IVF/ICSI Support Group

Welcome Jenn,
I do all the jabs myself. Not that bad cos the needle is quite fine. Just have to have a little courage. If u r afraid, u can ask ur partner to help u.

I took 1 week off cos i had quite bad reaction from the bloatedness and water retention. cldnt walk, lie and sit properly. as long as u feel well after the embryo transfer, u can go back to work and lead life like normal. Just dont overstrain urself by carrying heavy stuff.
I too had 300mg gonal F for 1 week and later reduce to 150mg for another week before extraction.

how are you doing? Have ur AF arrive yet?

Still no sign of it. I think my hormones have gone crazy. I'm now thinking if I shd wait for another round of menses to come before i commence my FET. Would want to make sure my hormones are back to the normal level. On the other hand, i couldnt wait to start.

Good luck on your scan tomorrow....

Am still waiting....shall wait til next week which is supposed to be my 2nd menses after my IVF. sigh. Have you started on the jabs?
hi zoey,
dont lose faith... be patience. Have u asked the doctor on the delay? thought that the doctors will fine tune the hormones with the jabs and pills.
eventhough i have almost regular mensus, my hormones are haywire. I totally do not ovulate at all, hence starting IVF.
Must Jia you.....

I'll be starting my jabs this friday.
Maple: I've sent u a PM. hope u received it.

All other ladies: tried to send PM to all of u but all don't accept PM. i didn't get any PM's from you either so I will just post it here.

Hope Joanna, ML & Bodhi can correct it if I've quoted them wrongly.
This is what they did during their 2 WW.

Took aspirin, antibiotics, vitamins A, C, E, zinc, selenium & omega 3, saw chiropractor, did acupuncture & massage.

Don’t take papaya, pineapple, water-melon, bak ku teh, brinjal, rojak or TCM. Sleep, eat & go toilet. Don’t think about result.

Took spirulina, manuka honey, royal jelly & folic acid. Did light exercise generally. She also mentioned that some people take ensure or egg white during the 2 WW but she didn’t. She cut down on her stress before starting her cycle & worked from home during the 2 weeks.
shazzer: i also went for acu with dr zou yesterday. u must have left just before me. did u c a k-po old teochew lady & anor middle-aged lady who recently had a stroke?

there were many others after me too. anybody else went to see dr zou last nite? i heard her say there were 2 "mei-ling".
Yup, received with thanks!

I see that most of you gals start twice-weekly-ACU months before IVF. As in months before lucrin injections or months before ER?

Cos i starting lucrin end Mar and my ER may be in Apr, now then i start twice-weekly-ACU, dunno too late or not?
Hi Olwenlim
In fact for me, the most stressful thing during the IVF process was waiting to see Dr in Clinic D. Always have to wait over an hour. I told the counsellor that it is ironical since the hospital is supposed to promote well-being for ppl like us. Things got better after transfering to the private suite.

I am still taking Manika honey... and have not been ill since last JulyAugust when I started the IVF programme. I have also started taking bird's nest now. I make a batch over the weekend and take a tablespoon everymorning with the Manuka honey on empty stomach with a big glass of water.
hi maple:
thanks to shazzer for the list but i'm wondering
if we cannot consume multi-vitamins, how are we going to take the spirulina, selenium & zinc that ML & Joanna recommended? *confused*
hi joanna: great to see u again. how nice if we could be in your shoes now
. r u taking out your son's old things to recycle now? i kept my son's old stuff too but starting to have horrible thoughts about giving them away after march. don't have enough confidence on whether i'll have the chance to use them again.
Hi all,

I have been a silent reader after going through a rough patch. I went thru my first IVF last year in Aug and managed to conceive with one egg. Anyway I don’t have any reserved. But I lost it when I am almost three months. I have to start another fresh cycle soon hopefully in June.

I notice some of the ladies are waiting for their AF. Are there anyone who has irregular AF and there was some remedies. I was given pills after the MC but I think it is too heaty for me, and my temperature is very high.


Can you pm me the list too?
Hi olwenlim,
I was at Dr zou's from about 2.30 - 3.45.... didn't see any old ladies when I left. Before i went in, saw a young lady with Coach handbag and then when I was having my accu, Dr Zou saw another patient. But since I don't speak mandarin, the only thing I got from their conversation was something about "HCG", "lining" and that she might've been from or just came back from Taipei...

As for the list, I guess it's just a guide and it's up to individual's choice and comfort level. For my 1st cycle (which I did get a positive but miscarried at 7 weeks):
-I avoided all items in the list
-Stopped eating out.
-Ate more homecooked food esp veggie, fish and also lots of almonds.
-Didn't do acu, but went for massage right until ER.
-I'm not working full-time so I rested at home for 5 days post ET (didn't go out at all)and just relaxed during the 2ww.

As for AF, I've always had v regular AF and true enough after my MC, it came back exactly after 28 days.

Hi Ximi, I'll be doing my FET in May or June as well..
Oh, and I actually have no idea what Dong Chong Chou is for. It was already on the spreadsheet ;)
Btw, I've compiled Olwen's list into my Excel Doc. When you open it, there should be tabs at the bottom, and it says "success".<center><table border=1><tr><td>

TCM.xls (32.8 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Also, if anyone else would like to contribute to the List, do PM me or post it here. I'll add on to the list and post updates as they come.
Hi Shazzer
I was at Dr Zou’s place at that time..R u the one wearing a pair of glasses..u went in after I came out from Dr Zou’s room around 2.45pm??

Think Dong Chong Chou (Cordyceps) is commonly used to treat infertility and fortifies the lungs and kidney…If ladies here have no time to boil the soup, u just purchase the dong chong chou from the medicine hall and get them to grind into powder form, take it every morning after u wake up (with empty stomach)…
Hi Olwenlim

I forgot to mention my hubby took DOng Chong CHou is capsule forms too...cannot forget we need to fortify the men too....

About my elder son's stuff? Funny thing is I was hording them in the hope of getting pregnany. Then I started getting philosophical and decided I should start giving away before I can receive. So I gave away many things (car seat; play pen; stroller, clothes etc) last year..... Psychologically, it did some good for me in taking some pressure off.
ladies: i'm a bit concerned abt the not taking multi-vits thing becos i've been taking my usana's for years &amp; it keeps me from falling sick. also, it's my only source of A,C,E which ML took. anybody can shed any light? opinions? joanna?
Hi babylow: I have responded. Thanks

HI Olwenlim: My mom swears by Usana! She was in the medical profession before retirement. She is 70 this year, lives on her own and takes the bus everywhere. She is promoting it as a health supplement now although she has yet to convince me to try... not for any reason other than she gave me this powdered drink which was very thick for me to swallow so I gave up. But she seems to be doing well on it and my bro and sil are also taking.

My take on this is that, at the end of the day you need to be comfortable with what you are taking. I think many of the ladies here are made up differently in terms of health and constitution so we are all taking a host of things to boost our systems. It can be confusing reading the long list of do's and don'ts.

I think it is important for you to know your body and then decide what to take. your body will let you know if what you are taking is good for it by its reaction. For me, I knew I was in generally good health, but from the IUI experiences, I found that my womb lining tended to be a bit thin. So I thought I would take Spirulina for the protein to stimulate the womb lining. I could also have taken milk but I dun quite fancy taking so much milk.

The other thing is I knew I had very sensitive respiratory system (I have eczema and hay fever). So I took manuka honey and royal jelly to boost my immune system. In fact, i was taking Blackmores Vit ACE and evening primrose oil b4 treatment but decided to stop. Evening Primrose because my previous doc says there is no evidence either way what it would do to baby. Vit ACE hmmm... i knew too much A was not good and I was too lazy to pop so many pills.

Other than the above, I was more conscious about my diet: take lots of veg, drink lots of plain water. and get more rest.

Trust yourself and your body.

hi Ladies,
wanted to share my experince. i went to Dr Zou for my previous ICSI. also one week twice to acu. That auntie shop assistant is my auntie :D she also make the DOng Chong Chao for my hubby in cap form to eat.. it works lo.. i success my 1st ICSI :D
I am undergoing my 4th IVF. I am a home maker, so leaves issue r not a problem for me. But i do have friends who r working and also from my observations while waiting in the clinic, most working women dont take leave during scans. They come early at 8am before work, think they take 1 hour off work or something.
hi noi,
yes... that was me!

hi olwenlim,
yah, like what joanna mentioned, every individual's body system is different. In any case, IVF is not a 100% guarantee... I feel that even if you do or do not follow any list or rules, it still does not guarantee success. We can all just do what we can to merely boost our chances. Bottomline, is to maintain healthy diet and relax... much like in life generally...

hi hui,
I've read your posts in the past. You having fun with our boy? Thanks for sharing here...
ladies: i just collected my puregon from KKH. i'm wondering whether my dose is rather low, especially for my age. 200 units per day. anybody else care to share how much they were given?
Hi Olwen

How old are you and is this your first IVF?

Usually first IVF, its 200, they wont give more cos scared overstimulation since you may not have been stimulated before.

Age plays a part but some older woman respond well to 200 so that may be why they dont give you more even if you are older.

Overstimulation is a risk, you may even have to drop the IVF half way. Thats why they will always give the 'safe' 200 first.

Thats what i understood during my first IVF.
hi maple: oh, thanks. did dr loh also give u 200 units? the thing is, i have done SO-IUI before at KKH so they have records of how i responded to the medication. i was hoping to over-stimulate a bit so that i have enough eggs to freeze.
Hi Olwen

O i c. Ya i was given 200 too but as my response werent good, the next round, dr Loh promised to increase it.

Hmm ... maybe you want to start with 200 first then on day7 when scan, see whether ok to overstimulate or not then ask the doc to increase? I know increase mid of puregon stage also can help grow more follicles to have eggs. If not, then have to speak to dr Loh le.
Hi Ladies....

Just came back from Dr Loh's clinic and my precious little one didn't make it... I'm 8weeks and bb suddenly didn't have a heartbeat and wasn't growing as well.... Will be doing D&amp;C on Monday....

Dr Loh mention to me to rest for 2-3mths before doing FET..... But i have got only 3... what are the chances of survival after the thawing??
lenny: my first 7 days dose costs $870. i think. ouch. very painful. both physically &amp; financially. the injections r really getting to me. &amp; my husband doesn't seem to understand. he keeps asking me to go for meals with his relatives who i absolutely detest.
Hi Cynthia, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss... I too lost bb at 7 weeks+, and will do FET in May / June. I've got only 4 frozen as well, but I haven't asked about thawing survial chances yet... Meantime, you take care and rest well...
Hi all. Desparately need some advice.

In Dec we seeked help for the first time at RMG fertitlity centre. We were put through a few tests. For me - ultrasound, pelvic x-ray, hormone blood test. For hubby - semen analysis. Subsequently on the second visit when the results were out, the doctor gave me a clean bill of health but my hubby's sperm count was severly low. He repeated the sperm test again one month later as the doctor wanted to confirm the adverse reading. On our third visit early this week, his sperm count and quality was still poor. She told us that in our situation, our only alternative was IVF - drugs, IUI and all other methods would be a waste of time as natural conception will never be possible for us. We were also counselled on the procedure and cost during our visit this week.

My hubby felt that we should not rush into IVF and should seek a second opinion, this time from a doctor who also focussed on male factor infertility. The doctor at RMG was very female focussed and did not even perform a physical examination of my hubby to find out what was the cause of his poor sperm reading.

So, yesterday, we consulted Dr Christopher Chen at Glenegales. What a shock we got! He re-examnined me using ultrasound and said that I have one fibroid and many tiny growths (can't remember the term he used) around the wall of my uterus. I was also diagnosed with PCOS. He suggested that I go for surgery to clean out my womb and be put on drugs to treat my PCOS.

He then examined my hubby's testicles using ultrasound and concluded that hubby had varicocele. He had a faulty valve in the testicle which allowed toxic kidney blood (urine) to flow back into his testicles, affecting sperm production. He also suggested surgery to correct the condition. But after correction, no guarantees that it will boost sperm production as he will need to assess after the surgery how much functioning testicular tissue still left. We were told that both our surgeries would cost about minimum 16k.

We are now at a loss what to do. Why was my condition not highlighted at RMG and at all the previous ultrasounds that I have been doing as part of my annual health screenings? Is it really necessary for me to go through surgery? Also, for my hubby, anyone knows of any other doctor/urologist we can get third opinion? We feel that he needs to be treated for his condition not just to address our fertility issue but also for his long-term health.

Had a sleepless night and feel as if we're at the mercy of doctors.
Thanks olwemlim,rose n shazzer.....

Shazzer- *lots of hugs* Hope u are feeling well now..... it has been a very difficult ride for me... first was the bleeding and now this... My tears just roll even when I'm sleeping... I'm not too sure if I can handle this.......
olwenlim: Try to explain to your hubby that this is a trying time for you and that you need all the emotional and physical strength you have to get through it. It is a phase which will pass.

Moreover you are in ths together. So do seek his patience if you are a bit out of sorts.

Before i embarked on the treatment, I had already warned my hubby that I may not be myself. I tried not to get upset over small things. What I did was to retreat within myself and pray and meditate.

In fact except for 1 or 2 formal dinners, we managed to cancel all other engagements.

For all the money and pain we have to go through, have to make sure that we have not done much to jeopardise things.

Cynthia: Hope you are feeling physically better. The emotional scars will prob take more time. I find letting myself cry it out helpful.

Trophee: Wow! $16k is a lot of money and no guarantee some more. You must be very frustrated. will going KK be an option? Being govt, it may be cheaper. I remember sharing with Dr Loh if I should do certain blood tests (which I did when I was with pte - Gleneagles) and he replied that they are not necessary, will just waste money. THis put me at ease that he will not put me and hubby thru unnecessary tests with potentially confusing results.

Hi Trophee,
You can read some of the other threads that comment on the indiv doctors in the Motherhood, Pregnancies and Babies category where some others post their feedback. I have not tried those hospitals u mentioned but just an idea if u decide to go ahead with ivf, private will cost abt 15k just on ivf while i only spent abt 7k+ in KK as there are fewer consultations w doc (the nurses at ivf centre will guide u thru the scans n jabs) once u are approved for ivf, and the same meds like puregon are much cheaper as they get in bulk. Moreover i feel kk has quite a high success rate so it's not just abt financial advantage. You may want to just schedule an appmt with Dr Loh to chat with him abt your options abt IUI or IVF. The ivf q is not as long as a few yrs back, and if u have already done some of the prelim tests, u can reuse the results and show him. It might speed things up. Good luck. It's a big decision and depends on which level of acceptance u r at.

Sorry to hear what happened. *hugz* It's really tough now, but u must tell urself that you've succeeded in conceiving and you can conceive again. Maybe can take a short holiday w hubby to get away for a while. Take care.
hi Cynthia..

Sorry to hear abt ur loss.

I hope I could give u some hope for ur next FET.

I went thru one fresh cycle without success and my first FET resulted in a miscarriage after 5 wks.

I was left with 3 embryos for my last shot at FET and all 3 survived the thawing.

I am now 12wks pregnant with singleton.

So.. dun give up... there is still hope ya!!

Try to build up your body first before ur next FET. Eat healthy and maybe u can consider some acupunture or TCM treatment to boost ur body
Cynthia - Sorry to hear abt your loss. Pls take care and rest well

Trophee - I heard from someone that Dr Christopher Chen at Glenegales usually advised to go through some ops which is not necessary. May be you should go for 3rd opinion.
My hubby also had varicocele but my previous gynae said is ok not go for the ops unless we intend to try natural pregnancy but if you have decided to go for IVF (ICIS) as long your hubby can still produce sperms is fine cos they will use some tube to draw out the good sperm then inject to our egg then put back to our womb for it to inplant.
Take care
hi lenny / sunshine,

Thanks for the encouragement. my hubby will be doing it for me, but he'll be on biz trip for 3 days, i hope i am dare to jab it myself.
Thanks Joanna, Petals bloom, hopes, Rabbit n oink onik.

Hopes: How long did you rest after the miscarriage before you went for your 3rd FET? Does it mean our chances of conceiving thru IVF is higher if we were pregnant before?
Hi Cynthia... Hope you have a good rest after D&amp;C and Tiao your body to healthy state. All the best to you.

Throphee, I went to Dr Chris Chen and we both had exactly the same diagnosis. He said i had PCOS and a fibroid and my hubby varicocele. The first thing he suggested was surgery for both of us. When i asked if i can go through some form of medication first before jumping into surgery, his only comment is NO, and when he could sense i am not interested in surgery, called me a "poisonous" women (he said my mucus were poisonous to kill my hubby sperm) and then said even if I went for IVF, my baby WILL turn out abnormal. I stormed out of his office.

Upon reading more from the forum and spoke to some friends, I decided to go Dr Loh, and he produced the same scan printouts, only that my follicles were not "amplified" and the fibroid is so small that Dr Chris Chen actually exaggerated the size. For hubbies who had Mumps when they were young, almost immediately he will diagnose Varicocele.

I am glad I found Dr Loh, and I am now carrying a singleton after 1 failed ICSI, but succeed in FET. Both my frozen embryo survived the thaw. I am also glad to have found Dr Zou for Acupuncture. Both of them were positive, encouraging and supportive I just felt so much more confident. I think the state of mind during IVF is very important.

I hope you can reconsider carefully.
Thanks for all your advice. We definitely want to seek more opinions before coming to a decision. Michelle and Petals bloom, just to confirm is it Dr SF Loh from KK that both of you are referring to?
hi all, petals n hopes

just went for scan yest, so far so gd, i managed to see my baby yawning away, hee. guess things shld b more stable from now. thanks petals for all yr support n such promp ready ans each time i have tons of queries
from the scan, most prob, i'm having a boy. i like girls so i guess i will rescue the reminding 3 embryos to hope to get a girl next time, hee.

yrs can tell gender yet? next time ask dr to shake the baby to move to position. that's what my dr did when my baby cross leg n we can't see at first. hope u get what u wished for. most important is a healthy baby.

next will b yr turn to tell gender.

p/s all the nice clothes are designed for girls....sian, no mood to do shopping for boy

yes i second everything u said. been there, done tt! i went thru everything u went thru with chris chen. hubby n i call dr chris chen dr EVIL, hee ,cos he will always insist on surgury b4 he will even do anything for u. we went for second opinion, the dr say there is nothing wrong with me to even go for surgury in the first place....throphee, better go 4 sec opinion, if u r keen on IVF, Dr loh is the person u have to look 4.i will only go to him for IVF. most of us went to him n are happily pregnant now
n yes, dr zou's acupuncture helped too. when i had a tough time, the girls here cheered me to stay on to do acu n i'm thankful for them.

take care !

Yes, he's the head of ivf. You can check out the ivf centre website which shows their team, success rates, procedure details, etc.

Glad to hear from you! So cute, ur boy yawning...,maybe next time u can see him sucking his thumb.
Yah, since this one is a boy, next one you can try for a gal. *wink* Have u gone for ur detailed scan yet?
