IVF/ICSI Support Group

ML, I know what u mean about tired of telling lies.....
I just wish things could just be alot easier!

Nicole, the insurance is only 100+ if i didnt remember correctly.

The freezing SGH has yet to get back to me on the cost has yet to get back....... as not sure if freezeing ow many embryo....
Hi all,
oh dear, I have been taking Soyabean drnks and curd for the last few days. a LOT. I didnt realise wasnt suppsoed to. I am still on my E2V estrogen tablets as well, so i thought no problem. I hope this hasnt affectedhe embryoes...
I still dont feel anything at all, and in fact am having some menses "flow" feeling, but when i check, it's nothing there. Dunno why. Anyone else had that feeling too?

Sorry to hear about your dad. All the Best. Hope he responds well to treatment and you can then enter IVF process with some peace and positivity which is so important.

All the gals having hcg test today,
ALL THE BEST !!! look forward to BFP +++++ from all.

Congrats !!
Rest well at ur mum's place. Will miss u but hope to hear good news from u.

Hope some good news will be pouring in today. Good luck, ladies !! stay positive

Yes , cant agree more. Not sure how many lies i have said since TTC. Sometimes those not very close ask abt starting a family, will just pretend that kids are a nuisance and we both enjoying the peace. Sigh, next day we could be making a trip to the gynae for IUI...

Anyway, almost all is over. Now have decided the IVF route. Only tell immediate family members and the rest only confirm pregnant
Kymberly - Those tonics I mentioned have to be self-double boiled with fresh ingredients as TCM Drs felt those ready made kinds are diluted & have preservatives. Black-bone silky fowl had twice as much of the anti-oxidant called carnosine as ordinary breeds, a tonic and nourishing food to treat women's diseases, enrich the blood, and build up health. All chickens have carnosine so if according to Vanilla, you shouldn't be taking any chickens throughout your pregnancy then. Chicken Essence is safest as it's just chicken juice, need not put any herbs.

As for bird nest, it consists of high valued glycoprotein, rich with amino acids, carbohydrate, calcium, sodium, potassium, and many more. Within its active protein are catalysts that contribute to the regeneration of cells. For expectant mothers, it enhances the immunity of the fetus and speeds up convalescence after delivery if taken during & after pregnancy. Do read the following thread:
What is double boiling ? After boiling th chicken with water and ginger garlic etc, then wht to do ? I dont think I have double boiled anything before?
And where to get the Black chicken essence ?
Should we be having black chicken soup now or later after pregnant? never had it before?
Ok, going to go down and buy fish today. I havnt had it in a week.... only had normal chicken soup, beef soup....
double boil means cook the soup using indirect heat. The soup cooked is placed in an inner pot which is then placed in an outer pot filled with water. The water in the outer pot will be heated and this cooks the soup in the inner pot.

ya ya.. you mean got black chicken essence? where to buy?
i also din tell my family abt my intention of ivf, i find it hard to face them if it was not successful. i was pregnant last yr, n i told my mum immediately after i know, however, the embroy stop growing in wk7 n i had a MC. then i had to break the news to her, which i just could not do it myself. in the end i sms my sister and ask her to help me break the news. n every wkend, when i return home to visit them, i just wanted to act like nothing had happen b4, but just can't control myself when they'r specially nice to me n i hid inside toilet crying.

So tis time i'm not telling them.
Hi Ladies,
Just back from Clinic, Sigh!!!!! Urine test shown a "Fade line" and was told the pregnancy chance is very slim.
Reason: The embroy may be implanted but due to weak womb/Linning too thin, it drop off cos unable to hold on to it.
Anyway, I am prepared for the worse so go for a discussion this saturday and see what can be done b4 next "FET"(luckily still got 2 frozen eggs).

actually i did the stimulation jabs in jan last year but my body was not responding to the medication and did iui instead...not successful.Then, i tried again in june and managed to retrieve only 7 eggs and only 2 were fertilised. Did ET, rested for two weeks, lying on bed most of the time but still not successful. under the same doc for the above attempts.

so, i decided to change to Dr SF Loh and i told him abt my previous doc. He knew my doc and told me that he was rather inexperienced. Was shocked to hear that and angry coz spent alot for the first two tries.

Dr Loh is very nice.. he is very confident of what he's doing. Even heard him whistling while doing ET for me. But be4 i embarked on the 2nd ivf,i did change abit of my diet. No more cold drinks, no more soya stuff, eat healthily, eat whole grain bread every morning, take multi-vit and royal jelly(before start of 2nd ivf)
i've oso heard tt birdnest is not good for early pregnancy period as it is too "liang" better to take after 1st trimester.

i tot chicken essence normally comes with alot of herbs like danggui n chongcao? they sell solely chicken essence? hmm.. i oso want.
oink oink,

got fade line means pregnant already woh, just tt its still early so the hcg lvl still low.
Lining n weak womb can take "dupherson" (dunno spell) to strength.

Did Dr confirm embroy drop off liao? if not try testing again afew days later, the line might get darker.
Thanks Penguin / Nicole
I was thinking may be there is no line and she trying to confort me and said "fade line" and she ask me don't put in much hope but better to wait till blood result ....
Anyway, I got a feeling that my menses is comming cos got cramp since morning...
oink oink, did the clinic do HCG Bld test for you? Think the blood test would be more accurate. Please think positive,ok? Hope everything would turn out fine for you. We'll be rooting for you. Jia you. Jia You.
oink oink
Did u do another urine test at home ? Sometimes can be too early to tell. Maybe do a blood test more accurate. Think positive. We are cheering for u here
May i know which doc u were with for the first IVF? Luckily u are made the gynae switch. I had a bad experience with previous gynae too. Did 3 failed IUI with him. He should have advised me to check the tubes FIrst before IUIs. Wasted all the $$, time and effort
Dear Oink,
Don't be too upset yet my dear. Do try to stay as positive as possible until the blood test day. Quite strange that they sould say such things to you b4 doing any bld test esp if there is a faint line seen.
If you are doing acupuncture u can go andhave an extra session to "hold on" to the embryo... that's what the 2ww acup is for according to my acupuncturist.
Please hang in there for you embryoes...
ML ,
thanks. what's wrong with normal boiling (single boiling) anyway? is there any harm involved? Sorry dont know much abt these things...
Oink - Try to lie on bed & do nothing till blood test result is out. Any chance also must seize it till proven confirmed whatsoever. Be cheerful & talk to your embies.

Others - Pls do some research before claiming that! My TCM Dr said both black chicken & bird nest are neutral, neither cooling nor heaty that's why can consume weekly without fear for women. Do a google search and you'll find it co-relates my Dr's claims. Its the herbs you double boil with that turn them into cooling or heaty tonics. Read on-line that no dang gui after ET till 2-3 weeks after delivery.
if i am not wrong, if u boil directly the soup will evaporate fast and not much of the essence is left. and also indirect heat will sustain the essence of the ingredients more
Hi fss,

Would you share the dr who did yr 1st ivf? If not convenient, pls pm me. Is he a young dr? I tot of switching to Dr loh...........but long wait leh....
oink oink
think positive. remember vanilla! she also made it in the end!!!
Jia you!!!

I dunno leh.. i only know that double boil, the soup will be clearer. :p

sianz! got chance of a new job offer.. dunno how....
dear oink,

agree with all the sisters, go TCM and see if they can help, lie on the bed and don't do anything that need to use strength. most impt, stay positive! things may turn well! ganbatte!
ML, Nancy
Thanks. Hee hee, no wonder the soup I made was so brown! I thought it was the wolfberries i added... Boiling some dates adn ginger and rock sugar now... yumm.

Aiyoh, good news but bad timing for new job lah... can you not delay your answer by a few weeks?
thanks! they haven't officially offer yet. Will tell them that i will only be available after the FET. But just scare that FET fail then i got big headache. new job not as flexible. will be difficult to continue with IVF...
sigh... why life so difficult? I want to be a man next time!!!!

erm.. i like to eat ginger stuff but i hate to drink it leh... wah... red dates and ginger is good for the 2ww?
Dont worry the FET will be positive ;)
Well, the TCM dr says I am too heaty and yet my womb is cool, so she says i have to drink ginger daily and avoid cooling things and red dates are sweet nd neutral, so gives some flavour... quite nice. During my 1st IVF, the ladies were also drinking this, so i just continued...
I was just on internet reading about dang gui and ba zhen etc, so confusing, cannot get a concensus, so i think i will just leve it. If fail this round,then can think about it. Hopefully no need....

What to add the whole black chicken we buy from cold storage? any suggestions? recipes (that's safe for 2ww) ?
Hi oink,

Dun think too much, stay positive n wait for the blood test result.ok..

Hi Noi,
Hb forbid u to use computer during the 2ww.. Tell them tat atleast with this chatroom, u can pass yr time better , motivated and less stressful ...I m like U... doing nothing @ hme this 2WW , i staring out of the window daily . Finally i realised why my niece doesnt want to cme my home ( coz she is jailed here for 2wks when she is infected w HFMD.. )so i realised tat i will be bored if i cant even log on here...

Hi ML ,
First, u got to chk w Dr LC Cheng.. Coz that TCM Dr is recommended by TMC so he said ok to go ahead after my ET..

I took the TCM med few months before this FET. During this FET, he prescribe another med for me to take druing the whole FET. Dr told me to continue the med after D4 of ET but when i called him again on D4 , he ask me to delay to D7 coz i have some uncomforts.
Hi sisters,

Just cme bk from TMC ,.. They didnt do any HCG blood test today . As they said, the urine test is good enough.( Tested +ve with clear blue yest morning ) To them, it is still earlier to test and also the level of HCG is also lower..and if i insisted in taking,i can go n test 3days later ..
Congrats Pinky!!! you must be soooo happy now!!! So happy for you.. hope it will be my turn soon...

Thanks Pinky! oic.. but before FET should be ok right? I never ask Dr Cheng leh... Forgot to ask him that day cause too pissed off with DH that day... :p

2.5 hrs more to go!!!!
Congrats Pinky. Really happy for you!!. Hoping to receive some baby dust from you. Have you got any symptoms so far?? Hope you have a smooth 9 months ahead.
Pinky congrats!!! Hope ur baby dust spread to all of us!!

Oink Oink, just try to keep ur feet up as much as possible..

ML, 2hrs more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hi Sisters,
Blood test result is out and is confirmed "Negative" as I'm expected, just disappointed and not really sad cos I know due to age the chance is alway slimmer.
Will go do acupunture and take chinese herb to "Tiao" my body b4 embark to "FET". I still got my 2 precious embroys waiting for me heehee) and may be next round I will hit "Twin" lei

Congrats Pinky! Smooth nine months ahead.
try take Pesimon fruit rich in Vit C(not sure is the spelling correct), black grapes,1 eggs per day and fish(omega 3).I got to know from my colleague previous pregnancy that these 2 fruits are very good for baby. (Baby will have big bright rounded eye)...
Thanks Nicole .... Seem that you are counting down every mins ... your job very free har ??? ha ha

Previously my jobs, I am always wanting the time to slow down, got to chase after the time on every single mins and work OT almost every day.. really envy ppl who can get job that more relax.
hahaha oink oink.. Im just to tired today.. Had a long weekend...

Glad ur still cheery.....
Now its just a thing ML & me do.... count down or time @ work! hehheheh
I am sort of a silly (Siao Siao)type charactor, sad only for that moment and will get over in a short while... some may say I am easy going and some may say I siao lor ...
Nicole , I am sort of a silly (Siao Siao)type charactor, sad only for that moment and will get over in a short while... some may say I am easy going and some may say I siao lor ...
Think passed experiences (failed previous marriage) and unfortunate childhood life (Father died age 7) make me takes thing more easily ba ... Always tell my girl and some friends to look on the brighter side of life and see PPL around you and you will find yourself not in such a poor stage. no matter what fall on you life still got to carry on lei ....
Thanks Ladies,
Thanks for all your concern and encouragement ...
I am not really that sad and I always beleive some things can not be force. "Ni de jiu si ne de, ke yu bu ke qiu) lei...I already try my best and that life ....

Oink Oink
Hug!!... Sorry to hear tat... Try to "tiao" ur body and next FET will hear gd news frm u...

