IVF/ICSI Support Group


hi, long time no chat. hope all's well with u.
loose weight naturally n not too drastic cos dieting will affect ovulation. when i diet in the past, i don't even ovulate
enjoy yeself first n do light exercise n cut down on carbs. those fertility jabs does cause weight gain but it's temporal

olwenlim, so exciting... another step taken... One step at a time is the way to go!

Give yourself small treats as you pass through each stage. I found it helped me push on....

Hi Heiress,

There are a lot of private hospitals offer such services. You can go Thomson Medical Centre, Raffles Hospital, Gleneagle, Mt.E, etc.
ML & olwenlim,
Take care and good luck to both ladies... Cheers

Heiress - You may try Care-Paragon , Good service, no que and nice cosy enviroment but charges a bit costly then Government Hospital (Average cost $14K or more depend on the dosage require)
Yor may call Angela at Tel : 633308608 for discussion, address : #11-08 Paragon,
I am currently having my IVF under care-Paragon, yesterday just started my 1st Lucrin jab.
hi lenny, i am back. thanks for the luck.

Rosemary, joanna & rose: thanks for your well wishes too. i have only 16 follicles. neither good nor bad. but from what i heard the radiologist say, most of them r abt the same size. so i hope tt helps.

my 3.5 feet tall person is agitating to use the computer so i have to get off. see u guys later.
Hi ladies
Need some advises, I’ll be starting my injection of Suprefact on 27 Feb and am seeing Dr Zou since last Oct, I now very hesitate on whether should I take the chinese medicine given by Dr Zou during the injection period as I was advice by my doctor that no chinese medicine during this time.. Is there any ladies here taking Dr Zou’s medicine during the injection period and are currently pregnant?? Thanks much..

Hi Olwenlim
Are you at Dr Zou’s clinic around 11am this morning?? All the best to you !
hi oink: thank you for your well wishes too. sorry i missed u earlier.

hi noi: thanks too. yes, i was at dr zou's clinic at 11! i changed my p.m. appointment & rushed over to amk after my scan becos i wanted to go back to work & cancel my leave in the afternoon. but turns out my boss didn't want me back after all.
there were 2 ladies there already & behind curtain so i didn't c what u look like. dr zou put me in the pte rm.

ladies, dr zou has an additional bed in a pte room now. it's behind the bubble tea shop. i like it v much cos i get to sing loudly inside & don't disturb anybody.

lenny: dr zou also told me something today. she said the drs & nurses also want to synchronise your timing to follow your natural cycle dates. so your extra week of lucrin cld be becos of your period coming extra late this month. i remember u mentioned something abt tt?
Hi ladies

These few days have been an emotional downturn for me.

A detailed scan last week showed that one of my twins is having excessive fluid in the brain and there is a very high chance that she will be borned with severe deformalities.

Doc advised me to do a selective fetocide which means to terminate the life of the twin.

I went for a 2nd opinion with a maternal fetal medicine specialist and got the same conclusion.

The procedure will also pose some riske of infection which might result in miscarriage or premature delivery of the 2nd twin.

The dead fetus will stay in my body till I gave birth to the other twin.

I have decided to go ahead with the procedure. Please pray for me, sisters. It is a very trying time for me.

I am very sorry to hear abt this. I can understand how you are going through. Pls stay strong for your other twin during this difficult time. My prayers are with you. Good luck.
Hi ladies,
I've been trying to conceive for 3yrs, last yr got pregnant with clomid but had a miscarriage due to embryo stop developing.

Now, i wish to do IVF /ICSI. Can anyone advise whether KKH or TMC is a better choice? I've been seeing a gyne at TMC, she's very patient and I feel comfortable with her. I've also seen Dr SF Loh from KKH, he's always very busy, even though i'm seeing him at TPS, it still take an hr or 2 to see him. However, I've read tt the success rate at KKIVF is higher, so i'm still thinking where should i go for my IVF. Any advise?

Anyone have the price comparision for KKIVF and TMC? How much are you paying for your IVF? Is there a package price? and what other additional price do we have to consider?

What are the test or procedure that me or my dh have to go through b4 embarking on the IVF route? How long in advance do i have to booked with the hospital if i want to IVF on my nxt cycle. I'm now in my CD2.

Sorry so many questions asked.

sori to hear abt ur baby. i can understand what u feel. during my detail scan, e dr also found out my gal got a mass in her lung n she s obviously smaller than her brothers. the question then was whether she could make it to see e world. my gyn gav us e option whether or nt we should terminate her life. if we go for e procedure, might introduce risk to other 2 babies as well n we might hav nothing in e end. if we dun go, she might nt make it or hav major complication tat wil affect her growth. having e hope tat she s a little fighter n e mass might nt b tat serious, we decided to keep her n cont to pray for her every n each day. finally i delivered my babies last mth. 2 boys already came hm with me. gal gal s in hospital waiting to gain weight up to 2kg then she wil b back with us. thank GOD, my gal s able to breathe on her own n e lung mass doesnt seem to b much prob for her. although she still hav other small probs tat related to her tiny weight, but she s my little fighter n getting stronger each day.

i m not in e position to tell u wat to do, but pls consider carefully n get as many info as u can b4 making any decision. wil pray for u n babies. stay strong, babies need u.dear

sorry to hear about yr situation. it must be a tough call for you. maybe ask the dr if there is any harm keeping the twin as terminating the bb at this stage does put the other healthy bb at risk. is it possible to keep that twin as long as possible until the other healthy bb is safe and healthy shld u need to deliver the healthy baby premature? at least the healthy bb will not b at risk of bacteria infection for the time being.

whatever yr decision, i wish u n yr babies all the best. stay strong
helpme, I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you be strong in whatever decision you have to make. We will be here rooting for you. You have our prayers and support.
Hi Ladies,

Today is my day 21 of lucrin and I am having light bleeding. Is this normal? Did anyone experience this?

I have not started Puregon yet...
sorry to hear that. Did u get a second opinion from a diff hospital? i know it's tough, but try to be strong for your babies who need you. Take care. Whatever you decide, we r behind you.

don't worry, you are supposed to have your period once during the lucrin stage.
i went to seek a 2nd opinion from another doctor. the diagnosis is the same.

what was relayed to me is because of the excessive fluid in the brain, the brain is not developing at all so if i were to continue with the baby, the baby might died upon birth because of the inability of the brain to develop further and there seem to be some facial deformalities as well.
hi Helpme...
did u doc advise u on the probability of the survival of the other twin if you (i) do the termination of the weaker twin (ii) wait till full term for the birth - how many weeks that will be?

I do not have much medical experience or expertise but i think it is important to hold onto the other twin as long as possible in the womb..maybe u can ask ur doc what are the risk to the healthy twin if you just keep both in the womb and hold onto as long as possible till full or near full term.
hi vanilla
5 - 15% chance of miscarriage which i believe a 85 - 95% chance of survival for the other twin.

if i keep the weaker twin, high chance of pre-term delivery which is of course not good for the healthy twin as well.

oic...so is it thru the normal scanning that they realise that there is something wrong with one of your twin? or did you opt for any optional test/scans etc prior to the discovery?
Help Me - Pls take care and be strong. My prayers are with you.

Hi, Did any of you have these symptoms after your FET? Did a Day 2 embryo transfer on 20 Feb.

Day 2 20 Feb - No symptoms
Day 3 21 Feb - No symptoms
Day 4 22 Feb - Major cramps at 6 am lasted 15 min
Day 5 23 Feb - mild twinges a bit of nausea not that bad
Day 6 24 Feb - A bit of cm. just mild twinges
Day 7 25 Feb - Sharp pain lasted around 10 mins
Day 8 26 Feb - Twinges, light headed for a few seconds. Mild lower backache. body warm
Day 9 27 Feb - Lower backache. Body warm
Day 10 28 Feb - Lower backache
Hi Rose,

How are you feeling today? Just stay positive ok? Am sure everything will turn out fine for you.

I havent started my FET yet. My menses has been absence for 2 months. My last one was in Dec when i failed IVF. Finally, it came yesterday. Am now wondering if it is alright for me to start my FET or shd i wait for another month? I couldnt wait to start but not sure if my body is ready. Any advice?

How long did you wait before you start your FET?

To all ladies on 2WW, stay positive and baby dust to all...
Hi Zoey,

So nice to hear from you. Don't feel very positive now. I am not feeling anything today. I am so glad the mensus arrived! Is you FET medicated or natural? If I were you, if I am doing a natural cycle,I will go for it next month. However, if it is a medicated cycle, I will wait for 1 more month and then do it again. Probably, do accu and TCM to balance my hormones first.

I started my FET within 14 days as I ovulated by then.
mensus= 5 Feb 08
Scan = 14 Feb 08
Ovulated = 17 Feb 08
Transfer = 20 feb 08.

Take care and keep me posted should you need any help.

Thanks for the advice. I'll go for FET next month although i'm anxious to start. Just hope after this month, my next menses will be on time. Will take your advice to do TCM to tiao my body. I will be going for the natural cycle.

Did you wait for 2 cycles before starting your FET?

Dont worry too much. You should stay positive and relax yourself. I read from the earlier post that some sisters who succeeded did not have any symptoms. Anyway, the most important thing is you have done everything you could to reach this stage...so,jia you. Will be rooting for you !!
Thanks Zoey.

I waited for 1 cycle in Dec and started on the next cycle in Feb as Jan (mensus was late). Natural cycle was less demandng.

Take care.
Hi rose / zoey,

I'll be going ivf next month too... this is my 1st time, very nervous. Are you going to jab yourself? I'm quite scared of injection actually. Wonder izzi very painful?
Hi Jean,

I can understand how you feel on your first ivf. The japs can be done at the home. You will get use to it once you get the hang of it. Don't worry the japs are ok. Gd luck
Hi Jenn
Started my Suprefact jab, at first I was very scared of the pain, but when my DH inject for me I was just a bit of pain..r u injecting yourself?? When you are injecting, you just take a deep breath (it works for me!) : )

Jia You!
hi jenn & noi,
like both of u, m about to embark on IVF soon. however i wonder should i call up KKHIVF for medication to induce it or just wait for my mense to come by itself (which is not predictable). u see...super irregularity has been the norm since my teens.
are we required to call up ivf centre on our 1st day of mense??
honestly m also a little anxious, a little scared & worried for what's ahead for the journey (despite having gone thru the counselling session)... tatz y upon seeing this forum, i didn't hesitate to post my 1st msg in this thread.
wish all gals who are TTC-ing (via IVF/ICSI/IUI) will succeed!
Hello Pretty lady!
The journey for Ivf is always a tough one. But please stay positive and strong.Take care and all the best to you and all the ladies.

Jenn - the pain from the jap is really not that bad.. like what noi said. Deep breath and jap...it also worked for me.
Hi Pretyy lady
Welcome to the thread!
Agreed with rose, the IVF journey is a tough one, with emotionally, physically and financially drain, we must stay strong and positive!
I not sure of the KKHIVF centre procedure, for my case, I just need to call the clinic when I was having my menses (Day 1).

Hi rose,
When is your beta blood test? Good luck To U!

Hi olwenlim
Didn’t hear from you for quite sometime?? When is your ER/ET? Good luck to U too!
Hi Noi,

My beta test is on 7 Mar 08. Hope for the best. I don't have much symptoms now. Not sure whether it worked out for me. Sigh...

When is the earliest I can take a HPT test ?(since mine is a natural FET no HCG was injected for me)

Hi, rose
Stay positive and don’t think too much of the result! Tell yourself, you had done your very best, its up to God’s wish to grant us a bb! Take care and baby dust to u! : )
