IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi Cynthia..

I took quite a long break.. abt 5 mths from my last miscarrige before I did FET again.

During the 5 mths, I was consuming TCM and doing acupuncture. At the same time.. I also went for a short trip to relax myself

According to my TCM physician, she said that for those who have been sucessful before, the success rate for subsequent try should be the same or higher.

I kind of believe TCM helps a little coz the difference between my last try and this time is that I have consumed TCM before I did FET this round.

twinstar!! long time no see!!

Glad to hear u are doing well!

I also very anxious to know the gender leh..but.. i dun have any more frozen embies left...so.. What I get will be my one and only precious.. only hope he or she is healthy then I very happy already

i jus hit 16wks lei, need 4 more wks to detailed scan. 14wks when zoom in can see "stick" liao. 16wks no need to zoom in can see "stick" dr say most prob boy but dr always don't dare to confirm until detailed scan jus in case ba. whichever got baby i happy liao

ya know gender can start shopping
i also dunno can my remainding 3 make it. but hope with this kick start we can conceive next one naturally
Thanks for the info Hopes!

For my first cycle, I did acupunture as well and took time off work for 2 months.... Just not too sure how long should I recuperate before trying again. Dr Loh told me to wait for 2-3mths... Which TCM physician are you seeing?
Oh, so u r abt the same time as michelle. Yah, i know what u mean...babies healthy can already. You mentioned trying natural after ur prince is born, cos i do know of someone who had first baby thru ivf, then next one was natural.

I had a failed IVF last July. At that time, Dr Loh told me I could go back to do my FET anytime I feel ready. I went to Dr Zhou for accupunture and took Chinese medicine daily from July to December. I was scheduled to go back for FET in Jan, so decided to go on a trip in Dec. Came back and found myself pregnant naturally. I am now nearly 14 weeks pregnant and am still seeing Dr Zhou.

I think Dr Loh now also encourage people to go for accupuncture and to take a rest before embarking on the next stage. The body needs a lot of rest after all the chemical before it can go back to normal.

I believe most of see Dr Zhou at AMK. If you see her, she will advise you on when to start again. I don't have her address offhand but I'm sure one of the girls here will have it. Don't loose hope.

Trophee...most of of the girls see Dr Loh at KK. I did too last year. He's nice. But I did have a op the year before last to remove fibroids and cysts, mine was a quite bad..but it was done by another doctor at KK. Allt he best and don't despair first. Seek anotehr opinion.
Hi stardiva, DR Loh did not confirm the gender yet. Cannot see the thingy sticking, so i think most likely will be gal... think will confirm during my detailed scan, going in 2 wk time. I am reaching 18wk.

Btw ladies, there is a mother and baby fair from 21 to 23 mar at Expo Hall 6A. Hope there will be good discount!!
Cynthia: I agree with joanna. cry it out becos it will leave irremovable emotional scars if u don't. i had a suspected miscarriage 2 years ago & i'm still carrying the emotional pain from it becos i didn't have a proper closure.

Joanna: Thanks for the encouragement. to be fair to my hubby, he is a lot better behaved than he used to be. the biggest problem is his relatives r actually all ok & nice except the 2 most impt - his sis & his mother.

i did warn my husband that he has to control his temper & tread carefully around me during this 2 months. but i think the timing is also not too good becos of CNY & ppl inviting him for dinners.

he also said tt tho he will do the housework & all during the 2 WW (as if, we have a part-time maid anyway), i must still help our son do homework.

"For all the money and pain we have to go through, have to make sure that we have not done much to jeopardise things." - I SECOND THIS!
hi olwenlim,

I can understand the stress you going thru. Most times I feel men are the biggest babies on earth... That includes my hubby too... Here I am trying very hard to save, he went to change a new exhaust for the car... arrggghhhhh... the previous one was working just fine.... He's not helpinggg at all....

ya, i hope i can have natural conception the next round
guess u closing shop after yr LFT? hee


is yr tummy big yet? mine is small in the morning n big from evening. i always wanted to take lots of pics when i'm preggie n rec the stages, in the end, not a single shot!

oh, there's a taka fair from 9-25 mar too


i tried sending a posting to u but can't get thru cos i wanted to ask u were u in another motherhood forum? i saw u there too as mikojade but that side very quiet so i ended up here. sorry for what happ, but like whay hopes said, preg before have hgher chance, jia you! u may even hot naturally while preparing for the next round, that's what happ to my friend too
lenny: sorry but i wanted to laugh when i saw your post abt the exhaust. it sounds exactly like what my parents quarrelled abt many years ago!

cheer up, at least u have age on your side. i'm so much older than u! btw, how was your scan? or is it tomoro? i'm getting confused already.

read little star's posting abt insomnia some months back & thought i'd avoided it but now i'm taking BOTH lucrin & puregon, it has really hit me! some more i retracted my resignation & continued to work full time. duh.
Hi ladies

Want to ask you all ... anyone here with low BBT and weak pulse? Anyone seeing Dr Zou on this too? Assuming no thyroid problems, how can we improve BBT overall?
My BBTs are rock bottom, i can also be cold blooded snake already. They are in range of 35.8 before O and after O, about 36.4 maximum. Like that, how to proceed to IVF? No wonder my previous IVF cycle failed. Could it be unhealthy ovulation?
u read until so far back> "pei fu" i find that becos lucrin curps yr hormones....we may experience "menopause symptons" like hot flushes and insomia. but once it's jus puregon, or after awhile, yr body gets used to it n it will go away, it did for me. all the best!

hey maples,
u are here (wave) don't worry ...... my bbt even lower than yrs! b4 o is 34...i don't even know if i o on my own as my ovultation is not reg. the reason for low temps is becos we might not be ovulating according to my previous tcm. there was a list of food to avoid so as to get our body on the right tract. can't rem all. but the guideline is to avoid too cooling stuffs for pp like us. also avoid food high in sugar as it affects o fot those with pcos.

food to avoid for pcos ( durians, mango,( too heaty) tong cong cao ( cos pcos suppose to already have high male hormones ) barley ( only can drink if u r sick if not avoid), chicken....(scared got injections type unless kampong chicken) watermelon n all the melons( too cooling ) the rest i can't rem lei. ask dr zou, c if she has any other list of food to avoid

then during yr puregon cycle etc, u will find that yr temps will increase. mine after et was 37 to 37.4 so don't worry
Hi Twin, ya i lurking everywhere about IVF threads, haha. Was happy seeing your post yesterday that all is well, praise God! Oh really, your BBT very very low leh, i thot i was the lowest le. Ok, guess can only try to eat correctly now and go forth IVF with faith.
Try to note how many follicles you have and at what size cos the nurse wont give details after that de. The doc on duty was also quite aloof.

Those days i sneaked in my handphone and use the recorder function, record the follicle sizes as the sonographer reads out to the assistant, ha! Thats how i tracked my follicle growth, how fast/slow they were growing etc ...
Hi,it's comforting to know i m not alone after reading this forum. Anyone has any feedback on the chinese sinseh at clementi or at raffles hospital. would like to 'tiao' my body b4 i stay the IVF.
Hi cynthia

I had a failed fresh IVF last Nov. And i was left with 3 remaining embroyos same situation as u. I went for my FET last friday, and u know what, all my embbies survived. So don't lose heart. Have faith in yourself and be positive. Now the most important thing is to get your body back in shape and good condition. Don't worry unnecessary now. Take good care.


I am the girl with the coach bag.
i am not a taiwanese by the way. I was there for my last few sessions of acu before FET last friday.

Anyone still contd to take TCM during the 2ww? I had some medicine from Dr Zou which she told me to take during the 2ww. I keep a 2hrs gap between the chinese and the pills i got from the doctor. I saw the list Shazzer posted and was wondering if i shld contd the chinese med.
Anyone who could advise?
hi maple, thanks for the well wishes. like what little star says, i think all that matters is that your temp jumps after ovulation. doesn't need to be terribly hi as long as it is at least half a degree more than pre-O.

is baseline scan the scan for follicles? then tt's what i'm doing. i'm so tempted to inject extra medicine (leftover from SO-IUI) just so that i will grow more follicles.

star: yes, i have been reading this thread for more than a year. cheered for all your successes & almost cried for the failures too. sigh. it has been a sad pig year for me.
Hi babywishing,
i think it is better to avoid any chinese medicine during the 2ww....things even like ginseng and cordyceps and bird nest i also dont dare to take cos the embrologist advise me better not take....

a very important thing to avoid is green papayas (like the papaya salad type)..there is an enzyme that will trigger miscarriage

My BBT was also quite low..about 36 to 36.1 before 'O' and about 36.4 to 36.5 after 'O'. I was taking Chinese medicine from Dr Zhou. Halfway through, she changed my medicine and my temp raised to about 36.3 to 36.4 before 'O' and 36.7 to 36.9 after 'O'. I didn't try to avoid food but did cut down on cooling food like water melon and green tea.

Hope this helps.
stardiva, no leh.. my tummy still not showing yet, especially in the morning. Only from after lunch, then it start to show a little (like bloated). Ex colleagues who saw me ytday could not tell i am pregnant, and from behind, still can't tell i am pregnant also.

But the thing is, i can't fit in my usual clothes oredi and begining to wear loose clothings. I have also yet to feel baby moving. Have you? thus, i keep wondering how is baby progressing.. the scan is done only once a month.. cannot feel baby progress leh...
Hi Meow,

She included 'ru rong' rite? She did that for me too but my pre-O BBT just stubbornly stayed at 35.8 thats why she was also puzzled, how come increased herbs still like that.

I suspect it has to do with my ovarian reserve cos my FSH is at 9, maybe i have not enough eggs thats why my O very weak despite TCM and the BBT simply shows it. Haiz ... so sad

I also want to be like you, after half a year of TCM and ACU, preggy naturally but till now, half year le, still no progress. So sad
Want to try IVF but my body like that, i am not confident at all.

But see you gals with BBT about my range also can get many eggs, can even have some left behind to freeze, i am getting abit hopeful. Hope i can get more eggs this round, to transfer and to freeze too.

Anyone had 2 cycles and managed to get increased in no. of eggs during 2nd cycle?

u must be very slim! i can't wear my bottoms with no stretch. now surviving on dresses n stretch bottoms. going to spring maternity sale to check out the bottoms.

for me strangely, i can feel baby's kicks from 12wks. mayb the position of my womb or so...dunno. but it's not all the time that i feel it, only occasionally when baby kicks real hard. it felt like flutters at the lower ab. but think movements can only be felt from 18wks onwards ba. dun worry. i also paranoid so dr sees me 2wks once.....except it's ex to pay for assurance
hi Cynthia..

Yes... just like krmeow & many of th sisters here.. I was under Dr Zou (AMK) for Acupunture and Dr Xia Rong for TCM

I think 3 mths rest would be ideal esp if u are taking TCM or acupuncture coz usually for TCM treatment, per cycle is abt 3 mths to really see the effects?


Must be very careful with consuming TCM during IVF, as for me, after my FET, I took TCM to help tune the body for the embryos to implant. After I tested positive, I took another mth's dose to "an tai".

So.. must really get a TCM doc that is familiar with the IVF process so that they won't anyhow prescribe TCM herbs that will clash with our treatment.
Hi hopes

Did u have a 2 hr gap in between the TCM and those medicine that the doc give u?

I had TCM from DR Zou and was wondering if it is ok to consume during 2ww. I got abit panic after reading the list.

I started Lucrin on the 31 Jan 08 in KK IVF. Not sure if anyone here is on the same cycle as me.

I need to check something. During the egg retrieval, we will be given 5-day MC right? What does the MC says? Like is it just general KK logo and says we are not fit to work for 5 days..or does the MC reflect KK IVF? And how soon do you tell you superior that you'll be on 5-day hospitalisation leave?

Another thing, i read a lot of ladies under KK IVF is under SF LOH. Did you girls choose him or given? I was under subsidised patient during the normal checks and automatically given an IVF doc..Dr Tan Heng Hao. Anyone under him? Feedback/comments?

hi babywishing... no worries... actually my tcm doc say can take ginseng and cordyceps, but on my ET day the embroyoloist said better to avoid any chinese medicine...so i did not dare take...i have also yet to take it until i get clearance from my gynae...

I guess it will be ur comfort level... for me i still lean more to my fertility doctor and listen to him first....

Do avoid cooling food during ur 2ww... my TCM doc said no oranges and chinese pears ...
Any sisters here had a positive result even after having to continue lucrin for another week before puregon? I read a few stories and most ladies who have to continue lucrin for another week, all end up in a negative...
Vanilla pod

Chinese pear, is it "xue li" or "ya li" (what the others called) Those that are yellow in colour with brownish spots and are really really juicy.
Hi Lenny: Frankly speaking, i rather inject lucrin than puregon. the 2 injections together r so painful!

but don't worry, i think more likely they can't suppress u so fast becos u r so young. i remember there was one lady just 2 cycles ago, i think called tigger who also had to take lucrin for longer & now she is pregnant.

dear leftypie: i started lucrin exact same day as u. but becos i'm old, they suppressed me within a week & i started puregon on 15 feb. lenny & i r both under dr sf loh. we're hoping to replicate the success of the others under him here.
Thank you for giving me some hope... I heard the lady that does the scan said I have a 15mm follicle on my right side...and many small ones on my left... I even double confirm this when I called in this afternoon. This is really VERY stressful. I too am beginning to fill my stomach toughen up as I am injecting myself even with just lucrin.

Hi Leftypie, yes I am with SFLoh too, in the beginning I was appointed a different doc but then halfway thru she went abroad. I choose SFLoh when I came across this forum... Hoping to bring a baby or babies home, someday...
hi hopes,

Thanks for sharing. I'll check with my gynae. I think it is safe to take TCM after you've test positive. It is the implantation period that I'm concerned.
Hi Ladies, I'll be starting Puregon this Friday, which will be 3 weeks since I started Lucrin. My tummy also feel numbed through all the jabs.

Duno whether I should change to SF Loh or just stick to current doc. So far only saw him once in the beginning during the signing. After tt is self jab at home. How ah.. what should i do?
He seems nice but at the same time i believe is quite new...

Also, can anyone address me on the my MC queries..is it just a general mc or it stated KK IVF with reasons for absence?

So Lenny and Olwenlim is same cycle as me? GREAT!!
Hi leftypie,

If I remember correctly, i think it is just a general KK MC. I have 14 days hospitalization leave after the ET.

I started to see Dr SF Loh as a gynae case before signing up for IUI and IVF. My husband just called KKH and asked for an appt with a fertility specialist, and we are assigned under him (private). It so happens that my friend is also under him and conceived successfully under him so I stick on with him.
leftypie: so far the time chit tt the nurses give me does not state dept name or reason at all. but may be different for MC.

lenny: so good, many small follicles. i only heard 5 altogether for mine. hope some more can grow. 15 mm is v big already. have u considered doing acupuncture? it's never too late. i really like dr zou.

so sleepy! my insomnia is v bad. i wish i had stuck to my decision not to work.
I have never done acupuncture before.. Normally how does it help isnt't it too late to start? Sorry I'm quite dumb in this area... Could you enlighten me? Thanks....
lenny: i heard it helps with implantation. but dr zou doesn't speak much english so it wld help if u go with a friend. wld u like to make a trip down with me this friday? i go on tuesdays & fridays.

calculated the cost of acu plus the vits recommended by ML & Joanna - comes up to $500! on top of what we need to pay for the IVF cycle. it's v painful, both financially & physically.

lenny, u may find this funny. when nurse angeline was doing the counselling process with me, i didn't blink at all while she explained the injection & scanning procedures. but when she got to the part abt how much it costs at each part, i started crying really loudly. somehow, when i saw how much of my hard-earned money wld flow away at each stage, it felt more painful than the thought of the injections!
Hi Olwenlim, I go to Dr Zou on Tue & Fri too... but always in the afternoon cos I'm not working. I don't speak Mandarin too, and usually communicate through the recep auntie.
Hi olwenlin,

I am a slience reader here and is just about to starts my Lucrin from tomorrow and was wondering isit too late to go for the acupuncture and appreciate if you could pls provide me Dr Zou address & Tel no. if convenience. Thanks
