IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrats Cynthia

Do have lots of rest.
by the way, how many weeks are u currently at?

Hi ladies

Havent been in here for quite some time as I have been feeling sick lately. Since late Dec till now, I had rashes twice and urinary infection twice. Morning sickness (or should i say day sickness) is still on going and I am in my 15 weeks now. Both babies are growing well and hopefully can find out the gender during the next scan in Feb.

Husband was admitted to hospital last week so it's been an eventful month for me.

i pray everything will turn for the better in the months to come.

I have stopped all my travelling for work. I just do not feel well for travelling even to office.

They say the MS is worst for twins. Hopefully you will feel better soon. My obst said it can last to 16 weeks, so hopfully you are nearly there!

Mine is also worst during the day- more in the afternoon and early evening...

what's a nuchal fold scan?

do be extra careful when u travel ya..? i also booked myself for a short cruise trip next mth, should be ok right..? i mean.. cruise is so stable... right? hehe..


try not to stress urself out ya?! what happened to ur hubby?

ML, Helpme,

are u both having Vitamin B6 or B complex as supplements? i have been taking it daily and so far my MS is under control.
Wow, you're 20 wks already...time flies! Do let us know how ur detailed scan goes...can find out boy or girl.

ML, Helpme,
Hang in there...the MS should stop soon...take care.

Nuchal fold scan (called FTS in KK) screens for Downs Syndrome during 11-14 wks by scanning thickness of fluid in baby's neck & check for presence of nasal bone, and it's optional. There r a few packages available - scan with/without bloood test. Blood test may not be as accurate for multiples, so some pple decide not to do it. You can ask Dr his opinion. You can get a brochure or check their website on the 3 packages. You going for cruise? I thought of doing that initially, but some pple told me a lot of walking and have to climb up the platform, crowded, etc. So I decided not to go lor. How many wk r u now? Can't remember everyone's due dates...
that's what i heard pple tell me too. i really pray it will go away soon

i have the B6 and additional medication for the MS but they dun seem to work.
hubby admitted to hospital due to some deficiency in minerals in the body so he had to be put on drip. he's ok now. thanks for asking.
i did my FT scan already. the nurse said blood test not accurate for twins so i only did the scan.
Hi Petals

Yep.... time flies..

I hope we can catch on film the scan.... it will be thrilling for the other family members to watch at home...

Pray you are well too...

Love jo
hi Petals,

Thanks for the info on the FTS !!

I'm now only at 9wks, EDD End Aug, still very long time to go..hehe..

Cruise crowded ah..? hmmm.. i hope not.. but it's the CNY period.. very likely crowded hor..?
i'll see how it goes..


Take care of urself.. and ur hubby too!!
Hope ur MS will go away soon!
Joanna: Can I send you a private message? Curious, your profile is very similar to mine, age, one big boy conceived naturally & gone thru 2 IUI. I'd like to know your secret of success this time and maybe a bit of history, thanks. See if there's anything I can follow & do it right first time.
Hello Olwenlim

Sure! I am not sure how a PM works... Do i need to give you my email a/c? or is it already recorded in the system for your access.
Hi Michelle,

Thanks for your concern.
That time I saw the brown spot and than I took the pills…I think I almost cannot make it.
I almost fainted when I took the medicines.

Anyway..2nd day also like that, but I took leave on the 3rd day to see chinese sin seh.
The doc give me some herbs to reduce the nausea and I felt better after taking that.
No brown stain and nausea feeling after taking that.
She said I too heaty and lack of sleep which cause the brown stain and nausea.

Hi Petal Bloom,

I haven go thru anything yet.
I don know what is IVF wor? But I’m seeing my gynae again on the 16/03/08.
Joanna: saw in your earlier post that you paid only $45 plus for the spirulina. i just bot it today for $52 cos only 20% off. shucks. i shd have got it last week when everything was 30% off.
hi olwenlim

Oh yes, forgot to mention i took spirulina as well. I am sure they will come up with soem other offers again.

Hi Rose,

My AF is still not here yet. Am kinda of worried now. Technically, I missed my AF for Jan but not preggy.
What about you? Did you take any medicine to induce it? I'm worried my cycle is screwed up and wont be able to do my FET. Looks like I might have to defer it...R u still going ahead with your FET this month?
Hi Zoey,

My AF is still not here yet too. I have had brown spotting today. But not full bleed. Do you have spotting too? I was told by my accu doc not to induce it and let your body do it naturally.I guess we have to wait. If I get it, I will go ahead with the FET this month.

Is yours a natural FET ie without medication? Hopefully we can do it together.

I had some brown spotting last Sat so I thought it will come the next following day. But it did not. Sunday and today was totally dry. Reli sian liao.
Yea, think i'm going on a natural FET. Will probably take some med to prepare the lining then it will be monioring the cycle. But if my cycle is now havoc, how to proceed?

yea, hopefully we can cycle together. Am praying everyday that my AF will come soon so that i can proceed next month.
Good luck.. pray that our AF comes soon. I think is just a matter of time..it will arrive.

Did you call the hospital to check on this? Any advise from them?
Hello Sunshine!
Welcome abroad. I had a failed IVF in Dec too. I am going for my FET after CNY too. How many embryos did you freeze? We may be doing FET together! Are you with KK Dr Loh? What was the cause of the failed IVF? Mine was Biochem pregnancy. Did you encounter a late 2nd period after that? Take care.

Zoey - I got my period finally today! I have read a website on natural herbs for those having late period. I tried it and it worked! Only thing you must be sure you are not pregnant. Do a pregnancy test first.

Take a handful of parsley fresh. Boil some water. Put the parsley in and let it simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the parsley out and drink the juice. You can put some honey in it for taste. Try it.. it might work. Take care. Parsley is a uterine contractor. Here's the website: http://www.sisterzeus.com/delayedmen.htm

Finally,it's here. Mine is still not here yet although i have the feeling it will come soon. I'll try your method. How many days have you been drinking parsley before your menses come?
I did call the nurse yesterday and was told to wait for it to come naturally.

Did your doc give you any med to prepare your lining? What's your procedure like for natural FET? Only scanning and ET? No more jabs? Sorry, to ask so many ques.

Hi Sunshine,
Welcome. I will also be doing my FET after CNY.
I froze 10 embryos, 7 grade 1 and the rest grade 2. I'm not under KK Dr Loh. I'm with Prof Chen @ Gleaneagles.
Prof explained that it was bcos of unstable hormones after the Egg collection so, babies wont stick to me. I had bad reaction but still bareble.

Heard that eating selenium helps the embryos implant. is it true? how much must I eat? is it oky to take in tablet form other than from nuts?

Suppose to be more stable with FET. I'm keeping my fingers cross. Was suppose to start in Jan but unfortunately i fell and fractured my leg. So due to the x-rays that i'm taking, was advised to delay.

Yes, yes, I did encounter a late 2nd mensus. And i though there's something wrong with me again.
Hi Zoey,

Suggest that you do not do anything but wait. Can be agonising, but its better to let ur body be natural so that it does not disturb the system.

Are you preparing ur lining using the natural method or induce using medication?

I'll be doing mine with hormones. 2 weeks suprefact jabs and progesterone inserts & pills (oral) for the next 2 weeks before ET. Not very sure too until i start (hopefully next week when my cycle starts)

Mind cld b different cos I hv PCOS and endometrosis.

How is it normally done?
Happy prosperous New Year to those who celebrate CNY.
May all of you have great health, fortune & luck for this coming year

Wont b able to access for the next few days cos gonna be out of town.

Better watch what you eat, dont think u want to pile up unnecessary weight =)

Hi Sunshine,

I'm not too sure myself on the protocal of FET. However, briefly I was told to take Pregnoval on the 1st Day of menses to prepare the lining. Then, to go for scanning on D10 to check the lining. Once the thickness of the lining has been determined and ovulation is expected to happen, Doc will schedule for a ET. After that, it will be the progesterone support i.e. jabs, pills or inserts. The last ET, i was given all 3 support but the embryos still fail to implant.

Can we start the support before ET? I noticed you take progesterone inserts and pills before ET. Do you start on D1 of your menses?

Sorry for my ignorance, what is suprefact jabs?

My menses is still not here yet...haiz. Reli tempted to take med to induce it. I feel so bloated now.How many days did you menses overdue on your 2nd cycle? Am supposed to have my 2nd cycle last month but it didnt happen....will try to be patient.

Anyway, u have a Great CNY too. Do come back and update us on your cycle.
Hi Zoey,

I took the parsley 3 times a day. try it ... it might just work!

I am doing a FET starting with a day 10 Scan. No medicine for me before. This will be followed by ovulation test after the follicle has reach 14 mm and above.. then 3 days before ET... I will be given the progestrone pessaries to insert until the 2 week wait period is over. Hopefully we can all do the FET together. Going for my scan on 14 Feb 08. No medication for me to prepare the lining. Try not to induce your mensus with medicine.. if you can. You stay strong... I strongly recommended the parsley thing. It will work.

Sunshine - I am taking selenium tablets.. once a day.

Hope we can all cycle together!
Hi everyone,

Happy CNY!!!!....

Hope that you are all fine.

Zoey - Suprefact/ Lupron is used to decrease the likelihood of spontaneous ovulation. that means it is used to control and time ovulation.
Then followed by growing the lining with progesteron bef ET. So, mine is all monitored and controlled.

I'll probably start my cycle any day from D1 - D5. Cos need to monitor the ovaries so that I dont get any cycts too.

mine 2nd cycle was delayed for 10 days. Think its gonna delay again for this cycle. BUT must stay positive.

zoey - just wondering, how much mcg of selenium are u taking? 100mcg or 200mcg?
Can i start taking now or during the 2ww?
Hi everyone, how's your CNY hol?

Hope this year be our year...

Thanks for sharing. So, are you going to start this month once your menses report this month? Baby dust to you.....must jia you.

I havent start taking Selenium.

Any idea how much mcg of selenium r u taking? Anyway, my AF is still not here yet. I cant believe it! I tried your method i.e. making the parsely drink for 2 days but still nothing. I'm still waiting anxiously for it to come this month.
Hi! I'm new here. I'll be starting IVF treatment soon. Just want to know from those who have gone through this whether it is still possible to work during treatment? My job has many deadlines and I hope to prepare the office for my absence if required.
Hi ladies,

Normally, how long will the scan and blood test take? Will there be a need to apply for half days leave from work?
Hiii lenny! long time no see. just went for my first scan today. very fast. if u reach before 7.40, u'll be done by 8/15. when is yours?

ladies, i wanted to upload an attachment from a book by mary kittel called "stay fertile longer". i think it may be useful to everybody. but it's too big. PM me if you're interested to read it.
hi olwenlim... mine will be on the 19/2.... how did yours went? what will we have to do after the scan? I mean wat is the next step after scans...
juz want to be prepared lah...
Hi Ladies

Anyone seeing Dr Zou for TCM and ACU? How many weeks prior to IVF did you gals start your twice weekly ACU?

Anyone also has any pre-IVF tips to share, ie diet to watch, any special care food etc ... ?
lenny: today is my first time, nurse sara took my blood. rani (the cashier) told me to just go home immediately after the scan. didn't go & take medicine like that day when we went to collect lucrin.

but i think from the 2nd scan onwards, have to spend more time, buying medicine etc. did u wait v long when u went to buy your lucrin? i spent the whole afternoon at KK that day.

v nervous now, called the ctr, my blood test is not out yet.

maple: i compiled a list of advice given by the success cases (Bodhi, ML & Joanna). Can I PM to u?

I went there around 2.30pm, it didn't take me too long to collect lucrin. I was done with everything around 3+.

Will you only know your next scan app. after the blood test result? Btw good luck, for the results...

Olwen, can I have your compiled advice list as well? will pm u my email address...
lenny: yay, called KKH. can start my puregon on friday but have to go down again for the medicine

u were so lucky to get everything done so quickly tt day.

i didn't quit my job after all. my boss has agreed to give me 3 weeks off.

i'll send the thing to you & Maple. i found that she accepts PM so i'll just cut & paste it to her after i send it to u.
Hi Zoey, I am taking 100mg per day of selenium.
Hope your AF has arrived... don't stress yourself. Everything will be fine.

Trophee - welcome! and gd luck with your ivf. I am working from home so can;t advise you there.

Gd luck to all the other sisters commencing the IVF.
yay to you for progressing to the next step... May I ask which cycle day did your AF came this month? was it late or as usual? thank you too for the lists...

rose (treasures): thanks,
baby dusts to us all....
Hi Rose,

Thanks for the advice. Am now counting that my menses will come this month. I keep reminding myself not to think about it but it's quite hard. When are you going for your scan?

Sunshine - AF = menses...O

Trophee, welcome abroad. The last IVF i did, i only took 1 week leave after the ET. I guess as long as you are not too stressed out, it shd be fine. Am now saving all my leave for that.

olwenlim, can you pls PM me the list as well? many thanks!
hi everyone, i've attached a list which was taken from this thread many posts back. when you open the doc, there's a tab at the bottom with TCM's contact as well lists of food to eat and avoid during IVF. good luck and babydusts to all!

hi rose, i went to dr zou today. my 1st acu session. it wasn't painful but i found it a tad bit uncomfortable... maybe i need to get used to it. i'm supposed to do it 2 x a week, and also got some herbal meds form her. so u started on your FET already?<center><table border=1><tr><td>

TCM.xls (28.7 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Actually, my doc said I'd probably need to take half days during the egg scanning period and about 1-2 weeks MC after ET. But just worried that the water retention and bloatedness due to the daily injections will make it too uncomforatble to work. She has prescribed 300mg Gonal F per jab which seems quite agressive to me.
Zoey - Stay positive, you will be doing your FET soon! I am going for scan on 14 Feb. Although my AF came it lasted only for 2 days. I don't think my hormones are in order..sigh.

Shazzer - Good to hear from you! I guess it will take time for you to get use to it. Starting my scan on 14 Feb.. hope the lining will develop naturally at its optimum.
Hi olwenlim
Is it possible for u to send me the compile list of advice?? I’ll be starting my IVF on 27 Feb…Thanks in advance…

Hi Maplebabies
I’m with Dr Zou for acu and tcm since Oct. I started twice weekly of acu from Dec onwards. Was advise by her to start twice weekly 3 mths before starting of the IVF treatment.
