IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi maplebabies

Yes, Dr Zhou gave me 'ru rong'...seems to work for me coz my temp went up after that. But don't depair, maybe yours just need a little longer. She did say say a couple of girls took a while to get their body right. And your body may respond ok to IVF treatment. Don't loose hope.

Here's Dr Zhou's contact for those who need it. Ladies...don't give up.


olwen: I would love too, but I have a cousin wedding to attend to this friday. What are the charges like? And how do I pay for acupuncture do we have to call for appointment or can just walk in? Any idea what is the office hours like? Sorry too many questions....

I realized that I too am constantly calculating my finances these few months. And constantly telling myself, not to worry and I can earn it all back...
Hi Olwenlim

Money can always be earned back....
Share with you my experience: When I unexpectedly became preg with my first boy (i was on the pill), DH and I were wondering if we should keep him because I had just about completed my Masters and wanted to focus on my career. My father-in-law advised that jobs are always available - only whether we want or not. But by the time we are ready to have a child, it may not happen. 3 days after he said this, he passed away suddenly fr heart attack. Now his words ring so true.....when we want another baby, it is so hard.

We can always cut back on certain luxuries... and moreover you are still working. And a huge amount of the treatment can be claimed fr Medisave. So it is a blessing.

Of course, that does not mean we dun feel the financial pinch. But have to keep reminding ourselves that it is worth it lor.

Now my DH is discussing with insurance agent about plans for coming baby....hehe...more money out.
hi Ladies,

Read some of the posts and some questions came to mind...

Would like to ask.. any ladies here who already have 1 child...and subsequently tried for another but having difficulty and thus have to go thru IVF.

If there are, why did you go decide to go for IVF and subject yourself to all this pain and financial strain when you already have one? I would love to hear your perspective on this...

THANKS! btw..will be starting 1st Puregon jab this friday, 22 Feb...anyone same as me?

Some pointers that i manage to pick out from reading all the mgs :
1) Drink lots of water (2L at least)
2) Avoid caffeine and cold food to prevent bloadtedness
3) Plenty of rest

Err..can't think of anything else...
Thanks Krmeow for your infor...
I try to call but no 1 pick up , just wondering is today their rest day ? or closed during certain hour ?

Pls advise and thanks again
Joanna: yes, i fully agree with u. but at the same time, i have to be sober & not keep doing cycle after cycle in the hope of succeeding finally. i have made a decision to do this one fresh cycle & no more. i've read stories of some american women almost bankrupting themselves doing several cycles in the hope of having a child.

i think the odds against the gamble here are quite different from finding yourself unexpectedly pregnant like u did. here, we sort of throw money into a machine, hoping to get a prize. it's a risk that needs some thinking through.

for me, if i'd found myself unexpectedly pregnant even 4 times, it wld be like the machine telling me i'd already won the prize but i'd have to pay the price for it. no matter how hard i have to work, take 2 jobs, pawn my jewellery or whatever, i wld still keep my 4 prizes because they r meant for me by the One up there. there's even more financial pain but you know you will see the emotional rewards at the end.

sorry for the sombre & long post. i must be sleep deprived & talking nonsense.
lenny: dr zou charges $25 per session of acu & payment in cash only. best to make appointment beforehand becos she has many patients in the evening. she operates from 9 to 9. v hard-working physician.

Yah lor.. happy for Dr Zou...

Coz not only she is good but she is not so commercialise. Very sincere and nice lady.
Hi Olwenlim

We will never know if we never try... even if we fail... we know we have tried our very best...

Heads up! you are doing well...

I also told DH that I will try once. and if it does not work... the end... have to think of finances for the one child i already have.

Let's see how many embryos you get at the end... who knows, you may have many so that increases your chances.

I have 9 frozen embryos left. We are about the same age and same scenario so things look positive.
Hi Everyone,

I'm back and now resting at home doing a mini confinement trying to 'tiao' my body for FET...

Saw some ladies seeing Dr Zou and Dr Xia Rong.... Are they seeing patients at the same place??

During my last cycle I was seeing DR Jin from Raffles Hospital TMC... Not sure if I should stick to her or switch over.... At Raffles hospital, the cost is about $390 for a package of 5 times which I feel that it's overly price....
Actually Dr Zhou and Dr Xia Rong are cousins. But Dr Xia Rong's clinic is at Paragon and I think she comes once a month? Not too sure as I don't see her. Coz her prices are quite expensive too..I guess because of location. But I heard she is good. Dr Zhou's clinic is at AMK, a HDB shopfront, so cheaper. I'm concerned about finance, so I see Dr Zhou, plus she is near my place.

Dr Zhou is very nice. She isn't commercialised at all. The recep counter lady, Li Ying is also very nice. They never push me to buy things, I'm the one who will ask what I should eat or get to help my body. ^^
I also like Dr Zou although i heard she only started TCM practice 5 years ago. Before that i dont know what was she doing. But i guess she might have stayed in Spore long enough else she wont have a flat in the west.

She is getting busier and more and more experienced with so many of us going to her and all treating for IVF. Guess we can all be safe in her hands.

But i very 'bu zhen qi' almost wrecking her signboard already cos most people see her either get preggy or successful IVF but me ... with her 6 months already still not even poo out a small easter egg.
Hi everyone,

Good Luck to all sisters who are undergoing their IVF and FET soon. I am with Dr Zou too. I think she is good. I had taken TCM from her and it is quite effective since I did a natural FET. The lining and follicle growth was good as I did not take any other medication just TCM. So... it actually works!

I went for FET (Natural) yesterday. And currently on my 2 week wait..

Hopes. Twin Stars, Petals, ML, Shazzer - Hope all is well with you.

Do you know how to calculate the days for FET cycle? I am not sure which day I am at since my transfer yesterday?
My pregnancy test is on 7 mar 08.

Good luck to all.
maple: don't be discouraged. i shd feel worse then becos i was with dr tan siew buoy of thong chai for 1 year & nothing either. before tt i went to see the marine parade sinseh for 3 months & every month he was so sure that was THE month but still nothing.

at least u still have age on your side. i am 35 & i've been trying since i was your age.

Joanna: Thanks for your encouragement. i agree it is good to be optimistic & i hope nobody here feels i dampened their hopes. let's jia you together.
Thank for the compliment on my Auntie, Li Ying. I will let her know.. she will be happy :D

Anyone taking chinese med after ET by Dr Zou?
Hi I juz did my first scan at kkh amc. found out that they cannot detect any heart beat or anything inside the "waterbag". Dr loh told us to come back 1wk later, if there's no heart beat detected, he will assume it is miscarriage. any1 got this problem before?
rose (treasures),

congrats on doing natural cycle. it's an accomplishment already! rem this 2 wks, jus think happy thoughts, watch some comedies, chat over the phone, stay relax and happy. don't think about the test on 7mar. drink only warm drinks, no cooling stuffs, eat healthily.

m sure this is the round for you! jia you

wait one more wk, sometimes heartbeat might not be detacted so fast for some.
all the best!
Thanks...we of cos hope for the best!!! But Dr SF Loh gives a -ve feedback. he says he is sure nothing will develop. think he is v straight in his comment lately.
Thanks Twinstars.

Rosemary - Stay positive. Wait for a week. All will be well.

Hui - I am taking the chinese med from Dr Zou during my 2 week wait.
Hi Everyone,
I'm new member here.. I would like to share my experience..
I have a low ovary reserve due to endometriosis. I'm 36 this year.
I was with Dr loh too for my last 2 IVF cycles, the first IVF was successfully but had M/C on 7weeks. 2nd IVF was failed to implant, my period came on day 17th after FET.
It was very painful process, financial and waiting time during the cycles.
Recently I found out that my FSH level is very high, over 20! The normal level should be around 7. I searched for help from internet, and there are many articles discuss about the high FSH level and did mention that acupuncture will help.
I went to Rafless hospital TCM clinic, there is specialist to balance the hormones and also for IVF booster. Took herbs and did acupuncture for 2 session, and the following blood test, my FSH went down to 13.
Beside that I took wheatgrass and evening primrose oil, it helps too.
There is a great website for IVF community , such as IVFworld.com. there are alot of helps from all women who are in IVF cycles.
I moved to another clinic for my next IVF cycle. and this time I'm aware for all my conditions, and probably cancelation during my cycle.
To all ladies who trying on baby making, do not give up hope... try to collect all informations before and during the cycle. The most important avoid stress.. no need to be worried... and be positive..

Good luck to all..
Rosemary: I also think that Dr Loh recently very straight forward... Like that day when I say him and bb's heartbeat no longer detected... he was saying like, 'it happens', 'No more already'... but he did tell me positive stories as well... Maybe he's very stress up recently.....

But dun give up and try talking to bb...
Tks Cynthia & Rabbit, I agree wif Cynthia. he is pulling a face tat day of implantation and straight away tell us the embryos not very good-ony 5 in good condition ut of 14. it makes us very sad but the nurse tells us later ours is above avg...some even zero...then both me and my husband were confused.
Hi Rosemary,
like what Rabbit said, maybe u want to get another second opinion? For my gynae, he mentioned that at this point, one should not rely on HCG so much but more on the scan....so maybe u can get another gynae to scan and see what he/she says?
Take care, i know that this IVF process is very trying....i am currently on 4+ weeks and also not very good results, my gynae is telling me not to hold on to this cycle if the scans are not going to be good (mentally preparing me)....but i am leaving it to God's will....
Hi Rose

Congratulations on your FET- I know you've had a long time to wait which has been hard.. now just relax and imagine that embryo implanting!

All the very best of luck to you this time!

thanks for sharing..me juz curious coz when i did my 1st ICSI dr instruct no chinese herbs but my aunt says alot ppl taking..

Dun give up yet, mayb too small to detect at the moment.
I can't say for IVF cycle as mine is natural. But I took Chinese medicine from Dr Zhou during my 1st trimester, despite what many people say that you should take it only during the 2nd trimester. But I trust Dr Zhou and so far have not had any problem.
hi lenny: the thread suddenly moved so much so fast. i'm going for my scan tomorrow. have taken 1 day leave tomorrow. am too tired to just go on working until my HL.

anyway i need to do the social worker counselling. will update u tomoro. i also want to go pray quietly in church so the extra free time will be great.
hi rosemary, i agree with some of the ladies' advice to go to another gynae for second opinion. from my own experience, at this stage, HCG level is not indicative enough, scanning is much more accurate. also, i know it's hard, but try to be positive.

hi twinstars & ml, good to hear from both of you!

hi rose (treasures), all the best to you! take it easy on your 2ww, and don't think abt it too much. envy you, i also can't wait to do FET. i'm hoping (and praying) and i might "strike" naturally these next few months, but think the odds of that are low.

something non-IVF related: i'm now on a mission to lose weight. i stepped on a weighing scale today after 3 mths, and boy, i got a huge shock! i know i've put on weight cos some of my clothes were a bit tight, but i didn't realise how much! ladies, if anyone here have any surefire ways to lose weight, do share! right now, i've just started brisk-walking every morning and watching my diet.
Hi Shazzer,

Thanks. You never know you might strike naturally.. esp since you doing accu and TCM. It will work out for you too!

As for weight reduction, the last time i did quite a bit of brisk walking and ate less rice ie carboh..that helped me. When hungry, go for fruits to fill up the stomach. And eat at regular times..Hope that helps

my husb & i are trying to have a baby,i've read articles on pregnyl jabs.anyone knows which private clinics offer them besides kkh?
