IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi oink, know how u feel. When u tell yrself not to stress, u r actually stress. U come so far, 3days v fast one. Hang in there, talk to yr gal to release some stress.
Same to pinky n lenny. We all here will pray that monday we got 3 gd news in this thread.

MSFamily, gd luck to yr ET later.

Hi MNGAL, nvr seen doc tan b4 but seems rather weird. I saw jurong tcm, she only chk my wrist pulse. You v pretty one ah? Hee

Yes. I cant agree more that privacy is much needed when u are subjecting our body to jabs and emotional rides.
Most mums with healthy kids dun even know what is IVF let alone understand the pain, anxiety and financial strain we face.

They simply have to do something so natural in the bedrooms while we have to make countless trips to the labs/hospitals. Sigh....

Dun give up, though. we just take a different path from them and that makes us stronger.

Pinky/oink /cheekygal
The final results are coming out soon. all the sisters here are praying for u...good luck
Hi. privacy issue is a relly tough one. i have all these aunties who kep asking me when i'm gonna make my mom a grandma... etc etc... dont wait too long, wait cannot later..... etc. So anooying, but I just tell them "we're working on it " or "it's in Gods hands" and that usually shuts them up coz it then makes it clear that we are not CHOSING not to have kids/ that we're trying... of course some ppl i just nod and say yes yes.. bcs it's none of their business, right? What to do; such is the nature of other humans.... I know everyone on this journey has had similar problems. Youre not alone. HANG in there !

if they kpo too much, i'll just tell them i had already place order for a bb but haven't arrive. hahaha..

then if they dig further, just tell them bcos the issue oso concern my hb so had to respect his privacy.

Good luck for ur ET.
Hi All, hv not been in here for 2 weeks....Last 2 weeks is really a tough week for me and my family. My dad just diagnosed with Lung cancer (stage 4) and brain cancer recently..We were devastated and all of us break down!!! I dun even noe whether I should go ahead with the IVF in May/June given such a situation when we need to take turns to bring my dad to Mt E for chemo and radiotheraphy!
I really hope my dad will respond well to the chemo treatments and the coming 10 sessions of radiotherapy! Wat we can do now is only to prolong his life!
I noe tat my dad wants a grandchild badly though he never stessed me. (Currently, I am the only one married). Tats y all these while we hv been encouraging him to be optimistic and no matter wat we will be there for him to fight the tough war! And I also got no choice bt to tel him to get well soon so that I can go for IVF at ease...perhaps this wld spur him on!
I really hope all goes well and I can go for IVF soon at ease and let him hv a grandchild soon!
We can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst now!
hi babychloe,

sorry to hear abt what you're facing now. please stay strong and take care of your own health as well. hope both u and yr dad can fight all the way to succeed yr goals.
Baby Chole - I understand this situation ... Can consider hiring a filipino maid to help ??? She can help bring your dad to the hospital for chemo while the rest of you work and earn the bucks for the medication & treatment.

Oink Oink - You done your best, just be positive and wait, counting down to end of mth right??

Dear All - The ET was a breeze compare to the ER. I am very glad today cause i saw 2 of my embryo. They are very pretty - 8 cells for both of them. The balance 4 fetilised eggs looks good too ( 2- 7 cells, 1- 6 cells & 1 -4 cells) and will be freeze.

Tried to bargain to put in 3 but doctor consider it high risk of triplet due to my age but i really just want to improve my chance of having 1. In the end, only did 2... wow, the insurance lots of difference between 2 ET & 3ET... very expensive for 3 ET leh...

I am now also in the 2WW club leh, test date will be 11 Apr 08.... Jia You Jia You.....
Hi ML ,

I m doing my FET @ TMC .. Same Dr , LC cheng ..
The whole duration is like 2 mth or more....

1st month D4 mens, go scan and put on Mervelon tab for 28 days and on D 21, inj Lucrin daily till Dr advice...

Wait for 2nd mth mens to cme , on D4 go for scan and take Progynova tabs for 2 weeks .. Almost to the end of 2 wks, scan to chk lining and ready for ET ...

Then get ready for the worst 2WW ...
Hi Msfamily,

Just wan to share my views abt this FET as compare to my 1st IVF..

The 1st IVF , i didnt tell anyone @ hme... And i keep tell'g my mother/sil tat i will be late for work with lot of excuse( our own business ). I find very difficult coz i keep have to cope up lies to them and very stress coz i went office after 4th Day after ET...Maybe of stress / excuses.. Tat IVF wasnt successful

This FET , i told all @ hme.. Hope for their blessing and to tell them tat i will be resting @ hme for the 2WW ...

After telling my plan on this FET, everyone treat me specially. ( like a Queen , haha ) Fetching me around, my sil accompany me to see Dr ( Hb out-stn ) , buy meals for me,my mum cook bird nest n soup during this 2WW.,

I m jus happy to tell them my plan/ status in this FET as they are there for me always..
Hi Msfamily ,Noi ,Cheekgal,

Welcome to the 2WW and all the best ..Jia you.. Babydust to U gals.

Hi oink, lenny, kymberly,nancy, n all...

Totally agreed w oink.. when days getting closer ,very worried. Will it be positive or not ?? I wanted to do a home test yesterday but also worried that wat if it is negative n need to suffer the whole weekend...

As agreed w my HB, we will test Tomorrow.. For good or bad..it is really up to fate liao..As i have 2 previous misscarriage b4, so having a smooth 9mths also very crucial for me..

Will update u gals the result soon...

Hi Babychole,

Really sorry to hear abt yr dad's illness... Pls be strong .
sorry to hear of the tough situation u are facing. It's good to tell ur dad abt the IVF so can spur him on. He will be strong and get well soon. Please dun stress urself further.

i understand ur wish to let him experience being a happy granddad. u are a very filal daughter i am sure ur dad know that he has his loves ones all around him and supporting him. Please take care
pinky panter
I am abt to start my first IVF with LC cheng in mid april. All excited and dun know what to expect though the sisters here have been providing very helpful info.

After the pills, we move on to the jabs then to ER is it? Did u jab yourself? heard the TFC can jabs for u daily FOC. Thanks
Hi nancy,

For my IVF ,my hb drove me down to TMC for daily Gonal F injection.. as each jab can cost few hundred dollars ....He want me to go through the IVF in a take it easy kind of process..Less stress can yield better eggs ! hahah

Personally if u dun find it troublesome, i really feel good when they jab me.. I ever overheard tat someone even jab the med in the air ..( Last time, i wanted to go KKIVF but after hearing tat i need to jab myself., i back off.. heehe )
Hi all,

i'm new here and 've been following this thread. Like oink oink and pinky panter, my test date is on 31/3. i bought a test kit last nite and was tested positive... however, i've had cramps since ET. Is it normal?
So sorry to hear abt your dad. Please take care.

Pinky, oink oink
hope to hear good news from you all tomorrow!

thanks for your info!
And i do agree that it is hard to deal with all the lies. very tiring and stressful! sigh....

the gonalF is quite easy to jab but the other jab centro... (can't remember the name) is harder to jab. If it is not too inconvenient, you can try to go to TMC for jabs.

Msfamily ,Noi ,Cheekgal
Best of luck to your 2WW ....1 more step towards your "Goal" liao

Babychole - Sorry to hear of your dad suituation.. Be stong and your dad will be fine soon. Take care.

Pinky, Lenny & fss
One more day to go reaching our "Goal" sooooon
best of Luck ladies
Pinky, Lenny, Oink & Fss - all the best.... BFP.... BFP....you guys will be a good start and a great spur to all of us.

Gals, I am not well, 2 days after EC, started runing temp, below 38... and now on & off got very sharp pain for few mins then subside .... Frequency not often also... there are always pain in the tummy ... not sure if that is normal... should i go hospital .....???
Never logged on for so long and this thread sure is advancing very fast. Have got another 9 Days more to go.

Oinkoink,Pinky panther,Lenny & fss,
lots of baby dust to you tomorrow and hoping for BFP for all of you.

Noi & Msfamily,babydust2,
welcome to the most terrible waiting period one can experience - THE 2WW.We shall all keep our spirits up, stay positive and jia you together, OK?

To all the rest of our sisters here, All the best and never give up. This is what we're looking forward to ultimately, right? Jia you Jia You everyone

I also experienced sharp pains in my tummy area immediately after ET and it's quite often in my case. As the pain is bearable, i didnt see a doc.
Even until today, i still feel sharp pains but it's not as frequent as the past two weeks. It could be implantation of the embies. Hope this helps.

Anyway, will be taking the blood test on tues instead of tmr coz unable to take leave frm work.

pinky, lenny and oink ... best of luck to your test tmr !!!BFP!!!
Fss - Thank you for your comforting words i feel better.

After Eggs Collection / Retrieval, i cant sleep like per norm. Like to sleep on the side, now cannot, tummy will ache.... Was thinking last night, first few days already like that next few months how ???
Hi Msfamily,

I have such pblm also last IVF .. if i m not wrong , coz ovary very huge ( lot of jabs ).. will subside one.. Give a ring to chk out with yr Dr before u go to hospital..
Kimberly - A Big Fat Congratulations on your jelly bean. Please spread more baby dust to me!

Oink - MIA with food poisoning during mense with fever, hope will not spoil my baby chances! All the best for your blood test, let us know soonest!

Mngal - Yes, Dr Tan Kian Sing is very meticulous and yes, he has to measure from your tailbone. Should also go see Dr Zou/AMK to maximise your accupuncture period while in Singapore. I'm seeing both currently, Dr Tan 1/2 times a week, Dr Zhou 3 times a week, found Dr Zou's treatment is more intense and perhaps suit an older person like me.
Pinky, Oink, Lenny, Fss,
31 March is a good date, so many of you getting result on that day
.. so u gals will sure make it! Best of luck!!!

Pinky, u're so lucky to have your family support. I dare not tell my mum or my MIL cos i know for sure after they know whole world will know abt me pregnant (better not tell others till everything is more settled). It's so hard for me and my DH to keep zipped abt this news (just 2 weeks from result out) so I know if my mum or MIL know, they also cannot keep it within themselves. hope can go thru the 1st trim smoothly then share the news with my family and let me have chance to feel like queen again :p

MSFamily, when is yr next doc visit? if fever persist then better see doc earlier. as for sharp pain, i get it once in a while too. but bearable... try to rest in bed and esp day 5/6 okay. take care!
Thanks Cherish Baby! Baby dust to all my great and brave sisters here!

Wow Cherish baby u super on for the TCM ya. My MIL yesterday was telling me her hair stylist recommended her (for me) to see a doctor Tan from Blk 81 marine parade. i told her i went before liao, but the doctor didn't diagnose me correctly on my first visit. he said my menses will come in 5 days time but i waited more than 5 mths my menses also never come. dun even have chance to take his first dose of herbs how to see him again leh :S

funny thing is, later at night my MIL ask my DH if i was pregnant! haha.. he just gave her a 不耐烦 look and says no lah
its so tough to keep secrets and tell white lies *urgh*
Hi everyone,
I have been reading you guys experiences and i dont feel so scare and worry that much anymore. Thanks to you guys.
I will start my 1st jab of lucrin on 4apr. My doc is KKIVF SF Loh. Going thru TCM before i start my IVF, hoping to have higher chance.

Pinky, Lenny, Oink and Fss
Best of luck...Hope to c your good news tmr
Kymberly - Perhaps your MIL can smell hormonal changes in you? I can tell the difference between women given birth and those that havn't but can't smell the difference! Also heard that pregnant women went both ways, either all glowing & radient skin or sallow & drawn out look, mayhaps you are the first kind. I'm really envious, want pregnancy so badly that it hurts inside!

No choice, expensive also need to go as I'll grab any last straws as long as there's any left. Won't hurt to do more TCM. Didn't you go TCM too?
Despite my pain took my chance to go for a walk with HB... do some grocery shopping......... Actually feel slightly better now....

Lets talk abt happy things... U guys know what to avoid eating during this period???
MS Family, Oinkoink,Pinky panther,Lenny & fss
Welcome to the 2WW and all the best ..Jia you..

I'll be starting puregon inj tis thur... all the best for wed scanning.... hope u can go next stage too...

sorry to hear abt ur dad & what you're facing now. Pls try to be strong...

Congrats & have a smooth 9 months....
blesswbb - i am also seeing Dr SF Loh. This is my 2nd ivf. Ist time was at Mt E and was not successful. Heard that he's quite good and decided to switch to kkh for my 2nd ivf.

msfamily - i only avoided soya products and cold drinks. i also take 2 egg whites a day since i started the lucrin jab. Most of the time, my hubby and i will go to the nearby hawker centre to have our meal. Only took 4 days' leave after ET and went back to work. Do you still feel pains in your lower abdomen? bought another hpt just now and was tested positive again..cant wait to take my blood test..hopefully this helps to ease your worries as i have the same symptoms as u during my 2ww
Thanks zeena
stay strong with your injection period

Hi Cherish baby, ya i went to see the jurong east famous TCM. Seen her for a year but menses still didn't report. She asked me to go CARE but I didn't cos I prefer to stick to my own gynae.

Hi MS Family, I also heard no soya products but i still take cold drinks
i can't survive without cold drinks man! just try to cut down (a little) and also no cold stuff (e.g. watermelon, chinchow, etc)

Anyone know wat supplement to take for cases like us (IVFian)? My gynae only gave me folic acid and duphaston. Had a bit of running nose yesterday but don't dare to take medication, so just endure and rest as much as i can. so scared my sneezing will scare the "jelly bean". what to take to keep up the immune system ah?
Hi Cherish Baby and Kymbally
Thanks for responding to my question.

Cherish baby
What do you mean by more "intense" from Dr Zhou.
I thought Dr Tan KK's acupunture was quite "painful". My lower adomenen felt alittle quessy after appt. I think it was because I have the false impression from the US acupunture experience. How much does Dr Zhou charge? How much does Dr Tan KK charge? I thought Dr Tan is quite expensive, but my bill wasn't bad at all.
Hi babywee,MSfamily,Pinkypanter,Nancy,ML,Oink Oink,zeena Wong,

Thanks for all your concerns! Guess there is nothing we can do now...Bt my worry is even I go for the IVF cycle, I dun tink it will be successful since I am so stressed up now, bt another thing is I really hope to let my dad enjoy to be a grandpa soon....I am really in a dilemma....I will still go for TCM and appts....and by then will c hw my dad respond to his treatments before making my decision.
Seeing my dad is so brave to face all the injections & treatments, makes me more brave to face the IVFs....
Wat is my process compared to his??

Dun tink we can afford to hire a filipino maid when we still hv to face his medical bills...
Perhaps I need to work out with my bro, mum & sis then c how I can go for the IVF wif their help....
I am actually quite confuse..... was told to take more protein.... so soya ... beancurd cannot ???? Just bought 5 tube of tofu ...:?

Also tot Vit C good - cannot drink watermelon also .....just bought a whole watermelon.

I am going to rest for the full 2 weeks... on exception that there are a few meetings that i need to attend ... just be on conference call so call from home .... i can work from home from time to time also ....
Kymberly - So you had a year of TCM before IVF but did you continue with TCM during this IVF? Was told that Black Chicken Herbal Soup, Black Chicken Essence and Bird's nests weekly are very good and should start way before IVF and continue throughout pregnancy.

Mngal - Both Dr Tan KS & Dr Zou are experts in fertility TCM and both charges approx the same. Try out both yourself since you're here now. You should enquire from Dr Tan/his wife how to tone your body through double boiling herbal soup & essence. Go get a electrical double boiler & hope you can buy black chickens in US as its the only chicken to contain some special nourishing agent very good for women. If got family here ask them, else I can bring you to these places to get these items as my DH and I have done many research already.
Thanks Cherish Baby. Looks like i've gotta take birdnest for now and Herbal Soup later (after my MIL know about my pregnancy...hee). black chicken essence will induce my "morning sickness".. hahaha
msfamily - my previous doc told me to avoid beancurd and soya drink (forgot the reason) but was asked to take egg whites as alternative. Eat more fish. Pls dun take any 'cooling' stuff during your 2ww. During my 1st ivf, i ate some papaya and watermelon and it turned out to be -ve for me. I even took 2 weeks' leave that time but still failed.
Sorry to hearing that. Pls stay strong.

Oink, Pinky, Lenny & fss
All the best for your beta test! Jia You, Jia You!

I only told my mom abt my IVF thingy, my parents are very supportive which I ready need them now, my father even went to the market n bought lots of fish for me to eat…

I’m back home just for today ET. Hubby forbids me to use computer, so I ‘secretly’ log in to this thread. Wow, is moving very fast! ER went smoothly for me, not much pain just very nervous before the ER, tears kept rolling down (I’m a crying baby), there was a Auntie nurse at the operating threatre who is very nice to me, holding my cold hands, wiping off my tears n kept encouraging me…: ) After much consideration with hubby, decided to put in 3 embies to maximize my chances..Was with Dr Zou for my last few sessions before ET, she is very happy that 2 of her patients have twin n triplets during the scanning..also feels happy for both of the mummy to be.. Will be MIA for the next 2 weeks, jail at home, hubby n mummy forbids me to use PC, moving around, so will only get out of my room when eating n “pong ponging”…

Dr Zou’s is a nice n experience sinseh. Her acupuncture costs is $25.00 for 40 mins session (20mins on womb n 20mins at the back-kidney).

To all the sisters here,
All the best to u in whatever stage you are at! Jia You, Jia You everyone! Take care!
Thanks Cherish baby and Kymberly for responding to my question.

Cherish Baby
May I ask what do you mean by "more intense" acupunture? Dr Tan KK managed to squeeze 4 appts for me during my stay. Do you know how much Dr Zhou and Dr Tan KK charge for acupunture?
mngal - Go & try out both yourself to feel the difference. If you felt quesy after accu, most probably have never been poked at those accu points in US and not used to it yet. I myself seeked treatments from non-fertility TCM for years and was shocked at the difference in treatments with the fertility TCM, they managed to give me a glowing skin tone compared to yellowish green after IVF. Try to alternate day with both Drs, also drink their herbs 2 hours apart. Dr Tan is very particular on when to drink his herbs so do enquire him in detail. Dr Tan charges approx $16 to $78, dependent on how much herbs & got accu or not. Dr Zou $60 for accu with 5 days' herbs, else $25 per accu session. Since you're here, just spend abit more to seek better fertility treatments, should consider extending your stay by a mense cycle too. Er...need your DH to TTC with you on specific days if trying for natural conception so do ask the Drs!
Hi fss,

May I ask what did you do differently for yr 2nd ivf compared to 1st? I just failed my 1st attempt, and now thinking what i should do next, change doc? will be trying tcm, but not sure should i stick to my dr or change.
sorry to hear that. Jia you! Don't give up!

remember the TCM saying that there are some thing in soy bean that affects the hormones.. so it's better not to eat soy pdts during ttc. not good for DH to eat also.

Cannot take too much papaya and carrot or anything high in vit A as it is bad for the baby. so if you are taking multi-vits, must check the vit A dosage and check with dr to see if safe to take or not.

then on the TCM side, cannot take the liang stuff like watermelon, grass jelly and any other cold stuff.

oink oink, pinky and other gals due to test today
how how??? quick quick share your good news leh!!!

Gals under Dr Cheng
just check with you. do you all take TCM while taking birth control pills during FET???? ok to take or not?
hi kymberly, it is advisable not to take any chinese herbal supplements - like herbal soup and bird nest until ur gynae gives u the ok. Heard from some sisters in the other thread, bird nest only start at ur 6th mth. Some gynae only ok the food after 1st trimester as the first 12 weeks are very crucial.

Yes ladies, pls avoid soya products cos it is high in estrogen.

Good luck & best wishes to all in this IVF journey.

Welcome back Mngal!
Hi babychloe
Please stay strong n positive.. If you do go for IVF, keep positive and have positive thoughts. Big hugs to you and really hope your Dad gets better.. Will say a prayer for him.

Oink Oink & Pinky, Lenny & FSS all the best!! Waiting for the good news from all of you...

MS Family, hope ur feeling better... rest well... The cost for 2 embries is about $200++ and the cost of 3 embries is about $700++ rite?? Cant remmeber.. Are you the same age as me? I just turned 29. How much is the cost of the freezing of the other embries? Sorry for all the questions... Since your doing this @ SGH I was hoping to prepare myself for the cost.... Thanks a mil. Rest well!

All the best to all of you and I hope we all will be having BFP when our turn comes.......

ML, Im dreading 8hrs of work............ Im waiting for lunch time than 6pm!!! : )
I know what you mean about familes..... My HB said to keep this to ourselves..... I would like to tell my family but I know that if things dont work out they too will be upset....... So Y put them thru that..... I actually told my BF but when my HB was not keen on IVF and wanted to try the SO-IUI I told my BF that we will not be doing IVF... She just found out she is expecting last month..... So now no one will know we are going thru with IVF.... Its going to be very hard for me not to be able to share with anyone!!! Its going to drive me crazy....... I have decided that I will tell my mum Im on a 2ww course..... So she wont call me office... hehehe... Mayb closer to the date b4 I tell her Im on course. She knew I was doing my jabs and all and was upset when it didnt happen... My family knows how much I want a baby!! so it pains my mum to know Im upset too....

Y is life so difficult?? Its really gets to me! but will try my best to remain strong!

Positive thoughts to all!
for family, i told my mum as she asked and my 2 cousins as one of them is a doc(i ask for advice) and the other accompanied me to the hospital for jab. Some of my close friends know cause I'm very tired of telling lies liaoz..
so I told some them so that they will back off abt from asking questions.

Babychloe, support for your immediate family is truly important.

Today is an important date to many of our sisters there..... Keep us updated.
