IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi baby, Libby

Oh Dr Zhou did mention that I can try to test on D14, however hb discourage me to test after hearing wat nurse sara says that it is more accurate to go for BT as HPT may not give a 100% result leh..I myself very tempted to test too, esp hearing wat libby says that it may help to save bb.

Oh think is IBS for me, cos tummy curning last nite like alot of wind..this morning went toilet twice heehee.. now much better..just that hungry easily. Now drinking milo lor...

Hi Richard,

Oh the 1st time i went to see Dr Zou in Dec 08, me and my friend brought along all our test results and medical report so that she will have a clearer picture of our condition. At the same time, it will be good if you are able to prepare a BBT chart ie body basel temperature chart along as from the chart readings she is able to dicipher more info regarding to the level of hormones in diff stage of your wife's menstrual and ovulation cycle. That's wat i brought with me during my weekly visit as she'll like to see how i am progressing too. you can start from the day of your wife's 1st day of menses all the way. The sinsehs that i've been to also requests me to have a record.
Baby; Ya must sign.. Think juz in case they inject some vein but highly unlikely... Juz formaility sake..

Libby: Jab on the butt is more endurable compared to the thigh..Nurse advised me to take there.. She is rite not that painful compared to thigh...
Hi chris,
taking HPT will add stress, will be good to wait for actual BT. I didn't have bloatedness for long either, only a few days after ET. Then no more symptoms at all after that. Like baby mentioned, yours should be good quality eggs as more choice to choose from. kk does allow early BT if you have a good reason, eg. bleeding, pain, etc.

Hi baby,
that's great, stay cheerful and relax.

hi ltjabi,
i didn't have white discharge. Then i should have choosen jab on the butt too. Reason for me not choosing earlier was nurse says might have danger of injure the spine so she says just take the jab on leg.

Hi libby,
i am 33 years old, doctor never mentioned about the number of eggs to put in. But i really hope to put in only one egg but nurse said not advisable as chances reduce, not worth for the amount that i paid. Dr Zou was sharing about a patient who married for 14 years and finally BFP, she could not believe and kept asking Dr Zou if that is true. Persistant does pay off, glad that lady made it.

Hi greenie,
thanks, baby dust to you and everyone here.
tnt, chris, no problem

I rem Itjabi asked before, so I came across it when reading, then copy & paste here.

Chris, actually I am also very tempted to do HPT few days before my BT as I got the test strips at home. But my hubby don't allow as nurse angeline don't encourage me to do urine test at home. She also say wait till BT more accurate. But I am taking temp every morning, so actually it is a way to track also ;p

Unless got very good reason, else I don't think KKH will allow early BT. Humbug, you & me have 1 more week to go for our BT, let's endure!

Itjabi, you jab at the butt, will it be painful when u sit or lie flat?

Lina, pls share with us your BT result ok? Hope to know your progesterone level increase by how much

By the way, HCG level = progresterone level???
hi gals,

have my ET yesterday, but I still coughing in fact after ET, when I sat out I was coughing like mad, dunno got cough out the embryos or not

Btw i got 11 fertilised embryos, put in 2, 9 to frozen.

baby - according the above posting, the embryo still trying to grow lah, havent attached on lining. hopefully my cough will not affect anything. I very sian..............
Twinstars, don't worry, won't cough out the embryos as our cervix are closed once ET done. Rest well these few days. It will take some times for the embryos to attach to the lining as it will still grow in the uterus.

Drink more WARM water and try to eat as much as possible no matter you have appeitie or not ok? Keep your body strong during these 2ww.

11 fertilised embryos is very good. Your cough didn't affect your no. of eggs, so don't worry about affecting your embryos during the 2WW.

Take a very good rest during these 2WW
Take care and hope to hear good news from you.
hihi baby,

I eat a lot sia, in fact i think i will grow fatter after 2ww cos I just eat n sleep, travel to kk for progesterone jab, basically didnt walk much. But of cos when lying till sian i got sit up.

btw my embryos in my womb r grade 4, the rest r grsde 4 or lower, the embroylist said one.
the method is all done by ICSI, i asked her how come, issit becos my hubby's sperms no gd, she checked n said no, in fact they r gd, she didnt explain why ICSI was chosen. I wonder why???

Btw yesterday sometimes i got poking pain at left side. today got the poking pain n a little cramp.
I also stop taking all medi including the antibotics, cos I felt that everytime after taking medicaton for a while i will start coughing. today I still cough, but not as severe as yesterday.
hopefully by 2mr the cough will go away. I got drink warm water whenever i m abt to cough, but I still cough leh. i will continue to drink warm water n cover myself with blanket.
Twinstars, previously I thought that ICSI is used due to low / poor sperm. But later I then realized that sometimes it is due to the eggs also. Like for mine, I have only 8 eggs, so ICSI is chosen to ensure more fertilised embryos of good grade. My best grade is grade 4. Maybe the embryologist wanted to have more good grade embryos for your case also.

How come you don't take the anti-biotics? Did the nurse know? The anti-biotics is to ensure no infection after ER, so it is better to finish them leh.

Sitting up is fine, as long as you don't stress your abdomen is fine
Milk to alkaline to gastric juice.. I had long history of gastric and milk is the cure to stop or curb gastric hehe...

Lina and Baby,

Not sure why my BT is only 85.5 when yours and Baby is 300 to 400... anyway, the nurse told me mine is very good.. so be it as long as baby stick.. hope I did not hear wrongly hehe.. so far my bloatness has subside.. only pain is the injection spots cause the bue blacks form some hard parts maybe internal clot.. but after putting hot towel over it feel much better now

Baby my pregnyl jab is 0.2ml, ending tomorrow so praying that from thur onwards there is no bleeding like now.. everything will be fine..

Thanks for all the well wishes all. I will jia you and stay positive
humbug, maybe different people react differently towards certain products. Cos milk will make my gastric even worse. It will generate more gas in my tummy

I think mine should be same dosage as yours

I have checked from internet, above 50 for this stage is good. So no worries, yours is in good range.

I nothing to do.. surf net whole day today ;p
hi nesnes
in fact me oso planing to tiao my body for at least 3-5months before embark my 2nd ivf...
when r u going to start with dr zou? me starting next thurs following develyn and tany..perhaps u wan to join us oso?

hi greenie
thanks..now me onli hoping miracle...

hi twinstars
the antibiotics is it given on ur ER day? u must finish no matter how, cos antibiotics should be finish in full course, so tat in future is to prevent ur body not to form "resistant" to the same antibiotics if is being prescribed again.. do drink lots of water and rest
Hi Yong Wei
Will u be joining us in the gathering on 5 Apr?

Hi Lina
Wish u have high HCG level..

Hi Twinstars
U should complete your antibiotics..
baby: Initally jab were slightly pain but not sooo bad.. It doesnt affect the sitting position
Y u take temperature?? Can we check with our normal way of checking temperture to see if we r preggy??

Twinstars: Rest well.. Drinking warm water is fine maybe u wanna add honey to soothen ur cough.. Can understand how u feel.. I have been walking ard coz cant sit or lie tooo long.. then worried if my embroys have fallen out.. Stress man this 2ww.. keep thinking if everything is ok..
Lina: initaily i was worried abt spine too.. Then told myself as long as can endure nvm..
But if i do start feeling pains, may alternate between thigh n butt.. Everywhere also blue black..
Hi baby,humbug
Think tonite me stop taking Ensure for a while cos having cramps ard upper left abdominal again due to IBS. Yup let's countdown together, another 1 week more to go !!! BFP..BFP..BFP..


Hi twinstars,
It is very impt for us to complete the antibiotics given to prevent any infection due to the ER as during retrieval a needle is inserted into our ovaries to suck out the eggs..and our ovaries will be swollen (esp for those who have alot of eggs).
A blastocyst is formed when an embryo reaches the 5-7 days development stage (trsf on D5), unlike our normal D3 transfer. It has higher chance of implantation, however it has its risk as well. Not all embies are able to survive till 5 day. http://www.sharedjourney.com/articles/blast.html

One of our sister here, Bee had blastocyst transfer and is pregnant now. Her gynae is dr Cheng from TMC.

Dr Zou can be quite chatty, depend if she has patients waiting. If she doesn't say much, you can always prompt her with questions, she will explain your queries to you, if got report to show will be even better.

Dr Zou mention one of her patients TTC for 11 years (can't rem if she tried IVF before), but halfway during "tiao" her body with Dr Zou (for a few months), Dr Zou can detect her body has become quite good, and encourage her to try for baby. She got pregnant immediately after IVF. So, don't worry, Dr Zou will give the green light when she think the time is right.

Thanks for putting info tog.

Ok, thanks!

Next sunday, when your friends ask when your baby no. 2 is coming, you can smile smile and inside grinning

Rest well, you have so many fertilised embies, congrats!
hi baby,
i will keep you updated later. Hope humbug, you and chris will succeed BFP as we are around the same time. Oh, but i don't think HCG level = progresterone level.

hi twinstars,
all the best for your 2WW, and you have lots of fertilized eggs and grade 4 is good.

hi humbug,
no worries, the figure does not mean much. Rest well and the internal clots of blue black will last only a few days.

hi noi,

hi ltjabi,
if not just stick to jab at butt, if you also jab at leg, then will have difficulty walking.

hi libby,
yes, can smile but still cannot say yet as my family particular about the 1st trimester cannot reveal thing.
Hi Yong Wei,

my husband also not keen for the accupture also, but he still agreed to try...have seen Dr zou last friday, she have alot of advise for me which i feel very comfortable with her.

Hi Serria & Lina

Ya my husband taking Multi-vts & Tribestan now, and also arrange him to see Dr zou this wed. Hoppfully the sperm quality will improve within this 3 month before I strat IVF.

Hi Richard,

Its good to tiao yr body first before IVF, belive Dr Zou will be able to help you.

Dr Zou advise me if my husband sperm improve I can even try naturally during this 3 month before i start IVF.
Hi Jane,
if your husband does not want accu, just let him try the herbs will do, should still help. Meanwhile, you can try natural.
congrats on the good numbers of fertilised eggs.

What a coincidence, we have the same number of eggs fertilised, and same grade of embryos put in too.

Take care and rest well, eat well during 2ww.
Hi Lina,

MY husband agreed after we discuss as both of us reday want a baby of our own. Just hope that this 3 month he can tiao his body back.
Hi Jane,

I agree with Dr Zou, its better to try natural
so that you will not succumb your body to hormones jabs. Like my friend's hb went thro 1 session of acupuncture with Dr zou and taking her medicine for around 2mths and think his sperm should have improved cos my friend conceived naturally during this period of "tiao".
Hi Twinstars,

so many eggs being fertilised, good chance!

Hi baby,

so if the sperms cannot fertilised the eggs, they will do ICSI? ICSI more expensive right?

Hi Libby,

what time is your scan ? i will look out for you
Hi Jane,
that's good, glad to know that he also agree to tcm.

Hi Chris,
the ICSI is charged by counting one egg cost or just the whole lot of eggs? because if talking about value, then might as well ICSI all eggs since only paying one rate.
Went to KK for the final scan. The dr never tell me the no of follices and the grade??? However, she did say that the ET is on Thurs. Very scared of the pain.
hi sunflower,
i still take fried food during puregon but didn't take any cold food or ice cream.

hi sophia,
so your ER is tomorrow? did the nurse tell you to buy medicine for night pregynl jab.
Itjabi, I have purchased the BBT thermometer previously, so might as well use it. It has 2 decimal places one. Normal thermometer won't be accurate. But actually better don't test. My heart sank whenever my temp drop. Today temp dropped by alot.

Humbug, my temp dropped alot this morning when I take my BBT. Heart sank. Cos whenever my temp drop, that means my AF reporting soon.

Greenie, thanks. Still hanging on.. these few days will be my judgement day.. getting more and more anxious.. scare to see red.

Chris, my abdominal hurts since the bad pain. Maybe my uterus are badly hurts during ER, still can't recover. Stop drinking ensure and monitor your condition. Absorb nutrients and proteins from other sources in the meanwhile.

libby, no problem. Hope it is useful to everyone here.

Lina, thanks. Hope to hear from you soon after your BT result

sunflower, I think if the no. of retrieved eggs are low and maybe my eggs quality is not good, they will straight away go for ICSI. My case is straightaway ICSI as I only have 8 eggs and only 4 fertilised with ICSI.

Another case is sperm not good, then ICSI will be used. Really depends. ICSI will fertilise more eggs, so maybe that's why KKH embryologist opted for ICSI in most cases. Like Twinstars case, she got so many eggs and her hubby sperm is good, don't know why the embryologist opt for ICSI. One possible reason is that she is down with cough before and after ER, so maybe it is better to fertilised the eggs through ICSI. Just my guessing lah

Chris, ICSI extra cost meh? I didn't know that ;p
By the way, you received your IVF bill from KKH already? I received mine but I don't know what do we need to do next. So many bills I see liao very blur with the figures.

sunflower, I did not restraint from fried food but I stopped all cold stuffs from lucin stage onwards.

Sophia, how come thay never tell you got how many follicles? I recorded my follicle sizes when the nurse spoke to us. They won't be able to tell you how many embryos (fertilised eggs) and the grade till your ET. Tomorrow is your ER? They will tell you how many eggs retrieved after ER. No worries, no pain at all during ET
Hey! Sophia: Dun worry, u wont even realise ER has taken place as u will be completely knocked out..
As for ET no pain soo dun worry.. Very fast also..

Baby: Juz relax and wait for Blood test.. Urs coming soon rite??

Lina: what is the procedure after they confirm pregnancy??
Sunflower: mine was also through ICSI..Dun know maybe they have certain cap before they do it.. from wat i understand Dr Loh once told me we wont be affected if they do ICSI or not. It depends on them.
this is my 2nd attempt that icsi and i have just confirmed that i am pregnant. overjoyed beyond words cos the failure of my 1st attempt hit me real hard and i couldn't imagine a 2nd disappointment. i know the road ahead is still long and uncertain but i am happy for this moment.

so for all you out there trying, hang in there. it's not easy but do know that you're not alone.
Itjabi, as the date getting nearer, the stress comes.. my BT is this sat.
Hope my AF don't come. Praying hard..

Chris, your BT is on this sunday isn't?
Hi baby
Maybe don't use the BBT, that will add stress to u...Pls try to relax and stay positive! Hang in here, wish u all the best!
Congrats Mookee! Give us more details on your journey so that we all can learn from each others.

Baby - I think maybe meantime just stop using the BBT thermometer. Relax and rest well. I know your feeling. Because I use it every month and i know when it approach day 26~28. My mood will become very bad if I see my temperature drop.
thanks baby and noi.

hmmmm, i dunno what is my HCG level cos did urine test. i did notice you all mention that very often but i dont seem to have any recollection of that told to me before.

i'm with Thomson.
Hi baby
Maybe don't use the BBT, that will add stress to u...Pls try to relax and stay positive! Hang in here, wish u all the best!
Hi baby,

My gastric has always been not very gd..esp nw after every meal (altho i take 80% full), my tummy will start to bloat like baloon liao. Oh I haven't rec'd my bill yet leh.

Think icsi no additional fees, cos now looking at the sheet that kk gave us during our 1st financial counselling session. Only Laser assisted hatching, blastocyst culture, annual sperm storage fee and annual embryo storage are are additional fees.

I also daren't take temp cos heard from Dr Zou that starting from lucrin stage our temp will start to hover up and down and not accurate liao. I too took 2 days of my temp and got a shock cos not very gd news too... so decided not to take liao.

Hi sophia,
Dun worry, during ER you are completely knocked out and you sound asleep throughout..(procedure around 15-20mins). you won't feel anything. ET is like paps smear so quite alright and the procedure very fast less than 5mins.

Hi Sunflower,

It's better not to take cold food, cold drinks during this period, i was told by Dr zou to avoid so as to keep your womb warm and conducive environment for your embies.

Hi Lina,

Actually I'm quite worried about the results cos I've had ectopic b4 so that's a chance that embies might float back to tube and inplant as warned by my previous gynaes.

Do you know how soon they will arrange for you to go for scan after you have been tested positive???
