touch n go , didnt stick well ).This year doing FET ..

At 1st, i m with KKIVF..Due to some misunderstanding, I was charged $ 100 ++ for register IVF but i havent even decided on it...
so, i m unhappy for tat.. i find tat whichever clinic u go, u must feel comfortable with.
Hi nancy,

Last time, i go directy to level 5 TFC ...Oni recently know tat he has another clinic at level 1.. ( pregnant then go 1 .. hahhaa)

U gals really resourceful... he is mid 40 -50... i dun knw leh...

But i oni knw that most of patients are foreigners.. hahah
Raffles Place, I missed the place and the food especially.... which line are you in ? I was with the bank b4 I quit...
ladies who are interested in meeting up , pls raise up your hand and leg ..ha ha.. with your suggustion/place/date/time...and shall decide for a meet up place which is convenience for all.
to all ladies
gentle reminder. Please do not take a shower within 2 hours after acu session. Just realised after talking to Liying ( Dr zou's assistant) today.

Oink OInk
did u see my hands and legs up already? count me in. thanks
My daily routine .......... since EC is as below.

10 am - wake up read newspaper & have breakfast. My bro comes back from work around that time as he prefers nite shift.... chit chat for a while ......

12 noon - Chase all my naughty fellows into the room to watch TV together... i have 4 of them.... doggies.....

2pm - Eat Lunch (Maid will cook). Then watch TV again with doggies, pat them ..........until sleep ..........

5pm - Wake up, do some reading... watch TV again....

6pm - 7pm - Wait for Hb come home ..... then watch Tv again

Dinner .........watch TV


thanks for the info. I am just having alot of gas and "almost diarrhoea" but not really... dont know how to explain. am drinking ginger water to help digestion but its not helping. Been like this for last few days. At first thot it was the toufu but now stopped eating and still a lot of bloating and gas... sorry so gross.
Dunno if it's my diet or side effect of the progesterone or what...?
